Technology Communication System

Chapter 152: The truth

"Fifth elders, this time we are here, but we are not here to make enemies. When my ancestors appeared in this world, there was a suicide note that warned us juniors, this world is very dangerous, this world has some Powerful humans and monster races. Ω㈧㈠『Chinese ΔWWW.8⒈ZW.COM Their power is not comparable to that of humans in our world, and have you discovered the aura of the world in this world, although it is not in our world. It’s dense, but with the powerful aura that my son has sensed in such a short time flying just now, it is far beyond the heaven and human realm of our world. But this group of people did not fly out of this world. This son is very curious, these people What method is used to stay in this world, if we can figure it out, then we will have to be careful in the future. On Qingyun Da 6, although our Heavenly Sword Villa is very powerful, this time the kind of terrifying insects are coming. The biggest losses are also our powerful forces.

This time we came to this world with a fluke, hoping to use their powerful strength to resist that monster together! "As if thinking of something, the young man looked at the place where Luo Xiu and the two disappeared, his expression was a little solemn, the previous arrogance disappeared cleanly, and the whole person's elegance carried some high-level aura.

"The son is too worried. The old man's two palms were originally meant to end the lives of these two people, but whether it is the one with a deep cultivation base or the one with a shallow cultivation base, the old man has a weird feeling. Once the old man really If you kill the two people, the consequences are absolutely beyond the old man’s ability to bear. On the way, the old man also sensed a few very powerful auras, and he was still wondering why there are so many powerful people in this world staying here. , But just now, the old man suddenly wanted to understand, the reason was that we were blocked by the transmission.

The old man is faintly visible in the two of them, their practice is completely opposite to our world, where we can only attack with the heaven and earth vitality when the cultivation base reaches the ascension state. Humans in this world have been able to attack or defend with the help of a small amount of the power of heaven and earth spiritual energy almost from the beginning of cultivation. Although the two attacks made by the old man just now hit both of them, the old man could clearly feel that the old man’s palm was directly transferred away by an inexplicable force on them, directly acting on the palm of the two of them. Almost a little pitiful, if it weren't for the old man's amazing degree, it would not be so easy to hit these two boys, especially the one with a lower cultivation level. Moreover, there was no room left for the old man's palm. The moment the old man hit him, the old man could easily feel a weak suction from his body directly dissolving the old man's palm power. "The old man is very respectful, without any mastery demeanor. He respects the young man in front of him from the heart.

"Well, the five elders, can you chase where they are going? This son should have a good chat with their elders. As for the five wastes, they will die if they die. Five will fight one each, and it is still Because the cultivation system is different, I can't help but get an opponent who is equivalent to their cultivation level. It's just a bunch of trash, let's go!" The young man flicked his sleeves, and the whole figure appeared on the bow of the boat. Whatever happened, the next moment the whole person appeared on the ship and stood behind the young master, looking at the void in front of him, commanding the battleship to chase in the direction where Luo Xiu and the two fled.

At this time, on the other side, Luo Xiu and Li Qingyun appeared on a mountain peak. The moment they appeared, Li Qingyun vomited a bit of blood, and there were fragments of internal organs in the blood. , Seeing this, Luo Xiu Dajing hurriedly took out the healing pills on his body and delivered it into Li Qingyun's mouth.

"Junior Brother Luo Xiu, this time we seem to have caused a big trouble that shouldn't be caused. I have already sent a letter to my master. For the time being, the two of us are still unable to return to the sect. The cultivation of the old thing that we shot just now is terrible. I also only sensed such terrible power in my master's body. With my cultivation base, there is no room for reaction at all. The palm and foot just now completely imprisoned my cultivation level, if it weren't for my quick response , Using the life-saving supernatural power planted on me by the master, it’s not just as simple as being imprisoned in my cultivation base. At the beginning, the old man really wanted to kill me. His palm contained very powerful cold energy. Almost all the meridians near my heart are broken, and I forcibly used teleport just now, hey! This time it hasn’t been ten or eight years, so I don’t want to completely recover my cultivation base. It’s really bad luck to get home! But brother, have you ever heard of it? Qingyun Da6, looking at the thick blood power on their bodies, I have never seen such a weird technique before, and now we can only be fortunate, I hope they are not bad." spit out. After adjusting the blood for a while, Li Qingyun said to Luo Xiu with a wry smile.

"Senior Brother Li, don’t worry, we don’t have to worry at all. Don’t forget, although we can’t help them, but we still have the master, my master, your master, and the old monsters like the elder Taishang. Pulling one out can destroy these people directly, and brother, don’t you feel a little weird? The young man of Tianjian Villa seems to have intentionally let us go. As for what they think, I guess they also want to use it. We found our teacher." Luo Xiu saw Li Qingyun's face showing bitterness, and couldn't help but release.

"System, did you hear the conversation between them? Where did these people come from? Why did they let us go." While comforting Li Qingyun, while waiting for him to adjust his breath to recover from his injuries. On the other side, Luo Xiu asked privately about the system in his mind.

"Of course, it's just that this news is good news and bad news." The system just gave such an explanation, and then played a scene. The scene was the scene of the young man talking with the fifth elder, and from their words, Luo Xiu also easily figured out what it was because of it.

"In other words, the Leviathan of the Zerg race is currently attacking Qingyun University 6, doesn't that mean that our side is safe." Luo Xiu was a little happy when he heard the dialogue between the two in the picture. The threat of the Zerg has always been a powerful pressure for him. At this moment, when he heard that someone was resisting the invasion of the Zerg, Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling happy, but he didn't know how long he could hold on with the strength of the Qingyun Da-6. Of course, the best result is that they can wipe out all the **** bugs.

"Listening to their conversation should be like this. Now the information monitored by this system also shows that the Zerg Leviathan is staying somewhere in the void at this moment, and it has been seven months without moving. It looks like they are on that planet. The human beings are still a bit capable. It is necessary to know that with the insurmountable number of insects, how many people can fill in it is not enough for them to digest. Even with the power of the Earth Federation, it was only uprooted after resisting for a hundred years. The entire galaxy has fallen into an unprecedented dead silence." The system said to Luo Xiu with emotion. The system has been deliberately avoiding talking to Luo Xiu about how the bugs destroyed the Earth Federation. Even if the insects were already sensing that they were approaching here, the system simply reminded him, without giving him a detailed explanation.

"In fact, this is also very good. In this way, we can relax for a while. It can better solve the contradiction between us and the other two races. Of course, the best way is to smuggle all the humans on the entire planet. Going to the fairy world, I still don't believe that by that time, we will be tracked by these **** bugs." Luo Xiu was also relieved when he heard the system's words, and then some gritted his teeth in hate. (To be continued.)