Technology Communication System

Chapter 153: Qingyun continent continued

"Advise the host not to be happy too early. It is not the time to be happy. If this so-called force on Qingyun Big 6 can deal with those **** bugs, this system estimates that you will not see the sky sword in this world. Of course, this kind of weird-looking human beings like Shanzhuang is also good for us. ㈧㈠Δ"Chinese website www%W.ん8⒈ZW.COM

Among other things, it is a very happy thing to say that the battle will not start on our planet. The host may not have seen the amazing destructive power of the Zerg. They are even more terrifying than the locust crossings commonly known in the mortal world. In order to ensure sufficient nutrition and energy for the mother worm, the worm worker bees can plunder everything at all costs. The swallowed things, after scanning by this system, the comparison of several humans showed that the gravity of that planet is farther from the planet we are on. This can be judged from their bone density. And by looking at the skin health of those people, it can be judged that there is no less than 18 hours a day for the irradiation time of the stars. From this, the system can easily judge that the concentration of heaven and earth aura is far greater than where we are. Of this planet.

And with the abnormal reproductive ability of the Zerg, if they were allowed to occupy that planet, it would be a disaster for us and the human beings of Qingyun Da-6! It is recommended that the host better ventilate with his own master. Now we have to change our strategy and directly take out all the warship weapons in the space of this system. The host should also find a planet. This system needs to transform this planet. , And place that level weapon on this planet, so as not to have any accidents at that time, we can open the passage to the fairy world through this level of weapon. As for the principles, I won’t repeat them here. "The system is not as excited as Luo Xiu imagined, and the suggestions he gave made Luo Xiu feel vaguely uneasy. After all, Luo Xiu only learned about the existence of the Zerg through some video images and system explanations, and did not see those insects with his own eyes. What kind of ferocious Yang will be. As for other things, Luo Xiu didn't pay too much attention to it. Even the high-level weapons mentioned in the system cannot arouse Luo Xiu's interest now. What he wants to do most now is Find a place to retreat, and then raise your own cultivation base as much as possible. The enemies he encountered in these two times were stronger than him, and this time he was severely injured. Luo Xiu didn't want it. It was fake, but because his fists weren't hard enough, he could only hold back.

"They are chasing, do you want to continue to flee? The spacecraft they use are similar to the technology products of the Earth Federation. Although the power used is different, they just use the formation to improve the superb performance of the spacecraft. It is also very desirable to show it. The spacecraft that we will transform later can be transformed in accordance with its appearance.” Just when Luo Xiu was a little bit crazy, the voice of the system once again sounded in Luo Xiu's mind. Luo Xiu was stunned for a moment, and then reacted to what the system said. It seems that Li Qingyun’s previous guess was not wrong. These people did not come here to kill them, but wanted to know this realm of cultivation through them. Top-level figure. And combined with some information known by the system, Luo Xiu could easily determine that the purpose of their trip was to move the soldiers.

"I have to ask about this first." Luo Xiu thought for a while, then turned to Li Qingyun and said: "Brother Li, those people are hanging behind us. Should we continue to flee, or wait here for our reinforcements." "

Li Qingyun was sitting cross-legged, adjusting his breath, and was taken aback when he heard the words. Although he had thought of being traced to him by these people, he never expected that the degree would be so fast, and he ran away with the injuries of the two of them now. not too far. Of course, this was because he didn't know that Luo Xiu had orchids on his body. If Luo Xiu took out the orchids and flew with all his strength, these people would only be able to eat ashes behind them.

"I have already sent a message to the sect. I believe that Uncle Master and the others will be there soon. In this case, we won't run away, just wait for them here. I also want to see why this group of people come. Although the life-saving magical powers of this seat have been used up, I believe I can easily do it if you want to drag them on the road together!" Li Qingyun's expression became a bit sullen when he finished the last sentence.

It was also at this time that Luo Xiu suddenly remembered Li Qingyun's identity. He kept yelling from his senior brothers, and Luo Xiu somewhat ignored his identity. As a monk who grew up in the magic gate, with the cruel competitiveness of the magic gate, if he does not have strong strength and high handling methods, I believe that he will not be able to mix with the position of the big brother, let alone this person has such a strong The cultivation base must be very determined. For such a character, at this moment, Luo Xiu can only be sure of looking up. Although with the help of the system, he can easily solve some of his training troubles and save some time, but it is still very difficult to do things for others. Of course, if the real smuggling to the immortal world can be achieved successfully, then Luo Xiu will really reach the sky in one step.

"Well, should we release the three juniors as well? After all, we still have to ask their opinions." Luo Xiu didn't hesitate. Since Li Qingyun said he would wait here, then he has nothing to say, he I am also very curious about where those people came from, and how they should ask for help from the seniors in the cultivation world. They are not afraid that these old monsters will take their disciples and grandchildren to slaughter the natives of their world, and then occupy that planet.

"It should be!" Li Qingyun finished speaking and took out the palace-like magic weapon and released his three junior sisters, and then told them what happened during this period. The three girls are also a little cold. After all, the three girls are only going out for an independent trial for the first time. It is just such a troublesome thing that ordinary medicine gathering can encounter. The three girls can't help but feel a little funny and a little excited.

"Let's listen to my brother!" The three women chatted and discussed for a while, and then nodded and said firmly to Li Qingyun at the same time.

"Okay, let us brothers and sisters, see what purpose this group of people actually have? Since they can let us go away just now, we can be sure that they dare not do anything to us. Come to us." Li Qingyun didn't look so excited. At this time, he was trying to maintain his injuries, the internal injuries suffered before, but it really killed him for most of his life.

"My divine sense can already sense where they are." Because Li Qingyun was so badly injured and unable to maintain the consumption of divine sense, Luo Xiu has been maintaining his divine sense to monitor all movements within a hundred miles. At this moment, when he sensed that those people were approaching, Luo Xiu spoke to Li Qingyun and the others. Instead, there was no trace of tension or fear in his heart at this moment, but there was a faint excitement.

It was at this moment that he suddenly thought of a very good plan. If possible, could he get the tens of millions of the Horned Demon tribe’s army directly to Qingyun Da-6. In this way, the so-called among the three tribes The contradiction will not be broken, and when the time comes, it will only be a Tianyi clan, believe them, and dare not easily stir up trouble in front of humans.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his plan was very likely to be realized. Luo Xiu was a little excited, and then he couldn't wait to take out his portable teleportation array, and entered his thoughts and some other key information into the jade slip, and Luo Xiu took it Delivered to his master.

Although other people saw Luo Xiu's smile a little weird and were curious about the excitement on his face, no one stepped forward to interrupt his movements. Only Hua Xiaorong glanced at him, then nodded to the second woman, and then Nalan Rongruo came to Luo Xiu with a shy expression, and said awkwardly: "Brother Luo Xiu, thank you for your help. The little girl and others are grateful!" After saying that, he gave a graceful salute, then quickly turned around and ran back to the location of the two women. Seeing Nalan Rongruo's face flushed and running back, Luo Xiu felt amused. (To be continued.)