Technology Communication System

Chapter 1547: Explore where the planes overlap!

In no way, Luo Xiu had to return to the Extreme West again. On the way, he changed directions several times and circled the entire world. He saw the terrible devilish energy invading the heaven and earth vitality along the way. The sight also made him feel extremely depressed, and as the places Luo Xiu walked increased, Luo Xiu was a little panicked. It was indeed the speed at which the abyss invaded this world, and the speed made him feel incredible.

If Luo Xiu had not had such a clear understanding before, but as time went on, as he saw more changes in the environment, he became more able to feel himself. The experience during this time was It's incredible.

No matter where you look at it, the scenes that happened before their eyes are so incredible. If you don’t see it with your own eyes and experience it, he will never believe it. In the world, humans and monster races faced the invasion of the monster world and were not prepared to fight back. This situation made Luo Xiu feel incredible.

And when he walked to the extreme west and looked at the turbulent flow of the void that he originally rushed out of, he couldn't help but feel moved, because this place has changed a lot, completely making Luo Xiu unable to understand, because here, There is actually a world that is overlapping with the prehistoric world. That's right, the two worlds seem to merge with each other, and the fusion area is exactly the size of the innate secret realm before him.

This made him feel extremely shocked. You must know that although this innate secret realm was broken by him, the endless innate spiritual energy filled with it is undoubtedly a powerful force. At this moment, Luo Xiu's heart is full of fear. For the fear of the demon world, this scene is not human, and Luo Xiu is not alone. With his understanding of himself, what is happening to him is absolutely impossible to ignore, and at the same time, more What was terrifying was that he was obviously able to perceive that over time, the pressure he was under was so great that it could not be described in words.

Looking at this magnificent and sad scene in front of him, Luo Xiu felt inexplicably how powerless human beings are at this time, even if he understands in his heart that his own opportunity is here, so he is full of energy. In order to condense, the whole person is like a breeze, and shoots directly at the intersection of the innate secret realm and the demon world.

The sights he saw along the way made him feel the scalp swelling. The original strong innate spiritual energy has long disappeared completely. Instead, it is the strong monster energy, this terrifying force that can corrode the body of all living things. , The richness is like a liquid and cannot be melted.

No matter where you look at it, the horrible scene of the monster world swallowing the prehistoric world in front of him is shocking, and it makes people feel scalp numb. Luo Xiu cautiously avoids one after another. After a search of powerful monsters, he found that while the monster world swallowed and assimilated the prehistoric world, the monster world did not enter the prehistoric world. Thinking of the previous humans and monsters in the predominant world, they easily abandoned everything here. It is enough to show that there is definitely a huge secret in this wild world that he doesn't know.

What makes him even more unbelievable is that in this part of the prehistoric world where the demon world overlaps, the congenital mystery is broken by him, which makes the overlap of the two worlds accelerate. In one sentence, the demon world swallows the prehistoric world. The speed is increasing, and this speed is strengthened in a way that is constantly strengthening every moment. Such a terrifying scene also makes Luo Xiu see the scalp numb, in this part of the prehistoric world where the monster world overlaps. Among them, he can feel the powerful aura of no less than hundreds of saints. Under this situation, Luo Xiu can hardly describe the shocking expression in his heart. It is true that he cannot describe it in words. At this moment, his heart The panic, and even the sense of powerlessness, cannot be described in words.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, the scenes you see before your eyes are like a nightmare, like a terrifying monster, with a huge mouth open, like eating marshmallows, bringing the entire prehistoric world As a marshmallow was devouring, Luo Xiu walked in the overlapping area of ​​these two worlds, feeling deeper, and even the strange feeling made him very strange, because the scene before him made Luo Xiu feel It was incredibly dissonant, and the more I looked at it, the more weird it became.

Seeing this scene in front of me, I don’t know why, there is always an inexplicable emotion lingering in my heart, so that Luo Xiu at this moment can't tell what kind of feeling he feels in his heart, but there is one thing, he is extremely clear, that It is that his own strength has been greatly suppressed in this overlapping area, and on the other side, those powerful monsters in the monster world, the terrifying pressure displayed by their aura, made Luo Xiu more and more vigilant.

Even if he doesn’t know anything about this monster world, it is only what he saw and heard. Luo Xiu knows very well that this is not the first time this monster world has swallowed other worlds, because judging from the various arrangements and methods of the monster world , The demon world has already been familiar with lightly, and from here, I think of the human race and the demon race in the previous prehistoric world. There is almost no resistance, and they directly abandoned the prehistoric world. This can be seen. This world should be It has already fallen into the sight of the Demon Realm. It is only a matter of time before it has been swallowed and assimilated, and the Demon Realm has already made various arrangements in the prehistoric so that the assimilation and fusion of the two worlds can begin in a very short time.

When he thinks of this, Luo Xiu feels a little shuddering. It is true that he himself is not clear about what kind of mentality he should use to describe this scene. If he is not seeing this scene with his own eyes, he is no matter what. I would not believe that there is still such a powerful world as the Demon Realm that can pose a threat to the prehistoric world.

You know, the prehistoric world he lives in is a big world that has already matured and nurtured. This world is a powerful world that can give birth to supreme-level powerhouses. However, it is such a world that actually faces the powerful offensive of the monster world. The lack of resistance makes Luo Xiu feel a little unbelievable. Thinking of his previous experience in other worlds, Luo Xiu at this moment is a bit helpless. It is really because of the scene before him that he underestimated others. The scene made him feel inexplicably familiar.

Walking cautiously in this world, Luo Xiu did not dare to be sloppy, lest his mistake would lead to the siege of many saint-level demons. He didn't think that in this terrible area suppressed by two worlds, What kind of horror will he end up if he is really targeted by a monster.

Previously, Luo Xiu didn’t feel that deep in his heart. However, at this moment, Luo Xiu could clearly perceive that he actually had no other way of retreat, because he discovered that with the speed of the prehistoric world being swallowed by the monster world Speed ​​up, the greater the pressure on him. In this case, he doesn’t need to think too much and clearly realizes that he has to avoid being discovered by demons, because if he fights with people here, he doesn’t have any. Any advantage.

Cautiously avoiding one space node after another, Luo Xiu is very thankful at this moment that he has also repaired the laws of space, otherwise, facing the current situation, he will be unable to move at all, especially when the two planes overlap. In the area, some life-saving spirit treasures on Luo Xiu are somewhat suppressed. Neither the delimitation compass nor the magic lamp of time has much effect. At this moment, the only thing he can use is his powerful spatial understanding ability to make him The ability to see clearly the surrounding spatial fluctuations and the location of the spatial nodes is the main support for Luo Xiu to dare to cross the entire monster world.

But one thing is that he feels extremely helpless, that is, as time goes by, the time he needs to pay for each step is increasing, and it is no exaggeration to say that as he goes deeper into this area, he Running his brain with all his strength time and time again, at this moment, after a few days of driving with all his strength, Luo Xiu felt that he was overusing his brain, and now Luo Xiu felt like he was walking a tightrope.

Every step he takes is extremely cautious, just like removing a trap ahead. Every step forward takes a lot of effort. Fortunately, because the two worlds overlap, there is no magical world here. The existence of those powerful demons, without these powerful demons always paying attention to the situation here, made Luo Xiu's step forward without being noticed.

Of course, Luo Xiu himself knows that no one will pay too much attention to the complex environment here. The terrible environment here is the real life-threatening existence. This is not the most important situation. The real life-threatening place is that with time With the passage of time, the environment of the entire overlapping space will only get worse and worse, because as the innate secret realm is completely swallowed up, the space power here becomes more and more active.

If he hadn't been proficient in the two supreme laws of time and space, Luo Xiu now could hardly say anything, and it would even be impossible to save his life. Of course, there was one thing he had never thought of before, and that was as time passed. He can clearly feel that his own strength is getting worse.

In addition to the fact that Luo Xiu's soul power is not affected, the power in his body has been suppressed and can only be used in certain places. He can't use his original power to attack and the like. Luo Xiu now is the weakest moment. It may be inaccurate in this case. The real terrible thing is that Luo Xiu can clearly perceive his own strength today, as if being imprisoned in his body by a huge barrier, as if caused by the huge pressure of the two worlds. All of this, but the real situation, only Luo Xiu himself knows, he is now a black house in front of the will of the demon world, so being able to have the strength of the Da Luo Jinxian level is already a manifestation of his own strength.

Time passed slowly, Luo Xiu resisted his impetuosity, and moved forward little by little. Looking at the desolate scene around him and the corrupted animal and plant corpses everywhere, Luo Xiu couldn't help sighing, the previous one. The Congenital Secret Realm is full of birds and flowers. Even the four supreme powerhouses of the demon race have no intention of actively destroying them. Although the battle of the five of them has almost destroyed this secret realm, it is not as full as before. The gray defeat, the desolate and boundless aura, almost made Luo Xiu feel that he was in a plane of doom.

Carefully explore the surroundings, judging whether the road ahead is smooth. Although Luo Xiu took hard every step during this period, the real situation was caused by his strength, even if it was systematic. Help, his forward speed is still inevitably affected, because he found that he has completely entered a misunderstanding. This monster world is unexpectedly huge, and he quietly let the system use special methods to try Directly launching some detection instruments and the like, but the feedback results, made him very helpless.

Because the environment here is extremely special, the detection instrument launched by the system in Luo Xiu's mind almost failed immediately. This situation also made the system in his mind feel extremely shocked, and the next step was to be extremely vigilant, because Luo Xiu is extremely convinced that once the power in his body is completely suppressed, the system in his mind will fall asleep again.

And once the system falls asleep, Luo Xiu will be unable to do anything. He can maintain a step to go deep into the demon world, relying on the power of the system, even if he has a deep enough understanding of the laws of time and the laws of space, but one thing is certain. It is undeniable that the energy sensitivity of the system in the mind is absolutely unique.

Carefully avoiding one space node after another, his speed is not fast, and even the energy activity at some space nodes is so violent that he has to make a big turn to avoid these space nodes, because At one point before, he tried to forcefully pass the place where the energy node was active, but the result made him feel a little cold and sweaty.

If it weren’t for his own strength, coupled with the powerful body forged by the Eighteen Arhats Refining Technique, he would almost instantly be exploded into powder in front of the violent energy explosion. Even so, the violent energy fluctuations here still caused In order to avoid being discovered, Luo Xiu could only quietly get away from that area as fast as possible, and then used the bounding compass to completely hide himself in a space node.