Technology Communication System

Chapter 1553: Verification

Of course, thinking so, Luo Xiu still couldn't make up his mind, because he was not familiar with the place, even if he got all the memories of the three monsters, but he also knew that some things were blocked by various special methods. When he got up, he couldn't read this part of the information deliberately hidden by people with his ability, so in order to ensure that no mistakes were made, he was extremely cautious.

At the same time, just as Luo Xiu was thinking about it, a strange energy fluctuation suddenly appeared in the storage bag around his waist. Luo Xiu was shocked, and his spirit power instantly poured into this ordinary storage bag, A small altar was taken out. This black diamond-made altar is ordinary. If it weren’t for a saint-level monster, anyone on the road would just ignore it. At this moment, it was such an ordinary altar. At this moment, intermittent energy fluctuations appeared, and as he took out the altar, the energy fluctuations gradually solidified, and then a ghost ghost appeared on the altar. .

Then Luo Xiu saw the black phantom and said, "Xuan Wu, I heard from the ancestor Bai Peng saying that you have something to contact us. Now the situation is urgent. If you have something, you can just say it here. Have you told you? There is nothing important. Don’t contact the door in the near future. Forget it. I have heard from the ancestors about all the causes and consequences of your action. Do you have anything to add? of!"

Learning to remember the appearance of Poison Hao, Luo Xiu faced the dark shadow on the altar, but he was very respectful. He bowed to the altar in front of him, and then said in his mouth: "Master Huijin , Xuanwu ventured to contact the door, but because the situation was too sudden, my true identity may have been exposed. The real reason for this incident was that in the prehistoric place, someone suspected that I was in the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, secretly Get in touch with the group of people in Poisonous Golden Dragon Pond, and I took advantage of the three people’s exchanges to sneak attack and bury them completely in the overlapping area of ​​the world. In order to completely cover up the truth afterwards, I I can only choose to take risks. The patriarch should know how dangerous my situation was at that time!"

The reason why Luo Xiu wants to say this is also very simple, just to make things bigger, and the real reason for doing this is actually very simple, and that is to increase his weight in the hearts of the people in the Pantheon, no matter where he is. One point is the foundation of his next life, so in order to ensure that his remarks are very convincing, he took out another jade slip, and the jade slip was the real image that the system helped him forge. , And the content in this image is extremely comprehensive, recording all the experiences of the three of them entering the place where the space overlaps, and even the realism will not be doubted at all.

"Chief, the picture on this jade slip is all our previous experience. If it is not an emergency, I would not make a move, because I found that the guy in the place where the space overlaps turned out to be a part of the previous Pantheon. The elder is too elder, I don’t know what this guy is crazy about. In short, when he fights with the two, he has completely exposed the role of my Pantheon in it. It is impossible for them to do things. Those who ventured to do these things were really urgent at the time. Once they leaked out the details of our Pantheon, if that person finds us, he will definitely let the other two forces join forces to completely wipe out the Pantheon. At that time, we have worked so hard to plan for so many years, and it will all be in vain!" Luo Xiu's words are really testing whether the Wan Demon Temple is connected with the Demon Temple in the prehistoric. Therefore, what he said was definitely the most sincere, because he knew very well that this was what he wanted most.

Originally, he was worried that if he really went to meet the people in the Pantheon, he would show up. The same way, he was really testing the Pantheon and the Pantheon. If it was a family, it might be. Because the result of the trial was different from his own guess, it triggered the suspicion of the people in the Pantheon, but now this situation is what he wants to see most.

After all, across this altar, he is not the real Xuanwu, and he is not worried that these people will use the kind of weird soul control that controls Xuanwu, so Luo Xiu really has no fear, so he said this straightforwardly, and at the same time Also quietly locked the black shadow on the altar with mental power.

"The news you reported this time is very important. You must not reveal your true identity. At this time, the Pantheon is not suitable for war with the other two forces. After all, we still have a lot of things to rely on the power of these two forces, so Next, you assume that nothing has happened, what should you do, and what else should you do. As for other things, we will arrange for people to deal with them, so that people will not doubt you. Also, if you encounter this kind of thing in the future, you should not If you do it yourself, you will send all the information back. We are free to send masters to perform hunting missions. This can also reduce the chance of you being exposed. Otherwise, it will be done once or twice. It is better to explain. , Then you will really be suspected! We finally succeeded in placing you in the Poisonous Dragon Pond, and even went straight up step by step, seeing you can climb to the top, but you don’t want to fall short at this time!" However, Luo Xiu was relieved. Yes, the words of the black phantom also made him deeply aware that his previous worries have really come true. Obviously, the so-called Pantheon of this world is really the same as the Pantheon of the Primordial World. A family, in this case, Luo Xiu really feels a little numb on his scalp.

If he hadn't heard this person's words with his own ears, he would not believe it in any way, especially the facts in front of everyone, which all explained his worries. It is a real possibility. Therefore, this At this moment, Luo Xiu really feels how lucky he is. If he communicates with these people in person, he will definitely reveal some clues, but this strange altar clearly tells him that there is such a existence. , You can contact the Pantheon by other means, and the last stone in Luo Xiu's heart finally fell to the ground.

Let’s not talk about anything else, it’s just that Wan Demon Temple has such a special way of contacting himself, which makes Luo Xiu feel a bit cold and sweat, because he has not found anything about this in the memory of Xuan Wu. It also means that he didn't really get all the memories of Xuanwu, and this situation made him more vigilant. For the next period of time, he must be low-key and then low-key.

"Chief, I know, there is nothing else, let's end this contact. I am not safe now. There are many masters who have been paying attention to my situation. To avoid exposure, you better not want to be the leader recently. Contact me, if you have anything, I will take the initiative to contact you, the leader!" Luo Xiu thought for a while and said to the black illusory figure. After speaking, his mental power fluctuated violently and wiped out everything around him on the spot. The black phantom also disappeared on the altar. Luo Xiu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Luo Xiu can clearly feel that his heart is beating violently, because he knows very well that he is really walking in the ghost gate, if it is not for him to act early, plus he Really knowing some methods of emergency contact from the memory of Xuanwu, Luo Xiu can hardly imagine what kind of terrifying methods and horror scenes would be waiting if the people in the Pantheon were to contact him. he.

For him now, the scene that happened before his eyes made Luo Xiu deeply aware of how terrifying the Pantheon Palace was, and the weird methods of their methods made Luo Xiu feel a little shuddering, especially when he After telling his own experience, the black phantom's reaction was a bit unexpected, and even some made him a little bit unable to understand.

He didn't take this matter too much to his heart. At this moment, Luo Xiu focused on other things, such as the questioning heart array in Pingtian Palace. He hadn't realized anything before, but when he was completely at this time After fusing Duhao's memory, he really became interested in this questioning heart.

At the very least, Pingtian Palace, as a super power, can stand side by side with Wan Demon Temple in Poison Dragon Pond as one of the three demon superpowers, which is enough to explain the horror of this power. Luo Xiu did not believe that his previous disguise was able to escape Pingtian Palace. The group of guys passed the test so easily, which really made him feel incredible, and similarly, some other thoughts were born in his heart.

Although he is not too sure, there is one thing that Luo Xiu is absolutely sure of, that is, the three powerful monsters in the Pingtian Temple who preside over the formation must have discovered his disguise. As for why he didn't expose it on the spot, Luo Xiu couldn't Well, I know, but there is one thing that Luo Xiu can be sure of, that is, the sordidness between Pingtian Palace and the Wanmo Hall is far more profound than the description in Duhao's memory.

At the very least, there is one thing that Luo Xiu is 100% sure of. Even if Poison Dragon Pond is super powerful, it has almost no advantage in front of the other two forces. If Poison Long Pond’s overall strength is not strong enough, it has always been responsible. As for the role of charging and trapping, the three major powers of the Demon Realm are estimated to have left the Pingtian Palace and the Wan Demon Hall long ago. From the structure of the three major forces and the techniques they are proficient in, it cannot be seen that the Demon Realm can form three It is no accident that the big forces stand side by side.

Whether it is in an orderly manner and a clear division of labor between the three major forces, it is sufficient to show that in this demon domain, there are either masters planning all this, or that this demon domain is a combination of the three forces of the demon domain formed naturally and autonomously after a long time of devouring and growing. , And no matter what the situation, Luo Xiu only had shock in his heart.

Even though he had many different feelings in his heart before, the scene that happened before his eyes still made him feel inexplicably shocked in his heart, even with his superficial understanding of the world, what happened to him at this moment, and his Fan speculation still made him feel a little weird.

In his mind, these messy Luo Xiu continued to retreat. During this time, he must keep a low profile. This is when he left the illusion, he has given himself an order. It is really that he himself does not want to have extra branches at this time, because once his own Little actions, if these guys find out, God knows what this group of people in the Demon Realm will do, and what Luo Xiu is doing now is actually very simple, that is, waiting for the next step of the three powers, and he can adapt accordingly.

As for taking the opportunity to disrupt these three forces, he didn't even think about it, because the devil's engulfing the prehistoric world is already irreversible. Under this circumstance, whatever he does is unwise. Because he knows very well that in this situation, standing by himself is undoubtedly the best choice.

Because he knew very well that before, if he just held an indifferent attitude, it would be nothing, but as his understanding of this demon domain deepened, Luo Xiu had an extremely bold guess in his heart, that is, this is called the demon domain. The world should have a strong master!

Because all the signs show that it is similar to the small world in his body to advance to a higher quality world, which has to make Luo Xiu vigilant and careful, but he is very clear that the existence of this kind of horror can be It is absolutely rare and extremely rare that the small world inside one's body moves outside the real material world, but everyone who can do this is extremely scary.

That kind of existence is definitely a legendary realm above the supreme. For a strong man who is only the pinnacle of a saint, although Luo Xiu considers himself to be a powerful individual existence, he is in comparison with the terrifying power of the legendary level. The strength is not worthy of people's shoes, even if he has all kinds of wonderful methods, but in the face of absolute strength, any of his small calculations can't be successful.

Under such circumstances, Luo Xiu deeply realized that even if his strength was strong enough, he could not be too unscrupulous. At least in this grinding domain, he must and cannot reveal his human identity. Once his identity is exposed Now, what awaits him is definitely the end of the world, and from the memories of Duhao and others, the information Luo Xiu knows is also an ulterior secret, even if he wants to gain the trust of the guys in the Pantheon. Some things cannot be told to them, because once that happens, conflicts will break out between the three major forces.

In this case, if he doesn't agree with his interests, it will make him completely passive. If it really triggers infighting between the three major forces, it will do more harm than good for Luo Xiu Of course, he doesn’t care about how many people die and how many demons die. But the only thing he can’t ignore is that once a war breaks out, it will inevitably affect the entire world structure, and even break out endlessly. The killing will only enhance the overall strength of Demon Realm.