Technology Communication System

Chapter 1560: Three legends!

"Then we don’t have a little remedy? It’s okay to do something to remedy it, right? We can’t just watch the situation suddenly reverse and let all our plans be buried here. I'm a little unwilling. After all, this experience made me feel that I was losing a lot. At this time, if this happens again, doesn't it mean that we are busy all the time, and even our great future is completely ruined? Is this? Is there really no way?!" Although Luo Xiu looked like a mirror in his heart, he showed an extremely sharp expression on his face, with a hint of urgency in his tone.

For him, this news is not curious, because when he entered the demon realm from the prehistoric world, he had already unlocked the great road seal of the prehistoric world. Although the seal was not directed against him, it happened to be cracked by him. , And Luo Xiu even had some doubts that he had fallen into that special congenital secret as a result of calculations, and he felt a little helpless in combination with his current affairs.

Obviously, when the Demon Realm wants to swallow the Great World, the Heavenly Origin of the Great Realm also has a chance to counterattack. Combining with his current knowledge, Luo Xiu feels a little bit weird the more he thinks about it, obviously thinking in the Demon Realm. When it wants to devour the great world, the great world also has the meaning of reverse operation, and there is also the idea of ​​wanting to consume the red devil and this world, and the specific handler Luo Xiu does not know, but Luo Xiu knows that he has also become one of them. A chess piece, judging from the situation in this Demon World at this moment, it is obvious that the demon domain that was attacked has hardly any power to fight back. Of course, this is also related to the Demon Domain’s long and sturdy record, which is already familiar. Swallowing the promotion process, this kind of error suddenly appeared. For the major forces of the entire Demon Realm, they were also a little caught off guard for a while, and they were taken advantage of by the heavenly origin of the great world.

Luo Xiu couldn't help but want to laugh out loud when he thought of this, but he looked at Lin Jiuguang in front of him, waiting for him to answer, but also felt the pressure deeply. After all, it is not difficult to see from the situation here, although it is a great The big world occupies a certain advantage, but in general, the demon domain still occupies an absolute dominant advantage by virtue of its particularity. No wonder the old guy in front of him is not panicked at all. Only Luo Xiu can't help being a little dumbfounded, and Luo Xiu also has something in his heart. With a hint of impulse, he even thought about preparing to take advantage of the critical moment when the two forces fight to death and death, to see if the reincarnation formation can be arranged, and then a fisherman can profit.

Of course, if it is to set up the reincarnation formation, it will surely alarm the super powers in this world. This is what Luo Xiu must consider, so he must choose a suitable reason so that the vast majority of experts agree with him. This proposal will work.

At the same time, the difficulty of arranging the reincarnation formation is no less than directly clarifying and suppressing all the opposing forces, but it is impossible to think about it. He is not so strong and can't do it at all. At this point, he can only take one step at a time. As for the so-called world origin of the system that directly uses the small world in his body to swallow two worlds, he would never even think about it. This is almost the same as looking for death.

Similarly, for him today, no matter what the situation is, he is happy to see it happen. Seeing Lin Jiuguang's ugly look at this moment, Luo Xiu knows well, but he can only slander in his heart. , These guys in Poison Dragon Pond are no longer the kind of reckless men he imagined. After so many years of experience, these guys have already matured and become smooth.

Of course, in a short time, Luo Xiu can only imagine it in his heart. Out of fear of the three legendary powerhouses in Poison Dragon Pond, Luo Xiu had to suppress the impulse in his heart because he knew better than anyone. How frightened the Poison Dragon Pond is at this time, once they detect anything wrong, it is likely that what is waiting for him is definitely a dead end.

Therefore, Luo Xiu looked at Lin Jiuguang on the opposite side very seriously, and said with a hint of hesitation in his tone: "Sect Master Jiuguang, there is actually something that I don’t know whether to say it or not, especially considering this situation. It’s time not to say no. During the previous inspection, when we were fighting against the strong man in the wild world, we heard this person say that they seemed to be setting up some formations to counteract this. To devour our world, originally I just thought they were threatening, but I didn’t expect this situation to happen!"

Although Luo Xiu was performing, he was showing timidity. He hesitated when he said this. It seemed that he had done a big mistake. He looked at Lin Jiuguang in a daze. Immediately after noticing the change in Lin Jiuguang's complexion, Luo Xiu subconsciously took two steps back, showing almost the ten successful powers of Duhao before.

"You! Tut, why didn't you talk about this earlier? Or you didn't think of it before. Do you know what you did? If it's not the emergency situation, I really want to slap your kid to death. Before, you should have made this matter clear. As the backbone of the sect, how could you not understand the importance of this matter? This is a critical moment related to the rise and fall of the entire sect. It’s a careless, very Maybe all of our thousands of hard work will be abandoned, even if we lose everything, you can see, under this situation, we can’t do much at all, we can only watch the world origin of the two worlds. After devouring each other, who can prevail in the end, I don’t know yet. Although the origin of our world still has the upper hand, the side of the wild world is not powerless to fight back. At least the cosmic origin of their wild world. It is completely retained and integrated into the origin of our world, which makes us want to control the world origin of the Demon Realm as before, and it has become a bit impossible to carry out any form of swallowing and assimilation behavior. I say that you may not understand , Which means that once the origin of the Primordial World merges into the origin of the Demon Realm, it will affect the origin of the Primordial World. At that time, we will no longer be able to rely on the terrible devouring ability of the Demon Realm to attack any world!" Lin Jiuguang's complexion became a little squalid, and he pointed to Luo Xiu's nose and yelled at him. The expression on his face was full of anger. The angry expression that seemed to kill Luo Xiu made Luo Xiu feel a faint threat of death. .

And at the same time, just as Luo Xiu was about to say something, suddenly the light flashed in front of the two of them, and three figures appeared at the same time. These three powerful monsters all descended in the form of avatars, Luo Xiu Seeing these three figures, his face became startled, and the expression on his face became a little panic, and he hurriedly fell to his knees.

Although he didn't know what the existence of these three people were, Luo Xiu knew that these three monsters were powerful and they were definitely the three legendary big monsters. Now he is in front of him. These three big monsters, the scrutinizing gaze, made Luo Xiu a little bit cold, and there was a feeling of being seen through all over his body. Of course, this was just his illusion. The three monsters used their soul power to explore Luo Xiu's whole body unscrupulously. Up and down, many people will never encounter this kind of situation in their entire lives. However, Luo Xiu was inspected inside and out by the three great monsters at the same time. It was like a man on his back. Luo Xiu felt the death gaze at this moment, lest his secret be discovered.

"You are Duhao? Lao Niu, I am a little curious and a little puzzled. I don’t know if you can explain it to Lao Niu. It seems that your practice is not inherited from your own school, and you are trained in Poison Dragon Pool. The masters who came out, where did you get this cultivation technique? The cultivation technique you cultivate is a bit special. It seems to improve the soul to a certain extent. Although the effect is not obvious, it can improve both the body and the body. Where did you get the soul-strength exercises?" After the bullhead monster on the left looked at Luo Xiu seriously, he looked at Luo Xiu like a monster. Luo Xiu looked a little bit straight. People's eyes seemed to be able to see him through, and they stared at Luo Xiu's eyes firmly when speaking, which made him feel like a disaster is imminent.

Even though Luo Xiu had fallen to his knees, he still felt a gaze shooting straight into his eyes, which made him feel extremely strange. Luo Xiu didn't dare to be careless, so he hurriedly closed his mind, and then looked towards him. Lin Jiuguang, because based on the information he got from Duhao's memory, he did not know the three legendary powerful existences in front of him. Therefore, his reaction was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

"What are you doing in a daze? I haven't hurried to reply. This is the great ancestor Niu Demon ancestor in the door! With Phoenix ancestor and Tianwu ancestor, these three are the strongest combat power in our door. Longtan is able to occupy such a good cultivation environment because of the strength of the five ancestors, and it has supported me! Your boy's strength has improved so fast, I will say, it is a little weird, it turns out that you have some adventures , By the way, hurry up and let the ancestors help you find out if there are any mistakes, and if they are the tricks of others!" Lin Jiuguang was stunned when he saw Luo Xiu's reaction, and then he felt helpless. With a wry smile, he hurriedly said.

When Lin Jiuguang said these words, he kept winking at Luo Xiu, and even tried his best to excuse Luo Xiu in the words. With such a straightforward suggestion, even if Luo Xiu was slow to react, he understood what Lin Jiuguang said. Therefore, he was even a little dumbfounded at this moment. If it wasn't for him to know that he hadn't discussed with this guy in advance at all, and at this moment he somewhat doubted why this guy should cooperate with him so much.

"Returning to the three ancestors, the exercise I practiced was obtained by accident by me. It is a supernatural power for refining the body, known as the Eighteen Arhats Refining Technique! It was me and the two brothers of the poisonous spirit poison during an expedition, The exercises we got in a small world, originally we just practiced with a reference attitude, but we didn’t expect this exercise to be so overbearing and even give me the original exercises of the sect. It is directly covered and swallowed, and the dominance of the exercise does not stop there. This exercise can be practiced whether it is in the cultivation, the environment is the heaven and earth vitality, the demon energy, or other environments. , This is the real reason why I made up my mind to switch to this practice! As for the ancestors, this practice has the effect of nurturing the soul, I only discovered recently, especially this time in that space. The situation encountered on the battlefield in the land made me truly aware of the terrible aspects of the exercise I practiced, but one thing I felt was very helpless, it seemed that since I practiced this exercise, There is no problem when releasing the powerful power, but the recovery speed of the power is a bit unsatisfactory, and it is not even as good as the ordinary techniques of the yellow rank! If it is not an emergency this time, I would also like to find someone to help me Let’s see if it’s caused by the incomplete practice. Anyway, I didn’t dare to fight with the National People’s Congress recently. This is part of the reason!” Luo Xiu took back his gaze, and cautiously spoke out his organized language. At that time, his gaze was still paying attention to the changes in the expressions of the people around him. Seeing that all four of them were listening attentively, he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"Is there any original exercises? Let me have a look. Your kid is really blessed! You can get this kind of powerful exercises! Are you interested in learning the old man’s powerful techniques? I can follow You can exchange the technique you are practicing, and see if you can absorb a little bit of essence from it, and then let the old man’s cultivation level have further possibilities! Not to mention other things, it’s just that your technique has soul power Improvement is what I value very much. At least it is stronger than many inheritances of our demons. If we can fill in the flaws in the soul, then we will be the most powerful, and we no longer need to look at the faces of those guys in the Heavenly Palace. At that time, we don’t have to worry about being unloaded to kill the donkey at any time when we are charging into the battle!" The ancestor Niu Demon had a serious face at the moment, and handed a jade slip to Luo Xiu, indicating to him Watching, then waited eagerly for Luo Xiu's answer.

Hearing this, Luo Xiu was stunned for a while, and then he nodded tremblingly, and then took out a purple-black bronze mirror from his storage equipment. The bronze mirror recorded the Eighteen Arhats Refining Body Art. And this bronze mirror is the purple-black bronze mirror. The reason for taking out this purple-black bronze mirror is to pave the way for his next plan. After all, if he wants to understand the way of yin and yang, he must as soon as possible. He showed his powerful talent in this area, and in this demon world, there is no inheritance of the path of yin and yang. If he rashly took it out earlier, it would only arouse people’s suspicion, so this little bit of foreshadowing in the early stage , It is still necessary.