Technology Communication System

Chapter 1589: Undead world!

Such a strong chaotic power here did not give birth to even a congenital **** or demon, which means that the whole world has reached the point where it must be rebuilt. It can also be said that the great cleansing of the world is not far away. At least from some signs, Luo Xiu can feel the faint feeling of death crisis, the feeling that lingers in his heart is uncomfortable, but Luo Xiu has no good way to avoid the weak point of the space that the demon king told him. After that, Luo Xiu traveled in the void of the universe for a long time, and found nothing. At a certain moment, he even gave birth to the weak point of returning to the space full of death power, but this time, he unexpectedly had an accident. Harvest, after thirteen years of flying, Luo Xiu finally found a second weak point in space.

And it’s very strange that this weak point in the space is also full of a lot of death energy, and even the death power here is much stronger than the weak point in the previous space, which makes Luo Xiu a little surprised. At the same time, I really realize that this world is about to go to destruction.

After thinking about it again and again, Luo Xiu was going to take a look at the deeper part of the Chaos Universe. Although he was wary of the weakness of this space full of death, he was more curious, because even if the world is about to be destroyed, It’s not that there is already dead spirit energy filling the world. You must know that the chaotic energy concentration in this chaotic universe is surprisingly high. Under such circumstances, how could anyone can easily remove the chaos in this area? Energy, the force of death expelled?

Cautiously approaching this weak point in space, Luo Xiu was full of emotion when he saw this scene. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would not dare to believe what he saw in front of him. The feeling was too shocking, so shocked that it made him a little hard to hold on to himself.

It is no exaggeration to say that this weak point of space is filled with endless death energy, and the powerful quality of this death energy is far superior to any kind of attribute energy that Luo Xiu has seen before, even if he has a strong body. When approaching this area, the moment when the dead energy penetrated into his body caused him to feel cold all over his body.

At this moment, Luo Xiu has only one feeling. Everything in front of him is a bit too exaggerated. It is no exaggeration to say that if he hadn't felt it personally, he would never believe that he would see such a horrifying worldly scene. , Originally he was a little disapproving of the lifelessness here, but until this moment, he really felt what he had experienced.

As far as you can see, the world is full of endless death, if it’s only like this, in the void under the endless death, there are all kinds of dead creatures. , There are so many, Luo Xiudan just looks at it, and feels a little scalp.

These undead creatures can't even be described as densely packed, they are all crowded together, the degree of horror density, this scene, just thinking about it, it feels like a hairy hand, let alone seeing it with your own eyes Up.

If Luo Xiu had thoughts of one kind or another before, but now he has only one thought in his mind, this world is really finished, although he has only seen two weak points in space, but combined with what he saw before his eyes This scene, obviously, the weak point of the space that Origin Demon Lord told him before, should be the same situation, even worse than here, what this situation means, Luo Xiu won’t have to think much about it, right now He couldn't believe the scene he saw, it was so horrifying.

After the death of all kinds of creatures, they became necromantic creatures. The numbers are terrifying, and there are not only flying demons, but also some tall ghost ghosts that are not humans. What is even more terrifying is that these dead spirits There wasn't even a situation of fighting each other, even if the crowd was crowded, there was an inexplicable sense of shock, Luo Xiu still looked shocked.

Even though he had thought about many reasons that led to the destruction of this world, but when he saw this scene before him, Luo Xiu understood everything, the matter was already obvious, and the source of everything pointed to what he saw before his eyes. Luo Xiu combined his own experience and he had already guessed the scene of this scene, and the reason for this situation is that the Eight Achievements is that there is a problem with the six reincarnations of this world. Other than that, Luo Xiu could not think of it. For other reasons, although he did not feel any evil creatures in the Demon Realm, it did not prevent Luo Xiu from thinking more.

After all, with the power of the legendary powerhouses in the Demon Territory, some of the dead creatures might be killed by them as soon as they appeared, but the scene before him really shocked Luo Xiu's heart. When the situation here is passed back, the powerhouses in the Demon Realm will definitely cry in fright. It is true that no matter how strong these undead creatures are, the amount of horror alone is enough to make all of his hairs count down. Fortunately, in Around the area where the undead creatures gather, there is an extremely strong chaotic energy.

These extremely huge chaotic forces are madly swallowing and assimilating the necromantic power within. Although the breath of death is also extremely powerful, it is all wrapped in chaotic energy and confined in a small area, which makes Luo Xiu feel very strange. Obviously, the equilibrium here should not be formed in a short time.

Obviously, after such a long time of evolution, this place of death has formed a special space, but there is one thing that makes Luo Xiu a little puzzled. If this is just the case, it kind of makes him wonder, this world What is the source of the destruction, because if the power of chaos continues to be consumed in this way, the reason why this world will be destroyed is impossible because the energy concentration is too strong, forming a compressed state, and then bursting this universe world.

There is only one reason, that is, this world of necromancers has formed some special spatial channels with the main plane of this world, and then opened the communication channels here, allowing endless necromantic creatures to invade, turning this world into tool spirits.

a part of,

Only in this way can it be explained. After the fusion of the prehistoric world and the demon realm, the real reason why the edge of the world will be so urgent?

Feeling the death energy dialing between heaven and earth, the expression on Luo Xiu's face at this moment really twitched. In order to avoid leaking his breath and attracting these dead creatures, Wei Gong Luo Xiu collected the energy of his whole body. An ordinary person walks in this place. Everything in the pattern itself belongs to the breath of living creatures. Even for the sake of reality, he poured himself a few drops of yellow spring water, making himself a creature of the necromancer, and began to follow the necromancer. Tao headed towards the depths of the necrosphere.

The scene I saw in front of me was so terrifying that I couldn’t describe it in words. It was like watching a horror movie. Even Bizhi still had juice. For him at this moment, what I saw was what I saw. The shock, shock, and impact that this scene brought to him made Luo Xiu feel like he was walking into a long river of time.

The scene seen in the quadruple channel made Luo Xiu frown, because these dead spirits did not have the chaos he imagined to call evil. Although they did not commit any trouble with each other, they were not unified as Luo Xiu imagined. Naked Xiu guessed that it should have something to do with the transformation of these dead creatures, because the quantity of these things is up, but the aura that each individual emits is a bit speechless, and even the ones who didn't have the initial stage of Qi refining most miss other things. Extraordinary creatures exist. Under this circumstance, Luo Xiu couldn't really associate it with those terrifying necromantic creatures.

Of course, his doubts were quickly resolved. As he continued to penetrate into the space of the dead, Luo Xiu saw a scene that truly shocked him. A huge altar stood in front of it. Everyone who went to the altar was in sight. Sitting cross-legged on one corner is a tall skeleton monster. There is a tall skeleton monster. It is like a normal monk who constantly chants spells to stimulate the power in the body, and then it is transmitted to the huge black sporadic group Shang Luo Xiu. At the first moment of the huge altar, my pupils shrank because there was a portal on this huge altar to maintain it from time to time. Spit out a series of illusory statements, the shadow of the human race, the soul demon race, as well as the souls of various animals and plants, Luo Xiu, only felt a tingling scalp, and stared at these dumbfounded. Under the control of these 4 tall skeletons, they formed a huge undead creature.

Although the breath of these undead creatures is not strong, Luo Xiu can already predict that these commander creatures should be prepared by them to take some big actions, let alone other Dandan support, these are what he can sense. Pay attention to any of the big forces above, and feel it. Panicked.

According to Luo Xiu’s attention to these dead creatures, the reason why the aura is not strong should be the four skeletons intentionally. Luo Xiu didn’t dare to come close because the surrounding environment is a bit strange. Before Lingzhi, he didn't dare to step forward. The ghost knew what special methods these guys had to directly reverse the yin and yang of life.

Feeling the strong resentment in the world around him, Luo Xiu also felt numbness of his scalp at this moment. For him at this moment, he still doesn't understand, this dead spirit space. What is the real reason for the existence of the channel? Obviously, this world is about to usher in great destruction, and the main force of destruction is the terrible scene he saw before him. At that time, once the situation here completely broke out, the ghost knew that these were still weak. Will the undead creatures become a terrifying existence that no one can resist overnight?

Although he has had this or that experience before, he has never had the impact on him at this moment. It is no exaggeration to say that Luo Xiu at this moment is as cold as if he is in an ice cave, too. It was terrifying, even though he was accustomed to seeing life and death, any kind of unnatural phenomenon that he was accustomed to seeing was not as powerful as the scene he saw before him.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the billions of dead creatures here are really activated, the ghost knows how many people will be buried under these dead creatures. Thinking of what he did before, Luo Xiu couldn’t bear it. He sighed, and regardless of whether it could affect him or not, he must stop the altar as soon as possible and continue to synthesize the dead creatures.

Previously, although Luo Xiu felt it was very tricky, but he didn't have much reaction. However, at this moment, he has to take the scene he is facing seriously, which brings him a huge impact. Yes, it includes not only these dead creatures and the black altar, but also the huge vortex passage that is dark and invisible to the other side. Luo Xiu feels very horrified, and it is no exaggeration to say that he has an intuition at this moment, as long as He dared to enter this whirlpool passage, and what awaited him would be a mortal situation.

No matter how calmly and calmly he had been before, but in this situation, what he saw before his eyes, had already guessed, and the terrifyingly terrifying passage of the dead, and other powerful dead creatures, no matter where One kind, made him have the idea of ​​evasive.

Just thinking of his current situation, Luo Xiu couldn't help but shook his head. I don’t know. Now that he has seen the source of the danger, he must find ways to pass it back, regardless of whether the new world treats him or not. I really don’t want to see it, but it’s also like this. Luo Xiu can rush into the passage of the undead with his own ability, but the ghost knows what kind of horror exists in that powerful world of the undead. If there are too many legendary powerhouses there, it is no different from sending him in and looking for death.

Compared with the previous experience, Luo Xiu stood motionless in front of this vortex channel at this moment, like a petrified **** and demon, almost the same as many similar existences around him, looking at the skeleton machinery. Sexually stimulates the power in the body and supplies this black altar, which is like a printer, quickly printing out the dead spirits of different races. Looking at this scene, Luo Xiu sees his scalp tingling. If it weren't for these deaths There are too many spirit creatures, and the power they can control is too terrifying, Luo Xiu has already taken action to completely kill them.

Looking at this huge, dark and invisible space-time passage, Luo Xiu was really surprised. You must know that even if he has cultivated to the world, these things have been kept in his memory until he saw this scene in front of him. , He couldn't help showing a look of surprise, and took out the ghost banner inside his body.