Technology Communication System

Chapter 1608: miserable

At this moment, even if they witness it with their own eyes, it is difficult for all of them to imagine what a terrifying scene it is, but this yuan heavy water has the terrifying ability to corrode all things, and it can all be the same. Turning into the form of one yuan heavy water is simply the only magic weapon to die with the enemy.

When I thought of this, the expressions on the faces of some of the guys at the scene also became extremely strange. Obviously, the words Venerable Tianyu said before were undoubtedly just a joke, but if you can really refine this yuan heavy water into one piece As for the treasure, once this spirit treasure is activated, the deterrence it can exert will be terrible.

It's just that none of the people present are master refiners, and they don't know what the price will be if they want to refine this yuan heavy water into what they need, so no one dares to think in the best direction.

At this moment, Luo Xiu looked at the huge ocean of one yuan heavy water thoughtfully. He has a special advantage over anyone, that is, the system in his body is actually capable of making this Some special alloys are sealed with one yuan of heavy water. Some special alloys can actually ignore the corrosion of this yuan of heavy water. Although it is impossible to store them for a long time, it is not a problem at all if they are stored for a short time. This is what I thought before. After the system exchanges, the system answers very positively.

Luo Xiu had no big idea about this yuan heavy water, but after the words you asked me to answer these guys, Luo Xiu truly realized that this thing is precious. Although the one yuan heavy water is more harmful, it is not It is not an exaggeration to say that as long as it is used well, this is a big killer, and it is an inexhaustible scary thing. It is not an exaggeration to say that if he can really master these one yuan heavy water, it will be for him The increase in strength may not be much, but it can increase his attack and destructive power, giving him a greater deterrent ability.

"Listening to you, it should be that no one wants to take this muddy water. You can't solve this heavy water, or it feels like it's not worth it. If you want it, do it as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will take them all later. They are all introduced into the dimensional world that I have mastered. Although doing so may destroy that world, but this is just a helpless choice. To destroy these one-yuan heavy waters, maybe it can still destroy the small world in my body. It's a good way to get rid of the evil demon at once!" Luo Xiu looked at these people and explained with ease in his tone.

For him, the lie he told Yuanmajun Hepingtian ancestor before could finally be easily rounded up to him. Under such circumstances, Luo Xiu also truly felt that he had done it before. Is correct.

Seeing that everyone had no opinion, Luo Xiu did not hesitate anymore. Of course, he poured all this yuan of heavy water into his own small world. At this moment, there are countless robots lining up to help him collect this yuan of heavy water. , So Luo Xiu’s rate of collecting one yuan of heavy water is not fast. After all, he needs to rely on terrifying energy to collect these one yuan of heavy water, and then send it to the small world in his body little by little. For a while, many people are busy helping He collects, then throws it into the space channel opened by Luo Xiu.

Others didn’t feel much about it. Only Yuanyuan Demon Lord and Pingtian Patriarch saw a slight difference, because they had entered Luo Xiu’s inner small world before, and it was clear that Luo Xiu opened his own body at this moment. Little World, at this moment, both of them looked at Luo Xiu with a hint of surprise.

No way, they also have their own inner worlds. They know very well that once their inner inner worlds are destroyed, it will affect their strength. Therefore, Luo Xiu previously told them not to engage in their own little worlds. Regarding the matter, at this moment, seeing that Luo Xiu didn't hesitate to get all these one yuan heavy water into the small world in his body, all his expressions became extremely respectful.

Pingtian ancestor and Yuan Mojun looked at each other, and Pingtian ancestor asked with some surprise: "Yuan Mojun, what do you think, how do I feel that this guy is using his small world in his body," The so-called mastering of a dimensional world is actually the small world in his body. Is it possible that this guy is really ready to use the one-yuan heavy water in this ocean to destroy the peerless evil in his body!"

Originally, the Pingtian ancestor still felt a little weird about Luo Xiu’s previous evasive remarks. Seeing him doing this at this moment, he couldn’t help but have some other thoughts in his heart. Is this yuan heavy water really useful for other purposes? Of course , They also know that using a lot of water to dilute this yuan heavy water may make this yuan heavy water have the effect of refining the body, but for their legendary powerhouse, the strength has already stood at the peak of the legend, this body refining place The effect that can be achieved is also negligible. Therefore, both of them are confused for a long time.

After all, for the two of them, Luo Xiu’s previous performance was too bad, even if they wanted to come at this moment, they felt a wave of heart swaying. It was really the time and space passage that seemed extremely dangerous to them, Luo Xiu Not only came out alive, but also brought the two of them out without injury.

This can no longer be described as powerful. It can be seen that some of Luo Xiu’s hidden methods have made them extremely jealous. Under this period of time, they can already be sure that Luo Xiu is not in their souls. Whatever they did, only by the weird means he showed, the two were unwilling to provoke Luo Xiu again. Therefore, when they saw Luo Xiu use their own small world to collect these one yuan heavy water, they did not have any special behavior. .

At this moment, Luo Xiu is busy collecting one yuan heavy water. There is a system to help him control the robots to work for him. Luo Xiu just maintains the stability of the channel, barely suppressing the one yuan heavy water, and prevents him from having a chance when he is out of their control. The chance of corrosion of space.

So, except for Luo Xiu's mess at the beginning, what he did next was very smooth. In that world, Luo Xiu's nine heavens and ten earth seals and a huge magic weapon were all used by him to collect one yuan. Heavy water, Linglong Pagoda was taken out by Luo Xiu as an emergency thing.

Because there is endless Tongtian River water in the Linglong Pagoda, Luo Xiu knows that once these one yuan heavy water merge with Tongtian River water, it may weaken the power of the one yuan heavy water, but the Tongtian River water is indeed controlled. Under this situation Luo Xiu, of course, chose to blend the two together, and then when he wanted to use the one yuan heavy water, he just extracted and separated the one yuan heavy water directly.

Everything he did was very familiar, and with the passage of time, the one-yuan heavy water in this world was quickly collected by everyone, and after the one-yuan heavy water was collected by them, what was exposed was letting People are stunned with endless array patterns like tree roots.

It may also be because of the strong corrosion of the one yuan heavy water that all the land in the entire world is corroded, and only the space barrier is still supporting it, and the reason why the space barrier of this world has such terrifying resilience is also because of the dense numbers. With the endless spatial patterns and the long river of time and space flowing slowly through the spatial patterns, Luo Xiu at this moment felt a wordless shock rushing toward his face.

It is not an exaggeration to say that at this moment, he can obviously feel that the aura of these guys around him is floating. For them, it is really unimaginable. A shocking scene appears and makes everyone feel There is a terrible feeling, and it is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, their hearts are swaying, and the only correct choice they can make is to wait and see the changes. The long river of time and space here is far more than what they thought. The long river of time and space where the Devil Dragon of Death I saw was even more frightening.

The entire long river of time and space is actually embedded in a huge seal formation. Compared with the world where the Devil Dragon is located, the life of this white tiger sacred beast is obviously much worse. With the disappearance of the heavy water of one yuan, Luo Xiu has also discovered the location of the white tiger sacred beast. At this moment, the white tiger sacred beast is in an extremely miserable situation, not to mention that Luo Xiu can't even feel any signs of alive life from him, compared with the dead dragon. In other words, this white tiger sacred beast really seemed to be on the verge of death, and while Luo Xiu felt extremely shocked, he was also shocked by the powerful Death Demon Dragon that could control the flow of the long river in time and space.

"Tsk! This guy is a bit miserable! I didn't expect this so-called sacred beast to be in such a miserable situation. Compared with the previous dragon, the end of the sacred beast is so unbearable. Have we really been tricked by the dragon?" Yuan Mojun looked at the white tiger sacred beast, and couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth. At this moment, even if he didn't care anymore, everyone felt a kind of sadness of rabbit death and fox when he looked at this miserable white tiger.

"Hehehe, the reason why this white tiger is in such a miserable situation may really have something to do with the one-yuan heavy water and those things suppressing it. The biggest significance now is to continuously consume the power in the entire world, swallow these powers, and let this Only the white tiger has no chance to recover, and you can imagine how miserable his situation is. If it were not for the protection of the long river of time and space, it is estimated that this holy beast has been completely swallowed and assimilated by the one yuan heavy water!" Ping Tian The ancestor touched his chin and shook his head with a bitter smile on his face.

For him, it was really so terrible. A little carelessness was probably because Luo Xiu's tragic ending was so easily resolved by Luo Xiu, so the eyes he looked at Luo Xiu now became different. , Of course, his speculation was also recognized by everyone present.

"Don't talk nonsense. First, break all the lines of the formation around here. I don't need to do it. With your abilities, you will divide the work, and you will be alone. You can directly expose the formation! Since this The white tiger sacred beast has no power to resist, so he will be rescued directly. Who of us is proficient in the soul search mystery, and directly searches for the soul on this thing, and then makes a decision after getting the information we want to know!" Looking around these people present, Luo Xiu said words that moved many people present.

"Yes, we should all be more or less proficient in some soul-searching secrets. It's better to let the old man and Venerable Black Tiger, both of us, take action, whether it's his ghost secrets or the old man's soul-searching techniques. , Can easily detect the deepest secrets of human souls!" Pingtian ancestor looked at the Black Tiger Venerable of the Demon Race of the Primordial World, and said in a leisurely tone.

Ever since the Black Tiger Venerable was summoned, he has been silent and completely incompatible with the demon clan’s behavior. If Luo Xiu hadn’t seen this guy with his own eyes and watched him busy with everyone before, he would have thought it was As for a fool, he was named at the moment. Venerable Black Tiger just nodded faintly, but his eyes looked at the white tiger sacred beast full of weirdness. Although Luo Xiu noticed this, he pretended not to. Now, obviously, the blood of this white tiger sacred beast is really useful to the black tiger, but Luo Xiu is not rare, so he didn't bother to pay attention.

Luo Xiu even suspected that the reason why the ancestors of Pingtian wanted to pull up the black tiger to take action and deal with the white tiger sacred beast to search for its soul is because he saw that the black tiger really needs the white tiger sacred beast. His bloodline purifies him at the bloodline level.

Then, in front of Luo Xiu, the legendary powerhouses showed the terrifying and destructive power of the legendary powerhouses. In a very short period of time, it was almost two or three face-to-face skills, which were arranged by the refiners handed down from ancient times. The forbidden formation that came out collapsed under their powerful destructive power, and the same space formation that imprisoned the long river of time and space was also completely unraveled by them. At this moment, the situation of the white tiger sacred beast is no different from that of the dead dragon, except that it can't leave the long river of time and space, all other suppressing powers have disappeared.

At the same time, everyone understood that the critical moment had arrived, and they couldn’t help but looked at the Pingtian Ancestor and the Black Tiger Venerable. The Pingtian Ancestor looked at the white tiger corpse that was undulating in the river. , Couldn’t help but shook his head, turned his gaze to Venerable Black Tiger and said, “This guy should not be dead yet, but he’s not far from death. At this time, if the old man makes a forcible move, he may get nothing. Venerable Tiger take action. First activate the blood in this white tiger sacred beast, and then let his powerful self-healing ability function normally. Only this guy’s self-healing ability is normal. We are doing any formality on him. Only by searching for souls can we guarantee death during our soul searching process!"