Technology Communication System

Chapter 1610: Forbidden Spirit Hall

"Senior, I don't quite understand why you said this world, we have never seen it before, why would you say that we were tired by you?" Luo Xiu looked at the white tiger sacred beast in a bit of amazement, with a tone of voice. He asked with a trace of hesitation.

Because he is 100% sure that he has never seen the world in front of him, or even entered this world, and looking at the group of guys next to him with a stunned look, Luo Xiu knows that these people have not entered the same way as him. After passing through this world, Luo Xiu had to feel a little surprised. Even at this moment, he gave birth to himself and this white tiger sacred beast. Is there any misunderstanding?

"What do you mean? You are not cultivators in this world? No, if you are not, then where did you come from? And depending on your strength, it is obvious that there is no time for a million years. There won't be such a powerful strength, is it possible that besides this Haicang Realm, there are other great worlds that can't be achieved?" When asked by Luo Xiu, the holy beast White Tiger was also a little stunned, and immediately he also had a look Looking at Luo Xiu weirdly, and noticing the weird reaction of Luo Xiu and others, the sacred beast White Tiger at this moment could not help but seem a little surprised.

"I am sure and affirm that we did not come from this world. We have never seen this world. So, is there any misunderstanding of the predecessors, or that our crisis has not been resolved, it is just a mistake. Next, I rescued you, Senior!" Luo Xiu was a little surprised, and even at this moment he felt that something seemed to be wrong. It is true that even if the holy beast Baihu wanted to perfuse them, he would not make up such a thing. A monstrous lie came.

"The old man feels weird. Where did you come from? You are not from the Haicang world, but where did you come from? Is it possible that there are new ones in the sleepy years of the old man? The world is born, it’s not right. Even if a new world is born, your strengths are a bit wrong. What's wrong?" The face of the holy beast Baihu is very strange. He is now a humanoid, a middle-aged fat man, but In his words, Luo Xiu could obviously perceive the shock in his heart at this moment, which is absolutely unreasonable.

"Haicang Realm? Is this world the world we see? How is it possible? Is there anything wrong with this? Seniors please make it clear that the Haicang Realm in your mouth is the world we see in front of us, This is not the world we live in at all. The world we live in is called Demon Territory. Haven’t you heard of this name, Senior, why are you sealed here? Or, the sea back then Is there such a big difference between the environment of the Cangjie and today?" Luo Xiu looked at the expression of the holy beast Baihu, and couldn't help but a hint of surprise in his tone! Because these words are indeed extremely shocking, to him, the words the white tiger sacred beast said made him feel too weird, as if this guy did not know their origins, all of this was given to him He has a very strange feeling.

"Devil Territory!? What is that place? Listen to what you mean, you have nothing to do with Haicang Realm. Haha, if that's the case, if you are mixed up with Human Race, Demon Race, Demon Race, you can barely explain it. It’s just what happened here? Why is there a new world suddenly coming out of this cosmic plane? Looks like this, the Haicang world is still exactly the same as it was thousands of years ago. What's wrong?" Closing the void crack that he opened, the White Tiger Saint Beast looked at Luo Xiu and the others again, the expression on his face was a little weird, and the words he said made Luo Xiu a little speechless.

"Senior, if you have nothing to do, it would be convenient or inconvenient to go back to the Demon Realm with us. When we arrive in our world, you should understand what we are talking about, and what I heard from the Devil Dragon. As long as you rescue Senior, the remaining seals will be automatically lifted, isn't that the case? Do you want to come and help?" Luo Xiu asked tentatively.

"Don't worry about the three of them! This formation is not as complicated as you think. The old man is out of trouble here, and they have almost no impact. Except for the troublesome time and space channels, there is also the problem of time and space. They should be able to Solve it, we don’t care about them. Next, the old man will act with you. The deity is really curious about the demon world that you portray. We must know that when we were sealed, the world we were in was the Haicang world ten. The Great Sacred Land is under the control. How long has passed since now. It is clear that the Haicang world is fine. Why are you people appearing in front of the old man now!?" The holy beast Baihu looked at Luo Xiu and the others suspiciously. , And then asked with a hint of confusion.

From his words, Luo Xiu even heard a faint doubt and disbelief. After all, for everyone today, whether it is the previous situation or the current situation, everyone is clearly aware that the world called the Haicang Realm and the Demon Realm that the holy beast Baihu said are definitely two different things. A different world.

"About this, we don’t know much about it. As for the Haicang world that you said in your predecessor, we don’t know the existence of this world at all. Let me tell you this. If we hadn’t discovered an anomaly by accident, we wouldn’t know about us. Ancient civilizations still existed in this world, and now this situation in the entire world seems to have reached the moment when the world is destroyed and restarted. It may not be long before this world will be destroyed again, and then re-evolve after hundreds of millions of years of cultivation. Human civilization! According to the records of our sect, it seems that this kind of world destruction has been reincarnated no less than a dozen times! Although it is impossible to annihilate our human beings and the Ten Thousand Realms every time, it will damage the original vitality. The universe is restored, and even this so-called restart is like starting from scratch!" Luo Xiu shook his head bitterly, with a hint of helplessness in his tone. When he said this, his expression was full of gloom. At this moment, he said that after uncovering the truth of the world, he was inexplicable and really felt very magical.

"Don't worry, I will take you to Haicang Realm to see what happened there, or is it said that the Haicang Realm has already changed in the years since the old man was sealed. If this is the case, That has suffered so much, if it hadn't been hanging in one breath in these years, it would have completely disappeared!" The white tiger sacred beast glanced at everyone, and Luo Xiu and others could not react and directly rolled everyone up. .

Luo Xiu saw the light flashing in his hand, and then the void in front of him instantly burst into a void channel and appeared in front of everyone. Luo Xiu glanced at the others, and then directly followed the White Tiger Venerable towards the time. The tunnel got in, and everyone reacted the same in an instant. When entering this space-time tunnel, Luo Xiu only felt a huge suction squeezed out, Luo Xiu just felt a flower in front of him.

When he came back from his dizziness and opened his eyes again, everyone had arrived in a magnificent hall, which was very luxuriously decorated, and there were various kinds of white tigers carved on the surrounding walls. Luo Xiu's pattern, and some patterns of human life, made Luo Xiu noticeably stunned, and then Luo Xiu only felt an extremely terrifying pressure over the hall here.

Looking up, a huge and extremely mysterious array is slowly descending, and as the array falls, the surrounding huge pressure and the extremely rich death crisis have become more and more terrifying. Let Luo Xiu feel like he wants to suffocate at this moment.

At this moment, this pressure was not only directed at his soul, but even his body was imprisoned. Luo Xiu hurriedly used his mental power to move towards the white tiger sacred beast, only to see the sacred beast at this moment, the white tiger, with an extremely ugly expression on his face. , He had recovered the huge white tiger body from the original middle-aged fat man again, and saw the huge body as high as several thousand meters, in this hall, under this huge formation, it was like an ant crazy Struggling, but unable to come out at all, this gave Luo Xiu a very strange feeling.

At this moment, Luo Xiu couldn't imagine how horrifying the world he saw was, but just the scene he saw gave him a shocking feeling. It is no exaggeration to say that if it were not above his head Under the huge pressure of the huge weird formation, Luo Xiuzhen at this moment wanted to immediately take his subordinates and hide away. It's just a pity that Luo Xiu is now facing this huge pressure, and he can't move at all. Even when he looks at the five legendary powerhouses next to him, he reacts the same way as him, letting Luo Xiu know that he and others seem to be pitted by this white tiger. Up.

"Senior, what the **** is going on? Isn't this the Haicang world? Why did we encounter this kind of treatment when we first came here? Is it possible that this is because of your arrangement, senior, but your performance is too hard. Son!" Although he can't move, it doesn't affect Luo Xiu's speech, so he speaks a little speechlessly. It's not that he didn't see that something is wrong, but that he can only take the opportunity to leave the relationship between himself and Baihu.

"Damn, I forgot, I can't return to the Haicang Realm, otherwise, even if I use any means, the place where I can only appear is this Forbidden Spirit Hall. Alas, after all these years, I'm a little confused, now you guys There shouldn’t be much life-threatening. It’s just a bit of suffering. This seat is miserable. For so many years, I thought this formation would have failed. I didn’t expect it to be still operating normally. If you have the ability to help me If the pattern is broken, we will be safe!" The huge voice of the holy beast Baihu echoed in this so-called Forbidden Spirit Hall.

At the same time, as his voice fell, Luo Xiu was speechless, but he also looked helpless. At this moment, Luo Xiu even doubted whether this white tiger was deliberate. Knowing that he was targeted, he still directly Take them to teleport, what's the difference between this and the sheep entering the tiger's mouth? Even if Luo Xiu was so naive at this moment, he realized that there was something wrong with the problem. At least for him today, every word the sacred beast Baihu said may be true, but they may not be combined together.

"Senior, if you have something, you might as well say it all at once. In this way, we will be mentally prepared, and we will be mentally prepared for what we will do next! Isn't it right? How should we trust you? At least, something is wrong with me. Senior, you seem to have too much contrast between before and after! And if you have forgotten before, what is the situation now? Explain? It’s not that easy to break the pattern above my head, but listening to you, it seems certain that we can help you break this pattern. Or, even if we abolished the empty river at that time, it doesn’t necessarily mean you It is released. Only by destroying the formation in this Forbidden Spirit Hall can you be completely rescued. If it is, you can clearly say that if you can help, we will definitely not shirk!" Luo Xiu was somewhat Silently glanced at his mouth, and said helplessly.

At this moment, he probably understood it in his heart. It was not that the white tiger didn't know what would happen to it, but if Luo Xiu and others knew in advance, he would definitely not want to follow this muddy water, but it is different now. If there is no choice at all, it can only be so.

Of course, to say so, Luo Xiu did not hesitate to use his own practice in an instant. The Eighteen Arhats Body Refining Art worked at full force. The strongest power was urged to the strongest state by him in an instant, and Luo Xiu only felt pressed The power in his body was increasing, but the same, because of the abnormal cells in his body, the power of imprisonment was broken by Luo Xiu almost instantly, and then the Four Swords of Zhu Xian was held in his hand.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Zhuxian Sword Formation was successfully aroused by Luo Xiu. For a time, the violent sword aura was like an endless stream of energy, and instantly rushed to the huge formation above his head. In a moment, it was on the formation. All the lines on it seemed to have withstood millions of attacks from sword aura. Luo Xiu, in front of the legendary powerhouses, showed this hand and group attacking skill, making the ancestors of Depingtian and others a little bit astonished. .

It was Luo Xiu's indiscriminate attack that shocked them too much, especially the unreasonable super destructive power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, which almost cut the void in this hall. Space cracks, violent energy vented on the array, just like waves, wave after wave of energy attacks, madly impacting the array, greatly reducing the pressure on the array.