Technology Communication System

Chapter 1616: Disappointed

"Okay, okay, I know what you want to ask, but have you thought about it? No matter what you do, do you think about how to leave this realm of artistic conception? This strange realm is not as simple as you think. , Although because of my reasons, I let you wake up from that strange mood in time, but we are fine in a short time, and after a long time, the souls of everyone can't hold it. Here we care about these gains and losses. It is totally meaningless. I hope you can understand that the reason why you can live safely is because the old man has helped you, not because the old man wants to plot your things and will take the initiative to help you. The relationship among them, I hope you can think it through! I say this, maybe you don’t understand, I will tell you the truth, I don’t owe you, so I don’t give me enough benefits. I think there are things that I don’t want at all. Let me help you!" Luo Xiu said in a leisurely tone, ignoring the persecution of the holy beast Baihu.

What he said was a sense of righteousness. For Luo Xiu today, he doesn't care about the reactions of the guys present. For him, there are only enough benefits to impress him. The biggest benefit right now, It was the world origins that were fed back during the growth of Demon Realm, and only these powers were able to completely repair the damage to his body caused by the chaotic practice of the exercises.

And the fall of Luo Xiu's words made the faces of some people in the field look ugly, but many people also understood the true intentions of Luo Xiu's words, but even if they knew it, how could they . The situation is stronger than that of people. After all, Luo Xiu seems to have cancelled the soul contract with them, but that is just that their utilization value has become lower.

These people on the scene knew very well that Luo Xiu could directly suppress them on their territory, and even if they could summon the Origin Demon Lord and the others silently, they had enough strength to suppress the audience, even now they are all. Because of the problem of the sacred beast, the White Tiger, some benefits have been obtained, but to be honest, compared with Luo Xiu, it is only a huge gap in the soul, and it is an insurmountable moat.

"Yes! Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s discuss how to get out of this formation. Only after we leave this formation field, we will have the opportunity to do whatever we want! Do you really think, think? It’s so easy and easy to leave from here. If that’s the case, then I can’t take you here to take risks. Let’s be honest with you. Before, I wanted to use your power to open one for me. For those who make a living, although doing so, it is a bit of trying to kill the donkey, but to be honest, I have no choice at all. You really think it is such an easy thing to solve, but it is not easy!" Saint Beast White Tiger He sighed, although he was not disappointed with the people in front of him, but to be honest, the selfishness of these guys in Demon Realm really opened his eyes, and he couldn't help but glance at Luo Xiu with some sympathy. , Made Luo Xiu very inexplicable, so when he said these words, his tone and demeanor also made the expressions of some guys present full of discomfort.

The look of Baihu looked a little inexplicable, but Luo Xiu also strongly agreed with this guy's words. After all, this has not seen the benefits. It is just a discussion among the people. The two guys in the demon domain can't wait to jump out, wanting Taking up all the benefits, Luo Xiu felt dull on his face.

As for the sacred beast Baihu, there is undoubtedly a way to draw the faces of the ancestors and others, but for them, compared with the skin, the benefits are the key, so no one really cares about the words of the sacred beast Baihu A touch of sarcasm.

Because they understand in their hearts that no matter how much of your previous power feedback in the Demon Realm, how much they passively accept, but as long as they understand the vitality of the Demon Realm, then the others are their most important places, so they can It’s for everyone, why do you want to separate it out? This is the most intuitive idea in the hearts of the strong people present.

Even if Luo Xiu knew what they were thinking, he was helpless. After all, this was indeed human nature to some extent. Even if he did not agree with him, he had no reason to stand up. Convince these guys.

Although knowing that cooperation and win-win is the most correct, but who stipulated that the interests must be divided, under this situation, Luo Xiu is not good to say anything. Fortunately, although they are all taken from the illusion. I woke up, but wanting to escape the influence of this phantom formation is not that simple. The combination of the phantom formation and the artistic realm of the strong, this special arrangement technique, the powerful imprisonment realm created by Luo Xiu himself All felt quite tricky, not to mention, these guys didn't even realize how perverted the imprisonment attribute of this strange formation is.

Seeing that Luo Xiu and others didn’t say a word, the sacred beast Baihu at this moment also realized that he was suspected of instigating discord, but he was helpless. He had already said so clearly, and there was no fool, of course. Understand how many of your words are provocative and discordant, and how many are character defects that are unintentionally exposed.

Luo Xiu really didn't feel much meaning this time, so he saw that everyone was paying attention to the issue of this imprisoned domain. After that, he no longer had any reservations, and his powerful soul power was completely absorbed by him in an instant. The release of, just the storm formed by the violent soul vortex, directly strangling the surrounding phantom array completely.

After doing all this, looking at the endless ice field that still has a certain illusion influence, Luo Xiu at this moment also felt a burst of scalp exploding, and then the light in his hand flashed, and the Nine Revolving Linglong Tower was directly taken out by him. , And then everyone saw Luo Xiu's hands continue to fight with Fa Jue, and immediately after the Nine-Ranking Exquisite Pagoda instantly brilliance masterpiece, at the same time as it soars into the sky, it is the endless river water falling.

At this moment, the endless water of the Tongtian River, like a flood, rushed to the endless ice sheet violently, above the ice sheet, because of the special attributes of the Tongtian River water, almost instantly, the powerful death force directly drove this endless The dead and lonely mood in the ice field was completely broken.

Although the concentration of dead air in the river is not strong, the root cause of the destruction of the environment here directly caused the energy balance of the entire artistic conception field to be broken. Although the formation has not been damaged, Luo Xiu believes that it is only a matter of time. , As long as he keeps the Tongtian River continuously released regardless of the cost, he can definitely break the seal here.

At the same time, as Luo Xiu took out the Linglong Pagoda of Rank Nine, the power of the endless merits on the Linglong Pagoda made some people present feel a numb scalp. They really didn’t expect it, Luo. Xiu has such a treasure of merit, although this is only acquired, but to be honest, the feeling of this thing to everyone is more shocking than those innate spirit treasures.

Especially when everyone saw him effortlessly, they completely disturbed the field in front of him. Although the formation has not been completely destroyed, everyone can now easily tear away the imprisonment. Power.

Although there are various sighs in their hearts, but to be honest, no one has any evil intentions. After all, from Luo Xiu's unhesitating way of shooting, all the people present can understand that what he did What were some of his plans? At least, everyone looked at Baihu's eyes with a lot of fun.

Because they knew very well what Luo Xiu’s real intentions were, and therefore they all looked forward to the conflict between Luo Xiu and the White Tiger Holy Beast, especially when the White Tiger Holy Beast looked at the Linglong Tower of the Nine Revolutions. It is to make some people look forward to it.

"Why are you looking at me like this? You don't think I'm going to **** this thing, hehe, unless I'm stupid, I will do it! People in the entire spiritual world know that the guy who can do this kind of merit, which One is a soft persimmon! What do you want to do when you look at me like this?" Seeing everyone looking at me, the white tiger sacred beast raised his eyebrows, and there was a trace of silence in his expression. He knew very well what the group of guys opposite was thinking. What it is, of course know how to run on them.

As Bai Hu's words fell, the expressions of these guys at the scene became a little distorted. Many people twitched their mouths. For them, the words of the holy beast Bai Hu were not much better than sarcasm. Even if they knew that there were no outsiders present, the unhappiness in their hearts still showed up.

At this moment, Luo Xiu completely ignored the intrigue behind him. For him, he really did not expect that when the Tongtian River water of the Nine Revolving Exquisite Pagoda scrubbed the artistic conception field here, the death force in the Tongtian River water, Unreservedly, he could give him a little bit of the power of the strange rules in this artistic conception. This made Luo Xiu feel inexplicably happy, but also showed a sincere expression of joy, although in the eyes of outsiders, his It's kind of silly, but as long as you can get the benefits, who cares.

Compared with before, the current Luo Xiu couldn't imagine that if he could really understand the true cultivation conditions of Yijing, and even figure out how to use this Yijing realm, then it would be an endless treasure for him.

Just looking at the appearance of the people present, it is obvious that he did not realize that he was a thankless approach, which would bring him great benefits. Luo Xiu didn't care about this, as long as he could get started with the cultivation of this artistic conception. Just being misunderstood and treated as a fool is nothing at all.

Silently experiencing the function and method of using the power of the rules passed by the Linglong Pagoda of Nine Revolutions. At this moment, Luo Xiu feels that his previous use of rules is so rough. The use of this artistic conception is even the way of formation. He already knows it. Compared with the power of the rules he owns, the guy who arranged this field of mood formation may not be much stronger than him, but this guy has already achieved the use of rules. The level of proficiency is far beyond Luo Xiu's.

Therefore, when Luo Xiu understood the special methods of using the power of the rules transmitted from the Linglong Tower of Nine Revolutions, Luo Xiu really felt that his trip was worthwhile, even if he could not get any other benefits. I feel that I really picked up a big bargain this time, and it is a huge bargain that has qualitatively improved his strength.

Luo Xiu was immersed in the specific application of rules for a short time. From the perspective of outsiders, it was almost instantaneous. From the beginning of the flood, he reported back some special attacks, although it seemed Ingenious, and somewhat nonsensical, but in the eyes of some guys, Luo Xiu's use of this exquisite law still opened their eyes. At the same time, the sacred beast White Tiger looked at Luo Xiu with a trace of real The color of admiration.

As time passed slowly, everyone no longer worried about the price they were about to pay. Many situations showed that they no longer have the opportunity to plunder the benefits as before, even if they are unwilling. Under the premise of resistance, they had to choose to cooperate with the white tiger sacred beast. At this moment, they had already accepted their fate, but for the sacred beast, Baihu, when he saw Luo Xiu's application of the rules at this moment, the kind of contempt in his heart Swept away.

You must know that he came from a higher plane. Of course, he knows how abnormal Luo Xiu’s use of the law is, and he also knows that Luo Xiu seems to be passive at the moment, but he has completely grasped his own destiny. , Of course, will cause his excessive attention, and because of this, the White Tiger Saint Beast chose to cooperate with Luo Xiu, but Luo Xiu doesn’t know it at the moment. If he knows it, he really wants to laugh. Come.

Soon after more than 10 days, Luo Xiu finally completely shattered the formation. As the formation broke, what appeared to everyone was an incomparably plain desert. Although there were some large and small deserts everywhere. The small mountain range is ups and downs, but there is no longer the four Qingtian mountain ranges.

At this moment, everyone is inevitably disappointed, but for Luo Xiu, the desolation here is what he wants to see, because although his own strength has not been affected, but really, under this situation, he can breathe. This opportunity is also the most perfect ending Luo Xiu is willing to see.

Even if he had expected it in his heart, but to be honest, at the moment when the real environment was in front of him, Luo Xiu could not help but feel a little speechless. Even if he was so open-minded before, Luo Xiu is still very much The environment he saw in front of him felt frowned, completely different from his imagination. The Haicang world was such a desolate world, which was of little use value. Therefore, he looked curiously. To the White Tiger Saint Beast, waiting for this person to give an answer.