Technology Communication System

Chapter 1643: Good fortune

"Host, I don't think you can take them to run together. Time is too late, and the speed is bound to be affected. You should run by yourself. Don't be with these people anymore. Don't forget. Now, what price your kid paid to kill the three venerables in the prehistoric world, and how many hole cards were exposed? At this time, taking them away is no different from looking for death! Let’s not talk about the other things, just you It’s normal for some people to be jealous of these innate spirit treasures on your body. Besides, you should be very clear about your current situation. In your current state, even if you can get through this hurdle, next Your life still won’t get better. At least, the two of Demon Domain will never give up. So instead of staying with them on this boat and sinking into the river bottom, it’s better to choose to escape alone. As long as it’s not too bad luck, it’s not a problem to leave this universe plane alive! Besides, didn’t you have reached the supreme level in your previous cultivation, as long as you reach the legend further, at that time, it’s totally fine With the help of the space coordinates left in other worlds, you can directly and forcibly tear this heaven and earth barrier to cross other worlds. Although this will damage your Dao Xin, it is more than a hundred times stronger than dying here!" When Luo Xiu was about to agree to the proposal of the holy beast Baihu, the system in his mind suddenly said so.

This made Luo Xiu stunned for a moment, and immediately revealed a look of astonishment. Although the system said it was very reasonable, Luo Xiu always felt something was wrong. Let alone other things, it was just his own strength under the current situation. The influence he received was enough to make him choose to cooperate with these people instead of fleeing alone. After all, only he himself knew the difference in his physical state. He previously independently controlled the three innate treasures and bound the power of the compass. All erupted, even in order to stimulate the powerful power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, he did not hesitate to directly cost a huge price, and the injuries on his body were second, and the damage to the origin was the problem he urgently wanted to solve now.

Of course he understands that the suggestion of the system is very correct, but Luo Xiu looked at the ideal effect that was not easy to achieve, and suddenly gave up. He was still a little uncomfortable wearing it, no way. Under this situation, just as the system says The catastrophe that I said was about to fly separately, as for the rest, let's talk about it when he escaped. With his current physical state, facing the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor, even one of his clones is not something he can handle now.

Besides, the body of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar is here. Luo Xiu has reason to believe that the guy with the terrifying aura who came this time is probably the body of the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Emperor, although I don’t know what this guy’s body is. But the giant spider phantom and the strong aura of the monster beast that is so strong that it can't be removed, it is enough to explain the horror of this guy's strength, not just that, his relationship with the holy beast Baihu and Yuanmojun and others , And there is no harmony in imagination.

The more important point is that he has exposed too many hole cards before, especially the Zhuxian Sword Array, the Demarcation Compass, the Nine Revolutions Linglong Tower, and the magic lamp of time, all of which are powerful treasures of the innate level. A person is extremely lucky to have one in his entire life, but Luo Xiu has four or five of them, and his current physical condition is so bad. Under such circumstances, Luo Xiu has reason to be wary of any crisis.

After all, he can't make fun of his own life, let alone use the temptation of these innate treasures to test people's hearts. Whether it is the holy beast Baihu or Yuanmojun and others, they are not in harmony with him at all. More importantly, Yuanmo Jun had already been dissatisfied with some of his practices before. Under this situation, even if the physical condition of these two people was not good, Luo Xiu did not dare to bet. The ghost knew that these old guys who had lived for so many years, Are there any other killer moves on the table, if any, if he mixes with these people, it is definitely a tragedy. After understanding this, Luo Xiu can already be sure that he will really escape by himself next.

But the current situation is obviously something wrong. He knows his own physical condition. In the past, Luo Xiu just felt a little bad, but the longer time he dragged on, the stronger his feeling of weakness, so the system Luo Xiu's subconscious reaction was to oppose this statement. After all, if a person faced the unknown danger of the Devil Emperor alone, waiting for him, it would definitely not be a good choice.

Especially in this situation, I really have no good way to deal with the coming danger. The more important point is that Luo Xiu actually understands in his heart that he really only has the way to escape. Up, alas! Thinking about him, he is still a little unwilling. After all, his previous plan was to get the Innate Five Elements Flag, but now that the Innate Five Elements Flag has been destroyed, then he has to find a way to get the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Pot. There is no time at all. , And the biggest problem is that his current strength is too severely damaged, and Shou Yuan was wasted by him. In this situation, it is impossible to break out again.

"System, let’s not talk about whether your idea can be successful or not, whether there is any reliability, just say that in my current state, do you think I still have the ability to tear this world? Not to mention, I will be promoted to the so-called legend in your mouth. If I have reached a realm, it would be even more wishful thinking. With my current state, let alone advancing to the legendary advancement, it is even more difficult to maintain the current supreme cultivation base!" Luo Xiu sighed, his tone was full of helplessness. Speak.

No way, he knows better than anyone else. In his current state, what the system says is basically his previous experience in many worlds, but no way. Compared with many previous experiences, his body can be He is not in his heyday state, and even without the audience, his body is sore and painful everywhere, and the meridians in his body are on the verge of collapse. In this case, even with the powerful physical body trained by his eighteen arhat training techniques. , And can’t withstand the long-distance space teleportation. Under this situation, whether he can escape or not, let alone ascend to another world, unless he really has the chance to go against the sky, otherwise, Really doing this can only be death.

"You can’t do it, don’t you still have me? I had anticipated that there would be this day, and everything has been prepared for you, including the innate things that can heal, in the small world in your body , There is a gourd, and the gourd is filled with good fortune. With this thing, you can supplement your huge consumption this time. Of course, it is only a source of consumption. Next time, don’t do this stupid thing again, not only I didn't get any benefit, and I almost took my own life here. It was really impulsive!" The systemic words in Luo Xiu's mind made Luo Xiu feel extremely shocked.

"Good Fortune Essence!? System, are you kidding me? Didn’t I have used up that thing before? I don’t remember that I recently destroyed other world origins again, and where did this Good Fortune Essence emerge from? Yes, it’s not possible that you saved a little for me specially before, it’s not right, I don’t remember that I collected other spiritual essences!” Luo Xiu was surprised when he heard the system say this, but he reacted subconsciously. I just felt incredible, couldn't believe it, and asked in a daze.

No way, if the system provides other healing pills, Luo Xiu will feel a little difference, but he will never feel such an unexpected surprise, but the only thing that is the essence of good fortune, he is not. Remember that you once had extra!

The more critical point is that he knows better than anyone the preciousness of the spiritual fluid of good fortune. It is almost impossible to make this thing artificially. It can only be obtained from the heavens and the earth, and the way it is obtained is extremely cruel, and even some people are condemned by the heavens. The real reason why Luo Xiu would be so surprised, even if he didn't feel that the small world inside his body was fine, Luo Xiu thought that the system had ruined the small world inside his body!

The reason why he had such a weird brain hole is also very simple. It is because the source of the spiritual liquid of good fortune is actually very single, that is, only after the source of the heavens of a world has fallen, will there be a spiritual liquid for good fortune. Produced, so the powerful effect of this thing is self-evident, but the preciousness of this thing is also something that many people have never seen in their lifetime.

That's why Luo Xiu felt shocked, shocked, and unbelievable. He knew better than anyone else that even if the spirit of good fortune could not make up for the lifespan he had lost, it could make up part of his injuries. Under the circumstances, being able to restore a certain strength is also very helpful for his subsequent escape. Not to mention, the magic of the spirit of good fortune is more than this, and it has a great impact on his law. Under the circumstances, no matter how calm Luo Xiu was, he still felt a pie in the sky.

The more important point is that what Luo Xiu today is very certain is that with this spirit of good fortune in his hands, he can definitely escape, so the unwilling impulse in his heart has become stronger. But thinking about the possible changes and the giant spider that is coming, Luo Xiu at this moment forcibly suppressed this feeling in his heart.

Besides, Luo Xiu is actually not 100% sure that he can get the Sky Swallowing Devil Jar. Although Luo Xiu is a bit disappointed, he is still willing to keep his own small life compared to his own life. Although tanks are important, they are completely incomparable compared with their own life safety.

Similarly, Luo Xiu looked at the three people in front of him and knew that they were eager to try. The more important point was that Luo Xiu was already convinced that he would really be separated from these people next, although he was a little bit unwilling. A little disappointed, but to be honest, Luo Xiu himself didn't realize that his change would be so great.

"Hehe, actually it was your own luck. In the magical world that swallowed the magic jar, your last powerful attack power broke the barrier between heaven and earth in an instant, and even forced That innate treasure directly vomited you out, but when the Heaven-Swallowing Magic Pot wanted to actively do this, it was bound to pay some price, and this price was the source of the spiritual liquid of good fortune. When I was before, I just subconsciously collected it. I didn't expect to use it now!" The system said in an unhurried tone to explain.

Now Luo Xiu can’t help but feel a little weird, because what Luo Xiu didn’t expect was that the system’s answer would be like this. He was a daze, and even if it was a little weird, you should know that before, he was just because he broke out too hard. The whole person was in a state of faint, completely ignorant of the reason why the Heaven-Swallowing Magic Pot spit out a few of them because their attack power exceeded the limit of that world. Therefore, this systematic explanation, Luo Xiuzhen felt unexpected, and also felt a little surprise.

Otherwise, compared with the previous time, he doesn't care about his injury at all at this moment, which means that he has a more calm attitude and can deal with the upcoming crisis, so Luo Xiu at this moment is completely relaxed. After it came down, the previous tension was completely gone.

"Three fellow Daoists, now that a powerful enemy is coming, we should all be aware of the state of our body. We should run on our own. In this situation, we will only be jealous of each other when we stay together. Things, do you still think that we can still trust each other without any grievances? It is impossible, okay? In this situation, everyone can only choose to escape separately. As for the future, we will talk about future things!" Talk to the system After that, Luo Xiu's heart was completely relieved, that's why he was so confident to say this.

Even if the spirit of good fortune collected by the system is not enough to fully recover his injuries, as long as he can suppress the injuries on his body, Luo Xiu has time to heal his injuries. Even if he uses three congenital treasures this time regardless of the cost, it will really let him. The origin damage is a bit severe, but for one thing, Luo Xiu is actually very ecstatic. At least he has thoroughly verified the terrible power of his demarcation compass after the explosion.

Under this situation, of course, I don’t want to get entangled with these three people again. Let’s not say that we must always guard against their sneak attacks, but also face the calculations of these three people, even if the sacred beast Baihu has not been Did not join the battle between them, but Luo Xiu believed that with the various innate treasures that he showed on his body, Luo Xiu believed that as long as a monk, he could not help but be moved, and this situation would cause What is the impact of, can be guessed without thinking.