Technology Communication System

Chapter 1700: Soul transformation

Hearing this, Luo Xiu didn't hesitate anymore. He bowed his hand to the three elders in front of him, followed behind Qiuli and the three of them, and walked out of this courtyard. At this moment, he was thinking about the relationship between himself and the three elders. Luo Xiu's dialogue and Shangguanhong's inexplicable emotional outburst, thinking about these, Luo Xiu bowed his head and followed the three of them, his expression turned a little serious.

Because up to this moment, he had some helpless discovery. Even though he himself had enough confidence to deal with anyone’s doubts, he did not expect that he would behave so unbearably under the previous situation. He was too cautious, so that his weight did not get the attention of these people, even if he knew in his heart that it might only be temporary, but Luo Xiu was unwilling to have a chance to show his own value, but became So anticlimactic!

The sudden outburst just now made Luo Xiu aware of the style of the strong man in this world. This incident simply caught him a little unprepared! After this, he became a little impatient! In the same way, when he heard the conversation between the three of them again, the expression on his face was called a fox. The three of them obviously didn't want to hide. They looked down on what they meant, even if Luo Xiu showed enough value. , But speaking of it, he is still just an ascended from a low-level plane, except for some good aptitude? There is nothing else! When he returned to the street again, the light red light on his body had disappeared.

And until this light red light flashed on his body? Luo Xiu knew why the moment he stepped into the gate of the city of the same origin, the real reason why the eyes of all people in the city of the same origin were attracted Until this moment, Luo Xiu really realized that this world is far deeper than he thought? At least there are some things that he hadn't thought of before? Until this moment, when he recalled these things, he still felt himself. It was an idiot before.

If he said that before, he might just think that his xinxing was not good enough, but until now? He didn't understand that the root of everything was that he had misestimated the form? He also misestimated the attitude of the world towards strangers? So that he faced the Shangguan. When Hung, he was so miserable that he missed a lot of originally planned opportunities to speak? Even his own value was not fully reflected.

When I think of my previous horrible performance? Luo Xiu at this moment only feels a little helpless? Facing Shangguanhong’s performance, he can already be said to be a super level performance? But even so, it is only from a certain To a degree, let these people realize his little value? As for more, this was completely unexpected? Luo Xiu only felt a little hot on his previous brilliant plans.

It's not that he is not strong enough, but because he can clearly feel that he is actually a long time ago, from the previous strong strength, he has not clearly realized his current situation and the system brought him. , Although there are endless conveniences, they are accompanied by endless unearned gains. Under this circumstance, Luo Xiu has no clear understanding of his own strength at all.

Thinking about it at this time, he didn’t think about this at all before. No wonder these three people didn’t pay attention to him at all. Even Luo Xiu himself felt that his previous performance was somewhat unsatisfactory. If he didn’t wake up in time, he would still be Just think about it, Luo Xiu feels quite helpless.

The three people walking in front suddenly stopped moving. Luo Xiu almost ran into the three of them. After waking up, he was a little inexplicable at first, and then he woke up. He had been thinking too much before, after all, his current identity , To some extent, they are all brothers of the same discipline. I don’t understand why the three of them reacted this way. Just looking at the red light gradually dissipating from his body, Luo Xiu also felt the three. Look at the sense of identity in my eyes.

This scene also surprised Luo Xiu. After all, even the system had not detected how this strange red light was attached to him before. At this moment, the red light gradually disappeared from his body strangely. Suddenly activated some strange way of prohibition, so Luo Xiu felt extremely shocked at this moment!

But before he could say anything, Luo Xiu was taken to a remote courtyard, but it was a good place for practice retreat, with rockery, small bridges and flowing water, and it was also very quiet. It is also extremely powerful. This is obviously the residence of people of not low status. But after entering, Luo Xiu looked at the layout and couldn't help but smiled. Then he chose a room and walked in directly. Take a rest.

The reason for behaving like this is also very simple. Even if he didn't use his mental power to explore the surroundings of the yard, he was clearly aware that there were countless detection formations in this yard, which almost made it clear to monitor his every move. If Luo Xiu was unhappy about the way he did, it was really impossible.

But there is no way, he now knows very well that although his current identity has been initially recognized, it is impossible to say that he is not wary of him! In particular, the city of Homologous City is still a strategically important location for the Qianshan Sword Sect. At this time, Luo Xiu’s hastily appeared. To some extent, it can be said that it has touched certain nerves. In this case, if no one would pay attention to his every move, Luo Xiu himself was also clear.

After all, the Tianshan Sword Sect was able to survive in this world for so many years. If there is no way to guard against spies, it is not believed to kill Luo Xiu, and from another aspect, it can also explain many problems, such as Over time, he was able to clearly perceive the changes in the surrounding qi, although it was not obvious, and the exercises he practiced had not had time to change, and he was not very sensitive to the fluctuations of the world’s vitality, but did not hinder it. The familiar feeling brought to him by the powerful soul, and therefore, he would enter the house so directly and lie down.

Luo Xiu now knows very well that he shouldn’t be too aggressive in a short time, and he can’t even be very high-profile even when his strength is improved. It’s not that he doesn’t know what to do with him, but he just knows that once he’s too prominent. Out, shot at the head, not enough to describe his miserable experience.

No way, if it was before, he could completely ignore these, but the Qianshan Sword Sect in this world is too fierce. He hasn't figured out the cultivation methods of the practitioners in this world and what they can do. Luo Xiu could only be as low-key as possible before showing how powerful his strength was. During the previous interplanetary teleportation, Luo Xiu felt that the soul was sublimating, and this process of soul sublimation would last for many years. During this process, he could not burst out with all his strength. Because of time, the purification and promotion of the soul was a point he had not thought of. From this point, it can be seen that the practitioners of the Eastern Cang Realm, their souls How powerful is innate.

This is also a shocking thing that Luo Xiu has only recently reacted to. The previous self-satisfaction was completely suppressed by him. Even the gaze mentality of these practitioners who viewed the world from a high level before is also After being completely put away by him, Luo Xiu really couldn't describe it in words. At that time, there was something wrong in his mind, and he didn't even feel his thoughts. It was completely wrong.

Now he needs to think about a lot of things, such as his future practice, his next situation in the Qianshan Sword Sect, and his own personal settings. After all, he is a spiritual genius, so some things are actually true. It was not easy to operate, especially when he discovered that the system in his mind could not help him much in this world. Luo Xiu knew that he had to rely on himself next. Thinking of this, Luo Xiu It was also helpless.

Compared with the previous situation, he now does not feel any surprises about his identity, but the only thing Luo Xiu must take seriously is how to quickly improve his own strength in order to meet his genius personality. It's just that Luo Xiu has been thinking hard for a long time, and there is no good way, even if he understands in his heart, this is not a problem that can be solved in a short time!

Especially when he is not familiar with the practice system of this world, many things can only be done step by step. This makes the lie that Luo Xiu lied before and the memory that Shangguanhong read has some omissions, but still Fortunately, he was more fortunate that he had asked to use the innate spirit treasure of the 12-Rank Qingliantai. If he hadn't asked for this, then his genius status he described before might really be exposed.

But even so, the current Luo Xiu can clearly feel that he is actually too far from truly integrating into this world. Recently, he discovered that before his soul has completely transformed, he wants to change to the practice of this world. It’s just wishful thinking, because whether it’s refining qi and blood or refining qi and transforming spirits, they must have extremely powerful control. Where does the powerful control come from? Only when the soul power in your mind is strong can you do this. .

Thinking of his previous thoughts, the current Luo Xiu could only smile helplessly, and at the same time reflected it. After this previous thinking, Luo Xiu found that he had fallen into a big misunderstanding. He still thought everything was too simple before. , The strength of the soul power, where is it so easy to improve, even if you have a nine-color soul body, but in a very short time, you can double your soul power, which is simply unrealistic, so the current Luo Xiu was so entangled, he didn't know what to do next to avoid errors.

Combined with what happened to him after he came out of the residence of the three elders, it is enough to prove that Luo Xiu's worry is not unreasonable. At least, he can be sure at this moment, even if he succeeds in joining the Qianshan Sword Sect. But wanting to obtain the fundamental cultivation method of the Qianshan Sword Sect is absolutely wishful thinking. Even Luo Xiu is sure that his origin may cause endless troubles in the future. When he thinks of this, Luo Xiu feels it. Things are tricky.

With his own experience during this period in his mind, Luo Xiu also sighed! He is still an underestimate of the world, so much so that he is now at the point where he is constantly monitored. Although he is not reconciled in his heart, he also knows that this may be the problem he needs to solve next.

Although still somewhat imperfect, Luo Xiu also knew that he could not act too hastily. Everything must be based on his own safety. There is the Devil Emperor and they are in front to attract hatred. He believes that he has time to lay out everything!

And judging from the fact that he has received more information about the world and the world situation, it is clear that the two forces of Qianshan Sword Sect and Donglin Academy are not as united as he imagined, even more. Needless to say, the various philosophical differences between the two powers have caused them to treat worldly mortals very differently, and the two are not on the same channel at all.

And this gives Luo Xiu a lot of room for manipulation. At the very least, he can calmly deal with various suppressions from the Qianshan Sword Sect. This is not because Luo Xiu is unreasonably worried, but it may happen to him next. With regards to his body, he still has to find a way to get the twelfth grade Qingliantai, because only in this way can he solve the fundamental problem of the small world in his body from the root cause!

Although this is difficult, Luo Xiu is confident that with a little manipulation, he can borrow the twelfth-grade Qinglian Platform. After all, this thing has already been refined by the Qianshan Sword Sect. Borrowing the power of Lingbao, you can assist yourself in the conversion of the practice, suppressing the devilishness that may occur when the conversion is performed, and the twelfth-grade Qingliantai has the effect of calming and calming the spirit, and also has the power to suppress all the world This is another reason why Luo Xiu is eager to see this innate spirit treasure after he knows the twelfth-grade Qinglian Platform!

Because this thing is very helpful to Luo Xiu. At least all the treasures on his body are added together. Although the killing power is too much, it is all aimed at the innate spirit treasure of the killing and killing type. Of these spirit treasures, it's okay to use one of them to kill hundreds of millions of people, but when it comes to protecting and defending, it's really a bit unsatisfactory.

Luo Xiu had never thought about defense before. He did everything with offense instead of defense. After all, there is a saying that the best defense is offense, but now the situation is that he must need one. Powerful treasures come to suppress the cultivation base that is about to riot. This is the conclusion that Luo Xiu came to after pondering over and over again. What is now before him is not the coming **** wind, but what Luo Xiu needs to consider is , How to steal a lotus seed from the twelfth-grade Qingliantai under the eyes of the powerhouses.