Technology Communication System

Chapter 175: opportunity

On the same day, when the people of the Demon Cult were waiting for rescue, Luo Xiu also got into huge trouble here. After he paid the price of five top-quality defensive spirit weapons, he caught the five element spirit objects here without any risk, even though he was here. He didn't come across the horrible scalp attack encountered by the people of the Heavenly Demon Cult, but the loss this time was so huge that he felt distressed for a while. ㈧『ΔΔ㈠Chinese website Ww*W. 8⒈Zw. After COM especially grasped the heaven and earth spirits here, the feeling of distress in Luo Xiu's heart became stronger.

The five-element spirit thing that fell in his hand is a metallic heaven and earth spirit object. Although it is also a great help to him, Luo Xiu still feels a little pity. You should know that he had placed great hopes before. By obtaining the heaven and earth spiritual objects here to improve his cultivation, it’s just that the system says it’s just a metallic heaven and earth spiritual artifact, which can only be used for forging weapons, washing sword intent, etc. This is not very attractive to him. Up.

"It's a pity! It's just a metallic five-element spirit creature, and it won't be of great help to the host. But the host should not be discouraged. In addition to the heaven and earth spirit creatures here, according to the system's inference, there should be five more places. In the same place, according to the principle of the five elements of Taoism, yin and yang should still exist. Once the host has gathered the five elements of heaven, earth and the five elements and the two qi of yin and yang, these refined qi can be refined into the host's body to definitely increase the volume of the chaotic qi ." The system saw that Luo Xiu was a little upset about this, so he comforted.

"Of course, if the host wants to do what the system said before, he must start acting immediately. Otherwise, if the five-element spirit objects in a certain position are obtained by anyone else, they will not be polite to these five-element spirit objects. Yes, if one of these items is eaten by someone, the host will lose an opportunity to quickly improve his cultivation level." The system saw that Luo Xiu was still thinking there, so he would face what he was about to face. Difficulty, I told him roughly.

"Then how do I know where in this world the other five-element spirits are at this time? Besides, it has been more than two days since the collapse of the Great Array. I don't know if it will be too late. No matter how fast it is, it will take a lot of time for me to collect these five-element spiritual objects." Hearing the system's statement, Luo Xiu was a little anxious in thought, and he asked a little eagerly.

"The host doesn't have to worry about collecting the five element spiritual things at this time, because the host already has the same five element spiritual things in his hands. As long as the host collects these five element spiritual things in turn according to the principle of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and the five elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining, I believe At that time, the host will understand why this system says this. In addition, the system has already calculated the specific locations of the remaining five-element spirit objects, and then they will be sent to the host computer of Orchid. After that, we just need to follow Look for them one by one in order. I believe that in the present time, the remaining five-element spiritual objects should be found. Even if they are obtained by others, they will not easily use this kind of heavenly material and earth treasure for a while. I believe As long as the host has enough patience and luck, he can always find the five element essence that can increase the amount of chaos.

In addition, the host can also send a message to your division. Now the formation is almost completely collapsed. Taking advantage of the current kung fu, it is time to expand his territory in the overall situation. Especially when the Tianyi tribe’s population is declining rapidly at this time, they are also occupying such a wealth of resources and environment at the same time. For you cultivators, many places on this planet at this time are simply a treasure! If you want to take the lead, this is the best time to let your master let your hands and feet do it. On this planet, as long as we want to take down things, there are almost no problems, especially Now we have reached an offensive and defensive alliance with Huangquan Demon Sect, and the relationship between life and death is inseparable, which means that in the future, everyone will be in the same boat, and there will be no conflict of interest between each other for the time being. The demon's shrewdness, in this situation in front of him, would never conflict with Qiantian Palace. "The system explained a lot in detail, and then in the end, the system's voice and tone changed suddenly, full of impenetrable aura, and Luo Xiu felt surprised by what he said.

"The system, how do I feel that you have changed a lot now. Ordinarily, even if you unlock some functions, you cannot have such a big change. Is there anything in the system that you hide from me, otherwise I would feel , You are full of offensive power at this time, and I have been in contact with you for so long, and I am still a little uncomfortable. Can't you hide a little bit from your changes at this time?" Luo Xiu heard the system say so, his face was strange and inexplicable Lulu, the corners of his mouth twitched, looking at the scattered sharp light ball in his hand, he was very speechless.

"Now on this planet, the power of the original formation of the nine heavens and ten heavens has disappeared from the suppression of space. Now Orchid can use the space folding technology to hurry, plus any weapon carried by this system, Can easily destroy this planet. Then there is nothing to worry about in this system. The host can do whatever he wants with confidence in the future. If there is any trouble, this system will help the host to solve it. It can be said that everyone in the future , It depends on the host’s face.” The system was very disdainful of Luo Xiu’s words and spoke disapprovingly and told Luo Xiu his thoughts again. Luo Xiu was embarrassed when he heard it. He didn’t know until today The original system is still just adolescence.

"That is to say, the reason why you were so low-key before made me dare not to high-key, just because there is something here that can restrain your ability. Now the nine heavens and ten earth seals have been broken, suppressing the **** between heaven and earth. The force is also eliminated, so that we can use the spacecraft’s jump ability more easily. Is the strange spaceship from Qingyun Da 6 still abnormal? Is that strange spirit boat a little more advanced than our spaceship? I also showed a big doubt in your system introduction before, since this planet The **** of the above has been eliminated, and the Leviathan of the Zerg can also enter our planet through the ability of space jump, then is it not very dangerous here." Hearing the system so rampant, Luo Xiu did not There was not a trace of excitement, but the biggest doubt in his heart. He was very curious about the kind of space folding technology carried by Orchid, knowing that it was a hundred times more powerful than teleport, a very abnormal transition ability.

With the existence of this kind of technology, Luo Xiu can return to his sect in an instant no matter where on this planet, it is even more abnormal than some long-distance space transmission.

"Now the host can rush to the place where the next five-element spirit is. You must know that once this thing is born, it will cause great turmoil. A little carelessness can cause tens of thousands of people to fight. The host should rush as soon as possible. It's wonderful. If you can get it quietly, it will be a safer and more secure way.

Now here, only the most core thing is still useful, but for the host, the effect is not too great, because with the existence of the system, what the host wants to get at this time becomes easier. . "While Luo Xiu was a little stunned, the voice of the system rang again, urging him to hurry up to the place where the next five-element spiritual creature was. (To be continued.)