Technology Communication System

Chapter 183: Ruthless

"Is it that I can only face these things in front of me passively, can't I think of a way to turn passive into active? System, I have decided, this time I must find a way to kill Wang Yunfei anyway!" Luo Xiu thought carefully. If he thinks about the system, he feels very aggrieved, and once again looked up at the group of people who were fighting in front of him, Luo Xiu gritted his teeth and said with hatred. ㈧┡㈠Chinese "『网WW%W. Ω8⒈Zw. COM

"No! No! No! Wang Yunfei can't die for the time being. This system has scanned this person's body just now. As expected, Wang Yunfei has refined the yin and yang two-attribute heaven and earth spiritual things, if he died at this moment. , The host simply cannot refine the yin and yang qi that escapes from his body after his death. As a result, our previous idea of ​​relying on the heaven and earth and five element spirits to combine the yin and yang to strengthen the host’s chaotic qi becomes impossible Is the host willing to do so?" The system directly rejected Luo Xiu's words. Moreover, what he said made Luo Xiu a little dumbfounded. After a person died, the yin and yang in his body could be absorbed by himself again. These words made Luo Xiu feel a bitter chill.

"Aren't you?! Even if my cultivation level hasn't been improved, I don't want to refine the so-called yin and yang two qi from the dead!" After hearing the system's words, Luo Xiu directly defended.

"We will not move for the time being, first look at the situation in the field before making plans, and the system has just detected that other people are moving here, just because they are still too far away, the system is temporarily unable to determine what is coming. People?" The system ignored Luo Xiu's objection and changed the subject.

"I have already said that you will not be the opponents of the old man and others, and you will continue to be strong. Who is still unsatisfied now? The old man doesn't mind letting him try the old man's methods again. What the old man said just now is true. The Heavenly Demon Sect is now turned into a soft-footed shrimp by your so-called saints.” Just as Luo Xiu and the system were discussing how to escape, the battle not far away was also decided, and Wang Yunfei took the Heavenly Demon alone. The five elders who taught were all down.

"Daochang Xue, please calm down!" While Wang Yunfei was looking coldly at the crowd of the Heavenly Demon Cult, a young monk in the crowd whispered something to the two people around him, then smiled and walked out of the crowd, and directed at Wang Yunfei deeply. After saluting, this person directly told some of the things they had encountered before, and also explained the strangeness of the formation above the valley.

Then this person cast a wink at the other fellows, and the rest of the Tianma Cult crowd rushed up and helped up the five elders who had fallen on the ground. It's just that in this chaotic crowd, no one has two very long and very delicate bugs, which disappeared into the ground in a flash.

"How about it, Zhao Tianlin, did the old man say that you are soft-footed shrimps, did you criticize the wrong person? It would be better to cooperate honestly before, and you won't suffer from this meal. Huh?" Wang Yunfei said just now. Halfway through, then he turned around abruptly, his sharp eyes looking to the southeast. There is a group of people flying close to this valley. It can be seen that even with the suppression of the formation force, Wang Yunfei's spiritual sense can reach for more than two kilometers, and it is no wonder that Luo Xiu was easily found by him just now.

"System, someone is coming again, who is it, do you know?" Following Wang Yunfei's gaze, Luo Xiu also vaguely saw a group of people flying here.

"It’s not a person from the Celestial Demon Cult. The incoming person has a strong fire aura in his body. The host just waits for a good show. For the time being, let’s watch the changes first, but after this group of people come, your chances of escaping will be even smaller. ." The system directly told Luo Xiu the identity of the person who came down. It was the person of the Agni sect who had been mentioned by both parties before.

Luo Xiu became even more puzzled about the system, so he couldn't help but ask: "Why do I have a smaller chance of escape after this group of people came?"

"There is a master in this group, a master with a very high level of cultivation. Based on the information fed back from the energy detection system of this system, this person's cultivation base must be higher than that of Wang Yunfei. Wait for the three parties to gather. Together, if the three parties constrain each other, they won’t be able to fight at all. The host’s plan to fish in troubled waters will definitely fall through. Unless..."

"Unless what? Don't talk half way, OK!" Luo Xiu hurriedly asked with some gritted teeth when he heard the system's words.

"Of course, the Heavenly Demon Cult also has level powerhouses here!" The system explained.

"Even if the Heavenly Demon Sect has a master, it is unlikely that the three parties will fight." Luo Xiu was noncommittal about the system.

"The host can think about it. The most powerful forces in the entire southwestern region are these three sects. The Changchun Palace and the Fire Sect are both righteous sects, and there is a natural foundation for cooperation between these two forces. Having survived in the gap between these two factions for so many years, if there are not a few top powerhouses in the sect, this system will absolutely not believe it. In this way, wait for the demon sect to actually dispatch the top powerhouses, then come. People must be able to easily suppress the combination of Wang Yunfei and the master of the Fire Sect." The system analyzed Luo Xiu.

"The **** Blaze Sect, isn't it a good time to come?" At this time, Wang Yunfei also discovered that the people were those of the Blaze Sect. He breathed a sigh of relief and said cursingly.

Wang Yunfei couldn't think of it, the first to show up here was the people of the Demon Sect. However, the people who drove away the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Changchun Palace were members of the Blazing Fire Sect, but they were more tragic because they misestimated the weirdness of this place, and almost even the saints of their own sect were named here.

"Hey, Niubi, how come you are still alive? Looking at your old boy's temper, can this group of devil boys offend you again?" Just as Wang Yunfei was a little frustrated, a rough, loud man's voice suddenly sounded. In the field. This person's voice is very loud and loud, and Luo Xiu just guessed this person's character as soon as he listened. Because it can be clearly heard from the tone of his speech that he has no hostility towards everyone present.

"You Lie is ruthless and still alive and well, how could Pang Dao die one step ahead of you! What are you doing here? Just now I have already separated from the people of the Demon Cult. This place is now owned by my Changchun Palace." Wang Yunfei didn't catch a cold with the man's words, so he choked back.

"Niubizi, you still have such a temper. Three thousand years ago, the old man said that this place is the sphere of influence of the fire sect. At the beginning, the demon sect only dared to argue with us a little. Now the formation here is broken, The three factions of you and me, do you have to do it again?" The man known as Lie's merciless, heard Wang Yun's words from Wang Yunfei not angry at all, and said with a smile.

Then everyone's eyes flickered, and a figure appeared in front of them. This person looks ordinary, only his eyes are surprisingly big. The whole person is more than 1.9 meters tall and his muscles are knotted. He stands there like a mountain standing quietly in front of everyone.

"Master Lie Ruqinglie, what are you doing here? Don't tell the old man, there are disciples under your school who are trapped here." Seeing Lie's ruthless figure appearing in the court, Wang Yunfei curled his lips and couldn't help but remember. Zhao Tianlin laughed at what Zhao Tianlin said before.

"Hey, how did Brother Xue know? But Brother Xue didn't say something right. There are indeed no disciples trapped inside in our church, but thirty-two people died here!" At the end, his face was as usual. Di Lie was ruthless and gloomy.

"Haha!" Wang Yunfei only had these two words for Lie's ruthless words. He coughed dryly and changed the subject. : "Lee is ruthless, Grand Master Lie, we are now discussing how to break the formation in front of us. The trash of the Demon Sect has been attacked for almost two hours, with no effect. Are we going to discuss how to make the formation? The law is broken. As for the things in the formation afterwards, you and I have your own skills?"

"Okay! That's it!" Lie's ruthless voice just fell.

A soft girl sounded in the scene: "Two good Yaxing, Xue Daochang, who gave you the courage to hurt the elder of my demon sect, you really don’t know if your Changchun Palace is still the Changchun Palace three thousand years ago!" This voice is very soft and moving. .

"Why is this demon girl here!" When Wang Yunfei heard this voice, he secretly swallowed his saliva, couldn't help cursing, and then looked at Lie Ruqing not far away. (To be continued.)