Technology Communication System

Chapter 184: Witch Qin Youyou

"This is troublesome!" Seeing Wang Yunfei's gaze, Lie ruthlessly smiled at Wang Yunfei, and said in a low voice: "Be careful, little ancestor is here!" Then Luo Xiu saw that, with With his voice, everyone present was like a cat stepping on its tail, hurriedly backing away. "㈧Δ㈠" in ΔWenwang WwんW.ん 8⒈Zw. COM

"How can Miss You You have leisure time to come here?" Wang Yunfei said respectfully, but his eyes fixed on the thirty-odd people of the Heavenly Demon Sect, especially the young monk who spoke to accompany him just now. At that time, he was like a dead person in Wang Yunfei's eyes. If it weren't for the timing, Wang Yunfei would have the urge to kill him directly.

"Why can't the little girl come here? If it wasn't for the disciples of my sect to confide in the news, this girl would not know that your group would be so unscrupulous. Xue Yiyang, you are brave enough to even dare to hurt my Heavenly Demon Cult. The five elders of the elders, it's really hard to be bullied by this girl!" The woman named You You came up and directly confronted Wang Yunfei, who is Xue Yiyang.

"This...Miss Youyou, I have already been cleaned up by you last time, and I absolutely dare not do anything to your disciple." At this time, Wang Yunfei changed his arrogant and domineering temper before, and some only pointed at this figure. The enchanting, plump beauty said in a low voice.

"You bastard, come here. If this girl grabbed you last time and scolded you badly, I don't know which horn you would hide in." This woman didn't notice everyone else. Weird gazes, each one wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and Wang Yunfei, who heard what she said, looked so ugly and ugly at this time, but he dared not make it.

"Yoyou, I was wrong, I was really wrong, can it depend on the relationship between you and me in the past, let me go, I really did not care about them, you can see that they only suffered a little trauma , I didn’t want to treat them at all? Besides, I still need some dignity as a leader of the faction? Can we communicate slowly in private.” Wang Yunfei’s face turned pale at this time. Because now those people look at him more and more weird.

"What's the situation?" Luo Xiu couldn't speak, but he could still hear him. Seeing Wang Yunfei's performance at this time, he couldn't help asking the system in his mind.

"Hey! This is the interesting thing the system said to you last time. If we go late, we won’t see it. As a result, we ran into the group of Qingyun University 6 on the way, so we also delayed to see. It’s a lively opportunity. How about it? It’s very fresh. You have to know Wang Yunfei, but people from the earth world, we practice equality between men and women. Just such a person from the earth federation who advocates freedom can also be This woman is so crushed, we can see how powerful this woman's wrists are." The system was also there to explain to Luo Xiu gleefully.

"Hey, it's quite funny! I just don't know why this elder Wang is afraid of her, so afraid of being such a face. After all, this woman is quite pretty." Luo Xiu was not as malicious as guessing in his heart, but He was just a little curious.

"Regarding this matter, this system does know some of the inside stories. Just now, this system discovered the energy attributes in the two people's bodies through the energy detection system. They are very similar. Through the energy attributes, it can be clearly judged that the two have had physical intercourse~ Together, it can be seen that the relationship between the two is extremely close. As for the scene in front of you, it may be because of love and hatred." Listening to the system's explanation, Luo Xiu suddenly realized, and at the same time felt amusement in his heart.

"Why you bastard, you dare to do it and you dare not admit it, right? This girl is not afraid of the late festival. What are you afraid of? Who took the initiative in the first place? It's useless to talk softly to me here. If it wasn't for this girl who ran tens of thousands of miles to chase you, how could you let you slip away, and you would give this girl a try, why didn't you run?" Hearing Wang Yunfei's words, this yoyo The young lady sneered directly, and made her relentless speech clear. It's just that she didn't notice. As her words came out, everyone present looked strange and weird. At the same time, Lie Ruqing also looked at Wang Yunfei with a strange expression, and then at Qin Youyou.

"This and that... hey! I said it was just an accident that time. I was injured so badly. You have to chase me. There is no way I can make this. Who can think of me? I was overcast by someone, okay. If you weren’t chasing me and killing me, how could I run so far? Besides, I’ve been hiding so deeply. You still want to find me, and then something goes wrong. Can’t blame me completely, right?” It may be that he is very experienced in dealing with this woman. Wang Yunfei’s words are becoming more and more reasonable. He picked himself up clean and looked like he was also a victim and he was also very injured. All of the people present, whether they are from the Blaze Sect or the Heavenly Demon Sect, even the people from the Changchun Palace have a weird expression.

"The system, I seem to understand! Why was Wang Yunfei injured so badly in the first place, but he can still recover in such a short time? The feeling is that this woman helped him heal?" At this time, even Luo Xiu understood. After the entanglement, he also looked strangely at the two people who were arguing in front of him.

"Probably this should be the case, but there must be other things we don't know about, but looking at the situation today, the chances of the host's escape may be much greater. It depends on whether the young lady is powerful. "The system also nodded and agreed with Luo Xiu's point of view, and at the same time, he also analyzed from the other side whether this matter had any impact on Luo Xiu.

"Sure enough, none of the men are good things." Upon hearing Wang Yunfei's defense, the lady Youyou's expression turned cold, and she said coldly, and then looked at all the men present with a cold gaze. Because of this incident, almost all the men who came here were male monks, only Qin Youyou and a female disciple of the Fire Sect were here. Almost everyone was scolded by her with such a voice, and they all felt a little ugly, but at this time, seeing the woman's appearance at this time, no one dared to go up and defend her without opening his eyes. Even if the cultivation base is not weaker than Qin You You's ruthlessness, his face is unpredictable at this time, and the whole person stands there watching his nose and heart.

"Well, this girl is here today, not to quarrel with you. We will talk about our affairs later. Let me talk about your wounding of these elders in my teaching." Qin You You also knew that It was not suitable to talk about the relationship between her and Wang Yunfei, so he turned the topic off, and said directly to Wang Yunfei.

"I really didn't think about them. If you didn't look at them, at most they suffered a bit of skin trauma, and it was not my first shot, or Zhao Tianlin took the initiative to attack me, I only gave them a little lesson. "When Qin Youyou said this, Wang Yunfei also quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly explained what had just happened. He didn't dare to let the group of people from the Heaven Demon Sect take the initiative to speak, if she knew about it, he just ridiculed the matter of the Heaven Demon Sect After that, the inconsistency will be cleaned up this time.

"This girl doesn't believe you, Zhao Xu, are you here to tell grandma what happened?" Qin Youyou waved his hand and interrupted what Wang Yunfei had to say, and then looked at the young man. He was the young man who took the initiative to apologize to Wang Yunfei and took the initiative.

"Yes!" Zhao Xu directly ignored Wang Yunfei's murderous eyes and replied respectfully. (To be continued.)