Technology Communication System

Chapter 185: Tear C war

"What to look at! Let's go!" Seeing Wang Yunfei's face and looking at Zhao Xu sharply, Qin Youyou's pair of Danfeng glanced at him and said directly to him. ㈧㈠Chinese website www"W. 8⒈Zw. The COM choked Wang Yunfei with a dry cough, and had to leave her in anguish. Of course, before leaving, Wang Yunfei's eyes still looked very badly at Zhao Xu who was about to speak.

"It's probably like this... Because of this, Uncle Zhao took the initiative to attack Elder Xue, and there is nothing to say about the following things. The injuries on their bodies are not as serious as they seem. That's it." Zhao Xu briefly talked about what happened, and finally did not forget to say a good thing for Wang Yunfei. It’s just that as he said more and more, Qin Youyou’s face became uglier, especially when he heard Wang Yunfei taunting the entire Celestial Demon Sect, the woman’s cold screaming eyes looked directly at Wang Yunfei, look He had a numb scalp, couldn't help but shiver, and took two steps back angrily.

"Okay, I know, you should withdraw first." Qin Youyou didn't do it for the first time, first glanced at everyone present, then waved his hand to make Zhao Xu to withdraw, and gave a light command. One sentence.

"Elder Xue Yiyang Xue Da, what do you have to say now, I don't know if the Demon Sect is my teacher, are you impatient to live? If you want to die, tell this girl, this girl will definitely satisfy you. "Then Qin Youyou once again looked at Wang Yunfei standing on the side, with a cold tone and a very ugly face, and at the same time directly shouted at Wang Yunfei.

"Absolutely not. At the time, I was just habitually dictated and couldn’t help it. Besides, this matter is indeed as I said. Didn’t you ban people from discussing it? I just exaggerated the result of the matter. Let’s talk about the formation. They have been bombarded for more than three hours without any results. How can I show my stalwart aura if I don’t ridicule?” Seeing that Qin Youyou didn’t act excessively, Wang Yunfei After taking a long sigh of relief, I accompanied him there to explain carefully.

"Huh! What you said is light, if you are the only two of us, you can say whatever you want. The point is that there are so many people here. Why didn't you know how to converge? Do you really want me to do it with you in Changchun Palace? If the game fails, don’t forget how you promised me. If you dare to slip this time, be careful that I will kill you all over the Changchun Palace!" Seeing Wang Yunfei’s dog-like movements, Qin Youyou He didn't get angry, and choked him so much that he couldn't speak.

"Ah! Alright! This matter is here for the time being. Let's talk about it later. Now let's discuss how to deal with the formation in front of us. Zhao Xu also said just now. It is not that they did not try their best, but that they did it. The strength of the old nose was unable to break this formation. At the same time, I learned from the inside that the people in my teaching were not threatened to their lives. As for Du Xinghe and the others because of the formation, the people in the teaching did not show up. Where they are, try to see if you can contact them." Seeing Wang Yunfei on the road like this, Qin Youyou temporarily let him go. Instead, she talked about the formation, and she also hoped that Wang Yunfei could try to follow him. The disciples of Changchun Palace got in touch so that they could judge whether their lives were in danger.

"When we first came here, we had already contacted, but we couldn't get in touch, and just now there was news from the door that the soul lamps of these people in the sect have been extinguished, which means that these people in the valley have already been Dead. So our purpose here is to see what is hidden in it? These disciples of my Changchun Palace are the hope of our next generation. I lost more than 30 people at once, and the old man It really hurts!" When it comes to the topic, Wang Yunfei is also more solemn than ever before, and he also tells the truth.

"Then you threatened the old man just now..." It seemed that seeing Qin Youyou's performance since his appearance gave Zhao Tianlin a lot of courage. He directly followed Wang Yunfei's words and revealed the fact that he had threatened them just now. As soon as this remark came out, the field was silent, everyone looked at Wang Yunfei, even Qin Youyou looked at it with a very unkind look.

Attracting so many eyes that wanted to kill, Wang Yunfei also shrugged helplessly. What can you do with my expression? If you owe you more, you owe more.

"Although I threatened you, the old man definitely didn't want to do anything to you. If the old man really wants to embarrass you, all of you are still alive and happily here with the old man's eyebrows." Looking at the demon teaching, these people are all looking Looking at himself unkindly, Wang Yunfei curled his lips and said with a sneer.

The reason why he was afraid of Qin You You was not because his cultivation was inferior to her, it was just a guilty conscience. These people in front of him dared to crack their teeth at him. This was absolutely something Wang Yunfei could not bear. Seeing the faces of these people in front of him, even Luo Xiu on the side couldn't help but sneer in his heart. He had a deep understanding of this Wang Yunfei, and this person was definitely not a good person. Regardless of his apparent identity, he is the great elder of the Changchun Palace and a decent leader! But this person has never done anything dirty. Because he can easily see the flash of evil spirit in this person's eyes from just a few short contacts.

"Two, let’s put aside the contradiction between the two for a while. Let’s discuss how to break the formation in front of us, and how we should deal with the contents after the formation is broken, not because of these trivial things. And hurt the peace, right? Now that the situation in the cultivation world has changed drastically, you and I and others have to work together to avoid being underestimated by human cultivators in other regions." Seeing the scene was a little embarrassing, and Lie was ruthless. He raised his head and looked up at the sky, but he hurried out to be a peacemaker. He didn't want to continue making such an unreasonable quarrel, because it would be no good for anyone.

The people of the Celestial Demon Cult have attacked this formation for more than two hours. If they continue to quarrel here, they may give this formation a chance to recover, so that they want to break the formation again, time It is bound to be even longer. None of the people on the scene are idle and painful. Everyone has a lot of things to deal with. The earlier this formation is dealt with, the more beneficial it is for everyone.

"Yes, yes, yes! Since Brother Lie said so, let's put aside our grudges and grievances, and work together to break the current formation. After the other things are broken, you and I will rely on our own skills. How?" Seeing Lie ruthlessly came out to make a round, Wang Yunfei was anxious to do so, so he hurriedly jumped down the steps. He was also a little scalp at the scene before him, because he did all the things before and wanted to find someone. I couldn't find a scapegoat, so I could only endure it silently. I just pretended to be forced to swallow so much bitter fruit now. This is no one.

"What's right?! This matter will be put on your body for the time being, and when you have time, this girl will ask you to settle the account. Now that Grandmaster Lie has spoken, let's discuss how to distribute the contents. Before, everyone from my Heavenly Demon Sect had already felt very different about this formation, now you come up to pick up the ready-made ones, do you want to give us an explanation. Especially you Xue Yiyang, if it weren’t for your blocking, it is estimated at this time The formation has been broken by the people in my teaching, what else do you have to say!" Seeing Wang Yunfei so eagerly to jump down the steps, Qin Youyou coldly snorted and spoke directly. He didn't care about the previous things anymore, and he acted like this just to fight for more benefits. (To be continued.)