Technology Communication System

Chapter 186: Patient opportunity

"Sister Yoyo, you are wrong to say that. Although you have attacked the formation in front of you before, the fact is that you did not break it. That's all. It's also because you and Brother Xue just now The contradiction between the two has been delayed for so long. Ω㈧㈠"Chinese ΔWWW.8⒈ZW.COM and the people of the Fire Sect, I didn’t have any intention to stop it. If the old man came here just now, I don’t know. How much wrongdoing these people of the Demon Cult of you have to suffer? If you calculate it like this, do you want to share more benefits with the old man." After hearing Qin Youyou's words, Lie, who was on the side, somewhat disagreed. I didn't care about Wang Yunfei's glaring expression at this time, but the reason he said really made Wang Yunfei and Qin Youyou unable to refute. The two looked at each other, and then nodded imperceptibly.

"Since we have a disagreement, it's better to be like this. The people of our three parties will first unite to break the formation in front of us. As for the things in the valley later, it will be as Xue Yiyang said at that time. After Qin Youyou and Wang Yunfei reached a consensus in private, she waved her hand and said directly to Lie ruthlessly.

"In this case, let's start!" Wang Yunfei didn't have any comments when he saw it, so he made a final conclusion.

So next, the three of them each took their own disciples to find a place to stand, and began a new round of bombardment against the formation. For a time, various magical powers and swords flew randomly throughout the field. Some people used Fulu and other methods to try to easily break the mask of the formation in front of them.

"The system, judging from their degree, how long will it take to break the formation in front of you?" Luo Xiu, who was still lying on his side, saw the scene in front of him and couldn't help but ask the system.

"Don't look at them so many people, but the efficiency is not as great as the previous bombardment. The formation in front of me is called the Wanmu Fengchun Great Formation. With their attack intensity, I want to explode in a short time. The formation in front of me is simply wishful thinking. The host is prepared, and if we have the opportunity, we will find a way to sneak in first." The system's tone was with a hint of disdain, and then quietly told him.

"What's the matter, you have a way to let me escape from here, but they still don't feel it?!" Hearing this, Luo Xiu was overjoyed and couldn't help asking the system again.

"Of course, I will lift the seal on you first. While Wang Yunfei is working hard to attack the large formation in front of you at this time, he cannot care about the movement and distractions on your side. Move quickly. Wait a minute, you do as I tell you. "The system also gave the answer very positively, and then once again told Luo Xiu to do what he ordered.

"Got it, tell me, what to do!" Luo Xiu was a little impatient with the system's words, and couldn't help asking eagerly.

The system did not speak, but the next moment, Luo Xiu felt a lightness on his body, and the abnormal energy that suppressed the flow of true essence throughout his body was easily removed. The seal of Wang Yunfei was also removed quietly, Luo Xiu did not even notice. He didn't dare to be careless, and tried his best to suppress the flow of True Essence that fettered his body, so as not to be seen by Wang Yunfei.

"What should I do next? I can't maintain this posture for a long time." After a little sensing of his own cultivation level, Luo Xiu hurriedly asked the system.

"There is an object in my storage space, you take it out now." Then an oval-shaped object appeared in Luo Xiu's mind. Luo Xiu also had a deep impression of this object. He is exactly one Three-dimensional imager.

"Wait a minute, after you take it out, immediately open it, and it will assume the posture you were lying on your side just now. Although it lasts a long time, you only have three minutes. Within these three minutes, the host must find a way. Step into the formation first.” Seeing Luo Xiu's preparation, the system hurriedly explained the function of this thing to him, and then spoke very seriously about the danger of this matter.

"At that time, this system will assist the host to break through the defense of the formation. After we go in first, this system will help the five elements, heaven and earth, and reinforce the formation. In this way, we can slightly extend the existence of the formation. After three days or so. During these three days, with the host’s ability, it should be possible to easily obtain the five-element wood attribute spiritual object. In this way, we must find a way to safely retreat from here. If it is a few days before, think To escape from here safely, this kind of thing is simply as difficult as climbing to the sky for the host. But because the nine heavens and ten heavens are ineffective, we can easily leave from here using space folding technology. Can this time The escape depends on whether the host can safely enter the formation within the next three minutes. You must not underestimate the strength of Wang Yunfei. Last time it was also because of Ji Xuewu, Clark and Magic Horn. He was seriously injured. Otherwise, Wang Yunfei could definitely escape there easily at the beginning, but after this time, the host will face his full pursuit and kill." The system urged him to threaten Luo Xiu and made Luo Xiu's heart. It also produced a sense of urgency.

"When will I act, now?" Luo Xiu nodded in his mind, and then asked with some uncertainty.

"Wait a second, although Wang Yunfei’s consciousness has not been locked to the host, he will check it every four or five minutes. Now it’s not long before his next check. When he takes back his spiritual knowledge, the host Act immediately, remember that you only have three minutes." The system emphasized again.

"I see. Don't worry. This time, you can do a lot of things in three minutes." Luo Xiu looked up at the three people standing in the void and so many people around them, facing the formation there. Fa bombarded and said firmly.

In normal times, five minutes can pass quickly. At this time, Luo Xiu stared at these scenes in front of him, but felt that time passed very slowly. He couldn't help but look around again. At the same time Once you are planning to leave here, you have to prepare what to do next, so that you can enter the formation quickly and quietly within three minutes. In his own mind, after thinking about it repeatedly, Luo Xiu let out a long sigh of relief and concentrated on preparing again, waiting for the time to come.

Suddenly, he felt a powerful sense of spirit, locked his body once again, Luo Xiuji was busy holding his breath and relaxed, and he did not dare to make any abnormal behavior. It was like two or three minutes later, Wang Yunfei's **** Consciousness, still cruising back and forth by his side, and checking the abnormal condition of his body from time to time, scared Luo Xiu hurriedly to make the system fake the appearance of his body imprisoned.

With the passage of time, five minutes, ten minutes, half an hour, and one hour passed slowly, but Wang Yunfei's spiritual consciousness never left his body, causing Luo Xiu to scratch his head anxiously, but he was helpless.

Let alone whether he can beat Wang Yunfei, it's just these people in front of him who come out at random, and his cultivation base is stronger than him. Not to mention that at this time, there are still two powerful existences comparable to Wang Yunfei. Fortunately, the other two have no regard for his existence. Otherwise, three people will take turns using divine consciousness to monitor all his actions, Luo Xiu This time it is definitely doomed.

"Hoo~ I finally withdrew!" I don't know how long it has been. When Luo Xiu was a little impatient, the divine consciousness locked on him suddenly withdrew. Luo Xiu let out a long sigh of relief, daring not to neglect, and hurriedly began to act. He didn't know when Wang Yunfei's consciousness would begin to lock his body next time, so he had to act immediately.

Luo Xiu quickly took out the stereo imager in the storage space, and then turned it on. Then he flashed, teleported to the front of the array mask, and at the same time used a picture drawn by his master. Interest symbol.

"System, fast! Fast!" Luo Xiu kept urging the system in his mind. (To be continued.)