Technology Communication System

Chapter 187: Escape safely

"Host, please be patient and wait for one minute and thirty-two seconds. The interest-trapping symbol used by the host can ensure the host's safety and will not be discovered by them. The host’s luck is good enough, even after they break through the formation, Wang Yunfei will not find anomalies there unless he personally goes up to check it. The stereo imager transformed with this system can easily fool the monk’s **** Consciousness." The system didn't care about Luo Xiu's panic, but comforted it.

"You also said that it was just good luck, what if he couldn't drive forward to check, and didn't you just say that there is only a three-minute chance?" Although Luo Xiu believed in the system, he couldn't help but ask. Dao, after all, he had heard the system say before that he only had three minutes.

"At this moment and then, this system did not remember that the host has such a powerful talisman. If this is the case, the host can easily enter the formation without causing anyone's attention." The system gave it. The explanation made Luo Xiuchang breathe a sigh of relief, and then he relaxed himself, slowly waiting for the system to do it.

"You don't turn on the formation right now and let me in, one minute and thirty-two seconds! If it is really revealed by Wang Yunfei, this time it will be specified that there will be no life." Luo Xiu saw that the system could not be opened and entered The passage of the formation method, a little impatient, couldn't help but urge again.

"Now the system is trying its best to analyze the internal structure of this formation. The host does not want us to rush into it after entering. If we touch a killing formation, the host has thought about the consequences, although there is no wood-attributed heaven and earth spiritual object. What a powerful offensive power, but the host must be careful. After entering, you must close your pores all over your body, hold your breath at the same time, and don't take a breath." The system explained to Luo Xiu again, and at the same time solemnly told him.

"What's the matter, why should I close the pores of the whole body and cannot speak and breathe in it?" Luo Xiu felt very puzzled by the system's instructions and couldn't help but ask. He was very puzzled, didn't it mean that the wood-attributed heaven and earth spirit creatures did not have the slightest attack power, why the system was still so nervous.

"You heard the conversation between the three of them just now. How did those people of the Fire Sect die? This system can clearly tell the host that they died in the hands of the wood-attributed heaven and earth spirit creatures. As for how they died, The host can imagine that although the wood-attributed heaven and earth spirits do not have any attack power, they can control the growth of plants, even if the plant seeds are in the monk’s body, even if there is a barrier from the gods, they cannot isolate the five elements from the seeds. In this way, it is self-evident how these people died. The host can imagine a tree, or many trees growing out of a person’s body, and it makes you feel more The creepy thing is that the wood-attributed heaven and earth spirit creatures can manipulate the seeds of plants to absorb the true energy in your body for growth. Then, tut, the host can imagine that once it plants the seeds of plants in your body, the consequences will be. .." The system didn't say what the consequences would be, but Luo Xiu just thought about what the system said and couldn't help getting goose bumps all over his body.

"In this way, those people who died in it before were also planted for the same reason as seeds. Listening to their conversation just now, wouldn't it be that at least sixty or seventy people died in this valley? Tsk tsk, if it was me too If I have such a powerful ability, there will be nothing I can do in the future." Hearing what the system said, Luo Xiu couldn't help fighting a cold war, and then asked with a whisper.

"Although the idea of ​​the host is very good, it is extremely impractical. Let’s not say whether you can refine this wood-attributed heaven and earth spirit thing. Just want to control the plant, you must have a powerful cultivation base, but the host is now What's the cultivation base?" Regarding Luo Xiu's reverie, the system directly poured cold water on him without mercy.

"Okay, go in immediately, otherwise, they will show their feet in a while. This group of people are attacking this formation. If there are any omissions in this formation, they will sense it immediately. You'd better go in immediately." Just as Luo Xiu was about to start talking again, the voice of the system suddenly rang in his mind, Luo Xiu didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly stepped into the formation.

"Huh~ I finally came in, it's really dangerous, this time I almost lost my life. System, what should we do next?" Luo Xiuchang breathed a sigh of relief after entering, and then said cursingly.

"Please wait for the host first, and put your hand on the mask of the formation. This system needs to reinforce the formation. In this way, it can last longer. Otherwise, the host will not be able to complete its previous plan. , The formation was blasted. Now, the five-element spirit inside still doesn’t know the fact that the host has entered, we must be careful not to startle the snake, otherwise, once the host reveals the deeds, then we will give up all previous efforts." I told Luo Xiu, the system saw that Luo Xiu had placed his hand on the mask of the formation, and then stopped talking, and hurriedly began to strengthen the formation.

At the same time, Wang Yunfei's consciousness once again swept towards Luo Xiu's location. Fortunately, Luo Xiu didn't delay at all, otherwise, his escape plan this time would be affected. Wang Yunfei was also idle and bored, and had to continue to lock his divine consciousness on Luo Xiu's body.

"Who the **** is this kid on the ground? Why do you just scan your mind after a while? Is he important?" Wang Yunfei once again withdrew his mind and was about to continue his hand movements when suddenly a beautiful figure appeared on him. In front of him, asked faintly. At the same time, his finger pointed to the place where Luo Xiu was lying.

"It's an enemy's disciple, the old man hasn't figured out what to do with him yet!" Seeing that it was Qin Youyou, Wang Yunfei was a little relieved, and then directly made up a lie. He didn't dare to let Qin You You know the identity of Luo Xiu in front of him, making the excuse that he was the enemy's disciple. In this way, he also wanted to avoid being questioned again.

"Since you are the disciple of the enemy family, why should you keep him? Just kill him. Why don't you dare, don't want to bully the small, then it's okay, this girl will do it herself." Seeing that Wang Yunfei's expression does not seem to be fake , Qin Youyou glanced at him disdainfully, and then said lightly. As her voice fell, her left hand shook lightly, and an attack suddenly swung towards where Luo Xiu was.

"Hold on!" Seeing her movement, Wang Yunfei was taken aback, just about to stop with a sound, and then saw a scene that stunned him, and saw Luo Xiu who was lying there with Qin Youyou's attack. , Like a ball that was punctured by someone, suddenly disappeared in place, and at the same time an oval-shaped object was grabbed by Qin You You's hand and sucked in his hand.

"What is this thing, such a miraculous thing, that it can imitate a person's image so vividly, isn't it a picture stone?" Qin Youyou smiled and played with the thing in his hand, and then couldn't help but ask Wang Yunfei. Tao.

But at this moment, Wang Yunfei saw this thing in Qin Youyou's hand, his entire face looked very ugly, as if something had been snatched away. Others don’t know what Qin You You is holding. As a person from the Earth Federation, how could he not know what it is, and at the same time feel extremely aggrieved in his heart. Eyes, thinking about Wang Yufei also felt extremely angry and depressed. His divine consciousness swept Luo Xiu's body almost every few minutes, but he didn't expect that, just like this, he could easily escape from the place by Li Daitao, which just made him have the urge to vomit blood.

"Good boy! The escape is still so smooth, fighting with his master." But he had to answer Qin Youyou's words again, and could only perfuse.

"It's almost the thing you guessed. This should be his master's own knowledge. This kid, like his master, never gives people a chance to fight head-on. There are piles of cleverness." Wang Yunfei gritted his teeth and said. Don't mention the frustration in your heart if you violate your heart. (To be continued.)