Technology Communication System

Chapter 188: It's amazing

"Really? Seeing you look so angry, is there any other hidden facts in it? You and I have become de facto husbands and wives. Is there anything to hide this girl from? Maybe this girl has a way. I found this kid, how do I feel, how do I feel that this thing in my hand does not look like a monk's refinement, and this is not a photo-taking stone at all, right?" Seeing Wang Yunfei reacting like this, Qin Youyou was full of doubts about what Wang Yunfei said. . "㈧㈠┡Chinese┡WWW. "8⒈Zw. COM

"It's really just an enemy, don't look at this kid very face-to-face, this is the reason why I suffered such a serious injury that time, it was calculated by this kid, if it was not the last time I suffered such a severe injury, How can you be blocked by you, and there won't be such a sad thing." Seeing that Qin You You had a little doubt about this matter, Wang Yunfei hurriedly explained. At the same time, he secretly regretted that when he didn't catch Luo Xiu for the first time, he crippled his limbs. Looking at the empty ground over there, and then at the three-dimensional imager in Qin Youyou's hand, he couldn't cry in his heart. This Nima cliff is the beginning of a tragedy. Since the friction with Luo Xiu because of that thing, his life has not been very easy. First he was seriously injured by Ji Xuewu, and then blocked by Qin Youyou, and He also had some very unfavorable things with him, and now he was eaten to death by this woman, and there was no room for resistance.

"What do you mean, the girl who co-authored is dependent on you, right? The surname Xue does not follow your ugly appearance. If it weren't for this accident, this girl was almost saved by you because of your work. My life, otherwise, why would I fall in love with you like a person like a person, a ghost or a ghost. Listening to what you mean, co-authoring and having a relationship with me is still a tragic thing, isn’t it? Come on, this girl is the first time you are a bastard." Sure enough, a woman's focus is definitely not about the essence of the matter, but attaches great importance to her image in her own man's mind. Hearing Wang Yunfei's words like this, Qin You You almost wanted to tear him up directly after hearing these words.

"No! Don't think too much, what do I say, you haven't been in contact with me for much time, and we don't know each other very well, right? You always have to give the old man a buffer of time. It is really too much of this matter. Suddenly, and I couldn’t be blamed for that thing at the time, right? Who would have thought that you could chase for tens of thousands of kilometers, and I hid in the corner of the corner so far, and I could still be caught by you, grandma, you It’s simply sent to the door to make me bully, isn’t it?” Wang Yunfei said in his final tone, how flattering and flattering he was. If Luo Xiu hears the words to coax the child, he will spit on his face. , Meanwhile scolded the last sentence: "Shameless".

"That’s pretty much the same! Saying that this kid is really just an ordinary enemy of you? This girl still doesn’t believe what you say very much. I see your spiritual consciousness sweeping over there from time to time, it is not like what you said. Indifferent. And looking at your expression at this time, this person is definitely very important to you. Since he is not outside here, he must have fled into the formation. Presumably we still have a chance to catch him again, as long as you and I are careful One point, wait until the formation is broken and start directly. Forgive that kid with such a low level of cultivation, and he also specified that he can't escape your cooperation." It seems that Wang Yunfei's expression is not very good, Qin You You instead comforted.

In fact, before, Qin Youyou was still full of resentment towards her husband and Wang Yunfei, but after so long time passed, she had already thought about everything. After all, what happened at the time, when it comes to who you really blamed, you can’t talk about it. I can only blame them for the place where they did their hands. They didn’t choose the right one. Who would have thought that they were attacked by a powerful dragon and snake when they were fighting fiercely. , The two even got snake venom. And this monster beast is not an ordinary snake. Its body contains extremely powerful poison. The two of them didn't care about it at first, because their cultivation is already at the top of this world, and few things can affect it. To their sanity. As a result, after a battle between the two, they also found a strange poison in their bodies, and their bodies were hot. The result is self-evident. The two had something that shouldn’t be born. Afterwards, Wang Yunfei was even more so. Saved her cultivation. Because as the predecessor of the Celestial Demon Sect, Qin You You practiced one of the only two exercises of the Celestial Demon Sect, the Madam Heavenly Demon Da ~ Dharma. One of the biggest drawbacks of this method is that it cannot do things between men and women. But this time because of this accident, the two of Wang Yunfei had to reunite again. Fortunately, Wang Yunfei has pure Taoist zhenqi in his body. The consequences will definitely not be too good.

"Report to the two elders that just now, this formation has suddenly increased in power, and the impact of our full bombardment on it is almost invisible. According to Master Zhao Tianlin’s explanation, it is said that they have increased the formation. Defensive power. If we follow such a schedule, it will take more than three days to break the formation in front of us. Uncle Zhao asked me to ask them if there is any other good way. Otherwise, that one It takes time to wear down the defense of this formation." Just as Wang Yunfei remembered to say something, a figure fell in front of them, and he reported to them.

"How can this be? The old man has already checked when you bombarded. This formation has no means of strengthening at all. No matter who takes the shot, it is impossible to artificially increase the defense of the formation. With my defense against the wood attribute world. It’s impossible for a spiritual creature to understand it. Could it be the kid just now?!" Wang Yunfei was taken aback after hearing it, and then asked a little bit incomprehensibly, then he said something with a sudden realization, and came over. The disciple who reported did not understand what Elder Xue was saying, but Qin Youyou on the side understood what he meant.

"That kid only has the cultivation base of the out-of-aperture period, how can there be such a method? Do you look at that kid a little bit, in my opinion, it should be the thing inside that is anxious, or this girl can't figure it out. As for how to extract the energy from the nearby trees, this girl must cut down all of these trees, just thinking about it. Therefore, it will create great karma. This girl feels that it is not worth it. Since it takes three days, then Three days. By the way, you really feel that the kid did it. It shouldn't be because he has such a strong strength. Hey! By the way, I haven't asked you how to catch this kid just now?" Qin You You was a little surprised by Wang Yunfei's words, and she asked with some incredible words. Regarding Wang Yunfei’s words, she felt very puzzled. Anyway, she did not see that Luo Xiu had such a strong strength to reinforce a formation with such a huge coverage in front of her, and to extend its lifespan. Three days. If he really had such a powerful ability, he wouldn't be easily caught by Wang Yunfei, and he couldn't help but ask.

"Just now, he was hiding on the opposite side, watching people in your sect bombarding this formation. I guess he also came for the things inside. As for what he guessed, it's not convenient for the time being. Tell you." Wang Yunfei directly gave the answer to Qin Youyou's words, and also told her some of the reasons. It was just some secret information about Luo Xiu. He did not say it. He also knew about it. The fewer people, the better. And he doesn't think that even if he tells the reason to these people in front of him, they will understand it, and it doesn't necessarily help them.

"Okay, we know, you go down first, call Zhao Tianlin over, this girl has something to ask him, let everyone rest first, then everyone takes turns attacking, don't go up all at once, just keep the attack frequency. This girl still doesn’t believe it, but a dead object can still stop us for so many days.” Qin You You heard Wang Yunfei refused to explain, so he acquiesced to his words, waved his hand, The disciple who came up to report to him swung back, and at the same time looked at the valley. (To be continued.)