Technology Communication System

Chapter 189: Calculate again

"For this matter, I still hold that opinion. It must be that kid's behavior. There are some weird things on his body. After the formation is really broken, you have to be more careful. If you are sneaked by him Success, the consequences will definitely cost you a painful price. The old man was attacked by him carelessly at the beginning and suffered such severe injuries. You must not take it lightly, because as long as the attack method used by the kid, it must be It will kill people. Ω㈧㈠Ω"Chinese website www.┡8⒈ZW.COM" Seeing that person leave here, Wang Yunfei lowered his voice to explain to Qin Youyou. At the same time, his eyes shone with cold, and his tone of voice was unprecedentedly solemn.

"It's really as evil as you said? This girl is very interested in this person now. You were injured before. This girl thought about it afterwards. It was injured by a powerful magical skill. If not at that time This girl came to the door. You, the old guy, have already been so utterly stricken at this time.” Qin You You heard him say so solemnly that he couldn't say anything, so he had to change the subject and start to joke him.

The two of them were there, you talked to me, and they talked about the situation of the entire cultivation world after the collapse of the great formation. As the leaders of the two major forces, of course they have to Pay attention to this matter, and before they went to the area where Luo Xiu was located, knowing where the power gap between them and the forces there is, now there is no barrier to the formation, if the uneven distribution of the territory causes a melee, Then there will be no peace in the entire cultivation world. On this planet, there are hundreds of large and small forces. Once all the forces fight out because of territorial matters, the consequences are absolutely what they don't want to see?

"Two uncles, is there anything you called me to come over? I've already let people and two uncles pass the news about what happened just now. Why did this formation suddenly become so strong? I'm still studying , I believe I will give you a satisfactory answer soon.” When the two were chatting vigorously, Zhao Tianlin's figure appeared in front of the two and took the initiative to interrupt the conversation between the two. The intimate act Zhao Tianlin was extremely angry. You must know that Qin Youyou, as the incumbent saint of the Celestial Demon Sect, must be first-class in appearance.

"I know, tell them to go down and let them take turns attacking. You can't stop this girl for a moment. As long as you can get the things in the valley this time and return to the sect, all of you will be rewarded." Waved and interrupted. As Zhao Tianlin wanted to go on, Qin Youyou waved away the person impatiently, and at the same time fixed his eyes on the valley again.

At the same time, Luo Xiu in the formation was also prompted by the system to remove his hand from the defensive cover of the formation. He first moved his hands that he held for a long time, and at the same time looked around a little weirdly, he couldn't help but curiously asked: "I don't feel any special changes in the formation, how could you say that so you can increase it? With a life span of three days, is there anything I don’t understand?"

"The specific reason is not clear to your explanation. As long as the host knows, the energy transmission system that comes with this system is very powerful. In terms of energy use, this system is the second one. There is nothing in this universe. People dare to be the first, and you don’t want to use the powerful computing power of this system, just to increase the power of a defensive formation by three to five times, that is almost a breeze.” Hearing Luo Xiu’s question, The Wen system didn't care about it and explained it casually, and then he kept silent, and Luo Xiu was also very witty and stopped asking.

"Then how should I go now, it's like a maze, and I can't see the surrounding scene clearly. It seems that you haven't explained something clearly to me, right?" Luo Xiu still remembers the previous system's instructions and dare not speak. To speak, he had to use the divine sense and the system to communicate, and at the same time he looked at the inside of the gray formation space.

At this time, he was in a confined space that was completely filled with dense green mist. He couldn't see his fingers here, and the only place he could see clearly. With Luo Xiu's strength in the out-of-aperture period, he could only see the surrounding three meters clearly. Some things within the range, and because of the suppression of the formation, his spiritual consciousness could not get out of his body at all. If there is any sudden attack in it, Luo Xiu will not react at all. Fortunately, there is a system, so he doesn't have to worry about not finding a way out.

"The host should not rush out of the formation. The first thing the host should do is to meditate cross-legged and practice for a period of time. Because there is a strong wood-attribute heaven and earth aura in the air, this system recommends the host to practice for a while. Time, it’s better to absorb it into your own body. In this way, waiting a while can also reduce the chance of host exposure. Well, you can practice here for a long time, and we will talk about other things later.” The system directly rejected Luo. The suggestion that Xiu act immediately, and make a suggestion, let him practice here for a while.

"Well, well, I will practice here for a while, but the energy attributes in my body should be changed, otherwise, even if I absorb the wood attribute aura from the outside world, it will quickly assimilate them. Wouldn't it mean that the chances of exposure will be great, and the system you don't want us to be exposed prematurely!" Luo Xiu had to agree to the system, because in this space, he couldn't move far away from the system.

So Luo Xiu sat cross-legged on the ground, ready to obey the system's advice honestly, and start meditating. It was just not long after he had just sat down, the system stopped him from preparing to practice.

"There is bad news. I have to tell the host that this system has just monitored the conversation between Wang Yunfei and the powerful female cultivator. Through their words, the system can hear that the relationship between the two is just as the host had previously said. In other words, it is very close, and the worst news is that Wang Yunfei has begun to suspect the existence of this system on the host. At the beginning, the reason why this system came here was inseparable from Wang Yunfei’s aggressiveness. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and this person has never stopped coveting this system. Now he has a chance to get me, so any means can be used for him. The host must be careful." Hearing what the system said, Luo Xiu was still a little nervous, but after listening to him, Luo Xiu looked calm. Because when he was about to flee there, he had already thought that Wang Yunfei might guess the existence of the system. But compared to his own life, he naturally chose to take risks. Not to mention for the sake of his life, just because of the Yin and Yang two-attribute heaven and earth spirits in Wang Yunfei's body, he would have to kill Wang Yunfei because he wanted to improve his cultivation.

"I thought it was something. It was just such a simple thing. It made me a lot easier. The most terrifying enemy in the world is not the enemy on the bright side, but the enemy hiding in the dark, as long as Wang Yunfei reveals it. Horse foot, then I will have a way to deal with this person. Besides, isn’t the wood-attributed heaven and earth spiritual creature in front of me just the best item, the system should be able to forge a fake wood attribute heaven and earth spiritual creature. We will be true After getting it, when you escape from this place, let the fake out again. Once Wang Yunfei gets it, he will take the initiative to refine this thing, and then explode it. That will not only eliminate our traces, but also Eliminate Wang Yunfei completely, but it depends on whether the system can do it.” Luo Xiu didn't care at all when he heard what the system said. After that, he suddenly remembered a good idea, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Referring to the samples of metallic heaven and earth spiritual objects that have been obtained from the host, this system can simulate this energy convergence method, but it is not that simple to fool Wang Yunfei, who has been in the realm of cultivation for tens of thousands of years. Monster, the host is better not to have too much hope." The system gave a positive answer to Luo Xiu's opinion, but at the same time the system did not forget to pour cold water on him. (To be continued.)