Technology Communication System

Chapter 198: Nine Nether Water

"Why should I go out? Rather than searching aimlessly like this, it is better to follow this monster to try your luck." "㈧Ω㈠中文"" Δ网WWW.8⒈Zw.COM. You must know that monsters are very sensitive to heaven and earth. Sensitive and extremely powerful existences. Many of their living environments are cultivation treasures that mankind dreams of. As you said, this monster beast only has a distraction stage, and it can’t cause me much harm at all. But before you said that there is no monster beast that can threaten my life in this lake, then I can understand that this monster is almost the overlord inside.

In this way, the place where it lives is definitely a place with very dense aura. Under normal circumstances, the place where the aura is dense is just the best place for the survival of some spiritual things and spiritual plants. If we think about it this way, relying on this monster beast, we will have a greater chance of finding the water-attributed innate spirit creature. As long as I am careful not to be digested by this monster beast, there is nothing to worry about. . "Luo Xiu directly rejected the system's suggestion, because he suddenly remembered something very interesting.

If Luo Xiu wants to look for it bit by bit by himself, if he wants to find the water-attributed innate spirit, he still doesn’t know how long it will take to walk around these thousands of kilometers of lakes, and now he stays in the body of the monster, since It avoids the aimless search, saves time, and concentrates on using divine consciousness to check wherever he goes. Moreover, Luo Xiu could easily judge that this monster came out to search for food. I believe he would walk far away along the way, because Luo Xiu had just gone all the way to find so many places and didn't see many fish and shrimps.

"It's up to you, the host better prepare for a long-term search here!" Regarding Luo Xiu's decision, the system was non-committal, only admonishing him in a flat tone, and then stopped speaking.

"System, you have such a powerful ability, isn’t there any better way? You know, besides looking for this thing, we are also looking for the remaining two innate spirits? If we waste time looking for this innate water attribute On the body of the spiritual things, if other spiritual things are acquired by other monks afterwards, we will inevitably have to spend some hands and feet. At the same time, because innate spiritual things are rare treasures, no monk will not want to get these treasures. In addition, if the cultivation base of the person who obtained the spiritual thing is too high, such as Wang Yunfei, temporarily the host can't help them at all." Seeing that the system's response was mediocre, Luo Xiu was a little unhappy, so he spoke. Exciting generals.

"This system understands what you mean, but the things you said are really not within the scope of this system to worry about. To put it bluntly, with the ability of this system, if you want to improve the host's cultivation, you only need to If there are enough spiritual stones, and the host’s spirit cultivation base is improved, it is only the accumulation of energy. For this system, there will be no obstacles at all." For Luo Xiu’s careful thoughts, the system has not been dismantled, but He clarified his intentions indifferently.

As the system said, with the energy transmission of the system, it is really not a very difficult thing for Luo Xiu to improve his cultivation, but it consumes a little bit.

"System, you have been able to forge the true appearance of the wood-attributed innate spirit creatures before, can't you imitate the innate spirit creatures with other attributes?" Seeing that his aggressive generals did not play any role, Luo Xiu had to change the subject. As if suddenly remembering something, he spoke to the system with some excitement.

"Yes, it is possible, but there is no reference object, it is impossible to simulate it at all, and even the innate spiritual creatures simulated by this system using this method do not have the ability to improve the host's cultivation base. Of course, it is just to deceive ordinary monks. It’s still very easy to do. Hey! I said you didn’t want to take these things out to lie to others. If that’s the case, I would persuade the host to put away your little thoughts. It’s true that everyone is stupid~ After all, this kind of thing is not a moral thing.” Hearing Luo Xiu’s words, the system expressed deep contempt, and from Luo Xiu’s words, the system also clearly felt that there was something in his words, and what he was going to do. Very cautiously, he laid down his thoughts about deceiving people.

"Who told you that I want to sell the things you copied? Do you think I'm such a boring person? I'm thinking, if we are too late by looking for this water-attribute innate spirit creature. Too much time, so that the soil attributes and fire attributes we are looking for below are too late to find them, but they can be given to them by other people. In this way, we can exchange fake ones with them." Questions about the system Luo Xiu was speechless and couldn't help but speak out his plan.

"This system can only say, the host, you think too much. Any monk who has seen real innate spirits can almost tell at a glance that the one made by this system is a Xibei! But now I have bad news to tell Host." Ignoring Luo Xiu's irritable mood completely, the system gave him an answer that made him very nervous.

"What's the bad news?" Luo Xiu asked the system aloud without daring to neglect. You should know that the bad news in the mouth of the system is almost every time Luo Xiu almost died. Now when he heard him mention something bad, Luo Xiu subconsciously felt bad.

"Nowadays, there are many monks on the four sides of this lake. And looking at their clothes, they seem to come from three different sects. The most important thing is that the 37 people in the lead have the same cultivation skills as your master. , If it were not for the three forces to take care of each other, it is estimated that this lake has already been lively, the host had better move away from the body of this monster beast, speed up the search, otherwise, we can only give up looking for water Attribute innate spirit creatures, first go to other places to find the other two things.” At this time, the voice of the system is unprecedentedly serious. You must know that now is not a time for joking, so many forces have come at the same time. People, if one is not careful, Luo Xiu is likely to die here.

"Are you sure you didn't joking with me?!" Luo Xiu was shocked when he heard the system's words. You must know that when he was here by himself just now, there was no one on the edge of the lake, and the water attribute was innate. The thing is not the same as the wood-attributed innate spirit thing. It hasn't made any movement. How can so many people come here now.

"Then listen to the system, I will go out immediately, but this time, is it a bit suspicious? Apart from our knowledge of the existence of innate spiritual things, are there other sects that know such secret things?" Luo Xiuwen Hearing this, he didn't dare to neglect, and acted hurriedly, preparing to escape from this monster beast.

So he took out a flying sword from the storage ring and planned to scratch the body of the monster beast. It's just that when he was just about to do it, the voice of the system rang in his mind again.

"Wait! Isn't the host surprised? You must know that any monster has an extremely powerful digestive ability, and it has been a long time since the host was swallowed, and the host has not cast any defensive spells. On the body, the time has passed for so long at this time, and even the clothes on your body did not show any signs of decay, so you did not feel abnormal? Also blame the system for forgetting to check the weirdness of this monster before. Know any kind of creature, There is a highly corrosive digestive juice in its stomach, but there is no such thing in the body of this monster beast, and almost all of the body of the monster beast is smelly, and the host has been there for so long. , I haven't seen any abnormal behavior from you. Doesn't this explain some problems?" Seeing Luo Xiu's stunned look, the system did not rush to explain its analysis.

"What you mean is that this monster beast is fake. How could there be such a coincidence? Wouldn't you want to tell me that the monster beast that swallowed me is the innate spiritual change of the water attribute? Come?” Listening to the system’s words, Luo Xiu’s face was dumbfounded. He had the expression that you were teasing me. It gave people the feeling that he was a bit spartan. He didn’t think of the system. It would be so unreliable.

"You think too much! What this system wants to tell the host is that this monster beast is likely to be related to the innate water-attribute spiritual creature we are looking for. I never said that he is the innate water-attributed spiritual creature. It’s really transformed by that innate spiritual object. You should be the energy detection instrument of this system to eat dry food, don’t you? If that’s the case, why should I talk so much nonsense to you?” The system is so big for Luo Xiu. Very speechless.

"Don’t take any action for the time being to see where this monster beast will take you? The IQ of the monster beast in the distracting stage will never be lower than that of ordinary humans. There is no malice, otherwise, there would be no digestive juice at all." Luo Xiu was slightly surprised when he heard this, but he didn't know whether the system's words were true or not, and at this moment the monster seemed to stop. Swam.

"Why don't you leave? Is this monster beast in place?" The divine sense carefully sensed, Luo Xiu couldn't help being a little curious, because he didn't feel any changes under his divine sense.

"Well, you have to be careful!" Luo Xiu's voice fell, and the system's voice sounded in his mind, and how the voice sounded strangely.

Just before Luo Xiu could speak, he felt that his body was shaken by the body of the monster beast, and the whole person was directly squeezed out uncontrollably.

"Hey, what's the situation?" Luo Xiu was a little caught off guard, and his head was a little confused. The power at that moment was really not small. If it weren't for the third level of his Nine Rank Profound Art, I guess it would be enough just now. Took his life.

After a long trance, Luo Xiu woke up. He hurriedly used a water avoidance technique for himself. Then he took a long sigh of relief and looked around, but his eyes suddenly stared blankly. At a glance, Luo Xiu thought it was the depth of the water at first, and the light seemed a little dim. After looking carefully, it was discovered that the lake around him had become pitch black at this time, which was completely different from the clarity of the lakes in the areas he had searched before. .

"System, what's going on? Why is the water here black?" Luo Xiu looked for a while and couldn't help but ask.

"Host, it's best to leave here right away. The detection capabilities of this system can't play any role here." The system didn't tell him exactly where it was, but urged him to leave here quickly.

It’s just that he didn’t wait for him to ask why, he suddenly realized something was wrong, and the body mask supported by his water avoidance tactics was becoming dimmed, as if it would shatter in the next moment, Luo Xiu reacted immediately. The black water below is extremely poisonous!

Luo Xiu was shocked. He didn't dare to be careless. Fortunately, he reacted fast enough just now, and he displayed his defensive supernatural powers in a timely manner. Otherwise, the consequences today would definitely make him suffer. Seeing that the mask was getting dimmed, he hurriedly pulled out the body mask again, and the body mask once again made a clear "chichi" sound.

"System, what is this place, and what is the black water here? Think of a way, otherwise, my cultivation level won't last long." Luo Xiu was frightened and kept releasing water avoidance techniques. In order to keep your body from being touched by black water.

"If there is nothing wrong with the data in the database of this system, what the host sees at this time should be the legendary Nine Nether Water, which is extremely corrosive. Of course, this water is just a very strange spiritual water, and The kind of yellow spring water that the host is familiar with has nothing to do with the yellow spring water in the Huangquan Jifu. The host had better use the magical power of fire to resist, otherwise..." The answer given by the system made Luo Xiu's mouth all There was a violent twitch. If you know that it is Jiu Nether Water, he will not come even if he is allowed to come. Although this thing is precious, but sincerely speaking, it is really of little use to Luo Xiu. This Nine Nether Water The biggest use is to forge weapons, which is a taste for Luo Xiu.

"Nine Nether Water, this thing is not extinct a long time ago, why is there so much here? Looking at the environment here, it seems that there is still a lot of water here!" As he said, Luo Xiu was also more careful, seeing the defensive mask. There were signs of another breakdown. Luo Xiu quickly cast the spell and released the supernatural power of flame protection when he was frightened. This is a kind of supernatural power that Luo Xiu cultivated during the Golden Core Phase. The effect is very tasteless. If not for this today In this situation, Luo Xiu probably had forgotten his magical powers in order to study the power of the system.

"Host, have you forgotten what we are here for this time? Now that these Nine Nether Waters have appeared, it proves that there is nothing wrong with your approach just now. Didn't you think of something?" Listen When it came to Luo Xiu, the system was speechless, only to remind him.

"No, can it be a system? You mean that the innate water attribute spiritual thing I'm looking for is in this water area? Are you sure!?" Hearing the system asked like this, Luo Xiu seemed to have suddenly opened up. The whole person became a little excited. Before he was still trying to find the whereabouts of this innate water attribute, but he was really hit by mistake and was taken in the right direction by a monster. Thinking of this, Luo Xiu's heart The ecstasy can no longer be suppressed, the whole person seems to be a little crazy, dancing with excitement.

"It is almost certainly in this place. As for the specific location of the thing, the host needs to find it by himself. The detection ability of this system is greatly suppressed here, so if the host wants to find the congenital water creature, it will You have to find it yourself, and good luck to the host!" The system gave an affirmative answer, but what it said next made Luo Xiu, who had become accustomed to the help of the system, a little crazy. (To be continued.)