Technology Communication System

Chapter 212: Luo Xiu's doubts

"Made, it's finally finished, too tired! The system, do you still want to check to see if there is anything to add and modify, if there are no problems, we will return to the ground first, and then figure out, before What exactly do those words my master said?” Just as the realm of comprehension was panicking due to the internal changes in the Yuanchen Secret Realm, Luo Xiu was also on the third day of receiving the sound of his master’s soul. Things. ㈧㈠Chinese ""Wen Wang www%W. ㄟ 8⒈Zw. During the three busy days of COM, whenever he had free time, Luo Xiu would carefully think about his master's words there. Although he was also very curious about why his master said that, but because what he did was really inextricable. The body has been suppressing his inner curiosity until now, after completely idle, he asked the question in his heart.

"The host is not looking for the Five Elements Congenital Spirituality?" Although the system remained silent about Luo Xiu's thoughts, he couldn't help but persuade him. Because according to the system’s prediction, once the signal blocker is installed, the threat of the Zerg will not reach the planet Tianyuanda 6 for the time being, and Luo Xiu also overlooked one thing, that is, although the people on Qingyunda 6 once said, They are fighting the **** group of bugs, but because the universe is three-dimensional, there is no guarantee that Qingyun Da 6 and the planet Luo Xiu is on are at the same latitude. At that time, whether the Zerg can discover this planet is still a matter of two things, although the system once said that the Zerg has a magical ability for the connection between the same race. However, no one believed that if the Yuanchen Secret Realm had been closed, news would come from the mother emperor.

"I won't go for the time being, and the host is still not sure whether to use this method to improve the cultivation level, so the most urgent thing now is to figure out what the inexplicable words of my master mean? What's going on with you?" Luo Xiu had already prepared for system problems. Although it was a pity for him to give up halfway, Luo Xiu thought twice and decided to go to the Misty Immortal Palace to see his master first, and at the same time inquire with him about some recent things in the cultivation world, and then make other plans. As for the congenital spiritual things, they must be found, but because of the delays these days, the longer the time, he has no hope, after all, there are many smart people. Since he was looking for wood and water attributes, he could meet other monks, and the remaining fire and earth spirits could not avoid encountering other people's fights. Since the time is missed on both sides, then A delay of one or two days will not make much difference. After making up his mind, Luo Xiuma drove the spaceship non-stop towards the ethereal palace.

At this time, many people who spoke to the sect began to enter the ethereal palace. Although they had sent their elders to discuss matters before, everyone knew that the previous discussions were only a form, hundreds of The big forces formed an alliance for a day or two and couldn’t agree on anything at all. Now, something has happened in the Yuanchen Secret Realm, which makes the negotiation of the monk alliance become extremely smooth. This makes the big figures of many forces begin to spread ordinary letters, and then more Someone directly returned to the sect and invited someone who could take the lead.

In just three days, there have been 34 large forces and more than 50 small and medium-sized power sect masters who visited the Misty Immortal Palace. For a time, the entire Central and Southern Region was full of turmoil, especially among the many sects who came here. In these days, within a thousand kilometers of the Misty Immortal Palace, almost all forces are trying their best to show the strength of their sect.

"Uncle Xiao, I heard that my master was injured in retreat. Really? It's okay, right?" After more than half a day, Luo Xiu rushed to the Misty Immortal Palace and saw the same master at the first time. Xiao Qingyun who got up.

"It's nothing big, but it consumes too much, and I used soul transmission to talk to you, which hurt some vitality. After three days of conditioning, it's almost all right! I just went out and talked about some things with Old Demon Ren and I haven't returned. By the way, didn't your master say that you are very busy? Why do you have time to come back here to watch the excitement?" Xiao Qingyun was very surprised at Luo Xiu's sudden arrival and couldn't help but ask.

"What are you watching?" Luo Xiu was puzzled by Xiao Qingyun's ridicule and couldn't help but ask.

"You don't know, what are you doing here? Is it because my senior brother asked you to come, it's not right, here are some big people, how can you not have the turn of a junior to come here, before the ethereal fairy palace was still preparing to stay in Yuan Chen Mi is here to give you some benefits, but due to some changes in it, many younger disciples have left here, and they are staying here to wait for their masters or the elders of the sect to leave together. You Why did you come here at this time? Could it be that something happened?” Luo Xiu knew for the first time that his Master Xiao Qingyun was so talkative and his brain was so big, he was just surprised. , Why was he being asked, this matter made him very depressed.

"Stop, Uncle Xiao, stop! I'm still a little confused now, what exactly are the things you just said? Why are there changes in the Yuanchen Secret Realm, why many young disciples have left here, is there anything in it? I don't know?" Luo Xiu hurriedly interrupted Xiao Qingyun's words that he was about to continue speaking, and asked a little speechlessly.

"You kid! You didn't make a joke with me, really don't you know?!" Seeing that Luo Xiu's expression was not joking, Xiao Qingyun also put away his jokes, and asked with some solemnity.

"My disciple is not in the mood to joke with Master Uncle here. I really have something to look for my Master. Master Uncle, you should be more serious. Otherwise, be careful when I ask my Master to sue you later." Luo Xiu smiled bitterly and said to Xiao Qing Yun couldn't help but twitched at the corner of his mouth, squeezing out a ugly smile, and very speechlessly threatened his Master Xiao.

"It seems that you are really looking for your master. It is not possible for the time being, because he is arguing with a group of old monsters right now. Counting time, he should be back soon?" Xiao Qingyun saw that Luo Xiu's expression was not fake. , And then told him the exact answer, and let him go in and wait.

"Uncle Master, what happened in the Yuanchen Secret Realm that you mentioned just now? Can you tell your disciple, and whether the Yuanchen Secret Realm you just mentioned was opened three and a half days ago? Luo Xiu couldn't help asking as they walked into the room. The two walked towards the hall on foot, and along the way they met many disciples of the inner sect of Qiantian Temple. Luo Xiu was not familiar with them, so they nodded to each other.

"An extremely weird and powerful creature appeared in the Yuanchen Secret Realm. This creature resembles a bug, but their abilities are very abnormal. This kind of bug is not only very destructive to the environment between heaven and earth, And they also swallowed heaven and earth aura, and it was of that kind of destruction. Now the concentration of heaven and earth aura in Yuanchen mystery is very thin, so many people gathered together to discuss how to control this group of bugs, and Qingyun Da 6 The people above also said that they were fighting against this weird creature." Xiao Qingyun briefly explained what happened. Luo Xiu couldn't help but listen to it, a bit inexplicable. He didn't understand why he was this one. The unreliable uncle would say so.

Under the introduction of the system, the female worm in this secret realm has no ability to reproduce insects because there is no worker bee. How could it be thrown into the Yuanchen secret realm by the system in the mouth of my uncle master? That female worm actually reproduced a worker bee, and there must be something he didn't know about it.

(To be continued.)