Technology Communication System

Chapter 213: Holographic projection

"Uncle Master, are you sure you are not joking, you are telling me the truth? Hey, no, how could this kind of weird things happen, this shouldn't be, there are some weird bugs out there? This kind of thing should be impossible to produce. Unless the zergs on Qingyun Da 6 converge with the female worms here, this kind of thing will happen. Even if these worms merge together, what kind of thing is in the Yuanchen Secret Realm? The environment should not be able to meet the needs of this group of insects. You must know that the female emperor of the Zerg race breeds combat units, but the consumption of resources is very huge, and the fundamental requirement must have a very dense aura of heaven and earth. (II) Chinese website www%W.% 8⒈Zw.COM" After hearing what his uncle said, Luo Xiu's expression of constipation, he also didn't understand why his uncle said so. And what made him feel weird was that there must be something in it that he didn't know, because the whole thing in front of him revealed a strange smell.

"Boy, what do you mean? Do you mean that I lied to you? I was not the only one who saw this incident. At that time, there were many people in Yuanchen's Secret Realm. Besides, I am not free, right? I will come to lie to you, this kid. You know that there are no good things. Your uncle, I will not do it. If you really don’t believe it, your master should come back soon. You can just ask him. Pay attention to you kid! I have to leave beforehand, so you can wait here by yourself." Xiao Qingyun left here after talking, leaving only Luo Xiu in the room thinking about it, I really don’t know what’s inside. Is there any misunderstanding.

"System, how do I feel that this thing is so weird! Is there something unexpected for us? Otherwise, how could my uncle feel so emotional? Could it be the one you hid before? Did the Zerg females really breed a lot of Zerg's units?" Luo Xiu thought for a long time, still without the slightest clue, he had to ask what the system thinks.

"Host, there may be something really happening, but this matter was unexpected. Just now this system has monitored the human monks nearby. According to statistics, 80% of the people are discussing those Weird bugs that appeared inexplicably, and the reason why many people came to the Misty Palace these days is just to see. It can be seen that what your uncle said just now should still make sense. But this system seems to understand why they are people. Will say so, wait a moment, I will show you something." The system did not answer Luo Qiu’s question, but said something insignificant, which confirmed Xiao Qingyun’s words from the side, and he also Bought a pass.

Just as Luo Xiu was about to ask again, a vortex suddenly appeared in the void in front of him. This is a phenomenon that Luo Xiu has seen several times. This vortex appears very cleverly, without the slightest space. Fluctuation occurs. Then Luo Xiu's pupils shrank, and a spherical object appeared in front of him. Just as Luo Xiu was about to ask what was in front of him, the orb suddenly lit up, and then appeared in front of Luo Xiu. One scene made him unforgettable for life.

At this moment, the room where Luo Xiu was located suddenly disappeared. In his sight, countless dense zergs appeared, which made his scalp numb, and what made him even more incredible was that he could hear, see, and feel before his eyes. These insects exist, and these things can still actively bite at him. At the same time, Luo Xiu still feels a stench. If he hasn't made any movements, he just sits there quietly, if he suddenly encounters it. Luo Xiu guessed that he would be frightened by the scene before him.

"What is this? How could it be so real? And how did this smell come from?" Luo Xiu was shocked, and then he felt it carefully, and there was no energy fluctuation, so he couldn't help but ask.

"This thing is called a holographic projector, which can project any scene you see very realistically, and together with other equipment, it can project anything. It is almost the same as the virtual reality technology we have been to before. They are the same, and they can be realized very easily. What your masters might see is similar to the one I showed you just now, and the female worms of the Zerg may be more realistic." Hearing Luo Xiu's doubts, the system gave a very detailed explanation, and also expressed the puzzlement in Luo Xiu's heart.

"It shouldn't be possible. After all, there were so many people around at the time. Isn't it true that no one was abnormal?" Luo Xiu was also very surprised by the systematic explanation. Because both his master and the old demon are all masters of cultivation, how could they be so indifferent when faced with such a big mistake. What made Luo Xiu even more confused was the reaction of these people. Couldn't they even feel the changes in the spiritual energy of the world in the secret? You should know that although the Zerg race also consumes heaven and earth aura when it reproduces, the energy consumption is all the energy in the entire secret realm. There will definitely not be a region where the heaven and earth aura is very thin, because the heaven and earth aura Just like air, it will flow.

"This system doesn't know it. If it is checked by this system, it can be determined by designation. Because this system has accurate judgments for any non-energy matter, and even energy matter cannot escape the detection of this system. Of course this It means that without the interference of those powerful formations. If the host can go in and take a look in person, then we can determine whether this female worm, which has been thrown by this system for tens of thousands of years, has reproduced. When the time comes, we can judge it by looking at it with our own eyes. Now it’s useless to say that it’s better to meet your master first, and then talk about other things.” Regarding Luo Xiu’s question, the system also said it was powerless, because Whether the system judges whether it is a real thing, it is only judged by life signals or heat-sensitive instruments. It is completely immune to all phantom arrays and the like. Of course, it will definitely not tell Luo Xiu so straightforwardly. He was deliberately testing his IQ.

"Then wait for him to come back, let's talk about it. If the female worm really breeds a lot of troops, how should we deal with it. We can't blow up the secret realm with a bomb?" Luo Xiu suddenly thought of a possibility. Sex, a little cautiously asked. After all, if the bomb is really taken out at that time, it will definitely attract the attention of others. However, here, it is not Huangquan Demon Sect or Qiantian Temple. Otherwise, Luo Xiu will probably be pitted by it again because of his systemic urine.

"What's wrong! Can you just watch these zergs devour all the world you live in? Host, you have to understand a truth, the nature of the weak and the strong, especially in the universe, behaves incisively and vividly. To obtain With enough freedom and rights, the host cannot be soft-hearted, and the system has to tell the host a truth. For the host, problems that can be easily solved with the help of the system, the host is better to accept it, not take your poor Self-esteem is troublesome. The existence of this system is to help the host, in the future, to reach the host to spread the science and technology civilization of the Earth Federation, so as not to appear the fault of civilization. And in many cases, although the methods used by you cultivators are very tyrannical, but to achieve You have to pay a certain level of scientific and technological power is very huge. Have you thought about it, for this system, you can easily destroy the planet you live on, but from the perspective of your cultivators, only monks’ The cultivation base can only be achieved by reaching a very high level. There are big differences in this. If you still don’t understand, this system has a more intuitive example that can tell the host that the host’s cultivation base was only golden core. At the end of the period, the host can drive the Lanhua to fight against the masters of Sanxian. Isn’t it right that the host didn’t notice anything at that time? You must know that the cultivation base of Yin Changsheng was to destroy the golden core peaks like the host at that time. Monk, that is an existence that can crush hundreds of people with one finger." The system sneered at Luo Xiu's poor self-esteem, felt very speechless for his stubbornness, and it was a little disdainful of the host's persistence.

"Who told you that the reason why I didn't approve of the use of bombs is because of the strong self-esteem of this host. If possible, I certainly hope to use your power to wipe out all the Zergs, so that I can promote the Internet in the realm of comprehension. "Luo Xiu became silent a lot when he heard the system mention the promotion of the inheritance of knowledge of the Earth Federation. He carefully recalled his past experience.

It seems that a long time ago, he had promised to promote some knowledge systems of the Earth Federation in the cultivation world. But because of one or another reason, this matter has been postponed again and again, and now, because of the people from Qingyun University 6 and the problem of the Yuanchen secret realm in the cultivation world, the system is In terms of these very difficult problems, Luo Xiu felt very uncomfortable, especially since he could not tell his master all the reasons. If he continues to hide it, Luo Xiu believes that even if he What he said was a real thing, but not many people believed that his cultivation level was just a little monk who had just come out of his body.

"Host, you say that. Although this system hopes that you can do what you said, you don’t have the power to guard these things at all. Even if you have the care of the gods, you will be because of this or that. It’s slowly overwhelming! The host shouldn’t think too much, just say, it’s just the wrong timing, it’s not your problem!” Regarding Luo Xiu’s sudden silence, although the system was confused, it still enlightened Luo Xiu.

(To be continued.)