Technology Communication System

Chapter 214: Got a routine

"Okay, host, don't think about it anymore. "Www. [8⒈Zw.COM. Your master has returned. It is better to seize the time to figure out the reason for this." When thinking wildly, the voice of the system rang in his mind again.

Hearing this, Luo Xiu dared not be the slightest negligence. He hurriedly stood up and walked out of the room. He happened to be facing the figure of his master, but at this time, he was not alone. Old Demon Ren came here with his master. of.

"The disciples have seen Master, and Uncle Ren!" The two were obviously taken aback when they saw Luo Xiu. Especially Guo Yangming, although he had spoken to Luo Xiu through soul transmission before, it was only said in excitement, and because he was very exhausted, he did not notice that he was doing soul transmission. At the time, the consumption was greater than when he used the Innate Big Five Elements Sword Formation. Therefore, seeing Luo Xiu here at this time, Guo Yangming was full of doubts.

"When did you come back? I sent you a letter before, aren't you still busy with other things? Are you finished?" As Luo Xiu's master, Guo Yangming had this little doubt in his heart, and he did not hide it. Asked straightforwardly.

"At that time, the teacher said so inexplicably, what I heard was in the cloud and mist, and I was a little uneasy. I was afraid that something would happen to the master, so I rushed back to see the master, but I heard many people discussing the master along the way. In the secret realm, the great mighty power made the disciple follow along. Why the disciple had never heard of the name Congenital Big Five Elements Sword Formation before, but the master still hides such a powerful trick without telling the disciple, is it really that? As outsiders have guessed, are you afraid of teaching me to starve the master to death?" Luo Xiu didn't say what he thought.

Guo Yangming heard what Luo Xiu said and couldn't help laughing, pointing at him and chuckling in a low voice, "What are you kidding talking about? It's not that the old man didn't teach you, but the old man has practiced this way. It didn’t take long for the supernatural powers, and this powerful supernatural power has very strict requirements for the monks’ divine souls. With your current cultivation base and divine soul strength, you can’t control such powerful moves and supernatural powers. Besides, this supernatural power has been around for a long time. No one has practiced it, and it has been lost before, the town demon tower, do you remember, the old man is the practice method obtained on the inner stone wall of the town demon tower, and the requirements are very abnormal. My husband also practiced the five elements. The Runner Jue was able to complement the attributes of the five elements, so that he dared to cultivate this kind of extremely abnormal supernatural powers. Besides, you kid had already run out and don’t know why, how could the teacher have time to teach you.

"Okay, okay, don't quarrel between you master and disciple. The old man is not here to listen to the quarrel between the two of you. The old man has something to ask Luo Xiaozi when he comes here." Seeing the two of them still chirping, couldn't help but say eagerly.

"What are you rushing? Since this kid is back, there will be no major accidents. If the matter is really urgent, his kid will not be here to talk to the old man." Luo Xiu hadn't spoken yet. Guo Yangming first interrupted Ren's complaint. He knew very well that if things really turned out to be irreversible, Luo Xiu would not be able to show such a calm look when he had already designated that his eyebrows were burning.

"Uncle Ren, if you have anything you want to ask the disciple, just open your mouth, the disciple must know everything you can say." Seeing Old Demon Ren a little anxious, Luo Xiu was also afraid of embarrassment, so he hurried forward to face Old Demon Ren. Speak.

"I heard your master said that the reason why he knew that something happened in the Yuanchen Secret Realm was because your kid sent him a letter? The old man is wondering, your kid is tens of thousands of kilometers away from here, and he can actually see this place. The matter of birth is simply a god! Can you tell the old man how on earth did you know that something appeared in the Yuanchen Secret Realm? Did you know it before?" Hearing Luo Xiu said that, Old Demon Ren was not polite. Directly speaking, he asked the biggest question in his heart.

Hearing this question of Old Demon Ren, even Guo Yangming on one side moved in his heart. He couldn't help but look at Luo Xiu, who was a little stunned. You must know the doubts in his heart, but they were stronger than Old Demon Ren. . Because the jade slip that Luo Xiu gave him at that time clearly stated what might appear in it? And also very solemnly told him that he must first arrange the formation to isolate the atmosphere. Now that Luo Xiu wants to come to him, he must know what exists in that secret realm?

"I learned about this incident by accident. Where did I know it and how I knew it, it is not convenient to disclose it to the two of you. And even if I said it, you won't understand it. I told the master before. It is said that there are weird things in it, and the master must arrange the formation outside to prevent this thing from being brought out by others. Because once out of this secret realm, the power of the female bug can definitely destroy us easily. Of this world.

The disciple just learned through chatting with Shishu Xiao that the thing seems to have begun to breed troops, but based on some basic knowledge about this thing I got, it is very likely that you have all been deceived by it. You must know this Creatures that affect balance, they have extremely cruel habits, and what is even more frightening is the existence of this female worm, and the offspring that it breeds will also explode very abnormal attack power. Did you really see clearly just now? Sure it is a lot of weird bugs? This matter must be clarified, because according to my understanding, if the female worm in the Yuanchen Secret Realm had no existence of Gongfeng, he would not have any lethal power. Can you take me in and check it carefully? This is not a sloppy thing. If possible, the master had better take the people from Qingyun University 6 to have a look, because things are absolutely strange. "When I heard Old Demon Ren's question, I looked at the appearance of his master listening carefully. Luo Xiu didn't answer if he didn't answer, so he had to explain to them everything he knew, and what he said this time. He was also extremely careful, and at the same time he couldn't help but feel a little anxious, otherwise, he wouldn't have rushed back like this.

"Cheated? Boy, you are not joking with the old man. With the cultivation base of the old man and others, what can easily deceive our eyes, the old man personally fought those weird bugs at the time. If you don't believe it, you Look at this long knife in my hand?" Hearing Luo Xiu's words, Old Demon Ren looked dissatisfied, and he flipped a long knife with his right hand and appeared in his hand. It was in Yuanchen Secret Realm before. Inside, the very simple long knife he used.

"You see there are traces of corrosion on this knife, eh, where are those traces?" Just halfway through the words of the old devil, Ren left the long knife to show Luo Xiu, but the next moment, he himself was stunned. Living.

I saw that the quaint long knife in his hand was cold and radiant, and the surface of the blade was as smooth as new. There was no trace of corrosion mentioned by the old demon before. Looking at the long knife in his hand, he carefully examined it. Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling a little puzzled in his heart.

Although in his understanding, there are some branches of the Zerg that contain a very powerful corrosive liquid in their bodies, but he has not heard of any Zerg that can easily corrode this knife.

"Isn't this knife good? The disciple didn't understand what Uncle Ren took out to say." So Luo Xiu looked at Old Demon Ren very puzzled.

"The old man is just snarling the sky dog. Isn't the old man's eyes awkward, Lao Guo, what about your long sword, take it out and let the old man see if there is anything wrong, pay it back, are we really deceived? Now?" Seeing Luo Xiu's words didn't seem to be fooling him, Old Demon Ren looked incredible.

"No need to read, the old man’s sword has nothing to do with it. We may have been deceived by that thing. The only thing that makes the old man feel confused is how he deceived the eyes of so many people, and the old man at that time But it killed a lot of Zerg, is there really something in it that the old man made a mistake." Guo Jiaming didn't take out the long sword, he directly answered the question.

"This matter can be understood as an extremely profound illusion technique, Master, let's go in and talk!" Luo Xiu winked at his master, and the three of them entered the room together.

Luo Xiu waved his hand and played a series of tricks, setting up an isolation formation around the room, and then he took out the holographic projection instrument that the system had given him before, and operated it. The two of them looked at it and explained the system before. He said that to the two again.

Seeing the incredible look on the two of them, Luo Xiu chuckled lightly and slowly explained: "This is how it is, and if it is the thing I understand, it has extremely powerful mental power. This kind of power is something that we have never seen before in the cultivation world. The two masters can be understood as the innate and magical powers of that thing. I believe that the master should have a deep understanding. Only the slightest manifestation of the spiritual power can be used with the master. The innate big Five Elements Sword Array fights hard, and there is no wind. If this thing really merges with the Zerg on Qingyun Big 6, it will be the biggest disaster in this universe."

After listening to Luo Xiu's explanation, Old Demon Ren and Guo Yangming were dumbfounded, and then the two fell into contemplation and stopped talking to each other.

(To be continued.)