Technology Communication System

Chapter 230: Take home

"It's okay, you worry too much. No matter how you look at it, the old man feels that this kind of thing is not as complicated as you think, ah!" Just when the old demon Ren didn't care about it, Guo Yangming, who was on the side, could see him. The demon's expression was wrong, and he was about to speak, when he heard a low groan, but his expression was very painful. August 1? Chinese website W㈠W?W㈧. ?8?1㈠ZW. COM Guo Yangming was taken aback, and immediately went forward to see what happened to him.

As if he noticed Guo Yangming's movements, he let the old demon wave his hand, and said directly: "Lao Guo, don't come here. If you are far away, leave here quickly. If possible, it is best to leave here with the old man's corpse. Otherwise, I'm afraid There is a big change. I am afraid that the old man is in big trouble. This is not a place for you to stay. Go out immediately and let them all leave here. This is probably a trap."

When the old demon Ren finished speaking, he ignored it. Some Guo Yangming who wanted to speak, immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and began to close his eyes and adjust his breath, as if he was preparing to deal with some attack. Soon his expression was full of pain. .

It just seemed that his efforts were of no use, and his expression was still full of struggling. Guo Yangming on one side also understood a little bit that something really happened to Old Ghost Ren, and it should still have something to do with the vortex that he let him see before. Guo Yangming guessed that there was probably something. The inconsistency was that some unknown soul intruded into the sea of ​​knowledge of the old ghost by taking advantage of the connection between the puppet and his spirit.

Thinking of this, Guo Yangming couldn’t help feeling a little nervous. You must know that this is the ancestral land of the nine-tailed monster fox, and the spirit of the nine-tailed monster clan is so strange that the soul invaded his body is probably some powerful. Nine-tailed demon fox family.

It's just that he has no other way at all, and he can only be anxious about the situation in front of him. Because of the struggle on the soul, outsiders cannot detect and intervene. The system in his body can only interfere with it unless she seizes Shera Xiu as before.

It's not Guo Yangming's style to just sit and wait for death. He thought of the crux of the matter. Since Ren Old Ghost was here, why not drag him away, and returning to the outside would definitely help his defense. Although the unknown soul that invaded Old Demon Ren's body had begun to take home, this place was the home of that soul. If Old Demon Ren couldn't resist, the probability of his loss of mind would become even greater here.

Rather than just sitting and waiting for death, it is better to take his body out directly. After all, there are still a group of soul-playing masters outside the ethereal fairy palace. There are such powerful masters who are very thorough in the study of seizing houses. Their main practice is In terms of mental power, there may be a good solution to this situation. Thinking of this, Guo Yangming no longer hesitated. Of course, he did not dare to touch Old Demon Ren's body. He only drew a bunch of energy, bound his body, and then held up his body, facing the extreme of the passage when he came. Back.

However, in this situation, he did not dare to fly too fast. He had to move forward while watching the changes in Old Demon Ren's expression. Now as their distance from the whirlpool increases, Old Demon Ren's expression seems to have eased a lot, not as painful as before. Seeing this situation, Guo Yangming felt Yixi, couldn't help but speed up.

However, Guo Yangming also had some doubts in his heart, because he had used the Soul Connection to enter the vortex before, but he was not attacked in any form. But Old Demon Ren just went in and took a look at it, and he would be hit, which really made him feel incredible. Not to say whether the things in there are true or not, it is just this weird psyche that makes him a little confused, because no matter how you look at it, the strength of old devil Ren's psyche is far beyond him. Since the unknown soul wants to seize the body of the monk, why pick a soft persimmon to squeeze it, instead thinking of directly seizing the old monster like Ren She who is so powerful in soul.

"Huh!" Just as Guo Yangming was rushing to the outside with the body of Old Demon Ren intently, he suddenly heard a long venting sound behind him, and after stunned, his face turned a little bit of joy and turned towards Mr. Ren The demon looked at it, and the goal was Old Demon Ren’s originally twisted face. Although it was not so terrible at this time, it was just this look that made him feel a little cold. It is true that the image of Old Demon Ren at this time is a little weird. It's too scary.

"Old ghost, are you okay?" After reconfirming that the person in front of him is indeed Old Demon Ren, Guo Yangming couldn't help but followed him with a sigh of relief. Then he looked at the still ugly face of Old Demon Ren and spoke tentatively. Asked. He couldn't help but be cautious, because the image of Old Demon Ren at this time was really something that he couldn't bear. I saw Old Demon Ren who was usually calm and majestic, but his face was pale at this time, and his entire face was wrinkled into a bitter gourd. This is not what surprised him. What surprised him was that at this time, the spirit of the old demon seemed to have produced a slight unusual change. In that short period of time, although he didn't feel it too clearly, Guo Yang clearly sensed the abnormal fluctuations in the spirit that flashed away.

"I can't die for the time being, it's really bad for him~ Mom~, this kind of thing, the old man hasn't encountered this for many years, and he broke the vow today." He calmed down the mental fluctuations in his heart cautiously. Rubbing his face that was twitching because of the pain before, he slowly stood up, trying to calm down his twitching facial expression, he said with some irritation.

If Guo Yangming hadn't reacted quickly enough and dragged his body away in time, it is likely that he would have been successfully taken away by someone at this time. To know what happened just now, he couldn't react quickly. He was not very interested in the treasure room behind the whirlpool, but inadvertently there was a light object there now. He was also curious. He tried to touch it with his hand, but after the puppet caught the light object, he was a bit stunned, because at this time, a cool energy radiated from the object, making Ren Old Demon's soul Very comfortable, and at the moment when he hesitated for a little while, that energy came straight to him along the soul channel. The strength of the soul is so fast that he has only seen it in his life. Thinking about this, he couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief, stood up and moved his body, his expression was full of happiness after the disaster. color.

"It's really dangerous this time. The old man almost followed that guy's way. It's all because of the old man's low hands. You shouldn't move the things inside. I thought it was just an ordinary thing. Yes, alas! Having been a hunter for so many years, the wild goose was almost blinded by the wild goose today. It's very ironic to think about it!" Seeing Guo Yangming's look of concern, only that face was staring suspiciously afterwards. He saw, let the old demon wave his hand, his expression was full of aftermath, and he couldn't help but ridicule.

"Do you say this just like the old man guessed that there is an unknown soul in that space who wants to take you away?" Hearing what Old Demon Ren said, Guo Yangming reacted, he couldn't help being curious and asked.

Because he had seen very clearly before, his feeling at the time was absolutely correct, that is, there was an unusually strange energy fluctuation that instantly invaded the sea of ​​consciousness of Old Demon Ren. Seeing that he was so calm at this time, even thinking about joking with himself, Guo Yangming couldn't help being a little curious and couldn't help but ask.

"This time I was able to survive the catastrophe, thanks to your help, my brother, otherwise, the old man would not be enough to die from nine lives. It is simply terrible. That kind of powerful soul strength is simply the old man's life. Thank you just now. If it’s unnecessary, the old man won’t be too nonsense. Although this catastrophe survived, I didn’t suffer much. I just have to go back and take care of it. I will absorb and refine the alien soul energy that has invaded my body. Maybe the time will come. You can easily get through the ninth catastrophe, hehehe! People say that if you don’t die in a catastrophe, there must be a blessing. Now that you want to come, the old man should also come and run.” When it comes to the last old demon, he was already a little convulsed~ 'S face also eased a lot, and couldn't help but sneered.

"Are you sure there is nothing wrong? Just now the old man sensed something wrong with your spirit aura. Could it be that you were actually invaded by that alien soul. You should understand more about the soul than the old man. If possible, it is better to Don’t be greedy for the benefit of that moment, so as not to cause big trouble in the future. After all, no one of us can tell about the matter of the soul. In case that the soul is just part of it, the others are waiting for the opportunity. According to the old man, you are best. It is better to seal that part of the alien soul energy directly, and then find a way to get it out of the sea of ​​knowledge. In this way, safety can also be guaranteed. Don't make yourself into a dead end for the sake of these immediate benefits." Hear Ren old What the demon said, although Guo Yangming was still faintly uneasy, but seeing the sneer on his face and knowing what he was saying, Old Demon Ren didn’t understand it at all. Although he had a good relationship with him, it was not good enough to replace him. He couldn't help but remind him of the decision.

"Things should not be as horrible as you think, it's just a surviving soul. With the old man's accomplishments in spirits, I think it is easy to solve this surviving soul. It just takes some hands and feet. Your kindness is appreciated by the old man. It’s just that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The old man doesn’t want to wait for hundreds of years. If something happens, I want to solve this remnant with the help of the old man’s mastery. Soul is still easy to do, but it takes some hands and feet. Your kindness, the old man has his heart, but this time is an opportunity, then the old man can’t be refined smoothly. In this way, wouldn’t it be a missed opportunity? "The old demon Ren heard him say that, and waved his hand to signal him, because his own research on this aspect is definitely much clearer than Guo Yangming, an outsider, and his spiritual cultivation is far beyond his. Imagine. In addition, she is now cautiously using the Soul Eater to swallow the remaining soul in, because in the plan of the old demon Ren, she basically wants to refine the unfamiliar remnant soul directly, but it is refined into a soul eater. Main soul.

"Since you have a spectrum in your heart, the old man doesn't say much anymore. Anyway, do it yourself!" Guo Yangming took a deep look at Old Demon Ren and his tone eased.

"That's OK, there should be other things behind the whirlpool, otherwise, it's just a space, how can there be such a strong surviving soul? If it doesn't work, there may be other big troubles. If this is the case, old man It is recommended that we be tight-lipped after we go out and don't disclose our knowledge." As if he had noticed Guo Yangming's abnormality, Old Demon Ren only responded lightly. He could see the relationship between the two very clearly. As a demon giant, many times it is not due to his character, and many things are not as simple as Guo Yangming thought.

"Since there is nothing more, let's leave here before making plans." Although the discussion on this issue was inconclusive, the two were surprisingly silent. For a long time, Guo Yangming took the lead to break the calm.

"Let's go! After going out, we can just tell the truth, but we still have to keep secrets about the Dongtianfudi and the whirlpool. Of course, they can easily discover the spirit stone veins. You don't need to hide it. This way. We also have a statement that can be confirmed. It’s just that the female worm of the Zerg race definitely belongs to the level of that monster beast in the eyes of the old man. It’s not you at all, and I can easily deal with it together. As Luo Xiu said In other words, one carelessness will really destroy our world." Seeing this, Old Demon Ren could only nod his head and answer, and finally the two looked at each other, smiled, and then looked out of the cave. After going back, the speed was much faster on the way back. The two knew that there was no danger, so they let go of their hands and feet and hurried forward along the way.

Soon, the two of them could vaguely see the light from the exit, but Luo Xiu's situation was a bit uncomfortable at this time, because Guo Yangming's previous actions prevented Luo Xiu from leaving the area covered by the light cover. It made him unable to communicate with the group of people outside. Although he also passed some information through some means, many people are questioning his statement. Not to mention that there are a few monks who are already in the fit period, a little jealous of his achievements, and can't help but fan the flames on the side, making him very passive.

"That kid Luo Xiu seems to be uncomfortable. We have to go out soon." The spirits of the two people here have not been suppressed much, sensing the situation outside, Old Demon Ren couldn't help but ridicule.

I saw that a group of people outside the cave were chattering and ticking very lively. Everyone was talking about everything born here, especially the old monsters who had lost their disciples. They were dissatisfied with Luo Xiu. If there is no encouragement from Luo Xiu, how could there be a second time to enter this secret realm. It's just that now that the overall situation is current, many people are concerned about their own face, especially since many of the monks present are righteous monks. There are only a handful of monks from the Demon Dao, and the current situation is the general trend. Everyone can only fight for the hidden crisis in the cultivation world that Luo Xiu said before.

"Go out first. Since we have already come out, we have to tell the story so that we don’t have to wait for some unnecessary trouble. Although you and I are all sensible people, there are many things in the realm of cultivation. There are not enough people who are more than defeated, and the old man has to find the people of the Nine-Tailed Demon Race hidden among us, otherwise, we will be very passive." Guo Yangming was noncommittal about Ren's proposal. , The tone is not as blunt as before.

(To be continued.)