Technology Communication System

Chapter 253: Middle-aged man

"Of course you don't know, because the original main system, my predecessor, he didn't tell you the true usefulness of this thing at all? Is it good? And to be honest, you should understand now that there are benefits of having a baby. In many cases, this baby is based on the best interests of the host, and will not do anything that harms the interests of the host at all, and it will not be suspected of harming the system like the original system. August 1 Chinese W≈W=W ≤.≤8≥1≥Z≤W≤.≤COM" Hearing Luo Xiu's question, the baby snorted disdainfully, with an arrogant expression on his face.

Hearing what he said, Luo Xiu was a little happy in his heart. Although he didn't know if what this guy said was true, there were some things to follow. After thinking about this, Luo Xiu felt a little calm in his heart, and completely lost the irritable mood just now.

"Then I will do as you said? The situation seems not very clear now, should we wait and see. I don't know how to drop it, I always have a bad feeling, as if the Tianhua Sect should not be so on the surface. Simple, can be calculated by Buffett, there must be something here, Luo Xiu does not know, and the matter is not simple, it is very likely that people like the Tianhua Sect have a big plan. You must know that this old guy can be sealed for more than three million years How could the sect of Zongmen assign these little guys to come here? It would be impossible for the high-level people in the sect to break without a backhand!" Luo Xiu at this time also reacted, knowing that he seemed to have fallen into a misunderstanding before. , Even the five members of the Tianhua Sect cannot be handled by his own master, let alone Buffett, a living fossil-like old fellow, neither of which can be calculated by a little monk like him. Luo Xiu also reacted to the matter at this time, and the events in his immediate life proved his previous guesses very correctly.

And when he wanted to understand these things before him, Luo Xiu's heart was as if he was being poured down by a basin of cold water, and his whole person also woke up from the previous fantasy ~ lewdness ~.

And he didn’t notice that as his sane became sober, Buffett, who was still smiling at the corner of his mouth, was suddenly taken aback. Although his expression quickly returned to its original appearance, Buffett had something different in his heart. Kind of idea. It's just that no one noticed the flash of astonishment on his face.

"Host, you are finally awake. Congratulations to the host for finally returning to your own essence. This baby is not wrong at all. You guys are going to beat and beat, otherwise, you will only act according to your own mind~ It will be very unfavorable for your future exhibitions. However, seeing the host wake up so quickly, proves that the host is still saved, and also shows that the baby’s teaching is still very meaningful.” Just as Luo Xiu realized something in a trance. At the time, the baby's voice rang in his mind again, but at this moment, the baby's expression in his mind was very serious, and there was no hippie smile before, cynical, solemn.

"Hey, I said, why do you kid say that? Isn't it possible that what you said before was fooling me?" Luo Xiu who reacted was also a little shocked by the baby's words, although he didn't know what he was just now. Because what became so utilitarian, but reacting at this time, he knew very well that he almost fell into the magical way just now.

You should know that he has almost formed a heart demon just now. Regarding the things in front of him, neither the formation just now nor the disciple of the Tianhua Sect can be coveted by him. He actually wants to clean up all these people in front of him. The surprise in my heart can be imagined. After he reacted at this moment, the only thought in his mind was that he could be so kind.

And just as Luo Xiu was thinking about what happened before, the situation in the field changed again. Buffett, who was showing off there, seemed to be affected at this time. He raised his head and looked at the peak of the small world. , Following his gaze, Luo Xiu saw a man, a gentleman, a man in his forties, a white robe, and a jade sword in his hand. He was very harmless. It's not that this person is standing in the wrong position. Anyone who sees him will think that this person is an ordinary person, and this person can tell from any aspect that the man in front of him should be very familiar with the current situation. Familiar, but what makes Luo Xiu feel very weird is that with the appearance of this man, the world seems to be frozen, without any wind blowing, the yellow sand that was originally flying in the sky is also weird at this time. He calmed down. While Luo Xiu was looking at the man, the man’s gaze first swept around, and then he looked at the location of You Songnian and others again. The man did not pay attention to the situation in front of him. Rather, after sweeping a few people, he looked at the tall tower that had originally stood, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It's a tyrannical existence. Just a glance, the host has a feeling of facing the whole world. It's a weird feeling. I was still thinking about what makes this world still. I didn't understand it originally. But in this man, I felt a high-quality energy aura." Luo Xiu looked at the middle-aged man who appeared suddenly, although he didn't want to admit it, Luo Xiu had to let go of his other thoughts. , The man in front of him felt too weird. Whether it was Guo Yangming or Old Demon Ren, Luo Xiu had never felt this scene in front of them.

"Hey, as soon as this man appeared, Buffett definitely had no retreat. No matter how strong his cultivation was a million years ago, he now has problems dealing with his host. If it weren't for the extremely powerful mental power, Buffett is simply I can’t see the appearance of this person. Now that this person has come out, other things will happen this time!” The baby is very important to this middle-aged man. At the same time, his words seem to carry There was a hint of excitement, but Luo Xiu patronized other people's reactions, and didn't even notice the baby's abnormality.

"Why do you say that, although this person appears weird, but I feel that he doesn't seem to be very interested in the following people, and what do you mean by the turnaround?" Luo Xiu looked up. This man, the curiosity in his eyes gradually dissipated, and then he froze on the spot.

I saw that the originally very ordinary middle-aged man seemed to be irritated by something, and then he snorted coldly, and with this cold hum of this person, he was originally just standing there gently in the air. It feels as if the world is in his grasp. At this time, in Luo Xiu's view, this person is like the supreme king of this world. The other distracting thoughts were also abruptly as if they were directly pinched off by people. Even if the state of mind of Luo Xiu at this time, he would be caught in front of him. The scene was startled, and one can imagine how tough this man who appeared suddenly was.

"Uncle Si, save the big brother and them, they seem to be controlled by this old guy." Zhou Yichen also spotted the man who appeared suddenly and hurriedly shouted. Originally, he still had a somewhat wilting look, but at this moment he returned to his lustre. After a glance at the opposite Buffett, Zhou Yichen's sneer at the corner of his mouth became even more open.

His sudden change also fell in Buffett’s eyes, and he saw the bitterness on his face, and the look of excitement before, but now he has recovered his calmness. He knows that he is not doing it with the kid in front of him. Opportunity, but thinking of his earlier arrangement, Buffett’s gloomy eyes became calmer. He raised his head and looked at the man Zhou Yichen called the Fourth Master Uncle. This person also just turned his gaze at this moment. Buffett.

"You are the guy who was imprisoned by our ancestors for three million years. No wonder when you came, the sect's description of you would be so detailed. After being trapped for three million years, there was no supplement during the period. I saw it with my own eyes. I couldn’t believe it at all. Without the help of any external force, you could live in the Spirit Pagoda for such a long time. Now I am more interested in you!” The man’s voice, no He was slow, and his voice was very calm, but Luo Xiu could hear the doubts in his peaceful tone. At this time, Zhou Yichen was still chattering on that one person, but the gentle-looking man did not respond to Zhou Yichen, but instead He turned his gaze to Buffett, his gaze was full of jokes, anyway, the man’s gaze, in Luo Xiu’s opinion, how he looks and feels weird, this person seems to be watching an ignorant kid playing around there. , The whole person feels like an adult treats children's pranks, the situation is very similar, that's it.

"You are their uncle? In this case, things will be easier!" Buffett also raised his head and glanced at the man, and at the same time revealed a lot of doubts in his heart, but he seemed to have thought of something, and the corners of his mouth appeared. A trace of disdain, although it is not very obvious, Luo Xiu can see clearly that the situation in front of him should not be too bad to be uncontrollable. After all, with the appearance of the man, many things have become more confusing.

And with the appearance of this man, this world that was still collapsing, suddenly stopped. The space that was still collapsing seemed to show signs of recovery at any time. Luo Xiu who saw this scene was very surprised and puzzled. Through the screen, Luo Xiu can easily see that the man in front of him should be a very high-level existence, because he just glanced at the man with the help of the corner of his eye, and the middle-aged man was faintly aware of it. He glanced at the location of Luo Xiu, and it was this random glance that caused Luo Xiu to be struck by lightning, giving birth to the world and coming to his face, and the whole person seemed to be out of breath by a huge pressure.

It was from this time that Luo Xiu understood how big the gap was between himself and the top monks. Although he had previously defeated Sanxian, compared with the man in front of him, there was no scum left, even his master. , Not enough for this man to press with a finger. Although he didn't want to admit it, Luo Xiu had to admire that the man in front of him was indeed extremely perverted. Even with his eyes at this moment, Luo Xiu could easily catch the man looking at Buffett. That trace of disdain and pity in.

Although I don’t know why he had such weird eyes, one thing Luo Xiu can be sure of is that since Buffett was discovered, everything Buffett did should be in the hands of this man. I don’t know why this man His eyes seemed to be able to see through Luo Xiu's heart. Although he glanced at this man with the light of his eyes through the formation, it was this one that made him produce a kind of world that can't be controlled by him. That kind of strange feeling, although he didn’t want to admit it, Luo Xiu had to admit that this man absolutely had the ability to destroy this world. It was only at this moment that Luo Xiu deeply realized the aura of looking at the world as mentioned in the previous system. It turned out that he was relying on it. Some science and technology from the Earth Federation, for his help, thinking about it at this time, unexpectedly made him feel dumbfounded.

The man looked at Buffett with piercing eyes. Although the disdain in his eyes was still there, Luo Xiu also showed some differences. He had been secretly inattentive, but now he became extremely serious. From the man's flash of murderous intent, it can be clearly sensed that if Luo Xiu hadn't missed the wrong eyes of the man in front of him, he should have killed Buffett. What confused Luo Xiu was that since Buffett was not wiped out by the sect where this person was a million years ago, could they now influence Buffett's life and death?

"Host, you have to be careful. You seem to have exposed. Although you don't know the purpose of this man, Buffett will definitely not be able to escape his palm. If this baby is not mistaken, this man should be fully capable of handling Buffett. .According to the baby’s own energy tester, the measured values ​​show that the energy intensity of the man in front of him is basically out of the line of the energy tester, and the upper limit of the energy tester can test a universe with a constant star rating. The reserve energy of the battleship. And it is such a terrifying existence that it is a blessing or a curse to appear in your world, and this baby is not sure, but there is a possibility that your world may have been exposed to you, just don’t know him What should I do with you?” Just when Luo Xiu was a little out of mind, the baby in his mind poured cold water on Luo Xiu again. Although he had anticipated this scene of his present life, the situation before him also made it clear to Luo Xiu that he was indeed enchanted before, and what made him even more depressed was that it was fortunate that he had listened to the baby at the time, otherwise If so, he probably doesn't know how many petals he died at this time!

"Things are really as cruel as you said? Although I don't believe it very much, I still have doubts in my heart. There is nothing in front of these things, but just a very ordinary play of wits and courage. Where did you say So wicked! Besides, as far as I understand it, the purpose of the person in front of me is definitely not simple. Just being a Buffett cannot lead to such a strong and powerful person." Luo Xiu seemed very disapproving of the baby when he said this. , The tone will inevitably carry some other meanings.

(To be continued.)