Technology Communication System

Chapter 254: The layout more than three million years

"Attention, they are going to fight!" Just as Luo Xiu was about to refute the baby's words, the baby suddenly yelled in his mind, making him startled, and then staring at the picture in his mind with a look of astonishment on his face. , Without any concealment, saw that the man who was originally suspended in the air had disappeared. Luo Xiu only felt the silhouette of the figure flashing. The gentle-looking man appeared in front of Buffett, like a ghost, lightly and directly shot out with a palm. Eight? One Chinese?? Network W≤W≈W=. ≤8≈1ZW. COM

In Luo Xiu's eyes, this palm was soft, soft and powerless. It was light and fluttering like a slap in the air, very soft, as if stroking something. And where Luo Xiu didn’t know, the man’s palm fell in Buffett’s eyes, and this palm was expelled. It seemed to Buffett as if he was being stared at by something weird, and he appeared where he disappeared instantly. A hundred meters away, this person's attack was really weird.

"Sanyin palm? With such cruel kung fu, your Tianhua Sect, as a well-known and upright sect in Zhongtian, dare to take it out for cultivation. Three million years have passed. How come you guys don’t? A little growth!" After Buffett fully revealed his figure, the corners of his mouth were mocking. What he said made the face of the middle-aged man on the opposite look very unsightly.

The Sanyin Palm was originally not his main practice method, but the current situation was as early as 30,000 years ago. The predecessors of Shimen had anticipated the current situation. In order to deal with the old guy in front of him, he always cultivated. The powerhouses who have reached the Dao Lun Realm have practiced this technique. Because of their talents, not everyone can successfully practice, so he is the only one who appears in this low-level plane today.

"Old man, you really think we can't do anything with you. If it weren't for gaining control of the plane of the world you are in, you would have disappeared more than three million years ago. How can you live to this day? Hehe , A person like you can be regarded as a character in this kind of small thousand world, but from the perspective of this seat, you are like the frog at the bottom of the well, seeing only the size of this world, and cannot understand What kind of world is our world? Here, what a powerful existence this seat is. Although you might be very powerful three million years ago, no matter how tyrannical your cultivation is, you can’t beat the destruction of time. Now you should just be here to support it. Let’s be honest with you. All of the things that are happening right now, as early as more than 30,000 years ago, the master of my teacher’s school had already considered what happened today. Unsurprisingly, everything that was born today is as expected by my master. I have said so much, but I don’t know, what do you old guy think now?" Buffett, the man said coldly with a smile on his lips.

"Haha!" raised his head and glanced at the opposite man. Buffett's eyes were weird, and he laughed inexplicably, his voice was very hoarse, completely different from the voice Luo Xiu heard just now, it seemed to leak Like a balloon, there was a heavy gasp in the voice.

But what made Luo Xiu more uncomfortable was Buffett's smile. This weird smile fell in Luo Xiu's eyes and it made him feel numb. In this smile, there was no panic, nervousness that was about to be caught. There was a strange and inexplicable color in the whole person.

In the eyes of other people, Luo Xiu has never seen such a situation. Since he has lived for more than 20 years, he has never seen such a weird smile on any one of them. Having been in contact with the monks of the Demon Way, Luo Xiu has also seen people who are treacherous and evil, but no one’s eyes, such as Buffett, made him feel a numb scalp just by looking at it. This feeling does not follow Luo Xiu. Removed his eyes and disappeared. Instead, it became clearer with the passage of time, as if he had expected Luo Xiu to have this reaction. I don’t know why, Luo Xiu could clearly catch that in his eyes. A smile, this kind of smile can't be hidden no matter how hidden, Luo Xiu had doubts before, why Buffett would come back so weirdly, at this time, seeing his smile, I don’t know why Luo Xiu seemed to be all at once. understood.

"Death gaze, reincarnation smile! You guys hurriedly close your eyes to this seater and are not allowed to look at his eyes. Old guy, it's already in front of you. You dare to use this kind of spirit attack, you really think I am still the true Lord of Three Smiles, who is proud of the Three Thousand Worlds! What a pity, no matter how tyrannical you are, you can’t beat the ravages of time. Back then, the thirty-eight masters of our ancestors joined forces to set up a killing array. Don’t you feel uncomfortable?” The middle-aged man, known as the Fourth Master Uncle, was very calm when he saw Buffett’s smile, because all of this was in the ancestor’s expectation. The Three Smiles of the past is nothing more than a bad one. No matter the old man, even if he has a perverted mental power, he is not helpful in the immediate crisis.

"Hehe, since you know who the old man is, did the old ghost of Jiuyin tell you that you are simply an abandoned son, because the birth of the old man requires seven **** essences ~ fleshy ~ powerful human essence and blood to unblock , Otherwise, how could you show up here, haha, the old ghost of Jiuyin really succeeded, and it is worthy of the old man’s three million-year-old layout!" Buffett didn’t care about the middle-aged ridicule, although he was seriously injured. But the craziness in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Hey, you don’t think that Master Jiuyin really has feelings with you, a fellow from a lower plane, right? You are still the overlord, so obvious beauty tricks, you old fellow can’t even detect it. If people succeed in their conspiracies, they can’t blame others. Right now, the world has been closed by the sleepy gods brought by this seat. Let’s see how you old fellow escapes!” The middle-aged man smiled, and he was extremely concerned about the situation. He was calm, especially every time he said something, Buffett's expression was ugly, which really made Luo Xiu curious about the conversation between the two.

"Hahahaha..." In the end, Buffett looked up at the sky and laughed loudly. Although the laughter was ugly, Luo Xiu was also sad with an inexplicable mood.

Before Luo Xiu was still speculating that it might be because this middle-aged man blocked all the entrances and exits of this world, but at this time, combined with the things he had just given, Luo Xiu discovered something that made him feel extremely terrifying, and that was Buffett. Being sealed seems to be related to a terrible inside story, and it is this terrible inside story that once again made Luo Xiu feel the cruelty and **** of the cultivation world.

"What is he laughing at? Baby, don't you know! How do I feel that the things in his smile are too deep." Luo Xiu really couldn't understand why Buffett could still laugh in this situation , So I couldn't help asking the baby out loud.

The scene before him really surprised Luo Xiu. His previous speculations now seemed to be wishful thinking there. Only at this moment did he understand how ignorant he was.

Many things before, now think about it as weird, and Buffett's weird look at this time made him faintly guess some other things. Although Luo Xiu didn't think he could control the situation in front of him, he still thought that since Buffett was not as vicious as he had shown before, Luo Xiu wondered if he could give him a hand. After all, with these foreign humans In comparison, Buffett in front of him is undoubtedly a fellow of the same kind. After all, they belong to the same Celestial Realm, and their interests and needs are consistent with each other.

"I don't know what to laugh, but what I can be sure of is that Buffett should have been conspiring, but his plan seems to have been disturbed. Now he should be a bit resigned. After all The situation is really unresolved, just don’t know what the host is going to do?" The baby doesn’t know what Buffett is laughing at, but is in the immediate situation. As Luo Xiu’s intelligent program, he also puts things down in all sorts. Eight, almost the same as Luo Xiu had guessed before.

"This matter has nothing to do with me and how he is. I don’t think it has anything to do with me. Although I don’t want to admit it, I have to admit it, even if my master is here. , There should be no certainty that I can save Buffett, let alone my small arms and legs. The sight of the middle-aged man just now clearly shows my existence. I still don’t know how to escape. Now, how can I care about the safety of others." Luo Xiu was taken aback at the question that the baby suddenly appeared, and then he was puzzled and couldn't help asking aloud. Based on his cultivation, Luo Xiu doesn’t think he can help the situation at hand. Although the matter is really critical this time, Luo Xiu knows his own affairs. From his standpoint, there is really nothing right now. Way.

"Since you already know that you may have been exposed, don't you know that if you don't have Buffett to contain them, your fellow's life can't be saved. And the current situation is very likely that Buffett has no way to escape, just look at you How did you do it?" The baby gave a positive answer to Luo Xiu's question, with a cold tone in his tone, which made Luo Xiu really puzzled.

"I still don't understand. What do you mean by this? Is it possible that you really want me to save this guy, let alone whether you can succeed, just want to save him, why I would do it for what? My cultivation base is so low, it is very likely that in the eyes of these people, I am just an ant. Why should I take this risk to save him? Besides, if I really fail, it would be a self-rejection. Now!" Luo Xiu reacted very quickly, understanding what the baby said, and at the same time, he felt the change in the baby's tone.

Similarly, at this moment, Luo Xiu also understood one thing, which was very inexplicable, because before he knew it, Luo Xiu’s fate was actually related to Buffett. Although he did not want to admit it, Luo Xiu had to One thing for sure is that he seems to have no choice this time. If Buffett’s affairs are handled improperly, his life will really be unsafe this time.

"Since your kid understands it, it's easy to handle. If things don't happen, wouldn't I be there? Although this baby has limited abilities, it can still be easily done with the host to escape here. Once the host can take Buffett If you rescue it, have you ever thought about your benefits? The benefits will be infinite." Seeing that Luo Xiu has understood the situation in front of him, the baby couldn't help but cheer him up.

"Benefits? What benefit can I have? Are you kidding me again?" Luo Xiu was very suspicious of the baby's sudden change in tone, and couldn't help but ask aloud.

"Hey, good thing, you should know, after all, as an old guy who has lived for millions of years, can he not have some good things at the bottom of the box? You have never thought about this, let alone other things. , It’s just that this old guy has lived for more than three million years. Although he has been sealed, everyone knows that time passes by day by day. It’s a long time since ordinary humans have been sealed for such a long time. Crazy, some serious ones are estimated to have committed suicide a long time ago. But this fellow Buffett has not gone mad after living for more than three million years, even if he was only sealed and fell asleep, it is not something ordinary people can do. This person is either a resolute and determined person, or he is hiding a big secret, and this kind of secret is so big that everyone will be excited!" Seeing Luo Xiu's heart, the baby couldn't help but continue to explode the unexpected news.

"Secrets? What kind of secrets will allow this person to endure for three million years. Anyway, the host seems to be a little interested in what you said. If you say that, is it possible that you have guessed something?" Patronized After chatting with the baby, Luo Xiu didn't notice that the baby's tone was very different from before. At this time, Luo Xiu was completely moved by the secret the baby said.

"Don't interrupt me. Listen to me. You can see from today's incident. The secret that Buffett's hidden is likely to make people of higher planes heart-stirring, and it is even more powerful for this Tianhua Sect. It’s not an ordinary temptation. I don’t know if you have noticed that for this secret, these people in the Tianhua Sect are doing everything they can to obtain this secret. It takes millions of years to make a layout, it can prove that this secret designation is related to a larger interest. It has to be said that the host may really have a big luck this time. Although the people you guessed before are I came with Tianyuanda 6, but think about it carefully, any sect force can survive for more than three million years, they are not the kind of short-sighted generation, and it is simply impossible to spend so long for a low-level plane. It's a matter of reasoning." Realizing that Luo Xiu has figured out what he meant, the baby couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Luo Xiu would be indifferent to what he said. If that were the case, it would be an unimaginable loss.

"You said so much, although I should believe it, but I think about it carefully, and it feels like you are talking nonsense! This old guy can live for more than three million years. Didn't he just say that he is immortal? , Can't kill at all!" Luo Xiu recalled what Buffett had said before and couldn't help but argued.

"The immortal body? You believe that. You have to have questions about other things. This baby may not be able to tell you anything, but about the immortal body, I can indeed tell you clearly. The world is simply There is no such thing as an immortal body! Even if it is to energize all the body like your monks, and want to be immortal forever, he can't do it. The composition of ordinary humans is nothing more than carbohydrates, even those with advanced cultivation. Human beings can transform their whole body into energy, but this kind of energy is not immutable. As time goes by, energy will enter a decay period. This is the latest research result of federal humans.

If it weren’t for the fact that you are the host of this baby, this baby would never tell you this. This matter is still one of the greatest secrets of mankind. Do you know why the Earth Federation is moving towards a biological science civilization? The most fundamental reason is that they have to do this for human beings to live longer. As a result, the arrogant humans killed themselves for fun, and it was the kind of self-destructive feat of the whole race, because no matter from which way, the Earth Federation is an emerging civilization, even if it is related to others outside the galaxy. Civilization can compete, and it is this kind of existence that has gone from prosperity to extinction in just a million years. The most fundamental reason is that the wrong technology tree is clicked. Of course, the human demise of the Earth Federation may be a bit one-sided, because this baby has never seen the final fate of humans, but thinking of the terrible Zerg, the host should also be able to understand the basis for this baby's next conclusion. "The baby knew everything about Luo Xiu's problem, and directly told Luo Xiu what he knew, and it was this remark that made Luo Xiu feel a little bit wrong. The previous system had never told him. These things, even if they were actively asking, the original system never told him the secret matter.

"Then what should I do to save him? It's not that I belittle myself, it's just that the few people in front of me who have been seriously injured are not something I can handle. For the old guy who just appeared, it is incomprehensible. Existence is not something I can provoke. You are not asking me to die! Besides, I am going to die. There is no such thing as me. I will not talk about anything else, just want to get from that person Rescue Buffett is not what I can do right now. Besides, I have been exposed. As for why the person didn’t reveal my whereabouts, that’s not what I care about.” Luo Xiu heard the baby say so. He also agreed with his statement, but faced with the current situation, with his poor cultivation base, it did not help the current situation at all.

(To be continued.)