Technology Communication System

Chapter 255: Secret

"Don't worry now, we have to wait and see the situation. Although it seems that Buffett should not have any resistance at this time, but I don't know why, this baby always has a strange feeling. It seems that this old fellow Buffett must What is hidden is the same.?? Bayi Chinese website W=W=W≤.≤81ZW.COM otherwise, he would not take the initiative to come out just now. You must know that although this small world is very small, if you hide it In terms of people, it is still very difficult to find Buffett with strong mental power based on the cultivation of these five people. The current situation is still very strange. What kind of purpose does Buffett have in this way? The baby can’t understand, and now we can only watch the changes. When we let you do it, don’t hesitate, then we can succeed, and there shouldn’t be much danger.” Seeing Luo Xiu finally agreed to his suggestion , The baby was very excited. He stopped Luo Xiu who was about to do it, and told Luo Xiu his speculation.

Hearing what the baby said, Luo Xiu's heart also felt a little surprised. Although he didn't understand what the baby meant, but thinking of Buffett's strange behavior before, Luo Xiu was also a little confused now. Although he didn't know what he was doing right now In this case, Buffett still has the ability to fight back, but thinking that this old guy can live for more than three million years, if he doesn't have any means to suppress the bottom of the box, it would be strange to Luo Xiu. And Luo Xiu is also very interested in the secret of Tianhuazong’s millions of years. At this moment, seeing the stalemate scene in front of him, I don’t know why, Luo Xiu has some guesses in his heart, it is very likely that he will hear a buried Shocking secrets in the long river of history.

"Then I'll just listen to you. The current situation is that I want to take the initiative to lean on it. It shouldn't have much meaning, it's just a lot of lives." Luo Xiu was a little calm after clarifying what happened. When he got up, he looked at the few people in the field who were still facing each other, feeling a little funny in his heart, and then he thought about today's experience carefully, and then shook his head.

Before today, he would not have thought of killing him, that one day he would have something to do with this abnormal existence in front of him. Although he did not know why, considering his life, Luo Xiu suddenly woke up. Today’s event is likely to be a play directed by Buffett, but now it seems that the play seems to be out of play and it has become impossible to end. He thought again that if this time he could really achieve the baby Those words that he said, his future life is bound to be rewritten.

At this time, between Buffett and the mysterious man, although there is nothing separated from him, the behavior of this mysterious man made Luo Xiu very confused, because since Buffett laughed a few times, this day The Fourth Master of Hua Zong did not take the next step. Although he didn't know why he hesitated so much, he must have something to do with the man who called out the "Three Smiles Divine Art" before, and he doesn't know why. When Luo Xiu heard the name of this technique, he always wanted to be speechless. feel.

"Jiuyin? She can't betray me! Your kid must be lying!" Buffett was furious when he saw the man's secret smile, and at the same time murmured to himself, even though he spoke very well. Calm, but Luo Xiu can already hear him clearly, the pain and anger in his tone. Although he is not very familiar with the things discussed between the two, Luo Xiu just thought with his knees and knew that the guy named Jiuyin in the two populations is probably Buffett’s woman, and this story of dog blood The sect she was in must be the Tianhua Sect for this woman in the middle. Sure enough, the words behind the man confirmed Luo Xiu's guess.

"Do you know why our Tianhuazong wants to deal with you?" The middle-aged man ignored Buffett's clamor. He asked in a leisurely tone, the flash of sneer in his eyes as he spoke, without any concealment. Luo Xiu curled his lips when he saw this scene. It was obvious that it was the one. Jiuyin betrayed Buffett.

What made Luo Xiu even more speechless was that this scene of dog-blooded bridges in front of him was actually seen by him, only to hear Buffett’s trembling opening and asking: "According to my past experience, I’m Buffett. There shouldn't be much grudges with your Tianhua Sect, but the old man still doesn't understand why you have to target the old man again and again."

He was in a daze when he heard the words of the middle-aged man before. He thought of the moment he was chased by people more than three million years ago, hiding like a mouse on the street, and finally fell into the enemy's fate. Looking back at this moment, his already dim eyes suddenly burst out with brilliance, but he hurriedly concealed the brilliance in his eyes.

No one else saw this scene. Considering his own situation at this time, Buffett remained calm, thinking about how to get out of his mind. It is obvious that in the current situation, he has already planned to fail. His previous plan , Since he couldn't consider the issue of retreat, he just had a headache when he heard the man's sleepy distress. More than three million years ago, Buffett was planted in the hands of this thing, and now the Divine Guard is born again, and his state at this time is extremely different, and he can't escape the defense of the Divine Guard at all, let alone this. The guy across from the time was not a weak one.

While Buffett was thinking about countermeasures there, while perfunctory words of the man, of course his main purpose at this time was still to think of Luo Xiu who was originally hiding in this space. It was just that he immediately rejected his previous ideas. Before, he wanted to use Luo Xiu's physical strength to restore his peak cultivation base. Now that these people on the opposite side are not vigorous and vigorous, his That plan was already bankrupt. As for the newly-emerged middle-aged man, his physical body is very much in line with Buffett's ideas, but considering the difference in cultivation level between the two. Buffett had to give up his tempting idea and thought of other ways instead.

"Now, old fellow, don't pretend to be confused anymore. You really think that the thing you did back then was so hidden that no one would know. Back then, there were forty-two disciples of my Tianhua Sect, at the same time It disappeared without a trace. This matter does not need to be reminded by the old man. You should understand what I am talking about.

Before, my teacher thought it was the work of the sky ghost sect, but after talking with the deputy master of the sky ghost sect, the master of my teacher sect found that this matter was tricky, and the sky ghost sect back then should have been a victim. . The old man saw in the dossier that the Sect Master of the Sky Ghost Sect at that time said so. At that time, 33 of the people of their Sky Ghost Sect did not leave the world. If there is nothing trivial about this, it would be impossible, and Later, our two cases also compared the time when the soul lamp shattered, and the two were not in line at all, which meant that you were lying.

Why have you been hiding in Tibet after leaving that piece of the world? If this matter has nothing to do with it, how could you have become the famous Sanxiao Zhenjun in just a few decades! Really, everyone is stupid~ Can't you? And to put it in a bad way, the fundamental reason why you can fall into this miserable field today is that you are self-blaming and greedy.

There are some things that people like you can't worry about, even my Tianhua Sect would not dare to kill people so unscrupulously. Before this, I still had some doubts. After all, it was a million years away, and nothing could withstand the power of time. Seeing the situation of your old fellow, I suddenly believed in this scene. No wonder the evaluation of you in the Heavenly Dao Tower was so high. Now thinking about it, they should have included that thing in your strength. Since more than three million years have passed, and you are still alive in the world, then Ken may still exist somewhere in this world. Old fellow, are you still reluctant to hand over that thing to this day? Do you really want to bring it to the coffin. "Seeing Buffett pretending to be suspicious, the middle-aged man snorted coldly and pointed out the words directly at him.

"That thing? What? What are you talking about? Why don't you understand the old man, but the more he listens, the more confused he gets, and the old man will say it again, the forty-two sects of your Tianhua Sect, their life and death, and the old man It has nothing to do. In that place, they died together with those of the Heavenly Ghost Sect. The old man can swear to the heavens today. As for the Tiandaolou, why do you give such a high evaluation to the old man? If you care about things, the old man doesn’t need to pursue other matters, but your Tianhuazong imprisoned the old man for more than three million years. The old man will find justice even if he desperately died.” After hearing what the middle-aged man said, Buffett also seemed to be very angry, as if he had been wronged a lot, and his tone was full of threats.

"Pretend! You old fellow continue to pretend to be this seat, I see when you will pretend to be crazy and stupid! Before coming this time, the master of my Tianhua Sect has already explained everything to us, today you You must pay if you don’t pay, or you must pay if you don’t. Otherwise, be careful to endure the pain of conspiracy and soul burning. I advise you, don’t wait until then to regret it.” Seeing Buffett is still such a dead pig, I am not afraid of boiling water. Looking hot, the middle-aged man was also a little angry. Although he was very afraid of Buffett's dying counterattack at this time, but thinking of his mission, he was a little unable to restrain his originally very irritable emotions, and tried to calm down. After the emotions in his heart, his tone turned and threatened.

"Hey, if you say so, why did your ancestors dare not use the fascination you just mentioned more than three million years ago? It's not that the old man looks down on you, but you can't do it. You know, The most fundamental reason why my True Lord Sanxiao is called the True Lord Sanxiao is that the old man has no soul at all. Now that you have said so clearly, the old man will not deny it. Yes, the old man was there. There is indeed a rare treasure in the film world, but what does it have to do with you? Although the old man got it out of his conscience, he was trapped here for more than three million years. You group of culprits even accuse the old man of not being moral. If it weren’t for your Tianhua Sect to be a hindrance, how could the ancestral land of my Tianyuan realm fall into the hands of mankind? It’s true that the old man is stupid~ You can’t do it, you dare to do so. Treating the people of the old man’s clans, now this matter has reached the point where you live or die. With a few threatening words from your boy, you want to do something that your sect predecessor never did more than three million years ago. You are too general. Take it seriously." Hearing that the middle-aged man had spoken so clearly, Buffett also gave up, and what he said contained an inside story that made Luo Xiu a little dumbfounded.

The Tianyi tribe of the sentiment back then attacked the world where the humans were, and there was such a hidden existence, no wonder the things of the year were revealed everywhere weird. There are also Venerable Samsara, True Monarch Haotian and others are also really strong and extraordinary. Of course, it also includes the formations that have been laid out after a million years, and they can still play a role. Originally Luo Xiu thought that this formation was to stop the invasion of the Horned Demon Race or the Skywing Race. Thinking about it now, it is obvious that the Tianyi tribe and the Horned Demon tribe back then are joining forces to fight against the human sect Tianhua Sect from a higher plane. And it is very possible that the so-called monks on the road, their origin, at this time, should be extremely difficult. Thinking of this, Luo Xiu himself was in a cold sweat. He realized that many of his previous thoughts were taken for granted. There is no morality in this world. Justice is written by the winner. All things are based on interests. .

"Hehe, if the ancestors didn’t do this, how could they design to frame you, old boy, you old boy was slippery back then, if it weren’t for our master’s roots, you were so unscrupulous back then, How could there not be any means to deal with you. Back then, your twelve subordinates, if it were not for your teacher’s tactics, how could they have sealed you so easily.” What the middle-aged man said this time, Luo Xiu understood a little, and he also knew some secrets.

It's just that the historical truth he learned in the Samsara Taoist Palace back then was completely different from what he had just heard. At this time, Luo Xiu was also a little confused. If things are really like what Buffett said, then these people in the Tianhua Sect are really doing everything for the secret of Buffett, and they can kill thousands of people. This kind of sect of behavior is worthy of being called a decent sect, and it is even better than the magical way! I just don't know, what is Buffett's body that can be remembered so much, and he can pay such a high price to get this thing.

"The old man was really blind back then, and he would actually fall in love with the old witch like Jiuyin. Now I think about it, there were indeed many things at the time, which was strange, but at that time the old man was so young and energetic that his eyes were bewildered by beauty and lost. The fundamental judgment. Now that I think about it, the old man really regrets it and has no urgency. It is a mistake that has become an eternal hate. Now that the matter has reached this stage, it is useless to say it. In short, you kid, don't try to get it from the old man. Anything, let’s not talk about other things, just take your courage, you should not dare to hurt the life of the old man, if that is the case, what else can the old man worry about." Buffett snorted disdainfully. With a sound, the whole momentum suddenly exploded, and the space he was in suddenly seemed to be wrapped in a huge palm. The sandstorm that had been suppressed by the middle-aged man at this time was even more huge.

"Hey, you really can’t do anything in this seat. Presumably the world where your tribe is now, should have been seen by others, and with your tribe’s appearance, and the women in your tribe, they look enchanting. , I believe that you can become the crotch~xiayou~wu of many big people. Although this seat has not personally visited the Tianyuan realm where your clan is located since the collapse of the Nine Heavens and Ten Heavens, but you can know without thinking, Based on the previous blows suffered by your ethnic group and the predicament they faced at that time, I believe that you don’t need to say more about it. You should also understand what kind of living conditions your ethnic group is in today. It’s not because you are boasting or saying something bad. , If it weren’t for threatening you, trying to force out the secret in your mouth. I believe that any second-generation disciple of the Tianhua Sect can easily destroy your ethnic group. After all, it’s not three million years. Earlier, since my Tianhua Sect can lay out this secret for you for more than three million years, then I don’t mind using harsh methods to wipe out the race you belong to. Then you should be aware of this. The master’s sect is bound to have this secret for you. For other things, I believe that you don’t need to continue to describe it. You should think about it carefully, and then talk to this seat after you think it clearly. Otherwise, you will continue to be sealed. Go on." The middle-aged man saw that Buffett was not entering, although he was very angry, but after thinking about it, he barely calmed down his inner irritability, and said to Buffett in a cold tone, the threat in the words was not concealed. . (To be continued.)