Technology Communication System

Chapter 256: Fierce battle

"Hey, if you can do it, how could you still say so much nonsense to me here, based on the old man's understanding of your Tianhua Sect, isn't your teacher's ancestors' precepts saying very well!" No nonsense', listen to how arrogant and domineering your Tianhua Sect is. Where is your domineering back then? Now that the old man is exhausted, but it’s very simple to drag you guys to death together. Don’t think that the old man now has lost his cultivation skills, and he is a good persimmon. Bayi Chinese Net??W≥W≈W≤.=81ZW.COM" Faced with the threat of this man in the middle, Buffett was indifferent, with a very serious mouth. Sneered in a disdainful tone.

These words he said, to Luo Xiu, are indeed similar to nonsense, but with what he said, the face of the middle-aged man on the opposite side became harder to look, and the five of You Songnian on one side were the same. The eyes are strange.

"Old guy, shut up, if it wasn't for the things on your body, you would have been broken into pieces by this seat, and you really think that you are an immortal body!" Seeing Buffett, I want to continue talking, this middle-aged People stopped loudly, and the killing intent in his eyes became fiercer.

"Hehe" Buffett sneered disdainfully. The angry middle-aged man was swollen in this scene, and he looked like he was going to run away at any time, making Luo Xiu want to laugh.

Even Luo Xiu has seen some signs. Although he doesn't know why this man is so jealous of Buffett, he already understands the situation in front of him. The current situation is definitely what the middle-aged man expected. I can’t. Looking at the picture in front of him, Luo Xiu touched his chin. He felt that the current situation seemed to be caused by the old fellow Warren Buffett deliberately, and he just caught the weakness of the Tianhua Sect. Unscrupulous. At the same time, Luo Xiu also clearly felt from the middle-aged man’s blinking eyes that the man seemed to be very jealous of Buffett. Otherwise, the situation in front of him would have changed a long time ago. What made Luo Xiu even more suspicious was that he seemed to be The conversation between Nianren and Buffett was also extremely shocking to Yu Songnian. This had to make Luo Xiu have other guesses in his mind, and the guess that was closest to the real situation was the middle-aged man just now. Few people in the entire Tianhua Sect knew about these things. The greater possibility was that this man's action was also acting privately, and the excuse was also the reason for strengthening the formation.

In fact, Luo Xiu’s guess is not wrong at all. Although the Tianhua Sect has been laid out for more than three million years, with the passage of time, some information about Buffett has been deliberately erased in the entire Tianhua Sect. A middle-aged person happened occasionally, and he would not know Buffett’s secrets, and the Tianhuazong’s introduction to the formations in this small world is also extremely simple, with only a few words, “This place is outside my Tianhuazong’s seal. In the land of the devil, the disciples under the sect will strengthen the formation every million years, and shall not disclose any information about this place! ’

This incident itself was weird, but the middle-aged man just found a detailed record of this incident from an abandoned training room, and there was this scene at hand.

"Uncle Master, why do you talk so much nonsense with this old guy? Just take care of him first and talk about it. As for other things, wait a while and then ask questions later!" The middle-aged man was ridiculed by Buffett. While speaking, Zhou Yichen on one side cursed.

As a second generation of immortals, he speaks this way, but he is very confident, because the fourth uncle in front of him is also a member of his clan. His father is the patriarch of the Zhou clan, and he is the eldest grandson of the Zhou clan. , For middle-aged men is still very deterrent. The situation in the field at this time, although it looked very weird, both Luo Xiu and the middle-aged man seemed to have shown Buffett’s confidence. They just don’t know where this person’s confidence comes from. It’s his power to know the scene. The weakest, even Luo Xiu seemed to faintly want to pass him, but the old guy in front of him can live for more than three million years. If he had no success, how could he make middle-aged people so jealous!

"That's right, it's right to take the old man directly, and why do you talk so much nonsense, hehe, boy, if your uncle can really get the old man out, he will be haggling with him here. Talking about so much nonsense? It's really ridiculous!" Seeing the middle-aged man at a loss, even Buffett spoke out. Although he should have no fear at this time, it is better to use the back hand or not, because once he uses the back hand, he will probably lose any power temporarily. In this case, if he falls into the opponent's hand , In that case, his fate would be unpredictable.

"Old guy, I will give you one more chance at the end to hand over the things obediently. Otherwise, the old man will really have to do it. I won’t be kidding you. This time I’m serious, because when I came, I was here to deal with you. This old guy has cultivated a magical power specifically for you. If you hand over that thing, I can spare you not to die. Hey, you have to think clearly, if you don’t cooperate with me, beware of the consequences!” middle-aged man He quickly calmed down the emotions in his heart. He stared at Buffett tightly, gritted his teeth and threatened. Looking at his situation at this time, it seemed that he really couldn't wait to do something.

When he saw this middle-aged man look like this, Buffett felt a little lucky, but he didn't dare to take the risk. Now the only thing he can do is to act first. To understand this, Buffett turned around and looked. Glancing at Luo Xiu's location, he quietly transmitted to him: "Boy, the old man will do it later. After wounding these people, your kid is smart, don't stay too much, you will take me away immediately."

What followed this passage was a weird rune. Although Luo Xiu used God's Sense to block it in time, this rune seemed to completely ignore it. It appeared directly in Luo Xiu's Sea of ​​Consciousness, and it flew bigger.

After saying these words, Buffett completely ignored Luo Xiu’s reaction and looked directly at other places. He was brewing a trick, but it took some time. Then his eyes floated over and looked at the middle-aged man and said: "Three hundred More than ten thousand years ago, your master had searched the old man all over his body. Whether or not that thing existed, I think you should know better than the old man in your heart. If that's the case, why do you need it? It took such a lot of effort and so much nonsense with the old man here. Hey, it’s not that the old man underestimated you. With your patience, wanting to win the old man is simply wishful thinking!"

At this time, Luo Xiu was indeed stunned. He was not surprised that Buffett could show himself, but what surprised him was that Buffett actually asked him for help. This sudden scene made Luo Xiu feel that the three views were completely ruined. He never thought that he could help Buffett. Although he had this idea just now, he was encouraged by the baby to want to do it, but things should It's not as simple as Luo Xiu thought, and the rune in his mind at this time also reminds him that although Buffett may have almost lost his cultivation at this time, Luo Xiu seems to have grasped some key points. I thought that he was staying here before because Buffett wanted to use his physical power to use some weird magical powers to restore his own cultivation base, that is, to transform his physical body into Blood energy, but at this moment, this old guy should have two plans, but he doesn't know how he would know that Luo Xiu is capable of saving him.

"Baby, what does the old guy mean by saying this. Why do I feel more and more confused, although I have the ability and way to rescue him, but I didn't say, how could he know?" I don't understand. Luo Xiu looked at the baby in his mind, and asked with a puzzling expression. At this time, Luo Xiu only felt absurd. He was still a little bit helpless about the current situation before, and he didn't know how to save his life. It wasn't until Buffett's voice transmission that Luo Xiu felt inexplicably relaxed.

"It's not easy. Obviously that old guy is going to work hard with people. He should have some assassin. Otherwise, with your cultivation base during the out-of-aperture period, if someone stops you, you won't be able to escape this place. But you The kid should also be careful. An old guy like him who has lived for more than three million years will do everything in order to survive. If one is not careful, if necessary, the old guy will not hesitate. Sacrifice you. But you don’t have to worry too much. Since he transmits to you in this way, it proves that he should have seven or eight points of certainty. You are a blessing in disguise again this time. If possible, you'd better Take him away and fly high. Then we will see the situation and see if we can get his hidden secrets. Don't run to the heavenly realm, but run to the endless universe. The orchid should not be able to meet your needs, but for the time being it can only Use it. Once the space jump comes out, immediately change the battleship. Then the middle-aged person will catch up, and you will have the power to fight back." The baby heard Luo Xiu's question, but he didn't feel any surprise, although he was like Luo Xiu. The act of not using his mind feels disdainful, but the current situation is not when he tuned to teach Luo Xiu, so Luo Xiu did not receive any mockery.

"He should be desperate, but I don't know when to do it. Seeing them two are still there chirping, I feel baffled. Since there is no need to go on, then why do you still chir here? Crooked?" Looking at the two people who were still arguing in the field, Luo Xiu curled his lips and was very speechless. The scene in front of him really made Luo Xiu feel a little speechless. It was really that the appearance of the middle-aged man who had just appeared on the stage was very different from his style at this time, which made Luo Xiu feel completely ruined. Although a person can be different from the outside, it was the first time Luo Xiu saw someone like him.

When a middle-aged man appeared for the first time before, Luo Xiu's first feeling was that this man was a master and should be a vigorous and resolute person, but in the entanglement with Buffett just now, Luo Xiu found that this man was simply useless. I saw that the original five people of Tianhuazong in the field at this time had also stood up at this time, and they were all staring coldly at Buffett who was trying to delay the time.

"The host is ready to do it, this time it should be true." As Luo Xiu was thinking about countermeasures, the baby's voice sounded in his mind.

Following the reputation, Luo Xiu saw that Buffett seemed to be using a secret method at this time. Buffett, who was originally a weak aura, was completely messed up with the aura of Yuanting Yuezhi exploding up and down. And this sudden scene also shocked the six members of the Tianhua Sect. The middle-aged man had been hesitant at first, and at this time the whole person became extremely serious. Although he was very jealous of Buffett before, but It's also afraid of this person's strong mental power. At this moment, seeing this scene now makes him firm up his thoughts. And this scene before him also makes Luo Xiu feel a little sigh in his heart. This person should have cultivated some kind of special. The change of mind and mind is simply jaw-dropping.

"Since you old thing still knows the ancestral motto of my Tianhuazong, then this seat will fulfill you!" Before Buffett moved, the middle-aged man stepped forward, pushing his palms flat, and swept toward Buffett. Following the man's movements, a circle of blush appeared behind his head, like the rising sun, while the man yelled: "The big mudra of the heavens!"

As the man’s palms shot out, the aura scattered in this deserted little world resembled a soldier commanded by a general. Countless auras gathered in mid-air into a pair of huge palms, which were pale in the sunlight. Light.

Where the giant palm passed, the space was shattered, just a distance of 100 meters, wherever the giant palm passed, the space flowed out randomly, stirring the world, and going straight to Buffett in the blink of an eye, so fast that Luo Xiudu outside the court There is no chance to react. It is as if the man's palms crushed the void within a hundred meters into powder at the instant of a finger, as if it was not hindered at all. Not only did the degree not slow down due to the long distance of the attack, but it was two times faster. Fen, pressed towards Buffett, this palm was not only unmatched in strength, but also full of mysterious mood. Luo Xiu in the formation, seeing the man’s attack, he only felt that Dao Xin was faltering and his whole body was tumbling. I wanted to vomit blood and hurriedly stopped my mind. I didn't dare to look directly at this growing palm. This was the first time Luo Xiu saw such a strange attack. The man in front of me was so deep in his cultivation that he was shocking. There is not much heaven and earth aura in the small world in front of me, and it is this little heaven and earth aura that is left. In this type of attack by the man, all the heaven and earth aura in this small world are extracted. The strength is far beyond Luo Xiu's imagination.

On the other hand, Buffett was attacked. Luo Xiu was surprised by his look at this time. Originally, Luo Xiu thought about it. With such a weird attack and powerful momentum, Buffett would definitely avoid him in a hurry, but Luo Xiu was very puzzled. The thing is, Buffett seems to be indifferent to the flying palms. He doesn't seem to feel the attack. If Luo Xiu sees Buffett’s eyes are very bright, Luo Xiu thought Buffett was frightened. , While Luo Xiu was secretly anxious for him, Buffett’s eyes suddenly burst with dazzling light, and two air masses of black and white flashed through his eyes. Luo Xiu saw very clearly, and he could not help being caught in Buffett’s eyes. The two fleets of air were stunned. Buffett didn't move, and his face finally showed a smile. Then there was no movement of Buffett. His palm stretched out and drew a circle in the air. The circle broke away from the air and fell into the palm of the palm, disillusioned, and then Buffett suddenly patted in the direction of the giant palm.

Bang! Boom!

I saw Buffett’s lightly pat, two strangely rotating air masses, one black and one white, flew out of his palms, and these two strange air masses were like balloons being blown up. The moment they left their palms, they became the same size as the giant palms of the middle-aged man. Then the two collided and hurricanes blasted out from the center of the collision, blowing the yellow sand over the sky, and the field was originally very clear. The scene of ”is also blurred by the collision of the two attacks.

Afterwards, before the yellow sand dissipated, Buffett's figure flashed and disappeared in place, flying forward and rushing towards the people of Tianhua Sect. The middle-aged man seemed to feel the same, and it was the same action. The figure became sharply spinning, and the sound of'Boom Boom Boom' came out from the yellow sand in the sky.

The battle between the two went straight for half an hour. Because the sky was full of yellow sand, Luo Xiu didn't dare to use his spiritual sense to check. He could only rely on the constant sound of flesh and body collisions to feel Buffett’s situation at this time. It won't last long, if the middle-aged man can not be killed in a short time, this time the two want to escape under the eyes of a few people in Tianhua Sect, it is simply a joke.

(To be continued.)