Technology Communication System

Chapter 262: A day

"In fact, it's nothing, but the spaceship under us has the ability to attack, you should know the spar cannon! This spaceship has this ability, and every attack of the spaceship is with my master's full blow. One fight.? Bayi Chinese Net W㈧W㈧W㈧.? 8?1?Z㈠W㈧。㈠C?O?M Just now we also planned to use the Nine Dragon Emperor Sword as a bait, and then find a way to kill the Tianhua Sect That guy just thought about the difference in cultivation level between us. In desperation, we had to give up this idea. After all, according to the ability that the person showed before, with this strength in my hands, it should be done. Not that. After all, the spacecraft we are in has a relatively single attack, and it can only go straight, unable to lock the target for bombardment. Moreover, the person of Tianhuazong's speed is too fast, and the attack can't lock his at all. . In this case, what we want to do will be more embarrassing. I didn’t expect you to have the same idea. In this case, it depends on your formation skills. If you can trap him, it won’t take too long. It’s up to you to see what kind of array materials you need to keep that person immortal. If the plan is feasible, we can do both. This spacecraft will give him a double-sided attack. I don’t believe it anymore. Even if he can’t get rid of him, he will be seriously injured. Only then will we have a chance to escape. Otherwise, the old guy’s designation is like brown candy. It’s the same, haunting us tightly.” Seeing Buffett looking at him with such a weird look, Luo Xiu did not shy away from telling his own thoughts, and at the same time he suddenly moved in his heart, despite his sudden thoughts. It's naive, but he thought about the feasibility carefully. If he only hurts people and doesn't force them to kill, he can still easily do this suddenly.

"Oh? When you say that, the old man is really interested. I don’t know if I can demonstrate to the old man. I will see how powerful this spacecraft is. If this is the case, I will be mentally prepared. How should you cooperate with you to control the formation at that time, how about it? Let the old man also see that today, more than three million years later, where the cultivation civilization in this world has reached." After listening to Luo Xiu's narration, Buffett did too. With a look of joy on his face, he couldn't help but ask.

At this moment, Luo Xiu also quietly breathed a sigh of relief. For Buffett's use of this Earth Federation spacecraft as a product of the cultivation world refiner, Luo Xiu was a little happy at this time, and he was also a little grateful. Fortunately, sitting across from him at this time is such an old guy who has been sealed for more than three million years. After he came out, he has not been in contact with other people. Otherwise, he will have a kind of fear of being killed by someone. Take forever.

"It's simple, isn't there a meteorite belt ahead? Just use the meteorite over there to do an experiment." Luo Xiu snapped his fingers and ordered: "Orchid, just find a target and attack with the maximum energy. , Let me also see the power of the main gun."

Buffett and Luo Xiu got up at the same time and stood by the porthole waiting for the bombardment. When Luo Xiu gave this order, an energy cannon tube stretched out from the bottom of the spacecraft, and then a huge energy shock wave came from the bottom of the spacecraft. Shoot ~ go out, I saw a bright light cut through the sky like a sharp sword and bombarded the distant meteorite group abruptly, and then this attack reached the fastest speed in a very short time, just like a meteor. After the void blasted the meteorite in the distance, Buffett’s stunned gaze, the meteorite group fell apart at the moment the bright light touched it, and even some of them were blasted into powder and disappeared in the original. Ground.

"Well, this is the maximum attack intensity of the spacecraft, but it can be faster. It's just that due to the energy supply problem, it can't shoot this kind of attack continuously. It can only shoot once every two seconds." Seeing dumbfounded. Buffett, Luo Xiu's expression of self-satisfaction, at this time he did find some confidence in the eyes of this old guy. The experience of the past few days has almost made Luo Xiu have the urge to die, and his self-confidence has been greatly affected. Now seeing Buffett's hell, it has also made Luo Xiu feel much better.

"Could it be that today's cultivation world has grown to such a metamorphosis. That meteorite group has become like this. It's just that such a small thing can attack with all its strength in one attack, and it can explode such a metamorphosis attack power, no wonder By the time my Tianyi clan will decline, with such a powerful weapon, you humans must have dominated the heavens and the realms." Looking at Luo Xiu with a face, Buffett's mouth twitched, he really did not expect , This guy in front of him still has a spaceship with such a sharp attack. At the same time, he also faintly understood that in the past three million years of being sealed, the situation in the cultivation world has changed drastically, and many things have been out of the scope of his cognition, as if he was thinking of something, his face was still extremely uncertain. , And suddenly no longer entangled these things.

"In that case, with the help of a spacecraft like you, our plan can be easily achieved. Even if your kid can't provide good materials for the formation, we can still have a way to keep that guy in this void. Now what you have to do is to find a way to delay, as long as you give the old man a day, the old man will be able to recover 30% of his strength, and once the old man recovers 30% of his strength, even if I face the person alone, even if I can’t directly ~Take~ Kill him, but hurt him badly, it can still be done easily, but since there is such a good way, if we can't kill the person directly, in this case, the old man doesn't need to be confused. Of course the old man does the same. In order to avoid getting injured again, so that the injury on his body worsened." Buffett clapped his palms and couldn't help but said excitedly.

"Okay, every day, kid, I have to fight for my life and get rid of that guy for a whole day." Luo Xiu said and began to study the escape route carefully. He gave up the route that he had continued to escape before and couldn't help but pull He twitched the corner of his mouth, and then drove the spacecraft to the direction of his left hand.

"Baby, you should have heard it too. What we are doing right now is to find a way to support it for more than a day. In this way, when the old guy recovers, we will have no worries." Luo Xiu researched. Escape route, while discussing countermeasures with the baby in my mind.

"If this is the case, then we will change the spaceship immediately, and take out one of the other spaceships on your body. This Orchid can no longer be used. It has been used for three consecutive jumps. If you continue to use it, it will be very troublesome. In the event of a sudden situation, we can't make any reaction at all, and then it will be too late if something really happens by surprise. So, for the sake of safety, we should still be careful, otherwise, the engine will be overloaded later. If it really explodes, then your kid is really going to die." The baby also knew that the situation was urgent, so he did not hesitate to put forward his own opinions.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu did not hesitate anymore. He looked at Buffett who was about to meditate cross-legged, and did not disturb him. He just looked at the current engine temperature monitoring on the Orchid, and carefully thought about his plan. , And then he said: "There are no other problems for the time being. Looking at the temperature display, I should be able to insist on another transition, and immediately perform the space transition. This time, I will try my best to make the space leap."

"The jump has been reached for the first time, the maximum engine load! Attention! The countdown is 3, 2, 1!" As Lanhua’s mechanical and electronic sounds echoed in the cab, the next moment Lanhua broke through the space and suddenly disappeared into this void. . And with the disappearance of the Lanhua, a figure came out in the void, and it was the uncle of the Fourth Master of the Tianhua Sect.

"This kid runs really fast! With the strength of the Great Perfection of the Dao Realm, I can't even catch up. The things on that kid are really weird. A low-level figure has such a method, old man I'm more and more interested in you." If Luo Xiu knew what this person was thinking, he appointed a head and fell to the ground. He didn't expect that at this moment, the middle-aged man's interest in him would go far beyond right. If Luo Xiu knew of Buffett's interest, he would be swearing. And don't hesitate to throw Buffett's out, just how far you can run alone!

"Senior is here to heal his injuries well. In order to help Senior delay the time, Junior has to go out and do something, otherwise, I won't be able to help Senior later." Luo Xiu ignored Buffett after speaking, and appeared directly outside the spaceship. Then with a wave of his hand, a larger spaceship appeared not far in front of Luo Xiu, and then Luo Xiu controlled the Orchid spacecraft into this larger space battleship. The next moment, he also appeared on the ship. On the bridge.

"The system is checking, the spacecraft information system is loading, please wait..." Luo Xiu appeared in the bridge command center of the spacecraft, and then he saw various robots, which are now in place and are currently in place. ~ With all kinds of dazzling instruments, the baby's voice also appeared in his mind.

"The host puts his hand on the red button in front of us, we are going to leave here immediately! Start up for a while. After that person appears in the void, we immediately give that person a cannonball to see how it works !" The baby seemed extremely excited at this time.

"Hey, that's not right. Why can't I feel any nervous look from you? You guy seems to be very excited. Is it possible that the medium-sized space battleship I took out before has other abilities?" Looking at myself, I was very happy. Luo Xiu couldn't help but move his heart, and couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, this battleship is a big guy that your Orchid can't keep up with the small horse. This spaceship has 32 main guns and 148 secondary guns. It also has a full set of energy shields and the spacecraft is also equipped. The latest vector engine of the Federation, if there is enough energy during the flight, it can even use a more abnormal space to fold and escape. The power of its main gun is absolutely powerful as you can imagine, but this thing consumes more energy It’s huge. The entire warship needs 30 megawatts of nuclear fusion reactors to provide him with energy. Just imagine that if the man of the Tianhua Sect was really hit by the 32 main guns on the warship, here Under the three-hundred-and-sixty degrees of the battleship’s three-dimensional firepower, there is no chance to react due to his ability. If he can’t react, can he be killed directly? See if he can hold it." The baby made no secret of his own thoughts. Now he controls this medium-sized battleship independently. At this time, his only thought is to take the middle-aged man who has been chasing Luo Xiu. Try the power of this battleship.

You know that as an intelligent program, he was originally extremely confident in the technological level of the Earth Federation, but with the appearance of this middle-aged person, it also greatly dampened the baby's self-confidence. You must know that powerful individuals in the realm of comprehension rely on their flesh~body. The strength is comparable to that of a spaceship. There is such a good test subject right now, can the baby be excited!

"Hey, I said, if we really kill the middle-aged man of Tianhuazong, wouldn't it mean that we will fall into the hands of Buffett again, and if it’s not right, I’m like Buffett who has been sealed for millions of years The old guy of, but there is no half of the trust. Before this middle-aged man was restrained, he didn't dare to go too much, but once the middle-aged man’s restraint is lost, our safety will be unpredictable. We don’t understand the nature of this old guy. After all, as an old guy who has been trapped for more than three million years, it’s not easy to be able to keep his mind unchanged. It’s not easy to be able to stay normal. If you know before, I was domineering with him. Knowingly, hehe, I don't want to just go out of the tiger's mouth and enter the wolf pack." Although Luo Xiu was happy to see such an excited baby, Luo Xiu was a little uneasy thinking about his previous experience.

"Host, you have to worry too much. Let’s not talk about anything else. With Buffett’s fear of this person, it is still very difficult for us to kill him!" As for Luo Xiu’s worry, the baby directly gave him an accurate explanation. .

"And right now is a good opportunity. After all, that person has just crossed the space. As long as we react fast enough and run after the fight, we can definitely hit the middle-aged man with one blow. As for the effect, it is not. This baby can predict it." Seeing Luo Xiu's thoughtful look, the baby continued.

"If it's as simple as you said, it would be great. If we can't hit him and we don't have enough time to leave here in time and be caught up by that person, then wouldn't we be in big trouble? Don't forget. As Buffett just said, this person has a very powerful flame-spirited crossbow with long-range attacks. Although the medium-sized warship under us has a strong defense, can it carry this abnormal weapon? One blow is still a matter of two talks. I don't want to be killed in this void!" Luo Xiu raised an objection to the baby's optimism, and he said with a grim expression.

"What you said is more frustrating. Let’s not talk about other things. You should know what this baby does. Judging from the frequency that the person has tracked over the past few times, if no surprises, he should have used it. With all our strength, and the distance of our jump this time is far enough, if calculated properly, I can even achieve that the moment that person appears, the main gun’s attack has already reached him, I don’t believe it, even if he repairs No matter how abnormal he is, he can still avoid the attack in front of him. If the person can do this, he will recognize it. "It seems that the baby is very suspicious of Luo Xiu. Dissatisfied, couldn't help but make a sound and gave him a guarantee.

"That is to say, you can roughly guess when he appeared, and he will be killed in one shot, right?" Luo Xiu suddenly understood what the baby said. He couldn't help but admire him a little. There are many powerful existences in the world, unable to lock them with God's Sense, but this guy in his mind can predict the enemy's location in advance through calculations. This is simply a cheating existence.

"Host, just look okay, and later, make sure to let the old guy see the power of the Earth Federation technology." It seems that Luo Xiu questioned his ability very uncomfortably, and the baby said directly. The self-confidence in the words is that Luo Xiu has been infected by him.

(To be continued.)