Technology Communication System

Chapter 263: Zerg in the meteorite group

"If you say so, it's up to you. I hope you can let this host see how powerful the technology of the Earth Federation is in your mouth. ?? Bayi? Chinese website W㈧W?W?. 8? 1 ?ZW.COM is OK, let's change the topic, after all, I can't help you in this matter. How is Buffett's situation at this time? Can you monitor him, in case this old guy runs out and sees it? What we should see, aren’t we very passive!” Since the baby had already promised this, Luo Xiu stopped talking. He suddenly thought that Buffett, who was still sitting cross-legged on the Orchid, couldn’t help but say Asked.

Now Luo Xiu is a little confused about Buffett. Although he had reached a consensus with this old guy before, the two have now escaped from that world. Luo Xiu has a different view of Buffett trusting him so much. It's not that he wants to do something to Buffett, but the current situation can be said to be extremely critical. If it is not handled well, it is possible for the two to be buried in this strange void. Logically speaking, so At a critical moment, he pinned the safety of the two on the body of a little monk like Luo Xiu, which made Luo Xiu feel weird, even if Luo Xiu had already made the achievements to rescue him, the immediate crisis The situation is still there. With only Luo Xiu's words, Buffett believes in him so much, and Luo Xiu faintly feels something is wrong.

"If you don't tell me, I will also tell you that this old guy is adjusting his breath and meditating there now, but what makes this baby feel strange is that this person does not seem to be cultivating the true vitality in your body. The energy fluctuations that came out, this baby used the energy collection device on the Orchid to detect some of the energy he shed, and found that the power in this human body is extremely strange. The energy in Buffett's body is extremely single and pure, and there is no such thing in the host's body. Of course, it may be that the baby’s expression is wrong. What I said is not that the energy in his body is wrong. What I am referring to is this kind of power, which makes me feel extremely sacred. Don’t look at me. I don’t know how to describe it. I am borrowing from some myths and legends on the earth. In the earth world, the people called the gods of light in the west are the gods who use light magic.” Seeing Luo Xiu’s eyes Looking at the astonishment on his face, the baby also waved his hand, indicating that he did not understand this matter very well.

"This kind of thing has nothing to do with us. What I care about is what he is doing now? Other things have nothing to do with us. What kind of energy does he use to cultivate, or what kind of exercises he cultivates. As far as I am concerned, there is no need to care. The immediate task is to solve the person of the Tianhua Sect." Although Luo Xiu was a little surprised when he heard the baby say this, but after thinking about it, he felt this again. It doesn’t have much to do with him. After all, many people in the realm of cultivation practice different methods. Even if it’s the same exercise method, different people will make a big difference when it comes to cultivating. That’s why Luo Xiu heard the baby describe it like this. Don't care.

"In this case, this baby has nothing else to say. That person is still honest now. He woke up once, looked at it, and then continued to practice. It's just that this baby's opinion of him is similar to yours. Quite the opposite. I didn’t sense from him that this person is hostile to you. Although this baby does not have any human emotions, he can still calculate it from the performance of some things." Listen When Luo Xiu said this, the baby didn’t pay attention. Although he was just an intelligent program, he knew more about human behaviors and habits than Luo Xiu. The one who wrote him back then was in his A lot of knowledge about human emotions has been added to the core intelligence library, which is just now available, but now I hear that Luo Xiu seems to have a lot of resistance to Buffett. Luo Xiu’s performance is somewhat different from the baby’s view. It's something, so I couldn't help but remind me.

"How did you see that, as a human being, I have five senses and life experience, and the mysterious sixth sense, I didn't even feel it. How can you have human emotions in a program? Besides, he It doesn’t matter if you are guarded against me. After all, I have saved him before. Besides, have you forgotten what happened before?” Luo Xiu didn’t care about the baby’s reminder. What he cares about at the moment is that. Isn’t it because the place where Luo Xiu is located is relatively far away? In order to find him, he wasted time. After all, with the help of Orchid’s last leap, the Lanhua’s energy reserves disappeared by 73% and jumped here In the unfamiliar space, the Tianyuan Realm was no longer visible, and the five moons in the Tianyuan Realm had disappeared from Luo Xiu's eyes.

And just as Luo Xiu was thinking about when the middle-aged Hua Zong could catch up that day. Luo Xiu only felt that the surveillance picture he was watching suddenly flickered, and then Luo Xiu suddenly looked at the picture in front of him in shock. It is true that the situation in the picture at this time is too weird. It was originally in this very dark void. It is impossible for other living humans or creatures to appear. However, it was Luo Xiu who casually glanced at it. In the meteorite group that Luo Xiu ignored, Luo Xiu showed an abnormality, although before, it was in the first place where the spacecraft jumped. For a while, Luo Xiu had used his spiritual sense to check, but found nothing. At this time, seeing the weird creatures concealed in the meteorite group, Luo Xiu was extremely shocked. At this time, a group of humans appeared in front of him. These people were confronting a group of ugly bugs. They seemed to be jealous on both sides. For a while, Luo Xiu was a little dazed. If he didn't read it wrong, the universe was empty. , And the scenes in front of him that suddenly caught his eye, really made Luo Xiu's brain crash.

"Baby, please pay attention to the meteorite group in the southwest. Is there any weird place there. I seem to have seen a lot of humans there. Are these people also sent by the Tianhua Sect to stop us?" Zheng Luo Xiu When he was about to continue talking with the baby, he suddenly noticed some anomalies in the picture. Just as he was about to explore it carefully, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Luo Xiu's spaceship from behind the meteorite group.

I saw him look around, and then looked at the strange-looking flying object in front of him. This person is about 1.9 meters tall. Although he is extremely tall, the whole person feels like this. It was extremely gloomy, so he felt very strange and uncomfortable. What surprised Luo Xiu even more was that he had a sense of familiarity with the person in front of him. It's just that the current situation is unclear, and he doesn't have the mind to wonder where his strange familiarity comes from.

Although this person only glanced lightly, Luo Xiu actually felt like being looked at by that person. This feeling was also extremely familiar to him, because he had been stared at like this before. The person in front of him glanced at the huge battleship Luo Xiu was riding on, as if he was very curious about this thing, and he didn't take the initiative to ask questions or make other actions immediately.

And Luo Xiu was also curious about this person, after all, there was no oxygen and heaven and earth aura in the void of the universe. How could this group of people appear here and confront these weird Zergs. What made Luo Xiu even more strange was that this person seemed to be not surprised by the space battleship under him. You must know that if the space battleship under Luo Xiu's body appeared in the Tianyuan realm, it was designated to cause a sensation. However, Luo Xiu didn't see any surprise in the eyes of this person.

"The host must be careful. Next, this baby must always pay attention to the situation outside the spacecraft, and prepare to escape in time, because this baby has discovered a large number of zergs from this meteorite group." Just as Luo Xiu wondered why this person was like this. When doing something, the baby’s voice came to mind in his mind, and Luo Xiu was surprised by what he said. Although he felt familiar with the people in front of him, he didn’t associate it with the Zerg, but suddenly Suddenly he thought of the baby's suggestion to make him flee away from the Tianyuan realm. Seeing this situation at this time, Luo Xiu faintly understood that he was close to Qingyun University 6.

"A large number of zerg? You are sure! No, according to my observations, there should be only a few thousand worms. With the strength of these people, it should be easily settled. How can you say that there are a large number of worms, how many? But It's impossible. If there were so many recharges, these people should have escaped long ago. How could they still stand against this group of bugs here. Could it be that these cunning bugs are quietly dispatching troops, secretly? Surrounded here? What should we do? Do you want to help them? Although these people know that we will help, don’t forget that we still have chasing soldiers.” Luo Xiu asked uncertainly, his tone of voice There is also a trace of seriousness and prudence in the middle.

"It’s better for you to decide this kind of thing yourself. Although we still have time, this baby doesn’t mind if the host does this. The most is to pick them up and give those bugs a few main cannon attacks. Get out of here immediately, otherwise, you will really be in big trouble later." Hearing Luo Xiu misunderstood what he meant, the baby couldn't help but explain a few words aloud.

"You keep a good distance with that person, don't let him come forward, as long as he dares to get close to the spaceship, he will fire the cannon immediately, and I will go out and have a look." Seeing the middle-aged man, there was no reaction, just staring at himself in a daze. Luo Xiu gave a faintly commanded spacecraft, and the next moment his figure disappeared inside the spacecraft and appeared not far from the man. It is not until now that he sees the looks of the men clearly that Luo Xiu understands where the faint sense of familiarity in his heart comes from. These people's looks are almost exactly the same as those of the young owner of the Heavenly Sword Villa, and after a careful look at their clothes, Luo Xiu also discovered these people His clothes are very similar, so he cares about it when he moves.

Because the two were in the void at this time, the void was unable to communicate, and there was no air circulation here, so the words spoken could not be transmitted at all. Luo Xiu could only communicate with the man using his spiritual sense.

"Senior, what did you stop the junior's spaceship?" Luo Xiu didn't mean anything, and asked directly, now that the situation is urgent, he can't help but take the time to get close to this man's twists and turns. Furthermore, looking at the embarrassment of these people, Luo Xiu can easily guess their thoughts, so he simply sells his personal feelings. After all, he is planning to go to Qingyun University 6 and bring these people in front of him. Maybe he can give him. The next action provides good convenience. As for saying that these people would **** the spaceship behind him, Luo Xiu could only haha, let alone other things, just to give them a spacecraft of this kind, Luo Xiu believed that they would not be able to do anything about it. If the spaceship behind him was a spirit ship, Luo Xiu would still have concerns in this regard, but this spacecraft was built by the Earth Federation, and since these people don’t know anything about the Earth Federation, they simply pilot it. No way this spaceship.

Although the man in front of him looks very gloomy, and the whole person feels very uncomfortable, but Luo Xiu did not feel any killing intent from him. Although he did not relax, he was not too nervous. After all, this The man has blocked him here for a while, since he hasn't done it immediately, it proves that he should be asking for help.

"Friends of the Daoists, please! Su Can, the overlord of the Yin Sect in Qingyun Great 6 days, the spacecraft we were riding in the Void Storm broke down and disintegrated, causing the great elder of the sect to be seriously injured. Take refuge in this group of meteorites for a while, so as not to suffer from a void storm again. At this moment, I saw fellow Daoist’s spirit boat. Although the Dao didn’t know what the fellow Daoist was riding in, he had to come out and discuss it with fellow Daoists. I want to ask if we can borrow your spacecraft. When we get back to Qingyun University 6, there will be some rewards!" Then the man, what he said was far beyond Luo Xiu's expectation. He didn't mention the weird bugs around him at all, and Luo Xiu also had some faint guesses, but he just had a flash of inspiration. When thought of this, Luo Xiu silently watched the middle-aged man feel something. Thinking.

"Of course it's okay, but the junior spaceship looks huge, but the number of people it can hold is also limited. I don't know what those weird bugs are? If these bugs come together, there is no place at all!" The man didn’t mention the bugs around them. Luo Xiu knew that his previous guess was probably correct. Although he was surprised when he heard that, he faintly felt that things seemed to be completely opposite to what he had guessed before. It's not against those people, as if they should be in the same group, maybe.

"We only have fifteen people, and these insects, they are our spirit beasts, they are under our control, and can be put into the spirit beast bag at any time, and they don’t take up much space. I just don’t know if fellow daoists can do it. Convenient, we will have to thank you again later.” The man saw that Luo Xiu pointed out the bugs directly. Although he was a little uneasy in his heart, he seemed to have made some determination to pass the bugs. No plan to explain to Luo Xiu carefully.

(To be continued.)