Technology Communication System

Chapter 264: Rebirth!

"If this is the case, of course there is no problem, but this matter cannot be decided by the younger generation alone. Please wait a while. I will discuss with the elders in the ship. I will give the senior an answer later. .?? Bayi Chinese W=W≈W≈.=8≈1≠Z≠W=.≥C≥O≠M" Hearing this person named Su Can say so, Luo Xiu did not say anything. Although he is not very shrewd, he is definitely not a fool. The man in front of him obviously didn't take him seriously.

If Luo Xiu had not dealt with the Zerg before and knew something about the Zerg, Luo Xiu would have sneered at men saying that, or if he was still a little curious about this person’s behavior, Luo Xiu would have been impatient. , I don't even bother to talk nonsense with this Su Can.

And if it wasn't for Luo Xiu's understanding of the Zerg from the Earth Federation, if he were another person here, he would also be designated to be fooled by the person in front of him, and then maybe something would really happen. Luo Xiu still remembers that the emergence of the Zerg is a big trouble caused by the humans of the Earth Federation. Luo Xiu's suspicion is now vaguely understood. Obviously this person doesn't know how to control space battleships, but with the urinary nature of Zerg female worms, he definitely knows how to use the space battleships made by Federation humans. If this is the case, some of Luo Xiu’s previous speculations may be true. He didn’t realize until now, why the person just saw this flying magic weapon that was very different from the realm of cultivation but did not look at all. Surprised.

Of course, the current Luo Xiu is not a rookie who knows nothing. He did not directly deny the man's request, of course, he did not directly agree. He has to go back to discuss with the baby and see his thoughts. Although he had faintly guessed, he was not very worried about the zerg in front of him.

You must know that there is an old monster like Buffett on the spaceship. Luo Xiu also discovered that the people in front of him are not very strong in cultivation. The strongest is only equivalent to the third-order Sanxian's strong cultivation, and the plot for these people. Luo Xiu was too lazy to bother. He didn't think he would be held hostage by these people. If this person was really unscrupulous, Luo Xiu wouldn't mind giving them a cannonball so that they could see how powerful the technology of the Earth Federation is. .

"Baby, what should we do? It seems that this person's posture is hiding something from us. And things should be completely contrary to our previous guesses. Those Zergs seem to be in a group with this group of people, which can illustrate a problem. , That is, these humans in front of us seem to be controlled by powerful female insects. As for why they appear here, I don’t know. If you have any good suggestions, you can tell me directly. Otherwise, I will People didn't dare to make any decisions." Luo Xiu, who returned to the battleship, told the baby what he wanted in the first time, and then looked at the group of people in the distant meteorite group.

Although Luo Xiu didn’t want to admit it, Luo Xiu had to admire that even if the conditions of these people were very bad at this time, they seemed to be very calm, and according to Luo Xiu’s observations, the various zerg races originally hidden in the meteorite group At this time, it seemed that they had disappeared without a trace, and only the thousands of bugs that Luo Xiu saw at first sight were left on the bright surface. Seeing this scene, Luo Xiu was only stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly understood the plan of this group of people.

Obviously, this group of people should have been chased and killed by certain forces on Qingyun Da 6, and they would hide in this meteorite group as a last resort. However, Luo Xiu's appearance made them see the light. As for them before As for Luo Xiu to send them back to Qingyun University 6, Luo Xiu said that if he really did this, he would have no good end.

The fact is already obvious. This group of people are either traitors who are in the same trade with the Zerg, or they are controlled by the higher Zerg of the Zerg, and Luo Xiuyin also understands that these people in front of him behave so calmly. The side can also show that this starry sky is relatively quiet and safe. Otherwise, this group of people will not hide here and stay here, there should be other plans to stay here.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu's heart moved, and he faintly figured it out. The reason why this group of people spread so many insects behind each meteorite just now is to use them as bait, and then lure them to chase. The people who killed them entered this encirclement and then destroyed them in one fell swoop.

"This matter is useless to tell my baby. The matter should be similar to what you guessed. Otherwise, what the person said just now will be somewhat self-evident. And, don’t care about the truth~ how the truth is, since we If you can’t get rid of the middle-aged man of Huazong that day, you might as well bring more people into the water. In this case, even if we are head-to-head with the man from Tianhuazong, there will be a few more helpers. Hey, I said you shouldn’t look at me like that. In fact, although what I said was a bit more trivial, it is undeniable that this matter is indeed highly enforceable.” Regarding Luo Xiu’s thoughts, The baby knew very well that Luo Xiu definitely did not want these people to board the space battleship, but the baby's words also dispelled his worries. At this time, Luo Xiu didn't think of the baby's pulling people. The scene of entering the water, but he thought carefully about the meaning of the baby's words, and couldn't help being startled.

"It makes sense for you to say that, but I don't know if our plan is feasible, and I always feel a bad feeling. You said we should discuss with Buffett, that old guy should be well-informed People, if he is there, he should be able to provide us with some more interesting suggestions. Are you right?” Although he has agreed with the baby’s words, Luo Xiu still feels a little uneasy, because the baby is just a smart program after all. He still didn't know much about the monks, and there was no clear understanding in some human behaviors. In this way, he immediately thought of Buffett who was sitting cross-legged on the Orchid at this moment, and couldn't help but say aloud.

"Are you sure you want to call him over? In this case, we will inevitably expose something again." Hearing Luo Xiu's words, the baby was taken aback first and couldn't help but say aloud. Sure enough, the baby's perspective on the problem is still somewhat of the inertia of the Earth Federation.

"Do you really think that our secret is still a secret in front of Buffett? That person is an old fritters. How could he not care about our affairs at all? When he just woke up before, maybe in a short time, This old guy can still be fooled by me, but after a long time, when he sees our previous test shot, he will know everything.

To say something ugly, this person should already know our every move before, don't forget that his most praised is his perverted mental power. No one in this world is stupid. For the same Warren Buffett who can live for more than three million years, we should not think about trying to deceive him in order to achieve any purpose. Two people can achieve greater gains by cooperation. This is a matter of mutual benefit. Do you think I am right? After all, even if he killed me, he shouldn't get the system, right? "Luo Xiu sneered at what the baby said. This little guy is completely inferior to the original main system. Now he still looks at people like Buffett from the perspective of the Earth Federation. For Luo Xiu, people like Buffett are simply You can’t use the usual theory. And to put it in a bad way, the old man is definitely at the level of a grandmaster. Although he himself has been scammed for more than three million years, but It is undeniable that this person's understanding of himself must be extremely abnormal.

"The host is very puzzled by your current performance. You seem to be extremely contradictory. We were extremely afraid of Buffett before, but we don't know when the host started, and the attitude towards this person seems to change extremely quickly, and The current situation is very clear at a glance. Although I don’t want to admit it, there are some things that the host seems to be contrary to his own heart. Please pay attention to this point." The baby is not commenting on these words of Luo Xiu, instead he raised another question When this question was spoken out, Luo Xiu suddenly felt a faint feeling in his heart for the first time. He was not this kind of character before. Although he was cautious, many times, he couldn't do things by himself. It's temperament, and this situation is happening now. He suddenly realized that it should be the old fellow Buffett who quietly used some means to reduce his guard against him.

"If this is the case, then discuss with the old guy. After all, he also has the right to know. If there is an uncontrollable situation at that time, we have to use his power, otherwise, with my little arms and legs. , But there are more than a dozen people outside." After making up his mind, Luo Xiu no longer hesitated, and walked directly towards the orchid number. At this time, he already had a care in his heart, since everything has come to an end. , He simply let go.

Instead, he wanted to see what ideas these people were making, and he didn’t know how to drop them. Luo Xiu had some expectations in his heart. Although for a while, he still didn’t fully understand, but this does not deny that Luo Xiu himself There are no other thoughts in this scene.

"Host, do I need to fire, first deter this group of people, they seem to have to move." When Luo Xiu stepped towards the third floor where the Lanhua was located, the baby's voice suddenly appeared in his mind. It rang, and then a picture appeared in Luo Xiu's mind.

In the picture, Sect Master Tianyin, who was supposed to be standing in place before, is now extremely close to the spaceship Luo Xiu is in. Although he has not touched immediately, with the current distance between the two, if Su Can wants to What to do with this spaceship, as long as he moves his hands, he can immediately get in front of him, and this distance is also the farthest that his ordinary attack methods can reach.

Luo Xiu was taken aback for a moment, and then a little annoyed. He was still careless. These people were obviously not decent people. Aside from other things, you should be able to feel it from the cold and **** breath of this person, and the sect where this person is located is called Tianyin Sect, which is a not-so-great sect name. Thinking of this, Luo Xiu didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly said: "Do it directly, don't ask me for instructions, let him see the capabilities of this warship immediately, and then appropriately blast the meteorites to deter."

Luo Xiu didn’t care about the situation outside. Luo Xiu didn’t worry much about the safety of the battleship. He was extremely relieved because of the existence of the baby. At this time, he hurriedly speeded up and flew towards Luo Xiu’s original Orchid. Go, without stopping along the way, rushing to the interior of the Orchid, ignoring that Buffett is healing, stepping forward and pushing him awake.

"Senior, things have changed. I want to tell you about the current situation..." Then Luo Xiu ignored Buffett's stunned expression, and directly told him about the current situation.

"Then what do you mean?" After listening to Luo Xiu's narrative, Buffett did not give his opinion immediately, but asked Luo Xiu's opinion on the matter.

And Luo Xiu faintly realized that Buffett didn’t seem to be very worried. From the tone of his speech to him, Luo Xiu also seemed to realize that this person was not as wary of him as he imagined, although he didn’t know it was. Because of what, but from the gaze he looked at him, from time to time, Luo Xiu could see that this person’s gaze was very clear, and there was a trace of love in his gaze, that’s right! Luo Xiu actually saw the expression of kindness in the eyes of the old guy. He felt extremely weird, but when he thought that it was not time to care about these things, he took his patience and prepared to listen to the old guy. Say.

"In fact, we don’t care about this group of people at all. Whether you want to go to the so-called Qingyun University 6, or other things, with the strength that the old man has recovered at this time, as long as our plan does not show much deviation, even if we can’t kill it. People, but if you want to seriously hurt him and prevent him from tracking us further, you can do it easily. In this case, we should ignore the appearance of the overlord of the Sky Yin sect. I don’t know about other things. But depending on your situation, the old man has some faint guesses that you should not be able to easily show others something. You don’t have to look at me so surprised. Although the old man doesn’t say anything, he still knows clearly in his heart. Hundreds of millions of years of change, and there is no such weird aircraft that you own. The old man has quietly investigated. This spacecraft does not use spirit stones at all, and no one provides it with spiritual power, and it can do so quickly. Degree, flying in the void, although I don’t want to admit it, the power that created them is definitely not to be underestimated, and the faint old man also feels that this civilization should be in a different direction from ours. Although they are all humans, the direction of development is Different, this kind of thing is also extremely common in some of the void planes experienced by the old man. Back then, the old man was chased into the sky and into the earth, and he almost traveled all over the world. At that time, the old man saw all kinds of things. A weird human civilization." Seeing Luo Xiu behaving like this, Buffett nodded gently, and said aloud.

"Then we just ignore it, right? I really agree with the seniors. When the juniors came back just now, the overlord of the Sky Yin Sect seemed to have acted and was about to forcibly enter our spaceship, but now it should have been affected. Warning.” And just as Luo Xiu's words fell, and Buffett had just performed something, the two suddenly felt that the spaceship under them swayed abruptly.

"Not good!" Luo Xiu and Buffett looked at each other and got up quickly, then the flying teleport disappeared inside the Orchid, and appeared on the bridge. I saw that outside at this time, the void was densely covered with cloth. Full of all kinds of weird bugs, surrounded by the location of the battleship.

Seeing the scene before him, Luo Xiu’s first reaction was to scold his mother. There were too many bugs here. He felt a tingling scalp when he saw this scene. His face was very serious because he was under him. This space battleship of is a polished commander, without any auxiliary fighters or mechas. It's just that there are so many insects in front of such a spacecraft.

When things came to an end, he couldn't take care of the others, and hurriedly shouted to the void: "What happened? Didn't you shoot a few shots just now to warn that person, how can there be so many Zergs." Without avoiding Buffett's gaze, he asked the baby aloud. Of course, what he said at this time was just to cover up his private communication with the baby.

"Sir, hello, please also look at the big screen. I won’t explain it to you in a while. You only need to know that this matter has already taken care of our previous expectations. When this warship was ready to shoot, These weird creatures appeared unexpectedly and caught us by surprise, and many insects took the initiative to explode in an attempt to destroy the protective shield of this battleship." A cold mechanical sound rang out in the command room, Luo Xiu and Buffett, two people, Looking at each other, the two people fell into a daze when looking at the big screen in front of them.

(To be continued.)