Technology Communication System

Chapter 285: The sudden appearance of the Flesh Monum

And just when both of them thought that this time the Devil Swallowing Emperor had specified that the resurrection would not be successful, the originally silent and endless void, the abnormal change reappeared, and the planet that had disappeared suddenly appeared in front of them again, and it was originally between the two. The planet that is not very huge in the eyes of humans is gradually becoming huge, and at the same time, over the looming planet that is becoming bigger and bigger, a huge stone stele with blood red light suddenly appeared, and the shocked eyes of the two Zhongxun quickly rose, and as the stone tablet grew, the boundless blood quickly filled the world, and the air almost breathed with a faint smell of blood. (Eight) (one) (in) (text) (web)|(eight) WWW.8 (eight) 1 (one) Z (in) W (text).COM

"The Flesh and Flesh Monument! How could it be possible!?" Seeing that huge **** monument, whether it was the Great Elder of the Horned Demon Clan or the triangular-eyed man almost simultaneously shouted in a low voice.

That's right, what appeared in front of the two of them was the flesh and blood monument abandoned by the Horned Demons on that strange planet. It's just that at this moment, whether it is the horned demon clan great elder who has seen this artifact countless times, or the triangular-eyed man, are shocked by the power displayed by the flesh and blood monument in front of them. Both of them have certain eyesight. I have seen artifacts similar to the Monument of Flesh show power before, but the power displayed by the Monument of Flesh is almost countless times that of the purple and black lightning just now. It is just the power of the momentum that makes this world unbearable. The heavy burden, even those Heavenly Tribulation Thunder caused by the excessive power of the Flesh Monument disappeared invisible under the aftermath of the power of the Flesh Monument.

This scene was extremely abrupt. The time was just when the space loophole that blasted the purple and black thunder tribulation was about to be small. This blood-colored stone tablet appeared, directly striking the purple-black lightning that raged in this universe. The stone was smashed, and the power of the stone tablet was not diminished. It quickly bombarded the gaps in the space that had not yet closed. So fast, even the two people who had originally spoken in the whirlpool did not respond, and the stone tablet blasted the last gap away. At this time, the two people on the other side of the hollow wanted to counterattack and couldn’t do it anymore. They could only curse something bitterly, but because of the isolation of the flesh and blood monument, neither of them heard. , It's just that the monument in front of them quickly bombarded the past, neither the strength nor the majestic aura could be compared to the two.

"The emperor really didn't have any tricks. The two evil animals dared to attack the emperor. What happened in the past, the emperor has not yet settled with you, and even dared to worry about the emperor’s property, and now he is still trying to stop him. The emperor is resurrected, huh, if it weren't's simply impatient." As the space crack disappeared, a majestic and domineering speech, extremely proud and rough voice echoed between the world.

Then, before the two of them had reacted, they only saw the huge and incomparable monument of flesh and blood, which suddenly turned into a light spot, and the light spot was still disappearing little by little, and then the stele was shocked by both of them. In his gaze, he quickly broke through the space and disappeared in this space.

The two people looked at each other and touched their foreheads almost invariably, with a look of sorrow and fear. However, the next moment, the great elder of the Horned Demon Clan flew away, sprinted away from the place, and instantly opened the distance from the triangular-eyed man, and then, before he could react, once again flashed and disappeared directly into this space. Only the man with triangular eyes was left in the same place, looking at the empty world with a little dumbfounded.

At the same time, Luo Xiu was also under the leadership of Buffett, far away from where he was before, but at this time Luo Xiu had been drooling at the star core in the storage ring, without paying attention.

"Well, boy, it's okay. We can relax and walk for a while. What do you want to do? Just go there. It's okay to stay here first, but we still have to wait for the old man to recover from the injury. It's better to make plans later." Two people appeared in an unfamiliar star field, Buffett carefully sensed the surrounding environment, and after a long time, Luo Xiu saw him let out a long sigh of relief.

The scene just now was really a bit thrilling, and this kid was definitely a troublemaker. It was clear that there would not be any problems just now, and the two could escape without leaving any traces at all. He actually made it as if they had fought a tough battle, which was extremely thrilling and exciting.

"Don't worry, senior! With the kid here, things like that before will never happen again. Just now, the kid must get that thing. From now on, the kid will listen to seniors for everything, but I don’t know if you plan on you. Where are you going?" Hearing Buffett's words, and looking at his expression again, Luo Xiu smiled and nodded in agreement. It was really that he had gained a little bit earlier.

At this moment, the smile on his face can't be hidden no matter how concealed it is. The color of joy is absolutely like a blooming daffodil, which makes people look sideways. Although Buffett looks stupid when he sees this kid behaving like this. He glanced at him like this, but because he was hurt, he didn't care why Luo Xiu was so happy, but faintly guessed that it had something to do with his gains just now.

"It's still unclear for the time being. The old man has not been in contact with people for more than three million years. The only one who has dealt with people the longest is your kid, but your kid doesn't tell the truth to the old man. So the old man is really real for a while. I don’t know, where should we go? Or let’s go back to the Tianyuan Realm first. After all, the old man has been out of the race for many years, and because of the old man, my clan has been affected and sealed for more than one million years. , I don't know how our people are doing now?" Buffett was also sighing at this time. When he heard Luo Xiu's question, he was in a daze.

Thinking that I was wasted for more than three million years, and because of my own relationship, the entire ethnic group was plunged into an unprecedented crisis. If it weren’t for the coincidence that year, human beings had a dispute with his Tianyi tribe, of course. Venerable Samsara and others were forced to burn their souls and blood, and paid a great price to set up the Nine Heavens and Ten Heavens Sealing Array, which completely isolated the connection between the Tianyuan Realm and the outside world, and if you continue to let the Tianyuan Realm continue Exposing to the humans of the Tianhua Sect, the Tianyuan Realm now probably no longer has the Tianyi Clan.

Let’s not talk about anything else, the power of the Tianhua Sect alone cannot be provoked by the Tianyi Clan. Back then, he was chased by the Tianhua Sect and had no way to enter the earth. The only good news is that the betrayal of the Jiuyin woman exposed her own heels and feet, exposing the Tianyi tribe to the sight of human beings in the earth world. There was no one invisible before the humans and the Tianyi tribe had a battle. Big hands are **** behind~ Control this thing.

"Hey, please don't worry about this, seniors! Although the ethnic group you belong to can't be said to be prosperous, but it is absolutely impossible to talk about any extinction crisis. In the hundred thousand mountains of the Tianyuan world, your tribe , An elder named Clark and a member of the Horned Demon tribe joined forces to resurrect an elder of the Tianyi tribe that has been dead for millions of years. After that, the kid has dealt with this person, that person Both the style of doing things and the cultivation base are extremely strong. With this person sitting in the Tianyi clan, nothing will happen to the Tianyi clan, so the seniors don’t have to worry at all. Now, to be honest, some of the horned demon clan in the Tianyuan realm have been annihilated. danger.

When our human immortal clan came to the Tianyuan realm, we designed to exile the entire Horned Demon clan into a different dimension. Now that millions of years have passed, although the overall strength of the Horned Demon clan has been greatly improved due to the extremely harsh living environment, there is one thing they cannot see, that is, their total population is declining. , And as time goes by, the members of the Horned Demon tribe are decreasing year by year, and because their living environment is extremely bad, so that the survival rate of their new tribe members is less than 10%, so the seniors can Feel at ease and heal here with peace of mind. After that, the juniors will never block what the seniors want to do. On the contrary, when the time comes, the juniors hope that seniors can let the juniors free activities. "Luo Xiu listened to Buffett's words, he smiled, told him about some things he knew, and then looked at him with a smile and didn't speak.

No one knows the status quo of the Tianyi clan better than him, knowing that before he came out, he had a period of communication with the Tianyi clan's Ji Xuewu. Although the two of them seem to be co-existing individuals, in fact Ji Xuewu can help Luo Xiu in many things. This made Luo Xiu extremely valued him. In many cases, two people belonged to that kind of equal existence, and their perspective on issues was definitely in the same camp.

"How can your kid know so clearly, don't you tell me that the current Tianyi tribe and humans can live together peacefully?" Buffett seemed to be shocked by Luo Xiu's understanding of the Tianyi tribe, and couldn't help but look surprised. Look at him.

You must know that in his impression, the reason why he was calculated back then, did not dare to escape to the clan, his biggest worry was that he was afraid that others would know his heels and feet. We must know that there is a saying among human beings called ‘non-self races, their hearts must be different’ to destroy some alien races, this kind of thing is definitely not alarmist. In order to become famous in human society, he used the secret technique to hide himself very well. Although it was also very ingenious, some abnormalities were also discovered by his junior, so that he later During the cultivation, he was often calculated for this. After all, no matter how tyrannical his cultivation is, but because he is not a human, many things and humans’ perspectives are very different, so much so that I just heard what Luo Xiu mentioned. , Making him extremely shocked.

"Hey, seniors don’t need to care too much about this matter. There is one thing that seniors should not be unfamiliar with. Speaking of which, in the Celestial Realm, the reason why human beings can live in peace with the Horned Demon Race and the Skywing Race is also with your little The baby does matter. At that time, the threat of the Zerg was only the people from Qingyun Da 6 who came to ask for help, but when the Zerg appeared in the Yuanchen Secret Realm, things became tricky, so human leadership at that time I have reached a consensus with the Skywing and Horned Demon Races. So seniors don’t have to worry at all!” After listening to Buffett’s explanation, Luo Xiu was a little stunned at first, and then he did not rush to tell him what happened, completely ignored. Buffett looked a little dumbfounded at this time.

"What you mean is that my little baby was found by other people of the same kind, and then came into conflict with some of your human forces, and forced those human forces to come to you for help, and then the next thing happened, Right?" As if to be sure of his own thoughts, Buffett asked in a daze.

"Of course!" Facing the dumbfounded Buffett, Luo Xiu shrugged and looked at him with an expression that you guessed right.

In fact, Luo Xiu has some evil interests now. Although he was very nervous before, he did not show this tension because of the presence of Buffett. However, at this time, the two of them had already got rid of the chase and gave Luo Xiu. The remaining time and free space suddenly increased, and since Buffett had already recovered part of his strength at this time, Luo Xiu's plan to squeeze his plan fell through again. It's just that looking at Buffett's performance now, Luo Xiu also has a slight sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"If this is the case, the old man is relieved. It is still the same for the time being. As long as the old man's body returns to his original cultivation level, other things are not a problem." After thinking about it, he already knew the current situation in his clan. Some are not very anxious.

"Senior, you should heal here first. I have something to go out and do. It will probably take a few days. It shouldn't be too long." Seeing Buffett was ready to be silent, Luo Xiu told him a few words. Sentence, ready to turn around and leave here.

"Why are you going? Say okay first. Although the old man can be sure that my junior fellow shouldn't chase him, we can't take it lightly, in case this guy's temperament changes. So the old man suggests that you kid still **** ~ control you. The weird spacecraft moved to another place, and then found an unmanned planet. Let’s take a break for a while, and when the old man resumes his repair, everything will no longer be a problem.” Hearing Luo Xiu was about to stay here for a while, Buffett Just a little reluctant, couldn't help but ask aloud.

After all, more than three million years have passed, and his junior fellow can stand his temper and stay here for more than three million years. If he is careless ~ capsized in the gutter, then it is really impossible to justify. However, he looked at Luo Xiu as if he really had something to do, so he stopped saying anything. After all, with his current strength, he couldn't have any conflict with this kid in front of him. After all, he had to rely on him to recover his own. The injury.

"Don't worry, in this space, the energy of the Alpha ray required by my spacecraft is extremely abundant. There will be no restraint at all, and it should be safe here. After all, it is relatively close to the place before. Yes. Since your younger brother can no longer sense the direction of our escape through the breath left by you, plus we just jumped over by a spaceship, the distance is so close, judging from the way that person chased us several times before, He must have thought that we were already running far, but he would not have thought that we had just made the leap." Luo Xiu waved his hand indifferently to Buffett’s concerns, indicating that it was OK, and then he ignored Buffett and went straight out. The battleship, and then selected a place with enough space, and released the huge meteorite.

"Baby, what should we do? Do we really break this rock directly? Then just take out the star core inside?" After everything was done, he scratched his head a little, it was really what he should do next to himself There is no clear understanding of how to do it.

After all, when the fragment of the star core was obtained last time, it was because the star core had already gone through the friction of the atmosphere, and all the stones outside had been burned. Therefore, facing the meteorite in front of him with a length and width of more than three kilometers, it really made him somewhat wondering where to start.

"Actually, things are not as simple as you think. This baby advises the host to ask Buffett to help you. Otherwise, it is impossible to take out this star core safely with your own strength. According to this baby's calculations, you can get Come out, the energy contained in this star Hanoi will definitely be as powerful as your imagination.” As for Luo Xiu’s question, the baby did not hesitate at all. He directly expressed his thoughts, and the words that he said made Luo The repair is stunned.

"What do you mean, is it possible that with my cultivation base, I can't take it out alone? When I got the star core, the cultivation base was just a training period." For the baby, Luo Xiu was very Puzzled, could not help but ask.

"Of course, I have told you directly. The star core is just a fragment, and it has no effect at all. The suction generated inside is absolutely weak and sufficient, but it is due to the energy it absorbs when entering the atmosphere. , Is close to saturation, so that the energy stored in it can meet the needs of the original main system. And the star core in front of you, if this baby does not guess wrong, it is likely to be the complete core of a planet. If you don’t want to If you are drained by the star core at the moment you take out the star core, you have to do it according to this baby’s method. After all, the old fellow Buffett has a way to deal with the situation in front of him, or the host directly passes Buffett to Your Beiming Divine Art has been successfully cultivated. Then I think I can easily do it with the host’s physical strength to resist the suction of the star core.” After hearing his words in Luo Xiu’s mind, The baby curled his lips, and the person with a face looked at Luo Xiu without knowing what he was thinking, and he looked straight at him.

"Well, then I know, let's discuss with the old guy first, after all, it is unreliable if you want to practice Beiming divine art in a short time." Luo Xiu was also a little discouraged when he heard the baby say this. , After all, these words that the baby said, especially the second statement that he practiced Beiming magical skill in a short period of time, are absolutely unreliable. After all, he cannot say that breaking through the cultivation base will break through. , I want to enter the distraction period is still far away.