Technology Communication System

Chapter 292: Horrible Mecha

And just as Luo Xiu was about to figure out a way to practice Rank Nine Profound Art in an attempt to recover from his injury, the conflict between Buffett and that huge strange lightning had also reached a critical point, just because Buffett’s cultivation base was strong enough, but his The injury has not fully recovered, even though the lightning faced the suppression of this world so that the two temporarily formed a deadlock. Eight? One? Chinese W ㈠ W? W?. ㈧8?1㈧Z㈧W?. COM

At the same time, the competition between the devil Emperor and the man's aura continued. Both Buffett and the Devil Emperor in the stele made desperate plans at this time, because if the two of them couldn't hold on to it, There is no chance of survival at all. But at this time, both of them are in extremely bad condition, especially the **** monument. This thing has been consumed too much. At this time, facing the two people behind the crack is almost equivalent to an attack by himself, even if he has Flesh and Flesh Monument, a powerful ancient artifact, is still temporarily in a deadlock. As a result, both Buffett and the stone stele can move extremely narrow at this time, but even though the situation of the two people is very unstable at this time, it has to be said that the two of them behaved extremely calmly at this time.

"Host, your problem right now is not to practice Rank Nine Profound Art, but to find a way to help your companion solve the immediate problems. Otherwise, even if the host's flesh ~ body is tougher, but due to time, it is for the present The situation is not helpful, not to mention that after these two guys are suppressed, if you want to escape again, it is simply a fantasy.” Seeing Luo Xiu preparing to start practicing, Buffett was in crisis again, baby He hurriedly stopped Luo Xiu and explained the pros and cons with him.

At this moment, this situation is definitely not a good opportunity for Luo Xiu to practice Nine Ranks Profound Art. Although the space crack has faint signs of wanting to heal again, it is obvious that the man and woman on the other side of the crack do not want to appear again before That kind of passive situation. As a result, the cracks in the space that had faint signs of closing were instantly suppressed by someone's powerful magic power, as if they had been subjected to a fixation method.

It’s just that after Luo Xiu heard the baby’s words, he felt ridiculous all over him. If his body was still able to move, the baby said that Luo Xiu would fight no matter how great the loss he was. In the scene in front of him, he was such a ghost again, Luo Xiu wanted to help but was powerless. Although I don't want to admit it, the baby's previous words fell in Luo Xiu's ears, but it feels strange. You know that he was desperately repairing the physical damage just now, but the effect is almost negligible.

And what had to make him feel frustrated was that even with a cold snort in front of the man, he would have been injured so badly. It is conceivable that without the protection of this old fellow Warren Buffett, he would have already been there for a while. The death went away. If you think about the baby carefully, Luo Xiuxian, at this moment, if he wants to survive, if Buffett has any accidents, his innocent thought is simply a fantasy.

So at this moment, seeing Buffett there desperately, even if he can't move his whole body at all, he has to find a way to help Buffett deal with this situation. Otherwise, he would simply be trapped in layers of encirclement, and no matter how he acted, he would not be able to get rid of the current crisis.

"Help, how can I help, everything else is easy to say, right now my whole body is broken, and the meridians are broken and I can't even control my body. How can I help him?" Watching the fiercer battle in the field , Although Luo Xiu had no way for the time being, he couldn't help feeling a little powerless.

"In fact, this baby has a way to temporarily restore you to action, but this method is somewhat overbearing. For the host, it cannot fundamentally solve the host's physical injuries, and the host will suffer a lot of pain. Of course. , Even if the baby repairs the host’s physical body by then, the host’s current cultivation level will not help at all, but as long as the host can take out the powerful thing in the baby’s dimensional space, When the time comes, give the void crack a shot, so that we can have a chance to leave here safely." Luo Xiu was slightly taken aback by what the baby said. He was very familiar with this kind of words. Originally, he was a little suspicious of what he should How could he help the two of Buffett, but at this time, listening to the baby said that, he couldn't help but feel a move in his heart, remembering the scene of the time when he joined hands with his master in that small world to slay the masters of the Horned Demon Race.

"Then try your method, what should I do specifically?" Thinking of this, Luo Xiu couldn't help asking aloud.

"There should be no problem with your divine sense. Use the divine sense to communicate the dimensional ring and take out the blue box in it. Yes, it is a blue box like this." The baby showed a picture in Luo. In Xiu's mind, Luo Xiu had to admire the baby's reaction at this time.

"Wait a minute, I haven't found it. There are several kinds of boxes, and they are all similar in size and color. Which one is it?" After a while, Luo Xiu found a box of this style in a corner, but it was just a big one. Seven or eight of the boxes were all blue, and the styles were all the same, so they couldn't help asking.

"Is there a shelf there? The box on the second shelf on the top left hand side of the shelf is the target you want to take out." The baby was extremely patient and told Luo Xiu what the box he was going to take out looked like.

Luo Xiu did as he was told, and then took out the box according to his instructions, but after he noticed the changes in the field, the battle stalemate on the scene became more intense, whether it was Buffett or that. The Devil Emperor within the stone stele did not show Luo Xiu's small movements, but Luo Xiu was more suspicious that the baby just asked him to take out this kind of box. However, he still doesn't know what the box is, but since the baby asked him to do this. , He can only follow the current situation.

Only in the next moment, Luo Xiu understood the function of this box, and saw that after Luo Xiu took out the box with God Sense, before he could ask, the blue box changed instantly. I saw that the box that was originally only the size of a password box changed instantaneously. The inside of the box seemed to have been opened by a certain mechanism. It directly transformed into a human-shaped skeleton with a strong sense of technology. Then Luo Xiu's stunned gaze, this pair The humanoid skeleton enclave held him up, and the whole person was fixed on this skeleton.

"What is this? Hiss, it hurts! Is this the thing you said can restore my mobility temporarily? But just with this thing, I don't know how to use it!" Luo Xiu forced his whole body He gritted his teeth and said, but he didn't notice that this skeleton-like thing could actually ignore the terrifying aura above his head.

"Oh, this is a kind of intelligent exoskeleton armor of the Earth Federation. You only need to sit quietly, and the intelligence will do the rest for you. Just say it out loud. What do you panic about and how to do it, I will pass it to you. Yes, your whole body bones are broken now. If you hadn’t practiced with the Nine Ranks of Profound Art, you would have died long ago. Now the situation is urgent, so it can only be so!” After the baby finished speaking, Luo Xiu’s mind also came. I got some information about this smart exoskeleton armor, which is all about this skeleton.

Judging from the introduction of this smart exoskeleton armor, Luo Xiu presents that this kind of weird smart exoskeleton armor is actually a kind of mecha, but the role that this smart exoskeleton armor can play is for some disabilities. Prepared by people. It’s just that Luo Xiu’s situation at this time is a bit worse than that of the disabled, so Luo Xiu’s whole body is very weird at this time, and only his head can move. So without the assistance of smart programs, he can’t control this smart outside at all. He was in skeletal armor, but seeing that he could stand up again, Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling a little excited, even though he was in extreme pain at this time, he insisted.

"Well, it can only be this for the time being. The pain must be very painful. You can only endure the situation in front of you. Only by putting you in the grade repair liquid later can you recover your physical injury. , It’s just that you don’t have time now, and you can only do this to give you a chance to solve this danger.” After everything was done, the baby’s voice sounded in his mind.

Luo Xiu tried to manipulate the smart exoskeleton armor to move ~ the body is now almost the same as normal, so he relaxes. After all, from the actions just now, what he is facing at this time is unable to move, and now he is actually You can move freely, so you won't feel a little anxious about the current situation, and you have time to carefully observe the situation in the end.

"Isn’t it about letting me get out the biggest space battleship in my hand? Once that thing is out, there will be tens of thousands of kilometers around, and there will be no range of our activities." After trying to move my body, Luo Xiu couldn't help but asked with some uncertainty.

"Of course it's impossible. That thing doesn't help the situation at all. You forgot how your warship was scrapped just now. If the distance is far enough, the thing can start to work, but it's so close now. Distance, if you dare to get that thing out, do you see the huge lightning? I promise, as long as you dare to get that thing out, the lightning can directly maimed the huge thing in the next moment." Sure enough, just after Luo Xiu's words fell, the baby's voice rang in his mind, but the words that were said really made Luo Xiu feel full of malice.

"Don’t talk nonsense, then I should bring something out. You can quickly point it out to me. Didn’t you show up? That old fellow Buffett can’t hold on anymore. If we don’t move faster, we promise all of us, even I am able to move at this time and I will still die here. Believe it or not!” Even at this time, when he saw the baby, he still behaved indifferent, Luo Xiu was a little anxious. He felt that the baby seemed to have changed. But he still thought it was just his little temper, but judging from the actions at this time, it was obvious that this guy was full of malice.

"You don't need to get anything else. Just take out the largest box on the shelf at the original location, which is the largest box with the same color as the box I asked you to take out. Just get this thing out. "Faced with Luo Xiu's urging, the baby seemed extremely calm. He didn't rush to explain what he said. Then Luo Xiu didn't dare to hesitate and moved the huge box directly out, but he I was taken aback, because although this huge box was only about the same size as the cabinet, it was extremely heavy.

"What's the use of this thing?" After Luo Xiu took out the box, he looked at this square box suspiciously. If it weren't for a very weird handle on the box, Luo Xiu thought it was a square box. Iron knots, this thing is really too heavy. Could it be that there are some abnormal powerful bombs on the Earth Federation inside? Luo Xiu has a deep understanding of the horror of some scientists in the Earth Federation.

"I will explain. Now press down the green button first, and then you will sit in later." The baby instructed Luo Xiu to start the operation. As Luo Xiu pressed down the green button, it was extremely heavy. The cube box has undergone tremendous changes. Soon, under Luo Xiu’s stunned eyes, the box disappeared in place. What appeared in front of Luo Xiu was a humanoid mecha, but the height of this mecha was far from the one just now. Intelligent exoskeleton armor is comparable.

This is a huge humanoid mecha with a height of more than ten meters. Although his limbs are very similar to human beings, the strange thing is that the mecha does not hold weapons in both hands, but two huge barrels. After Xiu jumped into the smart exoskeleton armor, the mecha swiftly closed the hatch.

"Okay, I've already sat in, so what should I do now? Don't mother-in-law, please explain to me immediately. The old guy obviously can't hold on." After sitting in, Luo Xiu found that the baby boy again There was no movement, I couldn't help but urged.

"Don't worry, I'm not looking for it. I am not very familiar with this thing. You know, I have never received this knowledge before. You need to know that the original main system has huge internal data. , It can include all the science and technology products of the entire Earth Federation, as well as all aspects of culture, education, medical care, and scientific research. It is in this database. If it is not for this baby's outstanding computing power, how could it be in this huge In the database, Feidi retrieved the knowledge about mecha. Okay, I found it. Now press the light yellow button. Yes, that's it. Try to use the joystick to align the two barrels of the mecha. The space cracks, and then press the light yellow button and the red button next to it together.” Just after the baby’s words fell, Luo Xiu flew his words to control the hands of the smart exoskeleton armor, and moved the two The huge gun head pointed at the huge space crack above the sky.

"Okay, now you touch your finger to the sensor. For the next thing, this baby can do it for you. You guy is just barely able to move now." Luo Xiu finished all this After that, the baby's voice rang in his mind, and Luo Xiu put his finger on the sensor, and Luo Xiu only felt the huge mecha shake, and then an electronic synthesis sound rang in the cabin where he was. .

"The ray energy cannon is locked to the target, it is being charged, please wait! Countdown, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, shoot! Shoot!" Then Luo Xiu saw one A scene he will never forget.

I saw an incomparably bright white beam of light burst out of the high-lifted mecha barrel. Where these two beams of light passed, almost everything was vaporized instantly, even the huge purple-black lightning was here. Under the two beams of light, they were all assimilated. The energy of the black lightning was absorbed by the beam of light before it came and dissipated, and then added to the two beams of light. As the black lightning disappeared, the two The beam of light instantly became even bigger, and this scene also shocked the two people who were blocking the huge lightning. At this time, both Buffett and the Heaven-Swallowing Devil emperor in the stele found something wrong.

"Boy, what the **** is this." Just as Buffett's voice just fell, these two huge beams of light directly hit the cracks full of lightning of various colors.

Then in Luo Xiu's shocked gaze, the crack was directly bombarded by these two huge beams of light to become even bigger, as if a huge gap had been opened in the endless void. Luo Xiu's attack seemed to anger the most powerful will of heaven and earth.

And Luo Xiu could clearly hear two muffled humming sounds coming from the cracks, and then the crack in the opened space that had been faintly closed, although because of Luo Xiu's two attacks, it became even bigger. But the degree to which it closes has to be out of everyone's imagination.

It was only in the blink of an eye that the huge space cracks flew and began to close. Even this originally confined space was also affected by the two attacks from Luo Xiu's mecha at this time. The space ban has also been broken.

"What the **** did you do? How could there be such a perverted thing?" After moving his body, Luo Xiu didn't have time to catch his breath. Buffett appeared in front of the huge mecha and lifted it up. At the beginning, he looked at Luo Xiu dumbfounded, and couldn't help but ask.

"That's right! You weak ant, what you did just now, how could you burst out the attack power that was just now!" Even the Devil Swallowing Emperor inside the stone tablet quietly swallowed, it was Luo Xiu just now. Such an attack was beyond everyone's expectations.