Technology Communication System

Chapter 304: Crisis is approaching

"Heaven and earth are boundless, the universe borrows the law, the disease!" As Xu Yuan's six people kept changing their hands at the same time, the ordinary monks who were quick to pinch the tactics could not see their movements at all, but almost at the same time. , The hand shadows all over the sky stopped instantly, and at almost the same time, six people shouted in a low voice. Eight? One Chinese Network? W? W? W ㈧. ?8㈠1?Z?W㈠. ?COM

Then I saw six people at the same time put their hands together and volleyed towards the jade stele with blood-red light. Everyone immediately promoted the whole body cultivation. Everyone was ready to wait and energize the jade stele. Dare to relax. At this moment, everyone looks like an enemy, because everyone present knows that once they punch this last magic trick in their hands into the jade stele, the Universe Promise will be activated instantly, and At that time, it was also the time for them to do their best, because at that time, it was time for the six of them to jointly take on the backlash of the heavens.

So at this time, even if it is Xu Yuan who has a strong cultivation base, he dare not be careless, because once they can't handle it, even if they hide in the Xiaoyao Palace and perform secret methods, they will not be too late. On the go. Heaven's backlash is simply not something they can take on independently at this time.

The most perverted aspect of this Universe Promise Sacred Law is that once it is successfully used, it can generate a strange energy in the three realms, six realms, the heavens and the world, and this energy can penetrate almost everything. Among them, any formation method or isolation such as the secret realm Taoist space will be invisible in front of the Universe Promise Sacred Law.

And once the aura present in a certain place matches the original aura on the jade tablet before, then, when the time comes, the thing or the monk with this aura should not even think about hiding or shielding it. With this energy lock, the person or thing that the surgeon is looking for will be immediately discovered no matter how tightly it is hidden. This secret method is comparable to some powerful innate magical powers, such as the legendary heaven, listening and earth seeing the great ~ Dharma.

It's just that this secret method has one of the biggest sequelae that is that the cost of the secret method is extremely large, and it is not possible for a single person to complete it alone. What makes all people who have seen this secret method feel more timid is to use this secret method and bear the backlash from heaven. This Heavenly Dao is not referring to the rules in the low-level plane where Luo Xiu and the others are located, but is also extremely powerful in the heavens and all realms.

If it is a cultivator of general cultivation level, they know how to use this secret method, and they dare not use it. That is, Xu Yuan and the six others stood at the top of the pyramid of power in this world, and they were only a step or two away from controlling the heavens, so they dared to use this secret method in this way. The reason why the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor was able to find the whereabouts of the Sky Demon King in the thousands of universes was based on this extremely sharp secret technique. It's just that the Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor has an absolute combat power, coupled with his perverted cultivation base, making even the price he paid for this secret technique in this universe far less than the six of them. It can also be seen from this point that the reason why these six people will behave like an enemy at this time is not at all exaggerated.

Because they are the only ones who have seen their unborn master use this secret method, and naturally they have a very good understanding of the reaction of the way of heaven after the secret method is used. When the Heaven Swallowing Demon Emperor was searching for the Heaven Demon King, he was directly shocked by the mighty power between the heavens and the earth, and was seriously injured. If he hadn't sacrificed one of his clones, it is estimated that his main soul would have been implicated that time.

At this time, the six people looked at each other and nodded in unison. The next moment, as the fingers of the six people volleyed towards the **** jade stele in the suspension, they saw that the sacrificial item was absorbed by the jade stele. The aura of the jade monument has soared, and once again burst out the kind of violent that squeezed the surrounding space violently. After the six people pointed down, suddenly, the entire space they were in seemed to be covered It detonated, as if a huge force broke open a little above the jade stele.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!" Almost after an instant roar, Heaven’s backlash also followed, directly causing the six people present to spew out a mouthful of blood, and they could no longer stand steady, and they all sat down. Ground. At the same time, the blood-colored jade stele returned to its original state again. The blood red aura on the jade stele also disappeared one after another. What's even more strange is that even at this moment, there is no more pressure on the magnificent jade stele.

"Huh~! Fortunately, it succeeded. Then we have to wait patiently to see if there is any result. With the old guy's ability, if he wants to hide, we can't find him at all. Let's talk about the universe. Wuji~The Dharma is the most proficient secret method he used back then. But we missed the opportunity just now, and the chances of wanting to find him again are minimal, so all the juniors and sisters, everyone is better to fight for a long time. Prepare." After a long time, following the violent cracking sound, the hall looked empty at this time.

The people who had been sluggish also slowed down one after another, but this time everyone used the secret method to pay a painful price, and their faces were pale, and all their blood seemed to have been emptied. The reason why they performed so badly was not that their cultivation base was too low to afford the backlash caused by the use of the Universe Holy Law. It is the first time that the six have performed this secret technique, so that everyone has overestimated their own strength and is not prepared for the backlash of Heaven.

Due to the impact of their all-in-one hands-on just now, and the addition of this Heavenly Grade Taoist artifact, the backlash of Heaven’s Dao is three to four points stronger than they expected. If everyone can maintain it before If the realm is stable, at this time, all of them almost feel the suffocation in their hearts at the same time, as if something is suppressing their minds, making their Dao Hearts begin to be dusted!

So at this time, only Xu Yuan, who had the most spiritual cultivation base, reacted, and had suppressed the part of the Heavenly Dao backlash that he had suffered. Others are desperately suppressing, and with the passage of time, this originally silent Heavenly Grade Taoist device has produced a huge aura vortex around it, and as time goes by, the aura vortex is also flying. Increasingly, the sky in this place, which was originally extremely calm, instantly became violent.

If someone looks down from a high altitude at this time, it can easily be seen that there are six spiritual vortexes of different sizes in the sky above the Xiaoyao Temple at this time. And this huge fluctuation here has also caused the entire Tianchen Tribe to be inspected by divine consciousness. Moreover, due to the continuous convergence of the spiritual energy vortex, more and more people have noticed the changes here. Even some powerful forces that have not been born for a long time have personally come here to check it out, but here is bound by an extremely advanced formation. Many people think that this place is not a powerful spiritual treasure such as a space magic weapon. Otherwise, how could there be such a strong spatial aura fluctuation in this originally ordinary place.

It's just that, no matter how people use any means to investigate, they can only vaguely know that there is a huge and incomparable formation nearby. It's just that no matter how powerful they are, they can't detect the location of this formation, so many people gather more and more.

And all of this was expected by Xu Yuan and others long ago. Because they know very well that once they perform the Universe Promise Sacred Law, they will inevitably need a huge energy supplement. And if you want to replenish such a huge aura, it is simply impossible to rely on the spirit stone alone, so this is the act of directly extracting the heaven and earth aura.

And when everyone was healing, at this time far away from an unknown distance, Buffett and Luo Xiu still didn't know it at this time, the danger was about to come. Originally, the two of them were extremely confident in their own strength, and they would not know that the guy in the stele would have such a deep grievance with such a powerful person, and both of them showed no concern.

If this is the case, the situation would not be so bad. It’s just that the Devil Emperor didn’t make it clear to the two of them that the matter of killing by air attack was so important. The two of them just thought it was just a sneak attack today. , It's just a simple tracking technique. Based on the situation of the two at this time, an isolation formation can absolutely isolate others from tracking, but what the two don't know is that they both underestimated the origin of the Devil Emperor.

In fact, although Buffett was also very famous in the Tianchen Tribe, he has to say that the circles he mixes in are also relatively low-level. After all, the Tianhua Sect is not a powerful force in the entire Tianchen Tribe. The Celestial Demon Taoist was just a piece of chess that was randomly arranged and could trap this old fellow for more than three million years. If it weren't for the old fellow Buffett back then With some chance, he got an undead grass in the endless abyss, and his cultivation base at that time simply could not survive more than three million years of destruction. So, even though the Emperor of the Devouring Sky seemed extremely anxious at this time, the consumption was huge just now, and Buffett had set a ban on it. This made him dare not say it even though there was pain in his heart, especially at this critical juncture, he almost collapsed in a hurry, but at this time the two people were doing their own things leisurely, unaware of the danger. Pro.

At this time, Luo Xiu was still lying in the treatment chamber to heal his injuries, and Buffett had obviously recovered a part of his vitality, and his originally pale complexion had become a little different, but because of the previous struggle, he wanted to be short. It is impossible to restore the cultivation base within a time. At this time, the sky was already full of that kind of weird energy, neither Buffett nor Luo Xiu knew that a huge crisis was hitting them.

"Found it!" Just as everyone crossed their knees to heal, Xu Yuan's eyes opened suddenly, and a sharp expression in his eyes flashed away. He yelled at the crowd in a low voice, and then stood up straight, his hands began to quickly pinch out complex and incomparable seals, and everyone who heard his loud yelling stood up one by one. Come and start repeating the same actions as Xu Yuan. Only in this way can the recovered information be presented to everyone through this jade monument.

I saw that as the people continued to play the technique and immersed in the white and flawless jade stele, the jade stele, which had no response before, began to gather the shining light around it, as if a black hole was constantly engulfing someone around it. This kind of weird energy, even the space seems to be unable to withstand the huge suction from the jade tablet.

As the people continued to beat out the layers of magic arts, the jade stele began to emit a weird bright yellow flame, and this flame seemed extremely strange, without a trace of temperature. Not only that, as the flames rose, a strange picture appeared in the entire hall, directly on top of the stele. A pair of pictures appeared and disappeared like a passing glance.

And in this scene, it is also the infinite universe ~ Dharma began to operate. This is the reason why Xu Yuan said that things will soon be found, because if there is no aura that matches the aura of the Devil Emperor, the Universe Promise Sacred Law they have just used will not react at all. And now that the jade stele has reacted, it proves that their master has been found, but at this time the specific ~ where is the location, they have to carefully distinguish these searched soul breaths before they can check them one by one. .

As time went by, the jade stele suspended in the air that everyone pointed at constantly flashed a picture, and the expressions of everyone began to turn pale as time passed. And at this time, the six spiritual vortexes of different sizes outside the Xiaoyao Palace at this time were beginning to grow bigger and bigger with the passage of time, which also attracted more people to come here.

"Brother, did you get nothing? Time has already passed for more than a long time. If there is really something to be gained, why have we been unable to see that person for a long time? He might have been hiding with a special artifact. Soul aura, right?" Because Lu Chen was practicing the body-refining method of the Promise Demon Body, his condition at this time was weaker than that of other people.

At this time, Lu Chen was already sweating on his forehead, and what made him feel even more disturbed was that the jade stele at this time was still flashing various pictures. Seeing that there were no search results for a long time, he looked a little frustrated, and the whole person was also A little anxious. If it were other times, he would have long since quit, but at this time, he knew very well that once he pulled his hand, it would basically cause a chain reaction, and all the previous efforts would be wiped out. At this time, since he had reached this point, he was thinking about letting go and temporarily unable to do it.

"It’s not so fast. Back then, Ben Dao was fortunate enough to see that old guy used this secret method. He only searched for such a powerful cultivation base for two or three days before he managed to find what he was looking for. Our cultivation base is not as strong as the old guy. If we can’t hold on at this point, I’m probably wishful thinking to find the old guy. So the fourth junior brother, you should stick to it. If it doesn’t work, just use the secret method or directly. Swallow the pill." What Lu Chen didn't notice was that although Xu Yuan was very polite and full of caring words, when he was speaking, the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly cocked, and a smile of conspiracy appeared. On his face. This scene happened to be seen by the Heavenly Demon Taoist with the same ugly expression, but he was thinking about it again and again, and did not say anything on the spot. After all, what his senior brother said at this time was also justified. What's wrong.

"Hey, wasn't Senior Brother Si pretty awesome before? The Promise Demon Body that I just used just now makes me wait for admiration, so how come I'm fading now." At this time, even Xiao Qiang was in Lu Chen's voice. After falling, his face was full of playfulness.

"Okay, don’t make any noise. Since the Fourth Junior Brother can’t hold on, then we should hurry up and work harder. I guess we’re prepared to search. It won’t be like finding a needle in a haystack. After all, what happened just now is still It is vividly visible. Given the conditions of the three people at the time, it is impossible to escape. We only need to find the old guy in the vicinity of the attack." Xu Yuan saw everyone. At this point, he was still bickering, unable to help being speechless, and hurriedly said out loud.