Technology Communication System

Chapter 305: Old man

"Fourth, how long can you hold on?" Seeing that everyone stopped talking, Xu Yuan turned his eyes to Lu Chen with sweat on his forehead, asking with concern, and the expression on his face was extremely anxious. ? Bayi Chinese Website W=W=W≈. ≈8≠1≠Z≤W≥. COM

In fact, at this time, he had faintly regretted it. There was nothing when everyone was performing the secret method. Everything went smoothly. He did not pay enough attention to it. At the same time, he somewhat underestimated the terrifying consumption of the Universe Promise Sacred Law. , At this time the whole person is very upset. Obviously, he was a bit too arrogant and didn't consider everything clearly, so that he felt a little rushed now.

If at the beginning, he took the lead to complete the first half of the secret method independently, and after that, the energy-consuming and spiritual power-consuming links were completed together, then there would be no such embarrassing dilemma now.

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhh! It's okay, if you bite your teeth, you can still hold on for two or three hours, but then I will start taking the pill, otherwise it will probably delay some time. If you don't do this, if you continue like this, so The terrible consumption, I can't hold on for two days at all." At this moment, Lu Chen's heavy breathing sound was as thick as a broken bellows. In fact, he was also a little upset. He was a little bit bigger before, and did not do what Xu Yuan said before. Although he thought he paid enough attention to Xu Yuan’s previous words, it is inevitable that he also committed some crimes. Mistake, and did not pay too much attention to this joint venture.

And at the same time, his situation at this moment was obviously because he didn't adapt well enough to his soaring cultivation base. So that at this time in front of so many brothers lost so much face. Thinking of how unrestrained and elegant he was when he played just now, he was so embarrassed at this time. The extreme change between the two also shows from the side that although his cultivation base is better than others, he himself is obviously There are big weaknesses. At this time, he could not help but think of the Demon Emperor of the Sky Swallowing. The Demon Emperor of the Sky Swallowing absolutely deliberately let him only cultivate the Promise Demon Body.

"Well, you must always pay attention to your own cultivation base consumption. It is just the beginning. The consumption of the secret technique is not as huge as you imagined. Next, this Dao will also go all out, and there is no time for him to take care of it. You must be careful. Heaven’s backlash is not a joke! If one is not good, we may all be damaged because of this. In this critical point, everyone’s cultivation is the guarantee of life. If anyone is seriously damaged this time , Then I will stay here and don’t go out anymore, otherwise, if you are really taken advantage of by that person, it will be unsightly with our next plan." Nodding, it seems to be for Lu Chen He was extremely satisfied with his words, and Xu Yuan told him seriously again. Then I saw him put his hands together again, and the next series of tactics flew out of his hands. The scene on the jade stele, which had been constantly changing, suddenly accelerated.

However, as the scene continues to change, the consumption of the cultivation base of the six people who cast spells at the same time has suddenly increased. Each of them is covered with sweat on their foreheads. With their cultivation bases, it is extremely difficult to see the performance of ordinary people. Yes, especially at this time Lu Chen was even more unbearable. Originally, he could still hold on for a while, but with Xu Yuan’s sudden increase, the energy consumption in his body suddenly skyrocketed. At this time, Lu Chen’s entire face The upward change was extremely pale, and the whole body began to tremble, and it was panting like a cow, shaking like a sifting chaff. Under the leadership of the other five people, it was difficult to beat the tactics in his hands, and every time he shot, The blood color on his face faded, and soon the whole person would be in a state of being unable to support because of the excessive consumption of cultivation base.

"Brother, Brother Si seems to be unable to hold on anymore, should we slow down a little bit so that he has time to recover, otherwise, if this continues, he will not be able to hold on until the moment the secret technique is completed and the power begins to manifest. "And seeing Lu Chen start to fall into a state of confusion, the Heavenly Demon Taoist who had been sitting on the sidelines was a little unbearable and couldn't help but remind him. At this moment, he became more sure of his guess. Where did the faint palpitations in his heart just come from? Obviously, this Universe and Promise Sacred Method is not so easy to use, whether it was his senior brother before. Or he took this secret method lightly.

Especially when he saw that Lu Chen was already so unbearable, his senior brother, instead of slowing down, speeded up his spell casting. This made him even more frightened. Fortunately, when he was preparing to cast the spell just now, he swallowed two or three pills to restore his cultivation. Otherwise, even his cultivation level would be faintly unsustainable, let alone Lu Chen, who is known for his body. This also made him feel more defensive against his big brother. Obviously, his senior brother made it clear that he wanted his fourth senior brother to stay in this happy palace. He still clearly remembered what Xu Yuan said earlier. If anyone's foundation is damaged, he must stay here and heal his injuries. Thinking about it now, his senior brother obviously didn't want his fourth senior brother to appear in the outside world again. Although he did this to prevent the fourth senior brother from being taken away by that person, the heavenly demon Taoist still felt uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, and at the same time thinking that Lu Chen had saved his life back then, the Heavenly Demon Taoist couldn't help but say a few words for Lu Chen. At the same time, he made a decision in his heart. If he, the big brother, wants to go his own way, he is ready to withdraw his hand at any time and stop playing with him. Even if the previous work is abandoned, it will be no hesitate, because if you continue like this, once the secret technique is successfully used, there will be a huge amount of energy as a supplement, and by that time, Lu Chen will obviously be unable to hold on early, once the matter arrives. At that level, if Xu Yuan had no other meaning, he would not believe it if he was killed.

"Yeah, big brother, let's slow down, and I can't hold on anymore." Seeing Xu Yuan unmoved, even Xiao Wudi, who hadn't spoken much, agreed with him. Although his cultivation base is far from the other three, and because of his cultivation Hunyuan Tianjing, he is known for his aura, but at this time, his consumption is still astonishing, and Xiao Wudi is also full of big heads at this time. Khan, the whole person was like fished out of the water, and he couldn't hold on to the current situation. If he was able to persevere with ease before, with Xu Yuan's sudden acceleration just now, the energy in his entire body began to fall into a state of making ends meet.

"If you hold on for another quarter of an hour, the next spellcasting will be done by your own Dao." Looking at everyone with pale faces, Xu Yuan's complexion is not very good, and his consumption at this time must be far out of the other people present. . You know, even though he has a different purpose, he intends to use this spellcasting to keep his few juniors with poor cultivation skills in the Xiaoyao Hall, but at this time, the price he has to pay is far Come out of your own imagination. You must know that as the first order person to cast spells at this time, all the consumption must be far out of other people, especially when he casts spells, the backlash of heaven is also the first to come to him. At this time, Xu Yuan's heart also felt tired, but he knew that if he was going to give up at this time, the previous efforts seemed a little unnecessary.

"Give the old four a pill to swallow and let him recover first. I can't slow down this time. Otherwise, after waiting for all our previous preparations, all the efforts will be in vain." Xu Yuan looked carefully. A glance at Lu Chen’s situation revealed that his expression was not false, so he ordered Xiao Qiang, who was standing not far away, that she was the only one who had the ability to deliver the medicine to Lu Chen’s mouth. She was sweating profusely, and now only this woman can keep her face calm and calm.

After hearing Xu Yuan's words, Xiao Qiang didn't say anything, but just glanced at other people faintly, and when his consciousness moved, he took out something from the storage ring. Then, Divine Sense opened the jade bottle, and a pill with strong medicinal power appeared in the air, and then the next moment, he went straight to Luchen, who had already opened his mouth.

"Extreme Grade Huitian Pill! Senior Sister, let us have one." Seeing this shining pill, the Heavenly Demon Taoist and Xiao Wudi were both stunned. At the next moment, the two people looked begging. You know, even though the two of them can persist at this time, they can’t last long because of their current situation. If there is a supplement for this pill, they want to persist. For two or three days, it was absolutely easy, but seeing Xiao Qiang with an indifferent and expressionless face, both of them were a little nervous.

You know, for a long time, the two of them didn't have a good impression of their senior sister, especially when they knew that their teacher-killing behavior was from this woman's handwriting. They were afraid of their senior sister. To avoid it is to hide as far as possible. It's just that the situation is now forced, they also have to put down their figure, wanting to pray that their senior sister can help them in the past love, although this seems a little cowardly, but it is similar to their own life and death. Compared with that, it's not a big deal at this point.

"It's hard to imagine how our master did it back then. It seems that when we watched him perform this secret method, the old guy was so relaxed and freehanded. Even the backlash of Heaven seemed to be indifferent. When we performed it, the process was so tormented." Seeing Xiao Qiang unmoved, Xiao Wudi had no choice but to change the subject with a wry smile.

"It's not that the Tao is not for you to take, but that you can still persist. This kind of medicine seems to be powerful, but for you, it doesn't have much effect. Even if it is the best attribute, it is also for us. It’s just that we can replenish some consumption. If we rely on the effect of the pill from now on, we won’t be able to persist at all. Brother Si, there is no way. Although he is full of blood, if he does not take the pill, it will consume so much. If you go down, Daoji will be slightly damaged. If you don't get it right, it will be destroyed by Heaven's Dao backlash." Seeing Xiao Wudi and Heavenly Demon Taoist looking at her eyes, Xiao Qiang smiled faintly and explained aloud. .

And the two people who heard her words also fell silent, stopped talking, and began to concentrate on recovering while constantly playing spiritual power tricks. As time went on, although the two of them could still persist, they were similar to the previous Lu Chen. At this time, the pill that had already started to digest in Lu Chen's body also played a role, and he could barely keep up with everyone's rhythm. It's just that when everyone was relieved, their face suddenly changed when they made a wish. They couldn't help but say: "Heaven's backlash is coming, everyone, be careful."

I saw that Xu Yuan's whole person was like an angry lion, and the cultivation base he had suppressed instantly exploded, directly expelling all the other energies in this large hall. Immediately after the others were still shocked by the strength of Xu Yuanxiu's strength, everyone felt a strange energy from heaven and earth, and went straight to everyone. However, what made them breathe a sigh of relief was the direction that this strange energy attacked. It was not any of the six of them, but the jade stone stele located in the center of them, but whether it was Xu Yuan or Xiao Qiang, her face changed a lot when she saw this scene.

They are extremely clear that the humble jade monument floating in the center of them is not a superb spirit treasure, and its defensive power is not satisfactory. It is only equivalent to the strength of the defensive magic weapon of the third and fourth ranks. If it is really affected by this If there is a powerful energy impact, there will be no other accidents at all, and the jade monument will definitely be shattered in an instant. And once things reached this critical time, it would be a whimsical thing for them to use the secret method again.

"Be careful, stop it quickly!" Xu Yuan kept his left hand and continued to pinch. At the same time, with a wave of his free right hand, a light yellow mask directly covered the jade tablet while drinking lowly.

But he knew that if he didn't react quickly enough, this appointment would be in big trouble. He had seen his master used this secret method before, however, he never expected that this weird change would occur at this time. They had seen it with their own eyes back then, and the Devil Emperor was only in a hurry at the beginning. When he faced the backlash of the heavens, the relaxed gratitude that the whole person showed was still in his mind. Appear from time to time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Three consecutive muffled sounds, that strange heavenly energy directly hit the mask set by Xu Yuan. In the blink of an eye, the light was blasted through. Everyone couldn't react, and at the same time, this weird energy immediately rushed towards the jade monument after smashing the defensive cover.

"Qiankun borrows the place, reverses Yin and Yang! Pardon!" And in the face of this sudden scene, Xu Yuan seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and did not panic. I saw that he directly pressed his hands down without hurriedly, temporarily suspending the use of the secret technique, and at the same time, he played continuously with both hands. A huge momentum suddenly rose from his chest, and with his divine consciousness, it directly blocked. In front of the weird Heavenly Dao energy, then, without any surprise, the powerful Heavenly Dao energy was instantly disintegrated by him.

"Puff!" Xu Yuan, who had done all this, spouted out a mouthful of blood among the horrified eyes of everyone. The brilliance in his eyes dimmed instantly. It can be seen that the magical power he just displayed, although extremely powerful, instantly disintegrated the energy of the heavenly path, but he was inevitably received a positive impact, and the whole person suddenly wilted. .

"Brother! Are you okay?" At this time, everyone looked inexplicable, because in their eyes, the weird energy just now wouldn't cause such great harm to Xu Yuan, but look at Xu. In Yuan’s situation at this time, it was obvious that he had already paid a great price when he ran that magical power just now. He didn't seem to have pretended it at all. He also put away his disapproval one by one, and his complexion changed. Be serious.

"It's okay! Fortunately, the Dao has been prepared, otherwise, this time I will really fight." Xu Yuan waved his hand and signaled that everyone was okay. He ignored the blood from the corners of his mouth and continued to play different techniques again.

"Attention, there is one last tactic. After the fight, everyone should hurry up and restore the cultivation base. Then we will have a tough battle to fight." At a certain moment, Xu Yuan's hands that could not be seen clearly stood still. He whispered to the five people around him. With the solemn tone in the tone, all five of them were shocked at the same time, and they raised their own cultivation bases.

At the same time, in a valley thousands of miles away at this time, an old man with a very old face raised his head faintly, with a thoughtful look on his face. This old man, as the only high-level expert in the world, I am extremely familiar with the sudden fall of the Heavenly Dao backlash. Judging from the huge energy riot of heaven and earth just now, it is clear that someone is acting against the sky, but the old man seems to have thought of something. Said: "Three million years ago, the old immortal should be about to return, no wonder these little things are so eager, you really haven't made any progress for so many years!"

After speaking, the old man shook his head with a look of disappointment. The old man slowly lowered his head and stepped away, leaving only a deep sigh on the spot, floating in the valley, and the old man was three steps later , The body has disappeared in this valley, but at this time Xu Yuan and others don’t even know the old man who appeared in this valley, and what the old man said, otherwise, Xu Yuan would never have before. That naive idea.