Technology Communication System

Chapter 329: Pregnant lotus

And just when Luo Xiu wondered where this ruthless man came from, such a brutal attack didn't have the slightest aura fluctuation before, as if the knife had been slashed in the air, as if it had been negotiated in advance, in this tyrannical slash. At the moment of the next move, 6 Xun, who was originally surrounded by countless dead soul fires, was shot out almost at the same time. With this sword, countless violent sword auras exploded, accompanied by this The sword burst out together with an incomparably sharp and powerful sword intent. The flying sword seemed to have spirituality, strangling countless dead souls. Compared with the previous sword energy, there was no trace of it. The tendency to weaken, although because the attack is not strong enough, it is far less powerful than the 6xun sword, but between the two inside and outside, the originally dark world is also much brighter. Luo Xiu can also be able to see from the surveillance screen. Saw some two people attacking. ?August 1 Chinese Web W ㈠ W ㈧ W?. ㈧8?1㈠Z?W?. ?C㈠OM

At this moment, when this sudden and powerful sword intent met the powerful sword that struck in the air, the two cooperated with each other and instantly strangulated the surrounding dead soul fire again. Such a tacit cooperation made Luo Xiu feel Unexpectedly, didn't these six hunts really have foreign aid? It's just that the things in the next life really went beyond his expectation, and Luo Xiu was dumbfounded for a long time.

"What the **** is this place? How could there be such a strange treasure as dead soul fire. It's a pity, if I knew it was this thing, the old man wouldn't rashly do it, hey, I said 6 old people, you are not dead! "Just as Luo Xiu was about to change his posture to continue watching, in the picture sent by the satellite, an old voice came from the void, and then the void also trembled. An old man who was more than three meters tall directly tore it apart. This space appeared in the surveillance picture in front of Luo Xiu.

Although the old man is more than three meters tall, he gives people a very strange feeling. Not only is his stature extremely thin, but his head is bald, but his appearance is not as old as his voice. At this time, the old man has a face. Looking at the dead soul fire floating in the distance with great interest, a trace of pity also appeared on his face.

At the same time, Luo Xiu also noticed that this old man's body seemed a little weird. It was so tall that he was obviously not a human being. But at this time, Luo Xiu could understand what the old man said, and the long knife on the old man's body was really somewhat It was shocking, I saw that this long knife, what we called it a knife, turned out to be a knife-like weapon the size of a door panel, so huge and weird.

Luo Xiu has never seen such a weird weapon anywhere, because this kind of thing is almost like a large piece of iron. If you want to use such a large magic weapon to fight against people, the old man's cultivation must be terrifying. Extremely, even though ordinary monks would use the magic weapon of the Divine Mind Imperial Envoy to kill people, Luo Xiu had never seen such a perverted weapon.

Of course, after Luo Xiu looked carefully for a while, even though the old man was carrying a long knife like the door, the strange thing was that Luo Xiu didn't feel the slightest disobedience in his eyes, but Luo Xiu noticed a detail, the old man. The long knife behind it was not carried by the scabbard, but the old man's body unexpectedly had two more arms than humans. At this time, it was these two arms that held the long knife in his hand. Seeing this scene, Luo Xiu took a deep breath. Luo Xiu had seen the human being turned into a monster, but he had never seen a human with four arms before, and the appearance of the old man in the picture , It really scared Luo Xiu.

Looking at the old man’s dress, it’s obvious that the fierce slap just now came from this person, but the tone of what he said at this time seemed as if the two of them should not be as familiar as Luo Xiu guessed, or the two of them have good friendship. , The remark just now does not rule out that it was a joke between the two. After all, the jokes are not only common people have, but what makes Luo Xiu puzzled is that after the old man with a long sword said so much, Luo Xiu also Still did not see the 6 seekers not far away responding to the old man again.

"Die your sister, you are not dead, how many times the old man will die, I told you how many times, shit! Don't pester me anymore, okay!" 6 An angry voice came with a voice in it. There was a joyful and somewhat helpless tone, but Luo Xiu could hear it. Six Xuns should be extremely relaxed at this time. Luo Xiu could obviously feel that he had no previous excitement at all.

Obviously, after his whole person went through the changes just now, he should also understand the dangers in it. At this time, he heard this familiar voice, although he was a little happy, but after calming down, he was nothing special. I just feel like I was saved by this old guy this time. If this guy is entangled in the future, he will not be able to do anything with this old guy because of today’s life-saving grace. How frustrated.

"Old Piff, I didn't expect you to hide here. This young man has been chasing you for three thousand years. You old fellow can really hide. No, what is this place? How could this young man's cultivation level be so suppressed? "Just as Luo Xiu was shocked and saw this scene, a frivolous voice resounded throughout the world. With the sound, a young man in black robes appeared in this space. And this young man in black robes instantly shattered the space originally confined by those six searches the first time he appeared, and the nine-yin evil spirit that had turned into a long sword and went away has accelerated even more quickly, almost disappearing again.

6 Xunhe, the old man with a long sword, couldn’t take care of the sudden appearance of the black robe youth at this moment. The two took one step at the same time, and then the next moment, the two appeared in the Nine Yin evil spirits. In front of the long sword, the old man with the back knife directly stretched out his hand to grab the nine-yin evil spirit. Originally, Luo Xiu thought that the scene of cannibalism that he saw just now would reappear, the old man's right hand directly captured the nine-yin evil spirit. He picked it up in his hand, and the next moment, he quickly threw the weird Jiuyin evil spirit in his hand directly to the purple-gold gourd, and the next moment, 6 Xun also gathered the gourd in a tacit understanding. Then the two turned around almost at the same time, looking at the black robe youth who suddenly appeared.

"Xie Tianbao, you have nothing to do with it. It's true that our brothers didn't dare to kill you!" 6 Xun directly said coldly. After speaking, he moved his hand directly, and a sword qi went straight to the young man in the black robe.

"Hey, as long as the two seniors handed over that thing, the junior turned around and left immediately. You know, this young master’s time is very precious. After chasing you for more than 300 years, it is useless if you want that thing. Why don't you give it to Ben Shao directly?" Hei-robed young man Xie Tianbao heard 6 Xun's words, and didn't get angry because of his indifference, but said with a smile.

"Xie Tianbao, our brother has come here from Tianchen Buzhou in order to avoid the pursuit of your Dragon Tiger Palace. The thing you are looking for is really not in our brother's body. Why are you tirelessly harassing us?" I have been extremely helpless with this Xie Tianbao, and understand the person’s difficulties. Coupled with this person’s deep background, the 6xun two are also extremely troublesome for this Xie Tianbao. At this moment, seeing this guy smile, 6xun Angrily, his nose almost turned crooked, he was helpless to the black man in front of him. After all, although this guy is young, his cultivation level is not weak at all, plus this guy's strong family background, 6 seeks can only bear it.

I just thought that it was just a joke back then, which caused the kid to chase his brother for more than three years. 6 Xun and the old man with the sword beside him looked at each other, and they all saw the same meaning in each other’s eyes. This is simply a guy who can't afford to provoke, like a brown sugar, as long as they find their tracks, they will definitely come back.

"Two, Ben Shao has been chasing you for so long. If it weren’t for the two martial artists under the command of Tianjun, Ben Shao would have mobilized people and horses to besiege you. Shao Ben has already sensed that thing in you. Breath, you still want to lie to me? The young man has been chasing you for more than 300 years, and he has long lost patience. If it hadn't been calculated by you two three hundred years ago, Ben young would have more patience. , It’s just now. If Ben Shao can’t get this thing again, then I’m not going to blame Ben Shao for being ruthless!" Xie Tianbao ignored 6 Xun’s statement and looked at him with scorn on his face. sneer.

"Is it interesting for the old man to lie to you? It was really just a joke back then. The thing you wanted was indeed not on the old man's body. If it was there, it was harassed by you for so many years, and the old man wanted him to be useless. It would have been given to you long ago. You are still chasing so hard, what do you mean?" 6 Xun looked at Xie Tianbao in front of him and looked helpless. If he changed someone else, he would have slapped him to death, and there was more than Xie Tianbao in front of him. The cultivation base is not weaker than him, and this person is extremely background, let alone whether he can kill him, just hurt this guy, the consequences are not their brothers can bear.

Back then, he just made a joke at this person. He didn't expect that this person would chase his brother for more than three hundred years, from Tianchen Tribe to such a low-level plane. Thinking about it, he smiled bitterly. This is nothing short of slandering the world. However, this guy has been chasing them with perseverance, even if their brother has been hiding in the sky and heaven for more than three hundred years, thinking that he has exhausted his patience, he did not expect this guy to follow in.

"It's impossible. The breath of that thing is clearly in your body, and this young master absolutely didn't feel wrong. You admitted back then. If you want it to be useless, then just take it out. Otherwise, really I've exhausted Ben Shao's patience, and you understand the consequences!" Xie Tianbao directly ignored the statement of the two men, and looked at him solemnly, threatening.

"Well, if you just say that the breath of this thing is on our brother, then tell us, what exactly you want, you should tell me. There is something about the old lady that I don't know the origin. If you really need it, now the old man will be useless. It will definitely be given to you. As long as you tell me what the thing looks like, the old man will give it to you, OK?” In order to get more The Jiuyin evil spirit was also in order to completely get rid of the entanglement, 6 Xun communicated with the old man with the knife behind him for a while, and said aloud to Xie Tianbao in front of him.

Their brothers finally squatted here for more than three hundred years. Seeing these nine Yin evil spirits, slowly forming, the joy in their hearts was higher than the day. Especially at this moment when he felt that the nine Yin evil spirits had actually formed, and began to have such power, how could he willingly let this thing escape.

Xie Tianbao seemed to be a little tempted when he heard the words of 6 Xun, but he seemed to think of something immediately and his face became ugly. It’s not that he doesn’t believe in the six seekers in front of him, but that the thing he wants is extremely special. If he could kill people and win treasures, he would have done it a long time ago. He would wait until now. At this time, he simply cannot make it public, especially The guy opposite, he had harassed him for more than three hundred years. If he knew what was on him, given the temperaments of the brothers, maybe they would really change their minds.

Thinking of this, Xie Tianbao himself was a little speechless. As the young master of the Dragon Tiger Palace, he chased these two people alone for so long, and has not found a good solution. At this time, seeing these two people does not seem to be joking, he repeatedly After thinking about it, even if they say it, they will only refuse at best, but they can only continue to struggle, unless they change to other exercises, otherwise this matter is really tricky.

"It's okay to tell you, but after you know it, can you guarantee that you will give me something?" After hesitating, Xie Tianbao looked at the two people who were not far away again and gritted his teeth. Asked aloud.

"This! Our brother must first know what you want, and then we can determine whether we can give it to you. After all, there are two things in our brother that cannot be passed on to others at all!" 6 Seen and the tall and thin next to him The old man glanced at each other and said cautiously.

"That being the case, let me tell you. The purple-golden bell that your brother got from a grocery store in the capital city of Dajin, as long as you give it to Ben Shao, Ben Shao will definitely spend a hundred times the spar. How?" Xie Tianbao also let out a long sigh of relief when they heard the two of them. This thing is not the key. The key is the attitude of the two people. As long as the two agree, the matter will be easy.

"Hey, Master Xie, what you want is not the purple-gold small clock, but the pregnant **** lotus in the sea of ​​knowledge of our brothers!" The old man with the back knife who has been silent was listening to Xie Tianbao mentioning the small clock, and he didn't directly He politely exposed his careful thinking.

"What I said, with the strength of your Dragon Tiger Palace, if you are interested in our brother's possessions, you would have taken people to kill and win treasures long ago. Why would you spend more than three hundred years entangled with our brothers, hehe, thank you young master for calculating It's really loud!" 6 Xun changed his face directly after hearing what his brother said. Everything else is easy to say. Only the pregnant **** lotus in the sea of ​​knowledge of the two of them can never be taken out to him. .

"Hey, if you can use it strong, this young man would have done it directly when he first met you. Why would he waste more than three hundred years of time here with the two of you, but the **** of pregnancy is a god-like thing, unless The two voluntarily, otherwise, no means will work, so you two should consider it carefully!" Hearing what the two said, Xie Tianbao just smiled slightly, completely ignoring the sarcasm of 6 Xun.

"In that case, I forgive our brothers for not staying with us! Let's go!" 6 Xun, after taking a deep look at Xie Tianbao, directly tore the void in front of him, and then the two brothers stepped in almost at the same time. Xie Tianbao was left with a smile on his face.

Luo Xiu noticed that this Xie Tianbao did not feel any upset because of the departure of the two. It can be seen that this powerful young master is not a simple figure. Just when Luo Xiu thought that Xie Tianbao would also leave, only Seeing him flipping his sleeves, a terrible storm of space appeared strangely in the space in the picture, and then he also tore the space and left here, but the display in front of Luo Xiu suddenly lost the picture.