Technology Communication System

Chapter 339: The power of a glass of wine

"Okay, even if you are right, let's take a step forward. Once the situation is not right, we will change to the method I just mentioned. In fact, we will kill everyone. This is the safest. Eight? One Chinese W㈠W?W?.㈧8?1㈧Z㈧W?.COM" Luo Xiu thought for a while and felt that he had nothing to say, so he nodded in agreement and agreed with the baby.

"Don't worry, this time you will definitely be shocked." The baby's voice fell, and before Luo Xiu could react, he disappeared. Then Luo Xiu only felt the battleship under him slightly shook, and then Luo Xiu felt that his eyes were dark. When Luo Xiu regained his eyesight, the place where the spacecraft reappeared was already in the meteorite they attacked just now. behind.

Just as Luo Xiu looked at the countless sword lights that were constantly cruising in this cosmic space, before he had any other thoughts, the warship under him adjusted its angle, and then there was nothing at all. Any threatening, countless terrorist attacks burst out directly.

Luo Xiu only saw countless dense energy attacks from the battleship under him. Try to try Luo Xiulu's research, all of which are countless, dazzling him, the white light, these lights In this pitch-black void, there is so much light, like meteors piercing the void, but wherever these rays of light reach, the monks along the way are instantly transformed into nothingness. In particular, this attack was already countless times denser than it was at the beginning, and these countless attacks seemed to be under control, almost exactly the same as the sword aura of a human monk, thousands of them ~ hard to distinguish by the eyes. The terrorist attacks were directed at the monks who were still fleeing back and forth in the air. These attacks were so perverted. They killed all the monks along the way in an unreasonable posture, and Luo Xiu saw a lot afterwards. The monks who were still together, in order to fight for the way of escape, almost many people directly started each other, and the situation in front of him was even more unforgettable for him.

While many shells hit the target, they immediately detonated everything in the space around the monk, and then, very unreasonably, rushed forward again. Luo Xiu has never seen such a horrible attack. With his insight, he can only see this indiscriminate attack that can only be seen on large battlefields in some movies of the Earth Federation.

At this time, Luo Xiu looked at this very familiar scene in front of him that made him a little excited, and Luo Xiu's own calmness made him feel cold, and at the same time, Luo Xiu once again experienced the powerful battleships of the Earth Federation. The terrifying power of the horror, the situation that makes her creepy now makes Luo Xiu's heart very contradictory. Originally, he could still look at all the things in front of him calmly, but he didn't know what he was thinking of, and he felt himself This is a bit wrong, especially when the monks who were strangled with no resistance at all flashed in front of him, the suffering in Luo Xiu's heart became more obvious, and the consequence of facing reality was him. Luo Xiu feels something wrong at all.

"Damn it! This ant is hiding here. He is here. Everyone quickly get out of the way. We don't stay together to avoid being affected by these weird attacks. Also, scholars, what are you guys still doing? Let’s capture the weird spirit boat together.” The middle-aged man from the Heavenly Sword Sect arrived at the scene as soon as Luo Xiu moved the attack, but even though his reaction was fast enough, it was because of him. The focus of attention is on other things, which makes him ignore some things that are invisible to the naked eye. Therefore, when his voice just fell, a dozen shells went straight to him as if he had eyes. . In this scene, almost everyone else on the scene appeared, but everyone wanted to come forward to rescue him, but these powerful energy bombs were not only unreasonable, but also inhumane and directly blasted his body on the spot. Broken, even the soul did not have time to escape.

"What are you doing in a daze, don't you think you died fast enough? Hurry up and use the instant movement talisman! Hurry up, everyone will immediately follow my instructions." Luo Xiu is still lamenting these attacks. When it was sharp, he clearly heard a woman's yell through the sky. This woman's voice is very pleasant, but the noise in the field at this time, all kinds of weird shouts, fighting, and the roar of artillery shells, resounded through this world, and there are great signs of suppressing the woman's voice.

"Baby, find out the speaker for me, and she must not let her stabilize this messy situation for me. Otherwise, we will definitely not be able to realize the plan just now, and even if one fails, we will take care of it ourselves. Go in." Although Luo Xiu is very unfamiliar with this voice, he thinks about the situation in front of him and what he will do in the future. Luo Xiu told you about his thoughts and system again. After that, he stared at the big screen in front of him. It was obvious that he wanted to find the woman who was talking, and he wanted to kill her as well. Because only the situation here is getting more and more chaotic, he can have more sufficient time to eliminate all these people. Although Luo Xiu was very anxious, but if he had not heard it wrong before, the woman seemed to be saying that she wanted to escape from here, but Luo Xiu thought, how could he let this person leave here.

"Baby, some people want to escape, hurry up, we are running out of time." Hearing this, Luo Xiu started to be a little anxious, if only a few people here escaped, it would be okay, if most people escaped, Then his end will be very bad.

"Don't worry. With the energy circulation system, I can shield the soul of the host regardless of consumption, so no one feels your existence. As for our attack, they will think it belongs to this battleship. Ability, so you can rest assured that no one can sense it at all. There is the presence of the host in it!" The baby is not commenting on Luo Xiu’s concerns. After Luo Xiu’s voice fell, he was just indifferent. His head motioned Luo Xiu to stay calm, not as nervous as Luo Xiu himself imagined.

And Luo Xiu once again deeply felt the baby's unreliability. This area of ​​sky, which was originally extremely disordered, was suddenly hit by a fierce artillery fire. The scene was a mess. Many monks died before they even figured out what happened. There are many more. The person's insight is not good, and he hurriedly teleported away from the place. But there are more monks, and suddenly there is light in front of them! And they are wondering, how could there be such a time. In the next moment, everyone was blinded by the dazzling light, and went back to fly away. Even in such a good situation, the baby who could have been able to further expand the battle was indifferent. This is the same as Luo Xiu and him. The plans in between are completely inconsistent.

Just as Luo Xiu thought that this was the case, the baby would definitely speed up quickly and clean up all the rest, and then he would find a way to solve his master. This is a happy thing for everyone. But what happened next did make Luo Xiu's expression extremely embarrassing.

"Hit ~ fly~ machine!" Then Luo Xiu stared at the situation in front of him dumbfounded, the baby's voice rang excitedly in his mind. This weird style of painting made Luo Xiu feel a weird violation Sense, and because wherever he looked, there were patches of dead bodies floating in the void, which made Luo Xiu feel inexplicably irritable. Even though he knew that his thoughts were stupid and naive, he didn't know what happened, and he could not suppress this weird thought.

"Go over there, go over there, someone has already escaped." Luo Xiu saw with his own eyes that three men and a woman teleported out of this chaotic star field, and Luo Xiu clearly sensed that these three men and a woman seemed to be in position. Very unusual. Especially the woman, she seems to be the core of the four. Although she looks very ordinary, Luo Xiu can clearly sense the noble aura belonging to the superior. Of course Luo Xiu also felt something wrong with this woman. There seemed to be a layer of something covering her face, and in front of the woman, besides these three men, there were a dozen people wearing the same clothes as them. When he saw this, Luo Xiu was very excited. It was obvious that these three men and one woman absolutely had an extraordinary status. Looking at their position distribution, it was obvious that this woman's status was extraordinary. Maybe this is a big fish.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! The twelve people over there are weird. Have you noticed that there is still a group of people in front of them. As soon as a cannon attacks them, the group of people in front of them will immediately be separated. Don’t you feel surprised when two people go to blast the cannonball directly?” Seeing that the baby was indifferent to what he said, Luo Xiu began to feel a little anxious. He could easily feel that the three men and one woman were absolutely absolutely It's weird. For him, the next action can be smoother. He doesn't want to be reborn again. Therefore, Luo Xiu intends to kill these monks with extraordinary status directly, or catch them alive or kill them directly.

"Don't worry! They can't escape! Not only the four of them, but also others, these people are almost the same as you said. If you look to the southwest, there are also seven people there. These people are from the Tianchen area. Among a powerful sect, they also have a relatively high status. The situation is almost exactly the same as what you have seen, and I also discovered a very interesting thing." The baby calmed Luo Xiu's irritable mood, and then he was in Luo Xiu. There was a picture in his mind, and Luo Xiu was a little confused after seeing this painting. It is hard for him to imagine that in such a chaotic situation, he could still see this strange scene before him. , Luo Xiu didn’t know how to describe his mood at this time, because when he saw the picture presented in the sea of ​​consciousness, Luo Xiu’s heart was like ten thousand alpacas whizzing past, and all that remained in his heart unbelievable.

I saw the picture that appeared in the sea of ​​his knowledge is extremely ordinary, of course, it is a bit irresponsible to say that, if you just pull it out and look at it, this picture is extremely easy and freehand. When Luo Xiu saw it, he might even boast that these people are so elegant.

In the current situation, if you are not careful, Luo Xiu will almost ignore it subconsciously. However, on this chaotic battlefield, there is such a quiet and peaceful picture, it is really a bit weird. There are three old men on the screen. At this moment, these three people are sitting around a stone platform. This stone platform was obviously cut out temporarily with a flying sword. It seems to be just a temporary foothold, but, Luo Xiu's face, who saw this scene before him, was extremely weird. Because neither the middle-aged man who was bombed into dregs, the three men, one woman, and others did not have the calmness shown by these four people before.

And what made Luo Xiu very uneasy was that at this time, the three old men and a middle-aged man were sitting there quietly looking at the chaotic scene in front of them, and they seemed to be talking and laughing, making it even more annoying. What Luo Xiu felt strange was that these four people were actually eating, yes, they were eating. And the four of them touched the glass from time to time and drank the wine from the clean glass. Luo Xiu saw this scene, it was extremely speechless, but soon the anxiety on his face became more and more obvious.

"So arrogant, just give them a shot, and let them give me something there." Luo Xiu gritted his teeth and said viciously to the baby in the sea of ​​knowledge. If it were to change the time, Luo Xiu would not be so careful, and he would not account for this kind of thing. However, under such an environment, such a chaotic situation, and the overwhelming artillery fire, these four people still have such a thing. He had to feel very uncomfortable to drink and eat there. Luo Xiu even noticed that these people seemed to be indifferent to all of the lives before them. He also noticed that even if there were some attacks, the four people turned a blind eye to them. Therefore, this kind of weird scene also gave birth to the violence in Luo Xiu's heart at this moment.

"These four people are absolutely weird, and it seems that the people around you can't see their tracks. Don't you feel that these four people are too relaxed?" The baby tried to adjust the frequency of the attack, and directed the artillery towards the four. Where the person is at this moment. It's just that he still told the most intuitive feeling in his heart, and Luo Xiu heard him say that again, first was stunned, and then his face became extremely ugly.

Because Luo Xiu clearly saw that when the artillery fire moved to the four people not far away, one of these four people seemed to have smiled gently at the incoming artillery fire, and then poured the wine in his hand casually. Got out. And the next moment, the scene before Luo Xiu's eyes was a bit dumbfounded for him.

Luo Xiu clearly saw that as his wine glass was poured out, a powerful and invisible energy wave echoed in this space. And the next moment, whether it was the artillery fire that Luo Xiu used the battleship to blast out or the crowd fleeing in a panic, they all stood still. When Luo Xiu saw such a weird scene, his face was extremely ugly, because it was obvious that this person's cultivation base was far beyond his imagination.

"What's the situation, what's the matter with these people?" Although he had the urge to turn around and run, Luo Xiu still resisted his inner panic. He knew deeply that the baby had told him earlier that if he If you are in chaos, even with systematic protection, you will definitely be spotted by others.