Technology Communication System

Chapter 340: caught

"Don't talk! This situation has been out of our control at the moment, and I have no better way to do it. I can only take one step at a time. Bayi Chinese W≤W≤W=.≥8≠1≥Z ≤W=.≈C=OM But I'm sure that the four people in front of me were not here before, just when they appeared. As for the time of their appearance, the system is still searching for it. Well, I found it. That's how it is!" The baby said, and a picture immediately appeared in Luo Xiu's mind. At the beginning, the monitoring picture in the sea of ​​knowledge looked very ordinary, without any weird anomalies at all, but quickly There is something wrong with Luo Xiu's film. If there is no problem with his eyes, these three old men and a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in the field when he attacked.

"Looking at their unscrupulous behavior style, it is obvious that these people don't care about the situation in front of them. Judging from the appearance of these four people, their behavior of completely ignoring us is obviously here. This is messing with us, baby, I think, should we leave first? It’s too dangerous here.” Luo Xiu’s face is a bit pale at this moment. He didn’t care much at first, he was just seeing what happened to these people. When it came out, the scene in his mind deeply shocked Luo Xiu, and he didn't realize until now that if he couldn't leave in time this time, he really might be planted here. It's just that his traces have not yet been exposed, and he has nothing to worry about for the time being, so he can calmly chat with the baby here.

"It's too late now, even if you want to leave, you can't leave. Believe it or not, once we take action, with the cultivation base of the four people, we can definitely imprison this space in an instant. Despite the kind of thing we use The warship has a very powerful engine, and with this engine, there will be no overload situation. It is still possible to escape now. But with the environment here, once you are exposed, you want to leave, even if The powerful power of this kind of warship still cannot break through the imprisoned space barrier in a short period of time. And the bad things are more than that. You must be mentally prepared for the host. From the behavior of this person, he should be present. Because of the existence of our warship, it’s just that this baby is not yet sure whether they have noticed your presence. Therefore, I will make some radical behaviors next, and you must also take your breath away. , Remember, don’t be aware of where you are, otherwise, we’ll really be over this time.” Just as Luo Xiu listened to the baby’s words, he wondered what kind of extreme behavior the baby should use. When he came to get rid of the current predicament, Luo Xiu saw a scene that shocked him extremely.

I saw the original space restriction caused by the person's glass of wine spilling out, making all the attacks imprisoned, and the shelling that had stopped now unfolded again, and just for an instant, the battleship under Luo Xiu had already bombed. There were hundreds of thousands of energy shells, and there was no sign of stopping. Such a sudden attack, even though the four people were helpless, but the other cultivators who were imprisoned by the old man's mobility suffered.

Almost just for an instant, thousands of monks with not very strong cultivation bases died instantly under the bombardment of artillery fire. Some of those who were successful in cultivation could still guarantee their own flesh ~ there was not much damage to their bodies, they were just seriously injured, but More directly was bombed into scum. Such a sudden change also made the faces of the four people extremely ugly. Especially the old man who had just taken action to imprison this void, at this moment, the culprit of these things in front of him was caused by himself, so after seeing this kind of change in the field, the old man's face at this moment It is as ugly as it is, and his face is as black as the bottom of a pot. And when the old man saw that there was no sign of stopping the bombardment, the old man Huo stood up, and then walked directly out of the space. It was just this simple step that made Luo Xiudu. There was an inexplicable feeling of trance, as if the old man had walked from one world to another. Everything in the next life really made Luo Xiu stunned again.

I saw that as the old man stepped forward, a terrible energy vortex emerged from his head, and as time passed, a terrifying pressure spread from the old man's body to the endless void around him. Especially when Luo Xiu saw the old man stand up from his seat and watched him walk out of that world, an inexplicable feeling of anxiety suddenly appeared in his heart. Therefore, Luo Xiu, who understood the urgent situation at the moment, said directly to the baby without any hesitation: "Hurry up, this person is coming for you and me, it is dangerous!" He yelled out as he said, and never cared anymore. It's not as good as his original image.

It's no wonder that Luo Xiu was so flustered. It was that the terrifying aura of this old man was unprecedented. Luo Xiu thought that his previous experiences could already be regarded as rare in the world. However, the scene before him still deeply shocked Luo Xiu's mind. Especially when he looked at the old man walking towards him at this moment, and the tyrannical and domineering displayed by this man at this moment, Luo Xiu's whole person was in a panic.

"Are you sure?!" Although Luo Xiu's words seemed inexplicable, and Luo Xiu shouted anxiously, he looked very anxious, Luo Xiu knew that it is useless to tell the baby in this situation, but the baby still confirms A meal.

"Where is there so much nonsense, you are a robot, you can't sense the horror of this person at all. I can see that this person is terrible just from the scene when he stands up." I completely ignored the baby's impatience. Lulu, Luo Xiu shouted directly at him.

Luo Xiu's words also made the baby solemn. Although he didn't know why his host had such a reaction, he knew the priorities. Therefore, he no longer hesitated, and directly controlled the battleship to start adding. Of course, he didn't dare to use the jump engine here to make a jump without a last resort. Otherwise, he would definitely die without a whole body. It's just that the battleship under him is a space battleship capable of light navigation. Therefore, under the advancement of the powerful functions of the tune engine, the speed of this battleship is also somewhat fast, which makes people not reflect. The fully advancing warship is like a wild horse that has taken off its rein, fleeing into the distant space.

"Want to go! Too naive, leave it to this seat." Lao Tzu's voice resounded through the sky like Hong Zhong Dalu. Seeing the warship fleeing into the depths of the universe, the old man's mouth was sneered with a trace of disdain. At this moment, he seemed extremely unhappy to see the warship flying away.

When his words fell, Luo Xiu looked back and saw that the old man on his big screen disappeared abruptly. He took a step forward and disappeared in place. The next moment, the old man was in Luo Xiu's horrified eyes. , The body appeared not far from Luo Xiu's battleship. Then in Luo Xiu's shocked gaze, he directly stretched out his hand and patted the battleship he was riding on. The old man's palm was light and weak, but as his palm was shot, Luo Xiu was directly sweating.

Because at this time, Luo Xiu clearly felt a terrifying aura to hit him. Moreover, Luo Xiu also noticed that the huge spiritual energy vortex above the old man’s head was also under the attack of the old man’s powerful palm, flew together, and then followed the old man’s palm lightly towards his location. .

"Hurry up and stay away from here, it's too dangerous, this person wants to kill us." Luo Xiu yelled hurriedly, and at the same time he used all the defensive charms on his body regardless of his concern. In this situation, he didn't care if he would reveal his traces. The most important thing at the moment is to save his life first and talk about other things.

"Relax, don't worry so much, sit down! This warship is not the kind you used before. The kind of small spaceship does not have an energy shield." Seeing Luo Xiu's nervous reaction, the baby curled his mouth and looked disdainful. . For the baby, this situation is clearly within his expectations.

And hearing his words, Luo Xiu slightly let go of his hanging heart, but when Luo Xiu turned around, his face became harder to look. Because from the picture, he clearly saw that the other three people who were sitting at this time also stood up one by one, and they all turned their eyes to the position where they were. Luo Xiu brought even greater pressure. He felt so strenuous just to deal with one person. If these three people also come together, Luo Xiu really can't imagine the consequences. But when he thought of the baby's previous words, he temporarily suppressed the panic in his heart.

Just looking at the huge palm that was constantly magnifying countless times in his eyes, he still felt extremely panic in his heart. Originally, he didn't feel this weirdness yet, but now he saw the weird palm that was constantly approaching, and that one. The immense power carried by the palm filled Luo Xiu's heart with fear and anxiety.

"It's beautiful! I'm really going to be caught by you~ I'm stuck, that baby is still a fart." It seems that Luo Xiu's nervousness was sensed, and the baby's voice sounded in his deep ocean, and he heard this. After speaking, Luo Xiu relaxed completely.

Just when he thought that the baby would have other good methods, Luo Xiu suddenly felt inexplicably dark in front of him. The next moment, he and the entire battleship disappeared in place. Luo Xiu closed his eyes. After he opened his eyes, the place where he himself appeared was very strange. I saw that this was a very calm star field, and there were no meteorite fragments or cosmic garbage. , This is a star field with two stars. As far as Luo Xiu's eyes were, almost all the planets were full of vitality. In a daze, Luo Xiu thought he was above the Celestial Realm again.

Then he heard the baby's voice in his ear: "How about it, this place is not bad! The place not far from us is Qingyunda 6. You can feel at ease now, and I have told you not to be nervous, other I dare not say anything. As long as it is your so-called monk's means of confining space, as long as you give other people enough time, any space restriction is not a problem. The working principle of the jump engine and the space where the lock breaks when the monk teleports are definitely two. This is a concept on a level. So the host can rest assured that there will never be a situation where you will be captured alive by others!" When he said this, the baby's face was full of pride. It’s just that not long after his words fell, Luo Xiu felt a tremor in the void, and the terrifying space power in the sky burst out from the void in front of him~, although at this moment the battleship was covered with an energy shield, but Under such a terrifying force of space, the energy defense cover of the warship dissipated with the naked eye. Although Luo Xiu did not see this, it can be seen from the constant sound of alarms. At this time their situation is very bad.

"Boom!" When Luo Xiu was about to ask what happened, he felt that the battleship in the space he was in at this moment suddenly trembled. There was a huge rumbling sound that followed, and Luo Xiu stared blankly at the void in front of him with a big opening, and a huge palm grabbed the warship he was on.

It’s just that this palm seems to have violated some weird laws of Heaven’s Dao. Under this bombardment, the owner of the palm used the world’s maximum energy to attack, causing the will of Heaven and Earth to react. , In the process of grasping the battleship with the huge palm, the surrounding area where the palm passed was covered with thunder and lightning and various space-fragmenting forces, and the owner of the palm seemed very confident, for the power of the entangled space and The power of thunder and lightning completely ignored. At this time, Luo Xiu was secretly praying in his heart that the huge palm in front of him could be erased by the terrifying heavenly path. It's just that his thoughts were obviously a little naive, and the things that followed him deeply made Luo Xiu realize his naivety and helplessness. This battleship was still grasped by this huge palm. The next moment, Luo Xiu's body became unstable and fell directly to the ground.

"This is what you call escape." Even though Luo Xiu had fallen to the ground, before he fell into a coma, he still complained about the baby in his heart. It was also at this moment that Luo Xiu realized that this guy had done something unreliable before.

"Depending on the situation, this person probably didn't want to kill you. You should think of a way to see if you can escape. Otherwise, there is no way this baby can help you escape from here." The baby completely ignored Luo Xiu. He complained, just faintly told Luo Xiu the truth of the matter, and then he directly sent out a thunder and lightning to wipe away all the sleepy thoughts that Luo Xiu had stimulated, and then there was a silence in the battleship.

"There is no other way?" Seeing the baby say this, Luo Xiu was not very happy, but still a little unwilling. Especially at this moment he felt that the palm of his hand was holding the battleship and turning towards the space channel. Although he knew that the baby would have used it long ago if he had a way, he was still a little unwilling.