Technology Communication System

Chapter 341: Get together again

"It's useless! This baby has been tested, the power attached to the palm of the person who shot is too strong, and with your cultivation base at this time, under your situation, you can't get rid of his control at all, even if the host If you abandon the battleship under you, there is no way to escape. Bayi Chinese website W≠W=W≈.≈8=1≠Z≠W. COM Of course, if you can now use the space to move the magical powers, you can. Run away. However, I think that with your current cultivation base, I can’t support you to move this space and use your supernatural powers to complete it. How about, do you regret it? But I have a way, this way can definitely let you Get rid of the current crisis, but this method is also very risky. Because your whole body is always covered by the baby, and you have never appeared in front of those people, if you hide in the one in your hands In the dimensional space ring, and then hide that dimensional space ring, it is best to hide it in a hidden corner, with the concealment of the dimensional space ring, I think it should be okay, but you have to do a good job of avoiding it for a long time. Get ready!" Feeling that Luo Xiu has recovered his calm at this time, the baby seems to understand that the situation is urgent at this time, so he directly told Luo Xiu the perfect solution in his heart.

"You! Isn't this a joke? How could there be Tibetans in that dimension?" When the baby said that, Luo Xiu was like a cat whose tail had been stomped on, and his hair was blown up directly. He didn't care about it at this moment. At this critical moment now, his eyes were staring at the baby in the sea of ​​knowledge, but Luo Xiu's eyes looked at him like an idiot. Even though he had already understood at this time that he was already unable to escape again by virtue of his own strength, he still felt a little speechless for the baby to speak such unqualified words under the current circumstances. It was not because of his own thinking. But the way the baby talks is too weird.

"If you listen to me, then act quickly while the person hasn't noticed your existence. Otherwise, it will be too late even if you want to hide later." The baby seemed indifferent to Luo Xiu's eyes at this time. In the face of Luo Xiu's distrustful eyes, the baby sneered even more. Seeing Luo Xiu's reaction, he waved his hand even more indifferently, and then faintly dropped such a sentence, and then the baby disappeared into Luo Xiu's sea of ​​knowledge.

Luo Xiu was stunned for a moment. At this moment, seeing the baby posing such an indifferent appearance, Luo Xiu was indeed a little panicked. Thinking of his previous experience, Luo Xiu began to get serious, and he was thinking about what he wanted. Don't listen to this guy, because this guy is really unreliable. Especially because of the inexplicable reason just now, he was arrested. How he thought about it felt a bit deeply helpless, and his heart was filled with an inexplicable dislike for the baby.

"Well, you now let go of the shielding from me. Since it has fallen into their hands, the host has to find a way to contact them and see what these people are coming from." Luo Xiu thought for a while. Now, even if you hide in the dimension space ring, it is extremely unsafe. The ghost knew that he was really going to do this, and when he could get out of there. And if the one-dimensional space is damaged by someone at that time, or is directly broken, wouldn't it be even more tragic.

"Hey, what a clever way of restraining your breath!" And just as Luo Xiu's voice fell, the baby lifted the breath shield from the system.

At almost the same time, the owner of that huge palm made a soft sound, especially since he seemed to sense Luo Xiu's cultivation base at this time, and this soft sound was full of shock and surprise.

It's just that when he was preparing to go a step further and immediately grabbed Luo Xiu back, the space where Luo Xiu was located had strange auras appearing strangely, just as the man who shot was preparing to take a blow. Suddenly, the void here trembled, and a more inexplicable aura appeared in the battleship Luo Xiu was on. Then Luo Xiu felt only a disorderly tremor in the void, and then Luo Xiu suddenly realized that he had started to spin, and then After that, it turned endlessly around, and Luo Xiu fell into confusion for a while. Especially at this moment in the face of this sudden change, he didn't know how to stabilize his body, and this uncomfortable feeling continued for about a quarter of an hour.

"Come here to this seat!" Then Luo Xiu sensed a tremendous force and grabbed him directly. Even Luo Xiu didn't have time to make the idea of ​​avoiding it, so he was caught by a strange force. He grabbed him directly and got him out of the battleship.

"Who! Who dares to cut the truth of the Dao? It is simply impatient. If you want this person, then you can die with the Dao. The Nine Dragons Slaughter God, the heaven and the earth are extinguished, and the Dao is killed!" Seeing that his goal was robbed, the owner of the huge palm was extremely angry.

It’s just that he also knows that the situation is urgent at this time. Although his cultivation base is far away from the sneak attackers, the timing of their shots is too appropriate, so that he is thinking of changing his tricks at this time, it is too late, and this When he was at a critical time when the old power was exhausted and the new power was not born, he himself knew very well that at this moment, he was unable to attack again. With the interval of his own breathing, he could only let his fate. He slashed out his strongest blow, and as for the effect, he was not sure. After all, the distance was so far, even with his cultivation base, in this world, he could not be invincible or even swept. Everything, now that he has lost the breath of the person just now, he can only give up angrily.

On the other side, those auras that cut Luo Xiu's Hu, felt the powerful power contained in the old man’s hit, did not have too much entanglement with him at all, and directly accelerated the operation of the formation. He pulled Luo Xiu back.

Luo Xiu felt a flower in front of him, and then he himself appeared in a strange and very familiar world. After floating in the universe for so long, Luo Xiu had a deep understanding of some basic common sense of the universe. At this moment Luo Xiu's feeling of being down to earth under his feet gave Luo Xiu a sense of unreality, and he was full of surprises when he looked at this familiar picture in front of him.

And when Luo Xiu saw everything in front of him clearly, the boss with his mouth opened really had an illusion, because he actually saw his master and Old Demon Ren. Isn’t it he’s the strange situation in front of him? Is your eyes wrong? Luo Xiu had a sense of unreality at this moment. The more he thought about it, the more shocked he became. Then Luo Xiu made a move that was unexpected to everyone. He slapped himself directly, and then just slapped himself. It jumped up.

"Master, Uncle Ren, why are you here? You were the one who made the shot just now?" Luo Xiu then asked aloud in a somewhat unbelievable manner.

The situation in front of him really made Luo Xiu not know how to describe it well. He was already ready to be caught by someone. However, the scene before him made Luo Xiu's heart full of surprises. Especially these familiar people in front of me, this is really unexpected.

"No, it was made by a few ancestors. Your master and I don’t have such a strong strength. Don’t look at what we did just now and get your kid out, but if it wasn’t for that person at first. I didn't take you to heart, and the timing of our shots was just right. Now your kid is already in that guy's hands." When Luo Xiu said this, the old demon pouted his lips in disdain. Look at him like an idiot.

In fact, the real situation is more thrilling than what he said. If it weren't for the four ancestors to work together to calculate and unintentionally, things would not go so smoothly. However, seeing this kid in front of him is so alive and kicking, he also silently Pressed down on the unhappiness in his heart. After all the shots were shot, and there were outsiders on the scene, he couldn’t say anything more. After all, it was not only his own ancestor who was injured, but other people were also injured along with it. This matter, this The kid will know sooner or later, after all, he still asks him now, he won't be this villain.

"Ancestor? Looking at the tone of your words, is it possible that they were seriously injured?" Luo Xiu recognized it. I saw that my nose is not a nose, and my eyes are not like eyes. Suspiciously, his heart suddenly moved. , Thinking of a possibility, did the few people who shot were all injured? However, thinking of the cruelty of the person who shot earlier, and the coercion brought about by that person when he shot, Luo Xiu felt afraid for a while, but in the end he clearly heard that the person had a murderous heart for himself. of.

"The ancestors are not in any serious trouble, but after they shot, they can't stay in this world for much time." Seeing Luo Xiu's look of fear, Guo Yangming sighed and spoke to Luo. Xiu explained.

"What do you mean? Could it be that they have paid a high price to save me this time?" Luo Xiu also seemed to understand why Old Demon Ren had such a big opinion, so he also compared I'm sorry, after all, it was because of his own reasons that several of the town ancestors suffered casualties one after another, and he was very sorry.

"You kid! Where did you think about it? The reason why they won’t stay in this world for long is because the power they use to mobilize is too strong and has attracted the attention of Heaven. Therefore, when they reveal their true After their strength, in a very short period of time, they will rise through the catastrophe, otherwise, the ancestors will definitely attract God! So in fact, you kid, you don’t need to blame yourself.” Guo Yangming pointed at Luo Xiu’s birth With a smile, he also completely wiped out the anxiety in Luo Xiu's heart.

"If this is the case, the kid will be relieved. After all, if it is really because of the little life of the kid, that several ancestors were killed on the spot, then it would be a little worthwhile." Listening to this familiar laughter, Luo Xiu didn't react at all, but was filled with joy.

"Well, let’s stop talking nonsense. I said your kid is too cautious in doing things. Just now we were still hesitating whether to take action to get your kid back. After all, your kid ran so fast before, and your breath The shielding methods are too advanced. If we hadn't known that in this world, except for your kid who has such a strange warship, no one else has such a thing at all, and we would not dare to rush to get you in. But now it's alright. Since that person has already got the battleship, I think they don't have the intention to take care of us for the time being. If this is the case, we will also have a chance to breathe temporarily." Old Demon Ren looked at Luo Xiu's face. The hippie smile is also very speechless. Regarding Luo Xiu's return at this moment, the joy in Old Demon Ren's heart is absolutely undisguised, and he is also very pleased with this scene.

You must know that the Yuanchen secret realm where they threw Luo Xiu back then is already very sad, and there has been no news of this kid for more than ten years. They almost thought that this kid had died there, and until Now, they took a long sigh of relief, and they also avoided that in the future, they would have a gap in their hearts that would allow the heart demon to take advantage of the vacancy, so that the bottleneck of their cultivation base could not be broken.

"Uncle, why do I become more and more confused when you say these things? Have we been exposed?" Hearing this, Luo Xiu couldn't help but look at other people around him. Asked very carefully.

"No, I say this because there is indeed a little trouble right now. If it weren't for your kid to appear suddenly, we would not be able to cope with the precise search of those people, and there will be great disasters. As for why we risk exposure The danger of getting your boy out is also compelling, but you don’t have to worry too much. To save you is just to go along the way, and the purpose is to draw their attention away. Previously, we used the method of stealing beams and changing posts to remove your boy from It was made out of the battleship, otherwise you thought how could your kid stand here talking and laughing with us. Those people have already noticed where we are." Guo Yangming looked at Luo Xiu with a ignorant look and couldn't bear it. Zhun smiled and patted him on the head, then said with a smile.

At this time, Luo Xiu became more confused when he heard what he said. Originally, he didn't feel that the scene in front of him was a bit weird. However, when he saw the smiling elders in front of him, Luo Xiu was more confused. I felt that the scene before me was so unreal, and I felt weird again.

"Why? Don't you understand? Actually, we have already noticed your kid's existence since you attacked those people for the first time. After that, your kid's second appearance gave us a big deal. Surprise, and the four ancestors joined forces, plus an ancestor in the Misty Palace to hide the secrets. In short, this operation to save your kid was extremely successful, and it also successfully diverted their attention. It can be described as killing two birds with one stone. So you The kid doesn’t have to have any burdens at all. Since you’ve returned, you should go down and take a good rest.” It seemed that he had noticed Luo Xiu’s disbelief, so Old Demon Ren also smiled and explained it to him. After hearing his words, although Luo Xiu still had some doubts in his heart, he understood that he was safe.

As for how he appeared here, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that now he has completed his original plan to come to the Tianyuan Realm. I almost just wasted some shells and got together with my master. As for other threats, for Luo Xiu at this time, that was not a problem.

And thinking of this, Luo Xiu's originally tense nerves instantly relaxed. Especially at this time, seeing these familiar faces and listening to these familiar voices, Luo Xiu's heart is extremely content and joy.

He had thought about many scenes of meeting his master and others before, but he never thought that he would be saved by his master and others in such a situation. Thinking of this, Luo Xiu could no longer suppress the cheerfulness in his heart, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

On the other side, Guo Yangming, Ren Laomo and others thought that this guy had such a strange behavior because of great sadness and joy. It is not surprising that it is not surprising, but everyone does not know that Luo Xiu hahada What is the reason for laughter?

"Okay, okay, don't laugh anymore. Those who have lost the trail of this kid shouldn't give up searching so easily. We still think about how to divert their attention, and then find a way to leave here. After all. This small world is already overwhelmed, and now all of us have almost stopped practicing." Seeing Luo Xiu’s weird behavior, everyone didn’t care. Old Demon Ren saw that everyone was watching Luo Xiu, so he moved. The topic said.