Technology Communication System

Chapter 360: Unknown enemy

"Hey! After you say this, how does this host feel that he is a tool that you use? And hearing you say that, my heart is very unhappy. If you say that, I want to ask, I can Can't you stop doing it?" Luo Xiu was taken aback for a moment when the listening system said, and then he felt very uncomfortable. At this time, Luo Xiu felt the harsh laughter of the system, especially Luo Xiu's listening system. Speaking of, when he was just a transit point, Luo Xiu's inner uncomfortable feeling became stronger. "August One Chinese Language"?? W? W? W?. ㈧ 8? 1? ZW. COM

"Don't be convinced. This kind of thing really makes your kid sit in the eye of the battle. Otherwise, the so-called Jiujiugui Great Array is a joke. Besides, how do you know that there is no benefit in being a battle? Let’s not talk about it. It’s just that after being converted into electricity as the energy of the tribulation, it is concentrated on you through the formation method. It is only this point. The benefits that the host can get are not what you kid can imagine, you kid I really don't know the blessings of being in the blessing. Many people just want to be a transit station and don't have that opportunity." When Luo Xiu said that, the system disdainfully pouted, but felt inexplicably speechless about Luo Xiu's statement.

"Benefits? What kind of benefits?" When the system mentioned benefits, Luo Xiu suddenly became interested. He knew very well that what can be called benefits by the system is definitely not as simple as he imagined. Not to mention, what he has to do next is a major event related to the life and death of six or seven people, and the benefits mentioned by the system are by no means the morals he imagined.

"I can't explain it to you. After you reach your cultivation level, you will understand what kind of benefits you will get." The system saw Luo Xiu's excitement when he heard the benefits, but directly sold it. After Guanzi, his act of selling Guanzi didn't matter, but Luo Xiu almost ran away. At this time, Luo Xiu didn't even have the idea of ​​cursing others.

"Hey, don't ask anymore. No matter how much I say, you will understand the benefits of what I just said when you cross the Tribulation! Look, it is obvious from the look on the faces of those people over there, this The system can easily guess that these people should have reached a certain consensus, so next, your kid may have to thunder and tribute again, which is also to give them some confidence!" The system directly ignored Luo Xiu's present moment. His face was ugly, and his tone was full of jokes.

Too lazy to talk about the shameless statement of the system, Luo Xiu looked at his master. At this moment, because most of the tribulations were absorbed by himself, Guo Yangming, who was full of blood, was dealing with his last few thunder tribulations. At that time, it seemed to be exceptionally easy, even at this time Guo Yangming's posture of crossing the robbery was much stronger than Luo Xiu's previous performance.

Soon, the black cloud in the sky began to slowly dissipate, and Guo Yangming, who had successfully survived the tribulations several times, also entered the final critical moment of the Nine-Nine Tribulation of the Immortal Tribulation, and the Tribulation of the Heart Demon was affected by many more. People call it the process of xinxing experience. The reason why many cultivators are promoted so slowly is not because their aptitude is not good enough, but because their xinxing cultivation is not enough, that is to say, their understanding of Taoism is not deep enough.

For Guo Yangming, this level is not a difficult level to pass. Although Guo Yangming has been entangled in many mundane matters over the years, because of the changes in the Tianyuan Realm over the years and the impact of technology in another world, As a result, his xinxing has made considerable progress. Compared with Old Demon Ren's cultivation base, Guo Yangming's calmness and calmness when crossing the Tribulation made Luo Xiu envious.

With little effort, Guo Yangming succeeded in beheading the demons without any effort, and then Guo Yangming opened his eyes. At this moment, as his catastrophe had completely passed away, the sky became calm and clear, and everyone who had been in the large interest-grabbing array also walked over.

At this moment, whether it is Black Dragon Venerable, Yuanzhi, or Old Demon Ren, there is a trace of eagerness in the eyes of Luo Xiu. There is no way, who told Luo Xiu’s appearance to blind everyone's eyes after all. Everyone is a savvy generation. With such a huge disparity in cultivation base, Luo Xiu was able to carry down a Nine Tribulations Dispersed Immortal's celestial calamity almost intact. This is not a legend. All of them are present. I saw it with my own eyes. This shocking scene also made everyone present understand that Luo Xiu in front of him is still very low, but everyone understands that as long as this kid can get enough to improve his cultivation. As for the medicine, the skyrocketing cultivation base is really not something difficult to do.

No matter how powerful a person's cultivation is, he will not be as indifferent as Luo Xiu's previous performance when facing the punishment between heaven and earth. However, Luo Xiu's performance just now teaches everyone present. Many of them understand in their hearts that even without Luo Xiu's help in the future, just what they have seen and heard today can make their xinxing further. They are also full of confidence in their respective future cultivation paths at this time.

Then Luo Xiu saw a scene that made him frightened. Many people looked at him with fiery eyes. In addition, those monks who were brought by Polygala and were about to cross the catastrophe, at this time, looked at Luo Xiu with a faintly hot and sulky look. Luo Xiu didn't know that there was such a look. It's been a long time since I saw it, but he can say for sure that these three people must have vicious thoughts about it.

"What's the matter with them? Why are all the eyes weird? Is there something wrong with me? No, I don't seem to have any more than my head, so there should be nothing weird anymore!" With horrified eyes, Luo Xiu couldn't help shivering, and then he asked the baby in the sea of ​​knowledge cautiously.

"It's nothing, I think they should be surprised by your ability. After all, you used to be able to carry dozens of high-level celestial thunders with the strength of the distraction phase. Such amazing performance against the sky, if these people still If you are indifferent, then I doubt whether these people are all normal people. However, they don’t know the doorway here, you kid should be clear, all this is the credit of this system, you don’t need to be complacent there. The system looked at Luo Xiu like an idiot, and he also made a twitching appearance, which made Luo Xiu's face black. Luo Xiu who saw this scene was very embarrassed. He didn’t know the system in the sea. Knowing when it started, there is already the meaning of continuing to evolve towards the funny character.

Especially when he mentioned the reasons why those people looked at him so, Luo Xiu's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. This nun's face was not so good. Therefore, Luo Xiu was so hot for those people. His eyes turned a blind eye, and the look on his face was as ugly as it was.

"Luo Xiu, you really have your kid! How did your kid do it?" Just as Luo Xiu was sulking there at this time, Old Demon Ren appeared directly in front of Luo Xiu, like Looking at a treasure, the expression on his face was full of unbelievable.

At this moment, Luo Xianxuan was teased by the system in the sea of ​​consciousness. At this moment, when he heard Old Demon Ren say this, the look on his face was not so good for an instant, and he thought that he would be smashed by Thunder Tribulation again. Moreover, the subject was the guy who was bluffing in front of him at this moment. Luo Xiu scolded the system a hundred times in his heart. This feeling of suffering made him want to die.

Naturally, Luo Xiu's face would not look good at this moment. Fortunately, because he had just been struck by thunder, his face was burnt black and he hadn't gone away. At this time, it was also an extremely coincidental situation, and no one else saw anything wrong.

And his performance was even more so that the old demon Ren thought that the kid in front of him was humble again, so he couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder, looking like I am very optimistic about you, this is dumbfounding. The scene was indeed speechless for Luo Xiu again, and at the same time there was a dumb eating coptis, feeling bitter and unspeakable, Luo Xiu was also speechless for a while when he had such a strange idea.

"Okay, okay, when we are not discussing this, Luo Xiu, do you want to take a break? The old man has a strange feeling. It seems that a powerful monk is coming towards this place where we are. I think we still It will be fine as soon as possible. If your kid is okay, we should pass the catastrophe first, and then we can also let go of our hands and feet and fight hard with others, right?" Looking at the excited face of Old Demon Ren, he himself I didn't realize it, but who is Venerable Black Dragon? As an old fellow who has lived for an unknown number of years, Luo Xiu looked at the murderous gaze of Old Demon Ren before, how could he not see it. The Venerable Black Dragon who saw this scene was afraid of night long dreams, which caused Luo Xiu to have a rebellious mentality, and Venerable Black Dragon directly interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Ah!" Hearing the Black Dragon's inquiries, Luo Xiu was stunned for a moment, then opened his eyes incredibly, and looked at the smiling people in front of him with some stunnedness.

Originally, he was already ready to be struck by lightning again, but he didn't expect these people in front of him to be so generous. He trusts him so much. It’s just that Luo Xiu has already planned it in the short day. If he is touched again, he will definitely be overwhelmed. After all, the feeling of numbness in the whole body, but let him Lifetime.

"I didn't expect these people to have enough confidence in you, what are you guys doing? Hurry up and promise him!" Just as Luo Xiu was surprised that these people reacted like this, the system in the sea of ​​knowledge hurriedly urged him.

Luo Xiu didn't understand why the system reacted so eagerly, but in this situation, he couldn't think much about it, so he nodded hurriedly. After all, in his opinion, the left and the right are going to be struck one after another. Since these people agree to let them come together, of course he can only be grateful.

"There is no problem! Uncle Shi, what you said means that you have discussed with several uncles, and you agree to adopt the kid's suggestion?" Luo Xiu agreed with the Black Dragon so quickly. Suggestions, some feel incredible.

At this moment, Luo Xiu felt a little unreasonable in his heart. This thing went too smoothly, making him feel unreal. Luo Xiu's thought just passed away in a flash. And next, what he wanted to do most was to find a place to vent it. Firstly, because of the shamelessness of the system, and secondly because he understood that the Venerable Black Dragon and others agreed to his ideas so quickly. , Definitely not because of his powerful ability, there must be some other plots in it, thinking of this, Luo Xiu looked at the opposite people with a trace of caution.

"You rest first, let's help you lay out the formation and how to do it, you should have a plan, just give it to me." He didn't notice the abnormality of Luo Xiu, the Black Dragon Venerable Turning to the direction where Luo Xiu placed the eighty-one iron racks, there was also a trace of heat in his eyes.

Hearing him say this, Luo Xiu didn't have the slightest nonsense, because he had already given him a few requirements for the formation of the formation before he assembled these things on the system, and Luo Xiu was a little uneasy in his heart. But he obviously knows one thing. Since his arms can't twist his thighs, he doesn't have to worry about it at this time. Since there are people working as free laborers, why bother to spend the effort himself. So Luo Xiu took out a dozen jade slips of the same size from the storage ring, and then handed them all to Venerable Black Dragon.

None of the people present were novices, but after the jade slip, everyone just glanced at it and quickly started to act. They first used magical powers to separate all those things. Because this formation was to cover the formation that Sima Wenyue arranged, the distribution of these iron frames was slightly different from the original gossip type of formation.

However, this gap is completely negligible in Luo Xiu's view, and the system has also given a solution, that is, the 81 auxiliary spirit tool embryos are the most important thing to improve the formation of the best formation. Therefore, when all the people place the iron racks completely according to the introduction on the jade slips according to their own division of labor, after they have been placed separately.

At the same time, Luo Xiu had already occupied the designated position. He first leaped into the air and stepped out of the void. The whole person was suspended on the top of the gossip formation surrounded by iron frames. Then he took a look for himself and found that there was no abnormality. Let the system confirm the placement of these shelves, and after repeated confirmation, there was no abnormality. He threw it away, and eighty-one spiritual tool embryos were accurately embedded in the designated position reserved by the iron shelf.

Originally, many people thought that when Luo Xiu finished the last step, this strange formation would emit powerful energy fluctuations, but the formation before him was no different from before.

There are inevitably some different thoughts in everyone's hearts, especially the three people who were brought by Yuan Zhi. At this time, they looked at Luo Xiu with a hint of puzzlement. Because even though they are not the strongest in cultivation, and they also have some other goals, they don’t understand everything. They also carefully observed the reactions of other people, and now they all look at it with the same eyes. Luo Xiu, this weird scene can't help them not think too much.

"Luo Xiaozi, are you sure this is your formation? It's not something else?" Venerable Black Dragon looked around and carefully discussed it with God's Sense, and found that although Luo Xiu's formation seemed to be the same, And it's completely in line with the theoretical knowledge of Yin and Yang Bagua, but no matter how he looks at it, he feels that this is just a few decorations. Therefore, he couldn't help feeling a little unhappy, but he put his worth and life on Luo Xiu's body. At this time, seeing Luo Xiu being so perfunctory, he couldn't help being a bit black for a while.

"Well, don’t think it’s just ordinary now. When you start to cross the calamity, you will know the horror of this formation. So, if several uncle masters are ready, we will do it right away, but I still have to let my master and them leave here first. After all, the tribulations of several master uncles are really terrifying. If it is just an ordinary formation, it will not be able to block their breath. If it affects their lives, it will be a little unfavorable. That’s great.” Luo Xiu couldn’t help but hesitate to hear the Black Dragon’s question. In fact, he didn’t know what the formation was. He just listened to the system’s description before, so he could only listen to the system. Everyone is prosperous, and everything is lost. Therefore, Luo Xiu gritted his teeth with the determination and perseverance of death, and said with certainty.

"Don't worry, you should recover first, and then ask your master to consolidate the realm. We still have some questions that need to be solved by your kid." Black Dragon Venerable also seemed to know that what he said just now was a bit unpleasant, so he Waved his hand to signal Luo Xiu to not be so nervous.

"If you have anything you want to ask Uncle Shi, the kid will definitely know that there is no limit to words." When Venerable Black Dragon said this, Luo Xiu's expression eased a lot.

"When did you discover this cave heaven and blessed land. If someone here deliberately arranged it, did you think about it, then we might face a very powerful enemy. You know, don’t look at the old man already at the pinnacle of the true fairyland, but It’s still not enough to face this kind of existence that can catch the stars and moons. You kid tell us what you know." Venerable Black Dragon changed his previous kind look. At this moment, he has already It can be confirmed that there is indeed a terrifying existence coming towards where they are at this time. Therefore, Venerable Black Dragon's face is particularly solemn.