Technology Communication System

Chapter 375: mutation

Just as Luo Xiu watched the number of people in front of him diminish a little and he was relieved, he suddenly felt that the ground under his feet had begun to vibrate violently. This sudden change made Luo Xiu stunned for a while, and then he directly He released all the power of the soul, and Luo Xiu immediately changed his face, because the moment his soul was released, his soul trembles directly. Bayi Chinese Website W≈W≈W≥. ≤81ZW. COM At this moment, when Luo Xiu's spirit power touched the trembling ground, there was a deadly threat in the spirit. And as the earth tremors continued to intensify, the uneasy feeling in his soul became stronger.

He turned his head and looked around, Luo Xiu immediately realized that both his master and the ancestors had become extremely gloomy at this time. What made him even more horrified was that everyone felt at the same time. When there was an intent to kill to the sky, this sudden change suddenly exploded, making Luo's heart in a daze, and the power of the soul seemed to hit the iron plate, and the powerful reaction force made Luo Xiu's face pale, and a mouthful of blood suddenly sprayed. come out.

"What's going on?" This is the thought in the hearts of everyone present at this moment. At the same time, Luo Xiu asked the system aloud in the sea of ​​knowledge after erasing the blood from the corner of his mouth.

At this time, the ominous feeling in his heart became more obvious. At the same time, he felt that a fatal threat was coming, and what made him feel more terrifying was that even if he was fully running his own practice, he still couldn't get rid of the shock. That kind of powerful suction. Immediately, he looked at the ground below him, and saw that the earth seemed to be broken from the inside by something. Luo Xiu could clearly see a huge object propped up the ground directly from underneath. Everywhere, cracks began to appear on the ground one after another, and some monks were swallowed by the cracks without any struggle at all.

Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and hurriedly raised his position again. When he could no longer sense the pulling force from below, he let out a long sigh of relief and stood floating in the air. Luo Xiu almost didn't hesitate to **** it out, and directly grabbed the spatial spirit treasures that had been filled with human monks into his hands. All this seemed to be extremely cumbersome to tell, but the actual life time was just a blink of an eye. It's over.

Seeing him like this, other people have learned the same way. At this time, everyone can no longer pay attention to the careful thoughts in their hearts. Everyone looked serious and started to wait. Many people have already taken out themselves. Weapons. At the same time, the five master uncles have also prepared their magical powers and are ready to take action at any time. Many people are like this, even Luo Xiu is ready to attack at any time. As time passed, the ground vibrations became stronger and stronger, and it seemed that a huge thing was slowly emerging from the ground. This scene was not only shocking, but also made Luo Xiu and the others creepy.

What's very strange is that the system did not respond to this scene. Luo Xiu's question before, he did not give an answer. At this moment, except for the roar of the underground, the surrounding area seemed extremely quiet. The surrounding area was quiet, and even the sound of the wind in the ear seemed to be much smaller. Only the rumbling sound is constantly coming from the ground, just like the groundwater boiled by high temperature is beginning to boil, with an unprecedentedly huge impact that seems to be breaking through the ground.

"Host, let me tell you the unfortunate news. You seem to have won the jackpot!" Just as Luo Xiu frowned, the others were also waiting seriously, ready to withdraw at any time. Suddenly, the voice of the system rang in Luo Xiu's knowledge sea. And the sudden sound of the system made Luo Xiu jump in fright. He patted his forehead with some annoyance to show his dissatisfaction, then looked at the system in the sea of ​​consciousness and asked in a low voice.

"What do you mean? Something is coming out of this underground, how come I have the feeling of being put on my neck with a knife, this feeling is too uncomfortable for me." Luo Xiu knew it was not nonsense at this time. At the time, he hurriedly spoke out, narrating the feelings in his heart, and also very clearly expressed the shock and audacity in his heart at this time.

"Do you know how the planet under you was formed?" Ignoring Luo Xiu's irritable mood at this time, the system asked him with a smile on the contrary with interest.

As soon as he saw the system, Luo Xiu wanted to yell at him, but immediately he seemed to think of something, so he could only look at the system in front of him with bad eyes. Because he doesn't know what will happen next, and he needs the system to help him. Therefore, he had to suppress the anger in his heart, a little annoyed, and asked the system aloud: "Did you guys sleep for too long and sleep stupidly? When is this, why do you have Xianxin and I discuss this. When is the time now? Where can I have the time to consider how this planet was formed, and I don’t want to know how this planet was formed? The key thing now is to figure out what it is. Something is coming out of this planet, and making such a big movement is simply appalling!"

At this time, Luo Xiu was like an angry little lion. The whole person was a bit mad. Looking at the smiling system in the sea of ​​knowledge, Luo Xiu's inner heart could not be suppressed, and it made him feel that he wanted to scold his mother. The thing is that the system doesn't even care about him anymore.

Luo Xiu knew that the system handled this way, and he definitely wanted to apologize to him. Even if he didn't, he should have thoughts in this regard. It's just that when he thought of this, some nameless fire angered in his heart. Although he knew that his cultivation base at this time was enough to suppress some irrational behaviors of the Sea of ​​Consciousness System, he knew that without the assistance of the system, he could do many things, but the degree of difficulty would be exponentially more difficult. increase.

Therefore, in desperation, he had no choice but to speak to the arrogant-looking system at this time in a low voice: "Okay, okay, even if I'm afraid of you, in this case, then you and me Let's talk about it, what does this planet have to do with this sudden shock?"

"Host, isn't it strange that you have been here for so long? According to some human evolution regulations in the natural sciences of the Earth Federation, it can be seen that this planet has long been able to reproduce powerful individual life. , But the real situation is not at all. In addition to the abundant plant resources here, other systems have detected that there is no insect. What’s more strange is that all the trees on this planet seem to be A tree came out.” Seeing that Luo Xiu had softened his tone, the system couldn't help but explain to Luo Xiu.

"What you mean is that all the forests on this planet come from a single root. What's weird about this? Some powerful plants can do it. Is it good that a tree can multiply a forest? There is such a strong aura of heaven and earth here, and it doesn’t surprise me to be able to do this. Does it make sense for you to say that?" Luo Xiu pouted very speechlessly. He also understood that the system was sold to himself. Daguanzi, the so-called want to make fun of yourself. Therefore, after hearing the explanation of the system, I couldn’t help but feel a little frustrated. Originally it was just these. Needless to say about this, he could also perceive this. Although his spiritual power is not the strongest, he can clearly distinguish it. The trees here are absolutely homologous, because the trees in front of us are almost the same in terms of leaf size and tree height. Except for some small trees that have not yet grown, most of the other trees are The same variety. Originally, he had some doubts before, why there is not even a spiritual grass here, only this kind of trees grows so densely, he is still a little curious, at this time, hearing the system say this, it is inevitable that he is a little disappointed.

"Did you misunderstand what I said. I don't deny that what you said is true, but there is one thing that you may have misunderstood. That is that this planet does not exist. It should be because of this kind of trees. Becoming a planet, do you understand what I mean? Okay, looking at your expression, it’s obvious that you are still a little in the mist, so I will tell you the truth. In this universe, there should be only There shouldn’t be any life on another planet besides this. And the weird environment that can be formed here is caused by the planet formed by this kind of trees. The aura of heaven and earth you sensed here seems to be for you It is very exclusive. Combining these two reasons, this system can determine that this kind of environment can be formed here because of this tree, and the omnipresent aura of heaven and earth in the air is also one of the components of this weird creature. When the host uses the exercises to absorb the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth in the air, it will be so hindered. Now, do you understand what I mean by this?" The system's expression became extremely serious at this time, although he knew that it was in the universe. In the middle, everything has the possibility of existence, so he was a little bit weird about his own sudden guess.

"Well, you said so much. I understand. That is to say, the formation of this planet is because of the existence of a huge and incomparable plant stem inside this planet? Then why did it suddenly cause riots? It can’t be because so many of us have extracted the aura of heaven and earth here.” Luo Xiu spread his hands. Although Luo Xiu believed in the system’s statement, but such subversive and incredible things appeared, it still made Luo Xiu’s face. It's full of disbelief.

"Of course not! With the horror of this kind of creature, I guess you people have been noticed by it as soon as you arrived on this planet. The reason why you didn't kill all of you on the spot is because you want to raise you in captivity. . But it seems that in the middle of our departure from this planet, there seems to be something else happening on this planet. It should be someone who has disrupted the balance of this place on a large scale, which caused the underground creature to riot. So you better Go and ask to see who destroyed those trees directly on such a large scale. Otherwise, the life of the underground creatures should not be exposed so easily, because this kind of seems very tasteless. Since there is no such thing When you first arrived on this planet, you made a sneak attack, so it definitely won't be abandoned halfway." The system saw Luo Xiu quietly listening to his own words at this time, and nodded, and then spoke out a suggestion to Luo. Xiu said.

"Well, then, let me ask first, but are you sure we stay here, there will be no danger?" Luo Xiu agreed to the system's request, and he asked again in a somewhat distrustful tone.

"Go and ask clearly. After we have learned the truth, we will decide to stay. After all, this is a very good place to solve problems, and don't you feel that your masters and uncles have too many people? "When the system said this, the tone was full of inexplicable meaning.

Hearing his words and seeing the tone and expression of his words, Luo Xiu couldn't help being stunned, and immediately he curled his lips and turned and flew to the place where his master was. In this situation, it is safer to stay with my master and a few uncles. After all, even though his cultivation base has reached the Mahayana stage, many of his supernatural powers are blank, and there is no time to cultivate. The drawbacks of the skyrocketing cultivation base are also revealed at this time.

"Master, are we going to leave here, and there seems to be something incredible in the underground that will come out soon." Luo Xiu didn't get so stupid that he asked who did it here, but instead asked roundly. another thing.

Luo Xiu could clearly sense that all of the more than a dozen people who were still on the scene at this time looked serious, and their eyes were extremely cold. In the sudden riot just now, the sky and the earth were not falling apart, but the ground was sinking in cracks. The powerful destructive power produced instantly swallowed about tens of millions of human monks.

Fortunately, those ordinary people did not come out of the spirit tool space. Otherwise, all Luo Xiu’s previous efforts would be wasted here. At this time, he could clearly see that all the ground was They collapsed one after another. Originally, the trees standing on the ground seemed to be unaffected. As they shook, they swayed up and down. Not a single tree collapsed or became two halves.

After seeing this scene, Luo Xiu also confirmed the system’s statement in his heart. Obviously, as the system said, the trees here are weird, and what makes him even more horrified is that as time goes by, the shaking is getting bigger and bigger, but The trees originally looked like trees, but at this time they were incarnation tentacles, flying towards the few of them standing in the air.

"Boom!" Countless tentacles slammed directly, and the horrible scene made everyone afraid to keep their hands at all.

"Zhou Tian Wuji **!"

"The universe is cut in one go!"

"Big Five Elements Yin Yang Jian Qi!"

"The Great Fate Reincarnation Secret Technique!"

"The Great Reincarnation Sword of the Five Elements!"

The names of magical powers with strong offensive power were constantly echoing in their ears. At this time, everyone faced the flying tentacles and directly made their strongest blow.

After that, everyone flew into the sky without thinking, because everyone knows that once such a perverted thing emerges from the ground, what awaits them is absolutely endless attacks, and this is not it. What made him frightened, and what made all of them feel chilling was that even if everyone took out the magical attacks at the bottom of the box, they would cause very little damage to these tentacles. Of course, the most powerful attack came from a few master uncles, their attacks hurt those tentacles, but they only hurt them. Among them, Luo Xiu also waved a dozen sticks just now, but the effect was not satisfactory. Fortunately, because of his strong physical body, the attacks that burst out are also extremely impressive. Therefore, the dozen or so tentacles he attacked were all retracted. And several others, including his master Guo Yangming's attack, did little harm to those tentacles, and it was almost negligible.

"System! This is what you said has no effect on me, why don't you die!" Looking at the tentacles that kept flying in, Luo Xiu yelled at the same time, and did not forget to wave his hands. The long stick smashed at the tentacles.

In his heart, he hates the system at this time, because judging from the current situation, it is obvious that with their strength there is no chance to leave here, because this thing seems to be extremely perverted and has blocked theirs. Way out. Luo Xiu also tried to use Divine Soul to communicate the spatial power here, trying to use teleport to escape directly. However, the real situation made him very disappointed. The originally unfavorable space moved, but at this time it was as if he was in a quagmire. No matter how much Luo Xiu worked hard, it would have no effect at all. Therefore, he was extremely angry about the previous guarantee of the system at this time. This kind of thing beyond his control once again fell on him, making him 10,000 times more angry than the time he was played by the baby.