Technology Communication System

Chapter 381: Sudden catastrophe

"Hey, but this system advises you to be more careful, and don’t be too careless. Although I can protect your body, your boy is not up to date. When the time comes, he really overturns the boat in the ditch. Blame this system will not be saved by the time. Bayi Chinese W=W≠W=.≤8=1≤Z≥W=.≤COM Actually, I have a simpler and more rude method, but I have to take the risk of the host to try Try, of course, the danger must be much greater. As for the choice, it depends on the host's own meaning. As for the disagreement, you can rest assured that the host will not have other effects on the host in any case. "For Luo Xiu's indifferent attitude, the system looked at it calmly, but at the beginning, Luo Xiu's words didn't make Luo Xiu feel anything wrong, but the next words of the system really made Luo Xiu faint. Uneasy.

"What do you mean by this? I have become like this. Now I am wrapped in a zongzi like a zongzi. I can't move at all. Where else can I help you. Since the energy in this thing is already It’s not too much, so let’s hurry up and extract the energy from this guy so that we can leave here earlier. I don’t worry about the four old guys who are staring at them. Each of these people's cultivation needs It’s a headache for us. Now the four of them are here. Tsk tsk, I don’t want to take the risk!” Luo Xiu was still a little uneasy at this time, but he couldn’t help but start to encourage himself and tried to say that the service system would speed him up. The degree of energy extracted.

"You kid, when you treat it as pumping, you can always maintain the original power and proceed directly to the end. This kind of terrifying life form that has existed for an unknown number of years, and their cycle of activity is terrifying. With this system According to the calculation of this horrible creature, this guy must have been alive for tens of millions of years! And these five suns provide him with an energy source, so many years of photosynthesis produce powerful energy, I don’t know how much he has stored. . And the reason why I was able to extract the energy at such a degree at the beginning, and it can proceed so smoothly, is only because I am extracting only those that he has not stored on the surface for a while. Energy is all.

Don't you feel that the purity of the energy flowing into your body now is more refined than before, and this energy seems to have a higher quality of energy from the life energy level. So, this kind of thing can't come in a hurry, in a short time, no matter what the situation, we have to wait carefully. I don’t want that after this thing comes out, we have to separate our minds to deal with his body. Of course, the situation I want to see most is to wait until I extract the energy from its body. The soul of this creature Reappear, by that time, even if the creature's soul power is strong, it will only be a dish in front of us. "When Luo Xiu explained his vision and plan in detail, the system smiled easily at this time, because he was sure that his plan had an 80% chance of achieving the goal.

Fortunately, in the next half day, both the system and Luo Xiu passed the half day very comfortably. Luo Xiu even began to carefully devour the energy that entered his body, while constantly improving his own physical strength. As for the cultivation base, he never dared to improve anymore, because one could not handle it. , If the catastrophe is really attracted, then the plan for the system will be great.

"Sure enough, this kind of guy who has lived for tens of millions of years is a little stupid, but it's not useless. You guys have to be careful. Next, I will try my best to deal with this guy's counterattack, although for the time being, he should be Not ready to fight with us! However, I also want to be able to safely receive everything from him, but I hope that the host, you kid, can block the spirit of that guy for me at the right time. It doesn’t take too long, as long as the host releases Two god-killing supernatural powers are enough.” After that, as Luo Xiu continued to refining and repeatedly tortured the system, the energy that entered Luo Xiu's body from the trees became scarcer, but the total amount was still amazing. If there is no system to extract more than ninety-nine percent of the energy in time, Luo Xiu's physical strength at this time can't contain so much high-quality energy.

Just as Luo Xiu was about to take a breath, he suddenly felt an extremely cold energy flowing all over his body. As this gloomy energy entered his body, Luo Xiu's whole body was instantly cold, and even his senses at this moment became much dull. At the same time, he also seemed to sense that a very majestic soul body was approaching, and he clearly sensed that a tyrannical soul aura was flying over, and then Luo Xiu saw his stunned scene. Surrounded, he didn't dare to release his soul power too far, but just as soon as he got out of his body, Luo Xiu saw the soul body of a strange-looking humanoid creature whose whole body was wrapped under a green bark.

Moreover, Luo Xiu couldn't even sense the cultivation base of this Treant, the only thing he could sense was that he was very angry at this time. But fortunately, although his mental strength is terrifying, it is not in proportion to the huge flesh of this huge tree.

"Fortunately! Although his spirit power is still extremely powerful, but it is still in the expectation of this system, next you kid should pay attention. I will explain to you what I said just now, in fact, I want to do it most. The thing is to let this thing take away your physical body, and then I will wait for the opportunity to swallow it. It turns out that I am not sure about it. At this time, seeing its true body, I hope the host can help me. After all, when it comes to dealing with the energy of this kind of spirit attribute, in the age of the host, there is still a great advantage. The most important situation is to hope that the host can pretend to be comatose and fully absorb the spirit power in your body. It’s best to lock all your soul auras to me. In this way, you can lure this tree man’s soul body into your body. Only in this way, we can kill with one blow and never suffer from future troubles. This system can use the power of the system to kill it in the sea of ​​knowledge of your kid!" With the appearance of this weird soul body, the words of the system also resounded in Luo Xiu's sea of ​​knowledge at this time.

Hearing the system’s plan, Luo Xiu was extremely reluctant, but he also knew that the system was not discussing with him at all, because when Luo Xiu just wanted to speak, he suddenly found himself in a trance, and then he no longer sensed it. Without his own mental strength, even the body, which could not be controlled flexibly, fell asleep again. Therefore, Luo Xiu, who had reacted, screamed in his heart at this time, but this didn't help, and he could only wait for the system to use him to lure this thing into his body.

"Damn ants, dare to steal my power! You are so impatient to live." Feeling your own energy, you are constantly pouring into the tiny human flesh in front of you, which suddenly appeared. The soul of the weird tree man made an angry roar at this moment, and at the same time what he said made Luo Xiu and the system both stunned.

"What is stealing? Did you make a mistake? You attacked us first. You understand that if it weren't for you to attack us, we wouldn't do anything to deal with you at all. The natural world is already so cruel. Let's see the real chapter under our hands." Luo Xiu was unable to answer any questions at this time, but the system used his body to answer at this time.

If someone who is extremely knowledgeable about psychology is here, then the systemic remarks will have a great temptation effect. The reason why he did this was to trick this weird soul body into Luo Xiu's body so that he could find various ways to deal with this soul body at any time.

However, what happened next was that Luo Xiu, including the system, was a little caught off guard, because the tree man turned around, slapped his hands, and all the tentacles wrapped in thin metal wires instantly turned into fly ash. When these wires wanted to attack those tentacles again, they suddenly realized that these tentacles had also retracted in an instant, and then the green treant soul appeared directly in the center of the tentacles transformed by the trees, the next moment The tentacles rippled layer by layer, directly wrapping the soul body that appeared here. As for Zhidao now, Luo Xiu reacted a little dazedly, as if the systematic plan had failed.

"What to do, this guy is very witty. Seeing that our plan is about to succeed, he actually escaped. System, do you have any other way, otherwise, we should leave here and make plans, since you have already drawn With such a huge vitality, then we will plan slowly step by step." After a moment of stunned, Luo Xiu couldn't help but look at the system in the sea of ​​knowledge that looked very ugly at this time, and whispered in comfort.

"It's okay, look at me!" When the system's voice fell, Luo Xiu suddenly felt that he was already a huge bronze bell, but at this moment, after the system's words fell, it was once again soaring a hundredfold. , All of a sudden, the soul of the tree man, including part of its body, was completely enveloped in it. At the same time, there were countless dense metal wires in the interior of the bronze bell that instantly entangled it, and some even directly penetrated his flesh~ The body, including the spirit of the tree man, did not escape the sudden change of this bronze bell. Even Luo Xiu was shocked by the sudden attack at this moment.

When Luo Xiu was surprised by the metamorphosis of the system, he suddenly sensed again that the energy that had originally stopped pouring into his body, at this moment, was slowly pouring into his body again, shocked. Luo Xiu suddenly felt a movement in his heart. Although he could not fully control his body at this time due to neurotoxins, this opportunity was extremely rare. He couldn't help but try to control his true essence, and then tried to see if he could strengthen his body again. Soon Luo Xiu found something wrong, because the energy that entered his body this time was purer and fuller. vitality.

Then Luo Xiu felt extremely shocked that the majestic energy in his body was rapidly disappearing, and then after being filled, he was drained by the system again. Repeatedly, this was the urge to die for Luo Xiu's happiness.

And until now, Luo Xiu has no time to observe the outside environment at this time. Because of the huge shielding effect of the bronze bell, he did not reveal where his master, uncle, and others are, but what made him very curious is that he actually sensed it around here. The breath that does not belong to this world, and then he suddenly frowned. If he felt that there was no error, it is obvious that these people are the Xie Tianbao and his party, but at this time these people don’t know why. Didn't come forward directly, could it be that they were also shocked by the scene made by the system.

Luo Xiuhun didn't care about the other people's situation, but he knew the situation at the moment. No matter how he shouted, the system didn't respond. However, Luo Xiu was not upset at this moment. On the contrary, he But in my heart is extremely expecting.

Because if the system can successfully possess a human body, the help it can give him is definitely much stronger than it is now. After all, for Luo Xiu right now, the most important obstacle to some things he has to do is him. There is no strong strength in itself.

"Host, be careful! It won’t be long before this soul will surely rush into your sea of ​​consciousness. For the defensive formation I told you earlier, you must first arrange it in your sea of ​​consciousness. His attack is blocked!" Just as Luo Xiu was thinking about what he would gain next, the voice of the system suddenly rang in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Got it!" Luo Xiu who reacted also became serious in his heart. After that, Luo Xiu began to prepare. He first checked the powerful energy in his body. There was no abnormality for the time being, and now he can say to everyone with certainty that he has nothing to do with the power of the soul. Not weaker than anyone, especially when all the energy in his body is transformed into the power of the same quality of Chaos Qi, Luo Xiu can say to everyone without exaggeration that anyone who wants to devour his soul Not a very simple thing.

And what happened next was as expected by Luo Xiu. Although the terrifying treant creature possesses extremely powerful spirit power, it is a pity that due to the difference in quality, he can't swallow Luo Xiu at all. Divine Soul, the most critical thing is that there is still a perverted thing like the system on one side. He can decompose the soul power belonging to that powerful treant creature all the time. He can't see anything in a short time. After more than ten days Luo Xiu could obviously feel that the strange human soul lying in the coffin was gradually awakening at this time, and the soul aura continued to grow stronger.

At the same time, Venerable Black Dragon, Sima Wenyue and others who noticed the changes in this place also turned back one by one towards Luo Xiu's location, because Venerable Black Dragon had sensed four powerful auras here. Wandering nearby, what they can do at this time is only to provide some defense for Luo Xiu.

The next thing seemed extremely calm, both the Black Dragon Venerable and the others were just guarding Luo Xiu to prevent him from being disturbed by other people. After that, Venerable Black Dragon and the others couldn't understand that the four powerful auras did not directly attack them. Although it might be because what Luo Xiu was doing at this time gave them a great deal of pressure, everyone did not dare to relax their vigilance.

Another month passed slowly. During this period of time, Luo Xiu’s body kept crackling, and the five people felt extremely surprised that Luo Xiu’s spirit aura was indeed here. During a period of time, there was an improvement in flying, and what everyone did not expect was that his cultivation was also improving in flying in this short period of more than a month. Originally, everyone didn't care about it, but When the sound of thunder continued from high in the sky, everyone was frightened by the terrifying power of this sudden catastrophe.

The five old guys present were all those who had just experienced the Tribulation of the True Immortal Period, but the endless thunder that fell in front of them at this time made everyone gasp. The scale of this terrifying tribulation is exactly the same as the tribulation of the true immortal cultivator. However, everyone has noticed one of the most different places. Luo Xiu's tribulation is definitely not something they can bear, even the weakest lightning bolt. , And can kill any of them instantly! Regarding the violent degree of the tribulation, in front of Luo Xiuyin’s tribulation, the tribulation of Venerable Black Dragon and others could not keep up with Luo Xiu's.