Technology Communication System

Chapter 382: Xie Tianbao's purpose

And until now, because he felt the vague momentum and pressure from the heavens and the earth, Luo Xiu suddenly woke up, and he unexpectedly caused the tribulation again. August 1 Chinese W≈WW. 81ZW. COM

As a man with a systematic shelter, Luo Xiu can confidently put up his **** to everyone. In his opinion, the Heavenly Tribulation that anyone feared was just an ordinary way of delivering food. Although he is not afraid of any kind of catastrophe, it depends on the occasion.

But in this situation, with Xie Tianbao and others here, in order not to reveal his biggest secret, Luo Xiu didn't dare to rush into the heavens. Therefore, Luo Xiu at this moment couldn't help but look pale. He knew that the time to test him had begun. If he showed that he could easily deal with such a terrible catastrophe under such circumstances, his tomorrow was definitely not what Luo Xiu wanted to see.

And once Xie Tianbao and others knew that he had this ability, Luo Xiu's future could hardly be considered anymore. Therefore, Luo Xiu at this time actually wanted to temporarily suppress the Heavenly Tribulation. Of course, if Luo Xiu could quietly avoid the catastrophe, then there would be no problem for Luo Xiu.

However, this kind of unrealistic idea, he just thought so. For him, if he could temporarily suppress Heavenly Tribulation, it would not have any impact on Luo Xiu.

However, under the current situation, if he can successfully overcome the catastrophe in this situation, the benefits for Luo Xiu are self-evident. On the one hand, you can prevent your own secrets from being known to more people, and on the other hand, you can restore your combat effectiveness in a short time. After all, although Xie Tianbao and the others did not show any behavior that was unfavorable to them, he was still there waiting for them at this time.

"System, I don't want to go through the tribulation right now, is there any way to make the tribulation temporarily unable to sense the aura of my cultivation base at this time." Now Luo Xiu has cultivated that if there is anything he can do, just go to find it. The system’s exhausted and lazy character, so when Luo Xiu knew that he could not avoid the catastrophe, he hit the system on his body. If possible, with the system’s power, he could instantly remove the excess in his body. The energy is extracted cleanly. In this case, even if the Heaven Tribulation senses his true cultivation base at this time, it will not drop the Tribulation Thunder.

"You mean you don't want to cross the tribulation right now, right? It's very simple, you immediately rush in, as long as you come into contact with the tribulation cloud, the system will directly pump the energy of these tribulations to you on the spot." Luo Xiu was a little surprised. After a while, Luo Xiu looked up at the dark clouds in the sky speechlessly, his face full of embarrassment.

"However, there is one thing that the host should pay attention to. After all, it is just a cover. The host better prepare for it. In the robbery cloud, use a powerful offensive supernatural power. This way, it can also cover up your presence here. The role played by them. Although those people are not hostile to you for the time being, they have to be guarded, in case your performance attracts the attention of those people, so that they may have a covetous heart for you. I I know why you are doing this, but I don't mind exposing it, because only in this way can you have the qualifications to talk to them." Before Luo Xiu could speak, the system's words once again became entangled.

Luo Xiu was very hesitant to say about the system for a while. He knew that even this method of the system was a big flaw in Luo Xiu's view, but at this moment, everything was happening too fast, Luo Xiu Xiu has no chance to think carefully. Of course, Luo Xiu also understood what the system said.

He understands that the reason the system says this is also to dispel the attention of others. Once he really inevitably wants to overcome the catastrophe, he can also have a buffer. If the situation is changed, Luo Xiu can't guarantee that facing a strong enemy, does he himself have the courage to deal with this terrifying sky? Jie, and at the same time face the sneak attacks of those terrifying powerhouses who are looking around. However, at this moment, after understanding the intention of the system, Luo Xiu is very calm. He should have no problem with this situation at this moment. At the same time, Luo Xiu has reasons and confidence that he can definitely get through it without any problems. This frustration in front of me!

After Luo Xiu thought about these things clearly, Luo Xiu didn't hesitate to fly directly into the sky among the horrified eyes of everyone. The whole person opened his posture, punched out, and directed a punch to the formation of the tribulation. The black robbery attacked away.

"Boom boom boom!" Luo Xiu's seemingly insignificant punch seemed to directly provoke a chain reaction. The already extremely restless robbery cloud seemed to be instantly ignited like natural gas, a series of extremely terrifying explosion moments. Detonated the cloud formed by this tribulation. After seeing this scene, everyone was stunned for a while, and even if their expressions changed drastically, even Xie Tianbao and the others, who had always been extremely calm, looked at the position where Luo Xiu was at this time. A serious and cautious look.

You know, although their cultivation bases are far beyond Luo Xiu’s imagination, in this world, being able to make such a terrifying punch is definitely not something the monks in these low-level planes of this world can do. Yes, not to mention, like Luo Xiu, he can directly smash this superimposed Heavenly Tribulation Cloud. This kind of thing that can only be seen on the Tianchen Tribe Continent, appeared in such a low-level plane world, causing them to change their expressions. You know, the scene of the present life, in the Tianchen Tribe Continent, can only be done so easily by the powerhouse of the Great Emperor.

Everyone stared at Luo Xiu, who was falling slowly. Many people looked dull and stared with stunned expressions. Even Sima Wenyue and Venerable Black Dragon looked at Luo Xiu at this time. Also with a hint of wonder. Under the previous situation, everyone thought that Luo Xiu would definitely show his enchanting talent to save the calamity again this time.

However, what didn't make them think of was that he would attack the Jieyun formed by the tribulations so unscrupulously, and this is actually nothing. What really shocked everyone was the ease of Luo Xiu's shot. After they reacted, Luo Xiu had completely dismantled the robbery, which made them feel terrified.

"Several uncle masters, since the guests have already come, let's greet them." Luo Xiu waved his hand, and put the remaining trunk left by the treeman alien into the storage space. Then he looked at Xie Tianbao, 6 Xun and the others who were standing on another planet, and he couldn't help but twitched, and said to the surrounding Sima Wenyue Black Dragon and the others.

His subconscious action made everyone see with a slight eye jump. You must know that these horrible trees left behind by the alien race are all this ancient tree species that has lived for tens of millions of years. The most essence of it. At this time, seeing Luo Xiu put them away one after another, they couldn't help but look a little unsightly. However, thinking of the crisis everyone is facing right now, none of them have mentioned this matter for the time being, but what everyone did not notice is that after Luo Xiu put everything away, a light green crystal was He was left on the land deliberately.

After slowly turning around for a long time, Luo Xiu waved his hand at everyone again. He took out a magic weapon in his arms, gave it to the Black Dragon and the others, and then smiled at the others. Laughed. He knew very well that in this situation, his uncle masters could not help him at all, and he would need to go to Kongtian Jueyu next time. In this situation, he could only let a few The ancestor of the teacher soared.

"Uncle Black Dragon, as well as several uncles, you have seen the situation now. It is impossible for us to keep people here as we planned before. I hope you can take some people to Tianchen Buzhou, even if the time comes. , We are all separated because of the different locations of the ascent, and we can each lead a part of our lives to live well. I will find everyone if I have the opportunity. This little thing, several uncle masters will carry this thing all the time, wait After arriving at the Tianchen Tribe, hang them around your necks, and I will find everyone according to the instructions of this thing. As for now, the situation is urgent, and I also hope that the uncles of the teacher will take care of their bodies and fly immediately! Looking at the four powerful monks who were still looking here, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitched. Although extremely angry, he also knew that under the current situation, he had no choice but to make some changes according to his original ideas, and let several uncle masters leave first. He wanted to stay until the end. Although he didn't know why those people didn't deal with them, Luo Xiu believed that if he was alone, it would be easy to escape.

Looking at Luo Xiu’s face at this time, Venerable Black Dragon and others wanted to say something, but they opened their mouths, and then looked at the four people on the distant planet. All of them closed their mouths. , Began to open their respective spatial spirit instruments, and then exchanged some of the monks belonging to their own power with others, and then each put the spatial spirit instruments away again, and then took a deep look at Luo Xiu, and they both clicked on each other. Gave his head a moment.

Although it is a long story, the real situation is not that long. The total time spent in this scene is not much, and Xie Tianbao and others in the distance also watched quietly, and there was no sound or Direct shot. At this time, the five people, including Luo Xiu, all raised their own cultivation base to the strongest, and completely exposed their aura.

Especially Luo Xiu, because of the previous powerful opportunities and the harvest that made others drool, his cultivation level at this time is still somewhat different from that of the uncle masters, but when it comes to the powerful aura, it is far All the people present, even Xie Tianbao and others, although their cultivation bases are far beyond Luo Xiu, but on this low-level plane, their cultivation bases dare not explode with all their strength, otherwise, it would be absolutely damned. Not what they want to see.

Therefore, when Luo Xiu released the breath of his whole body and locked onto the four people opposite, the other Black Dragon Venerable and the five others had already begun to completely disperse their breath at this time. And at the moment when they released the breath of their whole body, the heaven and earth aura that had already become chaotic because of Luo Xiu's catastrophe, but at this moment there was a flying change again, and the originally quiet sky was in the sky. Five beams of light opened in an instant.

The five beams of light instantly enveloped the five people including Venerable Black Dragon, Sima Wenyue, Brother Yang, and Yuanzhi. Everyone waved their hands. Then, the next moment, the five people seemed to have been using the teleportation secret in an instant, one by one. Disappeared in place. After everyone completely disappeared, Luo Xiu let out a long sigh of relief. This is because the cultivation bases accumulated over a long period of time by these masters are strong enough, and they have completely transformed the true essence of the body into true immortal power. So their ascension is so simple.

Then Luo Xiu turned around and looked at Xie Tianbao and the others. At this time, Xie Tianbao and the others did not have any emotional changes due to the ascension of the five Venerable Black Dragon. When they saw Luo Xiu looking at them, Xie Tianbao and the others also nodded at him one by one, then flashed one by one, and the four of them appeared in front of Luo Xiu.

"This little brother, what a clever cultivation base." Just when Luo Xiu thought that everyone would start directly from him, Xie Tianbao's words suddenly came, and he also bowed his hand at Luo Xiu.

Seeing him doing this, Luo Xiu was taken aback for a moment. He didn't know what exactly these people were making? And Luo Xiu didn't think he could suppress these four people with his cultivation. If it hadn't been for his systematic help, he wouldn't stay here at all, and he would leave here instantly when several uncle masters soared up.

However, I thought that these people did not take action to interrupt the ascension of the uncle masters, and also did not take action when refining the tree man just now, proving that these people should not be hostile to him, so Luo Xiu wanted to stay here for a while to hear what they wanted to do?

"I don't know how many seniors have any advice?" Luo Xiu did not feel any dissatisfaction with the breath of the four people at this time. In the realm of cultivation, the weak and the strong eat the strong, this is the eternal truth!

At this time, Luo Xiu felt extremely pleased that these four people were able to talk to him so peacefully. You must know that many people from Tianchen Buzhou that he had met were those who killed people directly when they didn’t agree. Among the four, the guy with the smelly body all over is such a character.

And what made him most curious was that these people in front of him were obviously enemies before, but now they are all good like brothers. And looking at the tone of voice of these four people talking to themselves, it is obvious that they should be asking for themselves, or they want to get something from here, especially Luo Xiu looked at Buffett’s junior. The flesh of his whole body has begun to rot, and Luo Xiu faintly smelled a strong smell of corpse from this person. Although the smell of corpse was not strong, it made him look at this suspiciously. A horrible guy.

Others Luo Xiu are not worried, only this person has been in contact with Buffett, and Luo Xiu has been with Buffett for a long time. The ghost knew if the two could detect each other by other means. Therefore, although Luo Xiu seems to be very relaxed chatting with other people at this moment, his expression is extremely serious and has been watching the changes in the expression of Buffett, his junior. He has made up his mind, once there is When the situation changed, he immediately turned around and fled.

"Junior Luo Xiu has seen a few seniors, I don't know why these seniors are here?" Seeing these people, he didn't pay attention to him, but looked at him carefully one by one. Although Luo Xiu was a little confused, he didn't know what idea these people were fighting, so he directly asked again.

"Thanks to Tianbao, the Young Master of Dragon Tiger Palace! This is the 6-hunting 6-guru, and this is the master's younger brother named Lu Tianyuan. As for this one is from the Shimoxuan of the Nine Dragon Heavenly Palace! The elders of your teachers have successfully ascended, and you can also ascend with them based on your cultivation base, so why are you staying here? Is it possible that we are afraid that some of our elders will bully your juniors. "Xie Tianbao looked at Luo Xiu with a smile, and what he said made Luo Xiu very surprised, because what he said was what Luo Xiu didn't expect. Originally, he thought of many situations. But never expected that these people would talk to him so politely.

"The reason why the younger generation did not immediately ascend is because there are other things to do. It is not that the younger generation does not want to go to the upper realm with a few uncle masters, but that the younger generation has other tasks that have not been completed here." Although he does not understand him Why did he ask this, but Luo Xiu still answered his question. After all, before these people showed hostility, he didn't want to have any conflict with these people. Although he is not afraid to fight with these people, he does not want to fight unnecessary, and Luo Xiu still has some coveted heart for the pregnant lotus in 6xun. Therefore, he also thinks that these people will stop him. What is it?

"Well, our time is precious, and we won’t go around here with you. Since you are a cultivator in this world, you should know that there are some powerful ancient alien races in this world, and our purpose is to Find them, such as the Nine Heavens Protoss, the Winged Sky Wings and the Ancient Horned Demon Races." Taking a deep look at Luo Xiu, Xie Tianbao didn't wait for others to say anything, he directly spoke to Luo Xiu, At the same time, his eyes were fixed on Luo Xiu.