Technology Communication System

Chapter 383: Don't take yourself too seriously

"Nine Sky God Race? This name is familiar, but there are only a few monsters where we are, other than that, they are humans. Bayi Chinese? W=W≤W.81ZW.COM As for the ancient alien races referred to by the predecessors. The juniors don’t quite understand what it is, but, in the records I have learned, didn’t the predecessors, the Nine Heavens Protoss, which you mentioned, were all wiped out as early as the battle between the gods and demons millions of years ago? "Hearing what he said, Luo Xiu was taken aback. He obviously didn't expect that the reason why Xie Tianbao and others had been here for so long was actually to find the ancient survivors. As for the ancient alien races Luo Xiu knew, there were the Skywing Race and the Horned Demon Race. As for the Nine Heavens God Race, he had never heard of it, but this did not prevent him from testing the true intentions of these people in front of him.

"Really?" I don't know why, Luo Xiu always felt that Xie Tianbao looked at him with a hint of playfulness at this time.

Especially when he looked at other people at this time, the feeling in Luo Xiu's heart became stronger, and then he suddenly understood that it was not his own thoughts that had a problem, but what was in front of him. These people did not intend to embarrass him at all. He took everything for granted. He had taken himself too seriously before. Therefore, when he found that other people’s eyes were very normal, only Xie Tianbao looked like When he looked thoughtful, he couldn't help but sighed secretly in his heart. He himself, including several of his master uncles, were a bit too frightened. It turned out that they were all too self-righteous.

"Of course, only from the environment here, several seniors should be able to see it. We also regard this as a temporary residence. Our home was attacked by a powerful force some time ago and directly The entire planet we live on has been destroyed. If it weren’t for our uncles who saw that the situation wasn’t right, and acted quickly by chance, we juniors would have lost their lives under the attack of those mobs. Therefore, we might have to let a few The predecessors were disappointed. As soon as our home was destroyed, the so-called ancient alien races that several predecessors were looking for, the boy had never heard of, and there is no place to find records about these races. But the boy is. I’ve heard of an ancient Zerg race. This race is formed by various worms. Of course, the reason why I know this is also because we have fought with these zergs for many years, and the reason why we are living here is also because of these During the war of worms, our masters suffered too many casualties, and they were taken advantage of by other forces to be wiped out. Now that our homes have been destroyed, these zergs should never have any chance to intersect with us." Now that he had figured out his position in the hearts of these four people, Luo Xiu pretended to be grandson again.

Luo Xiu was very wary of Xie Tianbao’s smiling eyes, but when he saw that Buffett’s younger brother didn’t recognize him, he would scheming to divide the truth and falsehoods towards the present. Four people told it. Of course, for a large part of this, Luo Xiu has gone through some innocuous artistic processing, and Luo Xiu also believes that there is nothing wrong with his performance.

"That's right, the powerful force fields we encountered before are you set up or the world already exists, and how did you solve the terrifying thing you encountered just now?" It seemed that the four people in front of him were acting as Xie Tianbao, so when Luo Xiu's words fell, Xie Tianbao said such a word indifferently, which made Luo Xiu feel inexplicable.

At the same time, before Luo Xiu had time to speak again, the fellow named Lu Tianyuan, who had been silent for 6 Xun's junior, suddenly looked directly at the location where Luo Xiu was. And Luo Xiu was also taken aback by this guy’s sudden performance. He turned around with an ugly expression. He saw the place that was cleaned by him, but at this time a weird cloud rose again. Green mist. As if thinking of something, his face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

You know that the light green crystal was left there deliberately by Luo Xiu. He had noticed something wrong before. After the treant was wiped out, this light green crystal was desperately digging towards the ground. You must know In the fight just now, he completely shattered all the souls of this tree monster and swallowed them directly. This light green crystal had such a weird performance. Luo Xiu was surprised and wanted to see what it was. Therefore, when collecting the essence of the trunk, he did not use the light green crystal as well. Put them into the storage ring together.

Therefore, he didn't think much at the time, he was just surprised by the strange performance of this thing, and wanted to figure out the intention of this thing, but he didn't take it to heart. However, the current situation caught him off guard. . If he was not mistaken, the treant who had been killed by him and the system was resurrected at this moment. What's even more strange is that even the strength of this thing hasn't been weakened much. That thought, Luo Xiubian felt shuddering. He was too careless before.

"It's interesting! The old man said that this thing is not so easy to be killed by people, although because the world here is so thin, the survival ability of this thing is not as abnormal as before, but this guy is not so easy to be killed by people. Sure enough, although it was unable to attack again in a short period of time, it was still immortal. Originally, the old man was still wondering that the vitality of this thing was so powerful that even if the six great demon kings shot together, they did not take it Completely annihilated, with the pitiful means of these cultivators in the lower realms, how could they be completely wiped out? Sure enough, this thing is indeed not beyond what the old man expected." It was the one who was speaking from the Nine Dragon Heavenly Palace. Warren Buffett’s younger brother. At this time, he looked into the light green mist with a strong interest, the red fruit eagerness in his eyes made Luo Xiu shudder.

"Tsk tsk! If it’s just this little thing, it’s not worth our time to waste, this thing is also stronger in vitality. When it comes to attack ability, it is far inferior to some powerful monsters, and it’s so easy to get caught. Killing it directly is indeed sorry for its name as the first guardian race in ancient times." Hearing his words, Xie Tianbao curled his lips in disdain, with a trace of indifference on his face looking at the thick green mist in front of him. The color of constipation on his face.

When other people heard what he said, although they didn't say anything, they all showed approval on their faces. Only the guy with the smelly body was looking at the light green mist with a full face. Thirst.

When Luo Xiu heard them say this, although he was wondering what the people in front of him meant, he did not speak. Instead, he watched the changes in the light green mist with everyone's eyes. Just when he thought it was so simple and fooled the past, Xie Tianbao suddenly said casually: "Boy, how did you do it?"

Others were obviously taken aback by Xie Tianbao's words that suddenly appeared, and although Luo Xiu knew what he meant by asking this, he only looked at him with a look of surprise on his face. Although Luo Xiu had thought of his previous scene, he might have noticed it, but he still deceived himself and thought that his previous actions were very hidden. Therefore, hearing Xie Tianbao's question at this time, he couldn't help but pretend to look surprised at him and ask: "Thank you, senior, what do you say?"

When he said this, Luo Xiu couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart. The guy in front of him was absolutely deliberate. He first started to chat with himself casually, and also took this opportunity to try to relieve his guard, and then find the right opportunity to surprise him. To test him, such a proficient way of communication made Luo Xiu feel admired, and he was also secretly wary in his heart. The people in front of him were definitely not as simple as he had imagined. They all lived for a thousand years. The old monster, which one does not have some means of pressing the bottom of the box. Especially under the current situation, Luo Xiu is even more afraid to be careless when it comes to his worth and life.

"I'm asking you, how did you do it? Heavenly Tribulation is a very taboo thing in Nine Heavens Sanctuary. How did you break the Heavenly Tribulation based on your kid's cultivation base? . If you have the cultivation base of a semi-holy strong, you will not be surprised if you do this. However, your kid's low cultivation base can actually do this, and what is even more weird is that your kid is still I directly broke up my tribulation, which has to surprise me. Do you know why we didn’t rush to keep all of you here?" Xie Tianbao looked at Luo Xiu with a smile on his lips and said Every sentence of Luo Xiu was extremely shocked, and at the same time, Luo Xiu cursed in secret. If he knew that this fellow Xie Tianbao was so wary, he would have been more careful to do those small actions in private, and would never let Xie Tianbao have this opportunity to ask himself.

"Why? As for Senior's question, Junior is not very clear about what you mean. It is just a small trick to break up the cloud formed by the tribulation. Senior wants to know how the junior did this. You know, this kind of method is very common among our teachers!" Now that he knows that his little actions can no longer be concealed, Luo Xiu said openly, but he said this. It is true that the true and false are mixed together, and there is no reason at all. Moreover, when speaking, Luo Xiu's eyes were fixed on Xie Tianbao, once this guy had other changes, he would definitely turn around and run away.

But what made him very relaxed was that Xie Tianbao was just a little skeptical. He probably didn't know why Luo Xiu was able to disperse the cloud formed by Heavenly Tribulation because of external forces. Therefore, seeing Xie Tianbao at this moment, Luo Xiu just smiled at him, and there was no other words, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

"Stone Old Ghost, since you want this thing so much, then you can put it away, and we have to leave here immediately." Xie Tianbao didn't seem to be aware of Luo Xiu's abnormality, so he turned around instead. Faintly said to Shi Moxuan, who had been drooling there. There was no trace of emotion in his tone, as if his words were just an ordinary command.

However, Shi Moxuan's next approach was to make Luo Xiu unable to understand. He did not directly go up to collect the green mist as Luo Xiu had thought before, but instead looked at other people. . Shi Moxuan started to do it after seeing everyone else nodding to him, and at the same time, Luo Xiu's subsequent performance made Luo Xiu feel incredible.

I saw Shi Moxuan continuously turning black energy into silk threads, and then he controlled these silk threads to directly wrap the green mist, which originally seemed extremely difficult for Luo Xiu to deal with. At this moment, In Shi Moxuan's hand, it looked like his own toy, he immediately put it away with a wave of his hand, and at the same time he did not forget to smile at Luo Xiu twice.

Then Shi Moxuan opened his eyes to Luo Xiu, and saw that green mist in Luo Xiu’s shocking gaze was like a balloon pinched by Shi Moxuan, making this huge green air mass like a ball. A little bit of this thing was compressed to the size of a fist, and then in Luo Xiu's shocked gaze, he opened his mouth and swallowed it in one mouthful.

Luo Xiu was shocked, but he was a little surprised. To know this horrible thing, the most abnormal thing about him is the powerful vitality it possesses. Looking at Shi Moxuan's ghostly appearance, it was obvious that his physical body had reached its limit. He usually wants to keep his physical body from decay, and the only thing he can use is to strengthen the vitality in his own body again, and vitality is an extremely precious thing, so it's no wonder he was so excited just now. Just looking at the thick green mist in front of you like a pervert.

"Well, since there is nothing left for us to divide up here, let's continue to look for those ancient alien races. This Dao has been seen in some ancient classics. After the war between gods and demons, almost all the ancient alien races left. Nine Heavens Sanctuary, and as far as I know, there are many powerful races in this universe. Although at this moment, many ancient alien races have disappeared in the long river of history due to the spiritual energy of the world, but this Dao has reason to believe, There are still many races. After all, that treasure is a unique existence in the sky and the earth. It is impossible to go wrong at all. It is unreasonable. Because it is thrown into this low-level plane, it will have any function degradation due to it, and We must find that thing when we come down this time. Those old guys have been sitting in that position for long enough. Ben Dao really hopes that they can die for Ben Dao!" Xie Tianbao glanced at the others. Seeing that everyone looked at him, he said something lightly, and at the same time he looked at Luo Xiu again. The meaning is self-evident. It is obvious that if Luo Xiu does not go with them, He did not guarantee that he would do anything against Luo Xiu.

"Host, follow them! Looking at the tone of what they say, it is obvious that these people are also looking for something, and the treasure in his mouth, if the system is correct, he is probably what we are looking for. That thing, and the system knows where it is. If you take advantage of these people’s abilities, the chances of the host getting this thing will be greatly increased!” Luo Xiu was hesitating when he was there to find a way to refuse. When these people were in front of him, the voice of the system sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness, and Luo Xiu could also feel the excitement in the tone of the system at this time.

"What do you mean? Although I don't understand it very well, I think if it is possible, I should act alone. After all, these guys are not good things. The others are fine, Buffett, the junior, I am I understand very well that this person is a guy who must report to him. I am a little curious about the remaining few who can mix with him. What is their common purpose?" Luo Xiu was noncommittal about what the system said. At the same time, he faintly wanted to get rid of the few people in front of him and go to Kongtian Jieyu alone.

"I understand what you mean? Don't worry. Although these people have strong cultivation bases, they are not threatening at all to you. Don't you want that pregnant lotus?" The system clearly saw it. Luo Xiu was a little insincere, and his words didn't express his meaning, so he said something that Luo Xiu couldn't refuse.

After all, as the system said, if he had the assistance of Pregnancy Shenlian, his cultivation level could be promoted by leaps and bounds like a rocket. So when the system's words fell into Luo Xiu's ears, he suddenly wanted to understand why the system did it.

At the same time, a trace of ecstasy emerged uncontrollably in Luo Xiu's heart, if he could really get the pregnant lotus. For him, this thing is not stingy with the auspicious thing from heaven, and as long as he is given enough time to get more souls to assist in refining, he wants to grow his cultivation quickly, as long as the system is willing There is absolutely no problem with helping him.

And Luo Xiu also believes that since the system says so, it must have his own ideas. At the same time, Luo Xiu also firmly believes that if he made the wrong decision before, he will definitely be in a dilemma right now, and he will not be as comfortable as he is now. The situation of advancing and retreating can be defended.

Therefore, in the face of this very gratifying situation, Luo Xiu nodded to other people, but his eyes showed a very far-fetched meaning, because he himself knew very well that although his cultivation level was the most among these people The weak one, but he knew very well that once he was given enough preparation time, it wouldn't be difficult to kill the four in front of him. So when faced with the joking gazes of these people, Luo Xiu was extremely timid, and wanted to paralyze everyone.