Technology Communication System

Chapter 384: Nine Heavens Sanctuary

In the next time, neither Xie Tianbao nor the others were talking, each of them seemed to be still thinking about some things. Seeing this situation, Luo Xiu didn't have any thoughts of talking at this moment. "August One Chinese Language"?? W? W? W?. ㈧ 8? 1? ZW. COM

Because neither Xie Tianbao nor Six Xun seemed to see themselves in their eyes at all, so Luo Xiu at this moment was extremely happy. And just as Luo Xiu thought that everyone was going to rest here for a while, he saw Xie Tianbao take out a purple-gold gourd. For this purple-gold gourd, Luo Xiu recognized it at first sight.

Luo Xiu is not unfamiliar with this thing, but when he saw this thing, he thought of another thing in his heart at this time, and that was the catalog of the ancient scroll mountains and rivers that was taken away by 6 Xun. If This thing is still on 6xun's body, and the baby's clone is still in the catalog of the mountain and river. If the clone is still there, as long as there is a chance, he will have a greater certainty when he gets out later.

But even if Luo Xiu suppressed this ridiculous idea, since he had made up his mind to pick up something cheap with these people, he would definitely follow these people honestly, to see if there were any. The opportunity to get pregnant **** lotus, secondly, also have the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. Only because of the contempt of Xie Tianbao and others, he had to forbear it for the time being, in order to disguise himself as an ordinary low-level monk.

To be honest, Luo Xiu at this time is quite depressed. If he changes time and place, he will definitely be very low-key, but now he knows that if there is no usefulness, Xie Tianbao and the four will not look at it. He, and his own pretending grandson was so successful that at this moment Xie Tianbao didn't have any intention to get information from him. Therefore, in the face of Xie Tianbao and others, if he wants to continue to follow these people and fish in the muddy waters, he can only show his abilities in a low-key manner. Otherwise, some future things are indeed a bit difficult to do.

After thinking about this, Luo Xiu seemed even more silent. He knew the truth that more words must be lost, and he was speechless all the way. He followed Xie Tianbao and others on this weird gourd-shaped flying magic weapon. Luo Xiu originally thought that Xie Tianbao and others came from a higher plane, and it should be more convenient. He was a flying vehicle, but seeing this kind of crude stuff under him, although he showed a very fond look on his mouth, he was extremely disdainful in his heart.

This kind of simple thing is fast in the process of flying in the void of the universe, but it is inevitable that even with the best defense formation, it is still inevitable to expose one's body to cosmic rays. of. As a fellow who inherited the science and technology civilization of the Earth Federation, Luo Xiu knew better than everyone how strong some powerful cosmic rays could harm the human body.

In fact, he had some urges to contribute his warships at this time, but he thought that after doing this, he would not end well, so he suppressed his irrational impulse. However, seeing these four people enjoying themselves at this moment, Luo Xiu was extremely disdainful in his heart, so when Xie Tianbao asked him to pour spiritual power into the gourd, he also held a dispensable attitude. While holding a top-grade spirit stone in his hand, he controlled the flying gourd for flight without any haste. At the same time, he was also very clear that at such a degree, wanting to pass through the force field formed by the star is simply wishful thinking. However, since one of the two originally rotating planets has been destroyed, other changes have occurred in the force field of the five-link star field here, and the force field has been damaged. Therefore, the flying gourd can fly easily. Leaving the universe where the Five Lian Star Territory is located.

But the other four knew nothing about this. They all thought that although their previous attacks had been a little harder, they also destroyed the closed force field in this place. He would never have thought that what really destroyed the force field was because Luo Xiu had destroyed the planet before, which was caused by such a ridiculous reason. At this time, Luo Xiu was listening to their conversation, feeling baffled in his heart. As a powerful cultivator, he also possessed something as heaven-defying as the system. He couldn't understand what these four people were saying. What these people were saying, even though he might follow every word, and he still Can write it out, but when combined together, he was a little bit blinded.

"System, can you figure out what they are talking about? Is this also impossible in a foreign language?" In desperation, Luo Xiu, while controlling the flying spirit weapon, asked the system in the sea of ​​knowledge. I hope the system can give him the answer, but unfortunately the system shook his head somehow.

"No? Don’t you claim that there is no language that you can’t understand? Why don’t you know what they’re talking about? Didn’t you say before that there is something called a language translator in the Earth Federation. Give it to me directly. Just get it!" Luo Xiu was very surprised when he saw the system shaking his head. You must know that the original system had said without embarrassment that in this universe, there is no language that he can't understand, and nothing he can't do. However, the current situation does make Luo Xiu quite speechless, but he can only think of other ways at this time.

At the same time, Luo Xiu also somewhat understood why the guys who knew several foreign languages ​​were so popular in the movies he watched. The matter in front of me also shows that even in the realm of cultivation, knowing a foreign language is a very important thing, because whether it is cultivating the exercises or the understanding of the heavens, what different people feel is absolutely It’s not the same, the language is not clear, how to express better, although it’s very simple to use the power of the soul to communicate between the monks, but two unfamiliar people want to use the power of the soul to pass the message. , Is also an unrealistic thing.

"It's simple, you can ask them directly, it's not a big deal. Although you may be ridiculed by these people for this, but this system, I believe that with the pride of these people, they will happily agree to you Required." Seeing Luo Xiu's constipation, the system also looked at him strangely, and at the same time said Luo Xiu who was a little gloating.

"Are you kidding? Obviously, I can understand what they said before, but at this time, their words that don’t let me understand must be behind me~ What are you doing with me? If you don’t understand the language, then they must be guarding me. No matter how you speak, these people will definitely not pay attention to me.” Luo Xiu was a little scornful of the system’s gloating performance. There is no gap between people in the same boat, so it is normal to be laughed at by the system at this moment, so Luo Xiu doesn't care about his ridicule.

"This is very simple. Can you just change it? For example, you are going to ascend soon. Since this group of people are from the upper realm, then when you get to the upper realm, you will also have to learn to speak these languages, so why not change it? Wan'er ask them for advice? I think it’s not difficult for me to master a few foreign languages ​​with the powerful spirit of the monk.” It seems that Luo Xiu’s difficulties at this time made the system find fun, but he was uncharacteristically at this time. Gave Luo Xiu an idea.

After listening to the system, Luo Xiu first looked at him in a daze, and then said with a weird and weird expression: "System, it's not me who said you, if you still use the Earth Federation set to talk to us If you communicate with people here, you will definitely suffer a big loss. Although I am your host, sometimes I also hate some of your behavior styles. For example, in this situation, I simply cannot I asked these people for advice!"

"Whatever you want, this system can't agree with what you said. Let's not say anything else. Since these people do this, they must be guarding you. If you want to ask at this time, you may It really won’t arouse their suspicion. Otherwise, they would have lost more money with such painstaking efforts. And there is one thing, I think you should know better than me, based on the cultivation of these people, if we produce anything to them I think they will all be aware of the hostility, but at that time it will be a little uncomfortable.” After looking at the infinite void around him, Luo Xiu, who heard the system’s words in his ear, could only grow old at this moment. Acting as a coolie there honestly. At the same time, he also understood a little bit about what the system's previous words meant.

Looking at the four people who were still talking in a low voice, Luo Xiu didn’t know what they were saying because of language barrier, but he could feel that these four people didn’t seem to take it to heart, so Luo Xiu treated himself The situation at this time was relieved. If it were put before him, although he would be so calm, he would never be able to do what he is doing now. Even in the face of this neglect, Luo Xiu can still appear extremely calm. Originally, he still had other things for these people in front of him. Thoughts, but when he thought about these things at this time, he calmed down a lot.

Facing Xie Tianbao and others who were still there, whispering something he didn't understand, Luo Xiu thought of the previous method of the system and couldn't help but say to Xie Tianbao: "Senior, we are going where?"

He knew that if he did not speak, this gourd-shaped magic weapon would only fly aimlessly in the void, and there would be no direction in this endless space. If he switched to the battleship of the system, Luo Xiu would not worry about it. get lost. However, Luo Xiu couldn't be so sure about the flying magic weapon under him.

"Don't worry, I will tell you when we get to the place. Now you can just input the aura into it. The direction will be controlled by the Dao itself, so you don't have to worry about getting lost here." Xie Tianbao said deeply. After taking a look at Luo Xiu, he seemed to understand the meaning of his question, so he told him unceremoniously.

At this time, Luo Xiu had heard a different meaning from his words. If Luo Xiu was not sure where he would go next before, but looking at the way Xie Tianbao spoke, it was obvious , They should be purposeful. And what makes Luo Xiu suspicious is this. If he were a monk in an ordinary low-level world, he would have no other thoughts. Just follow these people and fish in troubled waters. The real situation is that he can indeed use the capabilities of the system to identify the route they want to travel. And if the auxiliary function provided by the system is not wrong, they said that the place they are going to is basically the opposite direction of Kongtian Jieyu.

This inevitably made Luo Xiu feel something wrong. He didn't think much about it, but after the previous comparisons, Luo Xiu understood that if he still remained silent, everyone and the purpose of his plan could be nothing. It's a different story. Therefore, he couldn't help but say aloud to the four people who were still there thinking about continuing to communicate: "A few seniors should talk to the kid, what we need to find, or what to look for, after all, the kid is the longest in this world. Great, for some hidden places, my cultivation base and my position can also be touched. So if a few people have any requirements, just tell me directly. We are searching aimlessly. There is no result. Although this space is not very large, if you want to find it all over, it will take hundreds of years to be no problem."

Luo Xiu spoke aloud, fearing that his remarks would not be effective, but then Luo Xiu said to everyone very sincerely, the sincerity in his tone, even he himself almost believed it. However, what made Luo Xiu extremely frustrated was that even though he was so eager to express what he meant, Luo Xiu's plan was still in vain, and what made him even more frustrated was that he lost control of his surroundings. . In other words, the miniature exploration satellites that the original system could contact seemed to be interfered with by something, and they couldn't show Luo Xiu the way again.

"Ben Dao understands what your kid means? Don't worry, wait until it won't hurt your life, and if you want, when Ben Dao's things in this world are completed, Ben Dao will take you to leave here and go to the upper realm. , Let your kid also see the prosperity of the Nine Heavens Sanctuary and the power there." Xie Tianbao understood what Luo Xiu's words meant, but he did say something that made Luo Xiu very speechless.

"Nine Heavens Sanctuary? This name kid has been mentioned many times by the predecessors, but what is this place? The kid is indeed a little confused, and the place where my uncle masters went before ascending, isn't it Tianchen Buzhou? Is this Tianchen Buzhou in our mouth and the Jiutian Sanctuary in the mouth of the predecessor the same place?" Hearing the name Jiutian Sanctuary from Xie Tianbao and others again, Luo Xiu was a little confused, because whether it was Buffett or Tun The Heavenly Devil Emperor once mentioned the Tianchen Tribe, but they didn't mention the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, and listening to the words of Xie Tianbao and others, every word was not separated from the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, which made Luo Xiu feel incredible.

"Tianchen Buzhou? The name sounds familiar, but this name is no longer used. If I remember correctly, this should be the name owned by the ancient immortal world. This is the nine-day sanctuary in my mouth. It’s not appropriate for him to be Tianchen Tribe, because Tianchen Tribe was already destroyed during the battle between Gods and Demons. The current Nine Heavens Sanctuary is actually a cultivating holy land composed of a one-level artifact! After the Demon War, the Tianchen Tribe Continent was completely shattered, and the entire Big Six was no longer as prosperous and prosperous as the ancient times. The demon lords of the Jiulong Temple of the year had no choice but to break through and find no results Refining the flesh body into today’s nine-day sanctuary, this is also the place that most moved all the monks on the Tianchen continent. As a human society with only tens of millions of years of civilization, in the face of survival, these few The great sacrifices made by the demon are always remembered in the hearts of all the humans in the Tianchen Tribe. And the name Jiutian Sanctuary was only called at that time, and they represent the greatness of the nine demon. Dedication.” Xie Tianbao said to Luo Xiu with a pious face when he said this. And the Nine Heavens Sanctuary in his mouth had some other words, which made Luo Xiu feel very surprised. If he remembered correctly, the Demon Emperor who swallowed the sky had completely disappeared in the Tianchen continent after the Great War.

And if he remembered correctly, the Tianchen Tribe in the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor’s mouth was not like this, but he remembered clearly that the reason why the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor became that appearance was the masterpiece of his apprentices. What are the connections and differences in this is beyond the understanding of a low-level outsider like Luo Xiu.

However, he believes that one day, he will figure out the reason for this, but under this situation, he is very excited. If things are really like what Xie Tianbao said, then wait until he goes to Tianchen. With the help of the metamorphosis ability of the system, Bu Zhou extracted the flesh of the nine Demon Venerables as the pillars of the Nine Heavens Sanctuary. For Luo Xiu, it was definitely a great temptation.