Technology Communication System

Chapter 403: Coincidence or conspiracy?

We must know that if the monument of flesh and blood is just an ordinary artifact that strengthens the body, how could it have such an important effect on the Nine Sky God Race? Thinking of this, Luo Xiu sighed, but he was still immature and didn't have so much knowledge, which made him fooled by these people again.

"Well, did the seniors ever think that they could completely solve the problems of your people. I think even if the seniors retrieved the artifact, the next generations who have been born, they should not be able to return to normal?" Luo Xiuyi The hit must hit the old man's weakness directly, and what made the old man a little crazy is that Luo Xiu's remarks were absolutely deliberate, and they were deliberately used to stimulate him.

"Yes, but listening to your boy's tone, you seem to have a solution to this matter." Although he was very unhappy, but he had no other thoughts. Suddenly he flashed, his heart moved, and his eyes looked straight. At the end of Luo Xiu's grasp, he grabbed Luo Xiu's shoulder and couldn't help but said excitedly to Luo Xiu. He didn't even notice Luo Xiu's mouth twitching because of his grasp at this moment. .

"Hs, lighten, don't get excited, senior! Yes, there is a kind of pill in the hands of juniors that can restore people's damaged spirits, even for some people with congenital disabilities and intellectual disabilities, this thing has a great effect on them, just not I know if the senior dare to let your juniors try it out." Seeing that Elder Suffering was so excited, Luo Xiu almost strayed away from him, but the old guy shot too fast, if it weren't for him to grab his shoulders.

At this time, Luo Xiu has the urge to leave here directly. This old guy is not light or heavy, and the strength in his hands is too heavy, almost making him a little stiff. With his current flesh ~ body strength is also I would be caught by him like this, and my whole body aches.

Hearing the words of the old man, Luo Xiu didn't express much excitement. He knew that it was not the time for him to act eagerly, so he had to temporarily suppress his inner excitement, and calmly put forward his request.

"What do you mean?" The old man looked at Luo Xiu's constantly twitching corners of his mouth, and found that he was a little gaffe, and then slowly put down the arm to hold Luo Xiu's shoulder, and at the same time, he was embarrassed to shoot at Luo Xiu. He took a picture and looked at Luo Xiu with a very puzzled look.

"My master invented this pill to improve the intelligence of one of my juniors, but this thing was developed only for us humans. If you want to affect the Nine Heavens God Race, you still have to improve the formula. And this is the most The most important thing is to need the blood of the low-minded Nine Heavens Protoss tribe. Of course, seniors don’t need to worry, they need very little blood, just a drop or two. Speaking clearly, he was also afraid that if he was killed on the spot by the old guy because he was not clear about his expression, then it would really be more than worthwhile.

"Let me think about this, right? Is there anything else? Your kid is mysterious, maybe it's just for this little thing and I've been here for a long time, it's also a little bit of a fuss Right." The old man looked at Luo Xiu with a look you were playing with me.

But Luo Xiu pouted. He didn't know what he should say. It turned out that his guess was somewhat different from the real situation. At this moment, he couldn't help but regret secretly. At that time, he was really full of words. It's just that at this time he can only nod his head and stop saying more. After all, if you say too much, he still understands. In case he didn't express something clearly and made the old guy angry, then But it is really troublesome.

Seeing Luo Xiu speechless, there was nothing else to say, the old man was also slightly relieved, and at the same time, with a wave of his hand, the celestial tripod covering the two of them quickly flew up and fell directly into the hands of the old man the next moment. .

When Luo Xiu's eyes saw the inscriptions on the small tripod, he was stunned for a moment, and then he felt that the inscriptions in front of him were very familiar. He had seen this thing in the space of the system. In some movies, he has seen similar things. But now he suddenly dismissed his thoughts. At the same time, he was quite sure that this thing in front of him definitely belonged to the old man, but he was very familiar with what was in front of him. It seemed that he had seen this thing before. After passing by its owner, he can be sure that this thing should be extremely familiar, and he has seen something similar to the small tripod in front of him.

Then he suddenly reacted, this thing should be the same thing as the flesh and blood monument, but it is called the flesh and blood monument, but it is actually like an iron plate. At this time, combined with the appearance of Xiaoding, Luo Xiu I was a little surprised to find that the small tripod and the monument of flesh and blood should be one. Thinking of this, Luo Xiu did understand a little bit, that flesh and blood monument should be Xiaoding's lid.

Luo Xiu raised his head and looked at the previous place. After all, although the time he talked with the old man was not too long, he was also a little scared. If Shi Moxuan and others jumped over the wall in a hurry, he really didn't know what to do. . However, when he was about to turn around and observe carefully, he suddenly sensed something wrong. There seemed to be a lot of strange auras in the field. Although the people of the Nine Heavens God Race were also on the scene, it was based on the situation in the field. Look, he didn't sense anything was wrong, but after his spirit sensed it carefully, he was stunned to find that these suddenly appearing auras were very powerful, and what made Luo Xiu even more frightened was that he seemed to have fallen into it. Surrounded by them.

"Old guys, you have been hiding for so many years, and you haven't finally appeared again! Haha, the siege of the year, it feels uncomfortable!" Just as Luo Xiu was ready to observe the situation in the end, a cold voice The voice resounded throughout the field.

At the same time, the aura of the person speaking suddenly skyrocketed, and Luo Xiu felt the trembling of his soul due to the astonishing terror pressure. What made him even more frightened was that the voice of this guy was not just joking. At this time, Luo Xiu obviously felt it. At this point, he seemed to really want to kill all the people of the Nine Heavens God Race present.

Facing this sudden change, Luo Xiu really didn't know what to do for a while. In desperation, he only turned his head cautiously and found out that there was nothing wrong with his spirit induction. At this moment , More than a dozen powerful auras of horror are surrounding all the Nine Heavens including Luo Xiu.

"Hmph!" Luo Xiu's ears rang the cold snort of the elder Kutuo, and the pressure of that powerful aura was easily broken by him.

Then Luo Xiu turned his head and saw that Elder Kutuo's face was also extremely gloomy at this time. It was obvious that the tone of the person who had just spoken made him feel very upset, especially after Luo Xiu's previous excitement in the Qiankun Ding. It was to make the killing intent in the old guy's heart nowhere to vent.

At this time Luo Xiu's eyes froze instantly. He saw a person who should be said to be extremely familiar, because although he had never seen this person, Luo Xiu had seen his image many times.

This person is one of the six major disciples of the Devil Emperor, and he doesn't know which one it is, because when I was chatting with the Devil Emperor, I heard him talk about it, but from the current situation. Obviously, the apprentices of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor did not notice the situation of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Emperor at this time, and judging from the positions of these people in the field, this person's cultivation base is not the strongest.

"System, what's going on? How come so many masters suddenly appeared here, how did they appear here? Doesn't it mean that this space simply cannot withstand their powerful aura? How come these people appear here." Based on the principle of asking if you don't understand, Luo Xiu asked the system in the sea of ​​knowledge aloud.

"Host, wait a moment. After you and the old guy entered just now, the system has also lost control of the satellites here. It is now adjusting the screen. Wait a minute, there will be detailed information soon." What the system said surprised Luo Xiu, because he had never heard the system say that before. No matter what kind of environment he was in, the system had never appeared due to various formations. The communication problem has always been normal. Now that I suddenly heard him say this, the expression on his face changed, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Clear, these people came out of the crack in that space. Obviously, their appearance was brought by those people from Xie Tianbao. Now I am a little confused. Could it be that they knew that there were people from the Nine Heavens God Race here? Or maybe Shi Moxuan joined forces with these people to perform a good show. If that's the case, then your chance to host you will come. In this way, the host can win the friendship of these nine-day **** races. "The system also knows that the situation is urgent now, and knows to make a long story short, but he still said a few more words, and even from the system's words, Luo Xiu also heard that he was extremely excited at this moment.

"Hehe, let’s take a look first. With so many horrible guys, can we escape from here? And looking at the attitude of Shi Moxuan, it’s obvious that he doesn’t intend to let me go, and I have a kind It feels that since these people dare to show up here, it is obvious that there is a way to deal with the elder Kutuo. Besides, there are so many people from the Nine Heavens Protoss who are involved in him, he dare not let go of his hands and feet completely. Luo Xiu sighed and was a little discouraged in the extremely quiet environment in the field. It was a coincidence that these people came. After this, the people of the Nine Heavens Protoss might start to doubt themselves because of the arrival of these people. Suspected by the people of the Nine Heavens Protoss, and if you want to change the opinions of these people in a short time, it is not something that can be done easily with a few sentences.

Even now, Luo Xiu can clearly sense that the people of the Nine Heavens Protoss have become hostile to him at this time, and the eyes of those people have become very distrustful, especially the Kutuo elder who perceives the changes in the environment. The cold killing intent in his eyes made Luo Xiu feel a little caught off guard.

Seeing him like this, Luo Xiu didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly passed the voice to Elder Kutuo, saying in a very sincere tone: "Senior, this matter really has nothing to do with me!" Luo Xiu smiled bitterly in his heart at this time. A coincidence happened, so that he didn't have any confidence to prove his innocence, so he could only stand on the side of the Nine Heavens God Race and try to prove his innocence.

After hearing Luo Xiu's words, the old guy just nodded, then turned his head and looked around. At the same time, he looked at the Shimoxuan who was in the crowd, his heart was full of killing intent, his eyes were sharp and he was ready to do it, just thinking What happened, the old guy suppressed this idea again.

Obviously, the old guy now knows very well that he can't be so reckless. After all, he can't act brazenly regardless, and at least he has to settle the clan first.

"Are you?" Elder Kutuo glanced at the others in the field and asked in a slightly puzzled tone. Judging from his reaction, Luo Xiu sighed in relief. The old guy should not look suspiciously at Luo Xiu. After all, from his previous understanding, Luo Xiu would never know that these cultivation levels are far beyond this world. Master.

And hearing the old guy’s doubtful words, not only Luo Xiu was stunned for a while, even the powerful monks who appeared suddenly looked at the old guy with weird eyes, but Luo Xiu was also a little curious at this moment. The unfamiliar voice that appeared obviously made me feel very puzzled. He looked at these menacing appearances, thinking that these people would be the enemies of this old guy, but now, Luo Xiu himself didn't know why he had the urge to laugh on the spot. It’s as if I originally thought I had a very important place in the hearts of other people, but when they spoke, the other party directly said, ‘Which green onion are you! This feeling of powerlessness with a punch on the cotton made Luo Xiu look at the speaker with a trace of pity.

At this time, Elder Kutuo was also able to clearly feel the terrifying murderous aura from their people, and the greed of the Chi Guoguo in the eyes of these people when they looked at the people of the Nine Heavens Protoss. People, he is 100% sure that he can choke them to death with his hands, but he also knows that once he lets go of his hands and feet, when the time comes, he will not talk about anything else, just this world will suffer.

Then, he looked at Luo Xiu again, and couldn't help showing a faint murderous look on his face and hesitant hesitation. The first time he saw these people, he had already doubted Luo Xiu in his heart. Obviously, these people did not show up sooner or later. Only when Luo Xiu was about to communicate with him alone, these guys suddenly appeared. At this point, he had to doubt Luo Xiu in his heart. It was a bit too coincidental. At the same time, the old man looked at Luo Xiu again at this time, and found that he was also surprised, his expression was not fake at all, and after careful consideration, he temporarily removed the killing intent in his heart. Put it away.