Technology Communication System

Chapter 41: Satellite launch

Because he was worried about his master's safety, Luo Xiu urged the system to start reforming as soon as possible after receiving Qinggang Yuntong. Bayi Chinese Website www★W.く81zW. Com Luo Xiu’s current idea is to find his master first. So five days have passed very quickly. During these five days, Luo Xiu has not been idle. In order to systematically better understand the civilization of the cultivation world, he is alone. In Wanfa Pavilion, he began to read a lot of jade slips. If it weren't for the knowledge of jade slips, he wouldn't have to read it so hard by himself.

The system can easily read the things recorded in the books, but the things recorded in the jade slips cannot be seen. The knowledge Luo Xiu has seen during these five days has also provided great help for the system to transform the satellite.

Because the Qinggang cloud copper has a high melting point, in order to transform the satellite, it is impossible to directly immerse the satellite in the cloud copper solution. Therefore, the satellite can only be transformed by gold plating. You must know that although these nine satellites are not large, But for the sake of safety, the system is doing this with 100% seriousness, because it is worried that the satellite will be spotted with some bad consequences, and the system has also loaded a self-destruct program in the satellite.

Luo Xiu also saw the satellite to be launched. The satellite is not big, only the size of an adult human head. When the satellite is not working, it is an elliptical sphere. After the satellite is sent into space, it will shrink inside the satellite. The two wing-like energy harvesting boards are extended, and then you can no longer rely on the satellite’s own energy to work. The satellite’s working life is only forty years. Of course, the system is using the knowledge of the formation of the realm to greatly improve the satellite. The modification can also make the satellite resist some hostile environments in space.

When everything was ready, Luo Xiu left Qiantian Palace secretly. Only the Mi brothers and Sect Master Guo Xiaotian knew about his departure. Because of the systematic existence along the way, Luo Xiu left the sect without any danger. , Rushing to the outskirts of the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain Range, Luo Xiu’s current way of driving is also very different from the previous way. Now his cultivation is already the peak cultivation of Jin Dan’s initial stage, and his imperial weapon flight speed has also increased greatly. It only took less than half a day to rush to the place selected by the system. In order to shoot the satellite, Luo Xiu could almost memorize the entire map of Tianyuan County.

Luo Xiu, who rushed to the ground, did not immediately start preparing to launch the satellite, because the system requires the launch site to be reinforced to send the satellite into the 53,000-meter space, so as not to cause problems when the satellite launcher is working. error.

So Luo Xiu started hunting down all the threatening monsters within fifty kilometers around him. Thanks to the systematic help, and Luo Xiu’s current cultivation is already in the Golden Elixir period, he is enveloped by his divine consciousness and systematic life detection. Down, all the monsters and all the human monks in this neighborhood, the monsters should be killed, all the monks were knocked out by him and thrown outside.

After Luo Xiu killed the last monster beast, he finally cleaned the monster beast within the shooting area.

"System, please check if it is safe nearby? I'm going to start." As his voice fell, Luo Xiu slowly landed on a mountain, waiting for the system's final confirmation.

"After scanning, no large creatures can be moved, the host can start."

Luo Xiu didn’t hesitate, and began to pinch the magic tricks, and began to use the earth magic power he cultivated repeatedly. This is a technique that can gather a large amount of earth magic power to defend the target in a short period of time. Luo Xiu used it to protect the ground.

After everything was ready, Luo Xiu began to take out a storage ring placed in the system space, which contained the satellite to be launched and the satellite launcher. It was a cylinder, about three meters long, and the Earth Federation. The rockets used in the early days were very similar, because the energy required to send nine satellites into space at a time was very large, so the system built an oversized launcher.

After fixing the satellite launcher, Luo Xiu installed the satellite with the help of several robots. After that, Luo Xiu just blessed himself with a defense technique. Later, when he flipped his hand, there was an extra thing similar to a gamepad in his hand.

"System, I'm ready here, can I start?" Luo Xiu asked the system when he looked at the things in his hands.

"Starting to check the radio system, the preparation is complete, the signal transmission system is working normally, and the external environment is checked, everything is normal. Satellite radio preparation,, fire!"

Luo Xiu, who heard the command from the system, slammed the green button on the gamepad, and saw the shooter in front of him spit out a blue flame. The next moment, the shooter disappeared from Luo Xiu’s. Before you.

"This system recommends that the host leave this place immediately. The satellite launch will cause a lot of movement to avoid the host's accident." The system said to Luo Xiu after pressing the button, and at the same time, it also explained why he had to shoot in an unmanned place before. The reason for the satellite also told him.

Luo Xiu didn't dare to delay, he immediately left the place, but he was still locked in his own figure by a few powerful divine thoughts. Only the next moment, as if the system had turned on some device, those divine thoughts moved away from him.

And the next moment after the satellite shot was successful, all the monks in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range saw a blue beam of light rising into the sky, everyone was taken aback, and then they were overjoyed, one by one driving the magic weapon toward Luo Xiu's place. The place came.

Soon there were many monks in the place where Luo Xiu was standing, most of them were monks who were in the Qi training period, and there were several Jindan monks who were also casual cultivators.

Luo Xiu didn't care about what happened later, he was now flying while communicating with the system.

"How long will it be before I can start searching for my master? Didn't you say that the transmitter is fast? Can you receive a signal now?"

"Host, please wait a moment, the satellite is being connected, the satellite is adjusting the working form, the signal connection is normal, the function of scanning the ground environment is turned on, the working state is running, and the equipment is all normal. Please enter the target to search for the host." The voice of the system came.

So Luo Xiu's hand ~ appeared a flashlight-like thing, and saw a picture in front of the flashlight, it was the photo of Master Guo Yangming, this photo was of course synthesized by the system, Luo Xiu dare not take a picture of his master , Although he will use most of the technological products in the Earth Federation.

"Retrieving all information, searching for the target..."

As time passed, Luo Xiu and others were very anxious. He also knew from the system's retelling that if his master’s hiding place was in a powerful formation, the satellite search would not have much effect. As for the general array method, the scanning equipment carried on the satellite completely ignores it.

"The target person has been found. The current coordinate is 235.258.985. The target is moving at a high speed. Do I need to increase the energy to lock the target position?" When Luo Xiu was impatient, a female voice appeared around Luo Xiu. He knew it was from the object in his hand, Luo Xiu followed the instructions of the system and began to issue a series of orders.

"System, didn't you say that there are a few small flying boats, can you give me one." Luo Xiu asked excitedly after seeing the news of Master.

"Of course, as long as the host pays some energy stones for this system later."

In front of Luo Xiu's eyes, a whirlpool appeared. A silver-white round spaceship appeared in front of Luo Xiu. Soon the door of the spacecraft opened, Luo Xiu flew up and entered the interior of the spacecraft.

"Starting to go to the target location, it is estimated to take one hour, 13 minutes, and four seconds." Just as Luo Xiu entered the spacecraft, the sound of the system sounded in Luo Xiu's mind.