Technology Communication System

Chapter 421: Xuanming and Rift

Although he scolded the old guy and the system thousands of times in his heart, Luo Xiu still scratched the back of his head in a jealous manner. He looked at the white man who appeared in front of him a little strangely, and he couldn't help but wonder when this guy appeared. He was a little inexplicable and didn't feel any spatial fluctuations. Although his face was strange, Luo Xiu still forced his composure. He knew that since this guy hadn't come up and killed himself, he must have other ideas. If so, it gave him room to deal with.

"You! Who are you? Why did you appear on my spirit boat." Luo Xiu pretended to be very horrified. He looked at the smiling white man in front of him who was approaching, and the smile on his face increased. More prosperous. At this moment, Luo Xiu also felt that the battleship had been thrown out again by the old guy, and he could also feel it in his divine consciousness that the old guy and the wolf demon were already fighting together at this time.

"It doesn't matter who you are. The important thing is who your kid is. Why does Xuanming, an old thing, value you so much? Even if you run away, you don't forget to take your kid with you! Who are you? Humans and the **** of the Nine Heavens Protoss are mixed together, don’t you have anything to explain to the old man?" The man slowly stood not far from Luo Xiu, pulled a chair and sat on it, and his face was a little bit Looking at Luo Xiu weirdly, what he said made Luo Xiu's expression extremely ugly.

Although he had thought about many possibilities before, he would never have thought that he would be copied from behind, but the guy in front of him appeared so suddenly that even the system did not notice him. When did it come?

However, Luo Xiu thought about it carefully and felt that under the current situation, the appearance of this person might not be an opportunity. After all, who is not to cooperate with? Looking at the appearance of these people, maybe when you are on the Tianchen continent, you can still provide him with a shelter that is stronger than the Nine Heavens Protoss. After all, in today's worlds, humans are the most powerful. Power. Besides, let’s not say that Luo Xiu is a member of human beings. Innateness has a great advantage. What's more, the previous Nine Heavens God Race is the enemy of all races. Any race that has existed for more than ten thousand years. They are all the objects of the Nine Heavens Protoss once enslaved. If Luo Xiu really wants to gain a foothold on the Tianchen Tribe Continent, although he can use the power of the Nine Heavens Protoss to remain invincible in a short period of time, but it will take a long time. It's hard to say, after all, the Nine Heavens God Race is too eye-catching, whether it is their own blood, or those treasures in the Nine Heaven God Race are coveted by human monks.

At this moment, the appearance of the man in front of him gave Luo Xiu another choice. After all, there was a one-to-one sentence in the history of the Federation that he had contact with, which he still remembers. It is not my race, his heart Must be different! Luo Xiu agrees with the meaning of this sentence.

For Xuan Ming in the man’s mouth, he knew exactly who he was referring to, but when he thought of the old guy, he faintly understood. Luo Xiu didn’t know the purpose of the man’s mouth at this time. He knew that if he couldn’t make his answer. The man in front of him was convinced that he would definitely face a storm-like blow.

"Senior, can you save me? That's great. This old guy coveted a treasure on my body. In order to get a treasure out with the help of me, he kept bringing me by his side. I was controlled by him. It has been more than three hundred years. The reason why he kept taking me this time was because the secret realm of the race he was in had been destroyed by others, and he had no choice but to take me away from that race Where I am, trying to develop me into a strong man, so that I can use my strength to get something for him." Luo Xiu hesitated for half a minute, and said with some surprise to the man in front of him. The man in front of him was obviously taken aback when he heard what he said. Things were completely different from what he thought. When he thought about it, Luo Xiu should be with this old guy. However, what Luo Xiu said at this time really made him feel a little bit in his heart. Wondered.

"Sampling something? What?" After hearing Luo Xiu's words, the man couldn't help his mouth twitching, and then he looked at Luo Xiu with a weird expression and said to Luo Xiu in a playful voice.

"It seems to be something like a treasure. It should be hidden in a starry sky. It is a forbidden area for any monk. It is a mortal place for a strong man like him. The reason for cultivating a kid is also In order to take advantage of a special ability of my natal spirit weapon, I can use some means to allow me to move freely in that extremity, without being affected by some soul fire there." Luo Xiu at this time was a lie. Soon, what I said was half-truth. Even his heart suddenly moved and he thought of a way. If he can succeed in flicking this time, maybe he can really use the strength of the person in front of him to prevent him from being killed, and even with the old guy. Together, the two of them escaped from the siege of these people with the help of Kongtian Juyu.

"Is there the Kongtian Jueyu? Is the thing he asked you to take, is it a kind of treasure called Lihunzhu." Sure enough, when Luo Xiu said this, the man in front of him changed his previous laziness, his face was grim. Suddenly stood up, and said to Luo Xiu with an excited expression.

Seeing the sudden change in the young man's expression, Luo Xiu couldn't help being a little surprised. This guy seemed to be very concerned about the lie that Luo Xiu made up. Looking at his terrifying expression at this time, Luo Xiu shuddered inexplicably, and he never thought that the lie he made up innocently made this man covet him. Luo Xiu is not stupid. From the hot gaze of the man in front of him, Luo Xiu can feel the greed in this person's gaze. While Luo Xiu shivered inexplicably, Luo Xiu couldn't help but regret himself secretly. It was too arrogant before.

"Li Soul Orb? I don't even know what it is. It's just because of my special physique and my life tool is not an ordinary thing. That senior will bring me by my side. As for the Li Soul Orb you mentioned I really don’t know what it is.” Although he noticed the old guy’s greedy eyes, Luo Xiu really had no idea about the man in front of him. He stammered and muttered to the man. Said, and at the same time deeply cheered for myself.

When the enchanting man on the opposite side saw Luo Xiu like this, he secretly felt relieved. Although he was also a little surprised that Luo Xiu would say such a thing at this time, but when he thought about it carefully, he also thought that Luo Xiu did not dare to deceive him, which made him even more jealous. In addition, with his current strength, it is easy to say that it is easy to smooth the world. As for Luo Xiu's words, there is obviously something to hide, but for men, is this important?

"Okay, since your kid is not voluntary, that's even better. When we get the old thing Xuan Ming done, you can leave here with the old man." Seeing Luo Xiu, he seemed to want to speak, this man An indifferent wave of his hand interrupted Luo Xiu's desire to continue speaking.

After the man finished speaking, he stopped looking at Luo Xiu, and instead looked at the battlefield. At this moment, the battlefield of the two men was full of residual power fluctuations of attacks, but the space where the two of them seemed to be at this moment There are some differences, and they have not become fragmented because of the fierce confrontation between the two. No matter how hard the old guy tries, he still can't help the wolf monster on the opposite side.

At this time, the wolf demon and the old guy completely let go of their hands and feet, and the attack has reached a fierce point. The two have no scruples at all, but what makes Luo Xiu feel a little at ease is that at this time let the two people Such a violent attack landed on this piece of space, but this piece of starry sky was as solid as iron sheets, and it was not like before. There were space cracks everywhere the two attacked.

He glanced at the man sitting there with Erlang's legs crossed, the envy in his eyes flashed away. Obviously, even if two people attacked so violently, they still didn't cause any space to be broken. The main credit is the man in front of him. He should have used some secret method to strengthen this space.

"System, what do you say I should do? Look at this guy's attitude, he seems to be interested in the lie I told before. In this case, didn't I just get out of the tiger's den and enter the wolf's den?" Luo Xiu looked at the man. Without noticing himself, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time eagerly called the system in the sea of ​​knowledge, hoping that he could give himself some good ideas.

"Let’s take a look first! Didn’t I tell you before, this old guy is not a fool, how could he expose his weakness so easily? It’s impossible! As a guy who has lived for so many years, if not What trump card, do you believe it?" Regarding Luo Xiu's concern, the system shook his head indifferently, and explained his own views to Luo Xiu.

"What do you mean is that the old guy Xuan Ming hasn't come out? It's not right, it's this critical moment, why does he hide it. Is it possible that this old guy did it on purpose?" After listening to what the system said, Luo Xiu looked at it, and felt that something was wrong between the two people who were fighting fiercely outside. While moving in his heart, he couldn't help but gasp. If things are really like what the system said. So, that old fellow Xuan Ming is a bit scary.

"Other systems can't be determined, but the energy detection instrument that comes with this system can clearly distinguish that the energy intensity in the old Xuanming guy's body is more than ten times higher than that of the wolf demon! The reason why this old guy hasn’t hurt the killer is probably to prevent the man in front of you from escaping. After all, the old guy also knows that if the space system supernatural powers want to escape, there is basically no good way to prevent them from escaping. !" The system is also helpless to Luo Xiu's ignorance, and just tells Luo Xiu some of his own analysis. But Luo Xiu who heard his words was dumbfounded, and almost all his eyes fell out.

And Luo Xiu’s surprised look fell in the eyes of the man next to him, but the different color flashed away. Although he was also surprised at the strength shown by the old guy Xuan Ming, he was between him and the Xuan Ming he knew. There will be such a big discrepancy. At this moment, thinking of what the kid said before him, the man shook his head slightly, as if he was a bit contemptuous of the old guy.

And at this time, in the endless and vast universe, because the old guy and the wolf demon were too perverted before, there are already many powerful auras coming here. Luo Xiu originally thought that these people would not come close. After all, according to the system's previous statement, these people also had no good solutions to the problem.

But when Luo Xiu's gaze wandered on the surveillance screen, he was terrified to find that there were hundreds of powerful energy light spots on the monitor, and these light spots were still fast approaching here. While this scene made Luo Xiu frightened, he also had three points of belief in the old guy's so-called hidden secret here.

"This old guy really has one after the other. Seeing that, this is the wisdom and plan that an old monster that has lived for hundreds of millions of years can have. This old guy has no intention to keep these two people here. The most fundamental idea is to attract other people. The reason why this system is so sure that this old guy Xuan Ming has no other ideas is because of his previous actions. If he If he is really interested in this or has some understanding of this situation, he will never do it. After all, before he is not sure whether the supernatural powers of this space have the ability to escape, the old guy Xuan Ming will definitely be more cautious. , Definitely not like it is now.” Although the system was a little dumbfounded by the sudden emergence of hundreds of masters, he did his best to explain the cause and effect to Luo Xiu.

At this time, the man who was lazily lying on the chair also seemed to have noticed something wrong. He disappeared into the battleship in an instant. The next moment Luo Xiu clearly saw his body, and quickly settled in front of the old guy’s left. , And then directly launched a stormy attack on the old guy, and various terrifying space magical powers were split at Xuan Ming. It seemed that he had also noticed something was wrong, and the two people joined forces to make the old guy a little bit stressed. It's just that Luo Xiu clearly saw the disdain at the corner of the old guy's mouth.

I saw him brandishing the long sword in his hand impermeably, and at the same time he kept roaring in his mouth, making an extremely angry look. However, Luo Xiu can clearly see the calmness and disdain in the old guy's eyes with the help of the surveillance screen of the spacecraft.