Technology Communication System

Chapter 422: Calculate

At this time, Luo Xiu looked at the empty battleship. He couldn't help being a little bit straight. He didn't know where he should go next. If he didn't have much confidence in the old guy before, then he is really very good now. Rest assured that I waited here. Because it was obvious that from the time the man with supernatural powers in this space shot to the two people teaming up, the three of them have fought tens of millions of times. But no matter how powerful the two of them attacked together, the old guy could handle it with ease. And there is still time to fight back some attacks that have escaped elsewhere.

Obviously, the old guy has also realized that this place has become the focus of other powerful people. Although he is not very afraid of these people, he does not want other people to know what happened in this space. Therefore, he is also with this. The two maintained a very strange balance.

"Old ghost Xuanming, if you are acquainted, you will be obediently arrested. If this is the case, the old man can spare your life! Otherwise, wait until the old man catches the opportunity to kill all of your nine-day **** race a hundred times!" The man Luo Xiu saw attacked, while threatening the old guy.

"Hey, you bastard, if it wasn't for the old man's kindness to take you in, you guy would have died 30 million years ago, and now you are still here to talk to the old man. Repay the grievance and steal the artifact of our clan. If you obediently return that thing to the old man, you may be able to spare your life. Otherwise, you can just wait to die with this dog!" The old guy didn't care about the man's threat, and he also cursed at the crack.

"Fart! If it weren't for the old man's action, how could your Nine Heavens Protoss find such a place of refuge, and you said that the old man was ungrateful, why didn't you say that if you didn't covet my ability, how could you severely hurt me? Don’t be confused here. The old man didn’t want to argue with you about right and wrong. Now you are entangled by us. I believe that soon, the news of your Nine Heavens God Race’s rebirth will be known by those old immortals, and then this news will definitely be. It’s spread throughout the Three Realms and the Six Paths. Then I will see what you can do with the old immortal. With your strength, how can you protect your disciples and grandchildren!" Crack Kong did not show weakness and began to scold Xuan Ming. , The two of them screamed vigorously as they clashed, and Luo Xiu was a little dumbfounded.

Although the two people scolded very vigorously, the movements of their hands did not stop at all, and more fierce confrontations broke out from time to time. Luo Xiu, who was just a little dazed, still saw something wrong, it seemed that the wolf The demon was also very speechless for the two people's curses like shrews, and he could clearly see the twitching of the corners of his mouth.

But no matter how you look at it, Luo Xiu has a weird feeling. It seems that things have deviated from his previous imagination. Before he listened to the words of the old guy, he thought that the space-savvy Rift was a shameless guy. What happened was this kind of weird scene, which simply refreshed Luo Xiu's view of some powerful monks once again.

"Don't talk nonsense, crack the air! If you want to kill this old Xuanming guy, then hurry up, don't talk so much, hurry up and join forces with me, we will cure him first, and other things, wait for time, and you will be better Let’s talk! I don’t have so much leisure time to spend time with you here, but I still have very important things to do.” Just when Xuan Ming and Li Kong were fighting and cursing vigorously, then The wolf demon, who had twitched at the corner of his mouth, was now a little anxious and furious. He directly waved the mace in his hand and knocked it towards the cracking space next to him to remind him not to talk so much nonsense, and even stunned. When he came out, he cursed directly.

"You **** dog thing, my clan shouldn't be soft-hearted at the beginning. You should have wiped out all of you, both human and ghost, early, and a little wolf cub should also offend the deity's prestige. Is the Tianchen Buzhou now reduced to the point where a dog can ride on your human monks?" Xuan Ming, who was fighting against them, laughed loudly when he saw the two people fighting each other. What I said here made his face a lot more ugly. It’s just that, at this moment, Li Kong suddenly stopped the attack on his hand, and at this moment, the old guy Xuan Ming also stopped his hand movement. Almost at the same time, the two people seemed to have a tacit understanding and did not fight again. Instead, they all looked at the wolf king who was still in rage, with a strange expression.

And the next moment, after hearing the old guy’s ridicule, whether it was the man named Split Kong or the Wolf King, they yelled at the same time, and at the same time they accelerated their movements. , The three of them fell into the fight again, and the terrifying attack was displayed by them as if it were not consumed. The battle was dim and dark. At this time, the three of you came and went, and you did not give each other any chance to breathe.

Luo Xiu watched the fierce fighting in the field, and inexplicably felt that something was wrong, especially when the three players played for so long, no one was injured, or even scratched. It didn't feel like a fighting scene, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth ~ twitching, and now if he doesn't see anything wrong, then he is really a club. Therefore, when he saw the fake fighting process of the three people again, he couldn't help but sighed and sighed that his knowledge was still too shallow.

"System, have you noticed something wrong? How do I feel that these three people seem to be performing a play for others to watch." The more I watched, the more I felt this scene was extremely strange, Luo Xiu couldn't help but wonder in his heart. Uncertain, asked the system in the sea of ​​knowledge.

"This system can't see it either, but it can be seen from the data on the energy detection instrument that none of the three of them did their best. To say that the horror of the old guy and the wolf demon before was able to collapse. The ground is sinking, however, now that the three of them have been fighting for life and death for a long time, no matter where they are from, the system has not noticed that they have too much energy fluctuations in their hands, which also proves from the side that things are indeed transparent. It’s weird. But in a short time, we can’t be sure what they want to do, but it’s fast too. The closest powerful monk will arrive here in half a day, and we will know what the three of them are. What do you want to do?" The system was also confused, and only told Luo Xiu the result of his data analysis.

After listening to this analysis of the system, Luo Xiu carefully looked at the situation in the field, and he also agreed with the idea of ​​the system. At this time, although these three people seemed to be fighting very fiercely, Luo Xiu clearly felt that they were doing this deliberately, especially in Rift. Such a guy who is proficient in space does not use space magic powers against the enemy, but instead Swearing with the old guy, he started a close fight with him.

In Luo Xiu's view, this is completely unnecessary, and even some unjust work. You must know that in the real life and death struggle of the strong, any negligence on one side will cause a very bad impact, let alone the current situation. Next, their acting skills are full of complaints in Luo Xiu's eyes. His eyes are not blind, how can he not see it, these people seem to be acting for others to see.

But inexplicably, Luo Xiu was also a little bit dumbfounded by the funny actions of these three people. Even the originally very weird emotions have now become a lot better, especially when Luo Xiuxiu discovered that the three people in front of him It seemed that when he acted together in a tacit understanding, he didn't know what the purpose was for, but he let out a long sigh of relief. If this is the case, then his future plans are much easier.

At this time, the previous vision made many powerful monks notice the situation here, and one after another came towards here. At this moment, they seemed to have also discovered the three of them fighting here, and they shot towards here by coincidence. , And then, all the people suddenly swarmed up.

In the face of this sudden emergence of hundreds of masters, at this moment, the attack on the old guy, Rift and the wolf demon in front of him, made Luo Xiu who was hiding on the side a heartbeat, especially at this moment. The first time this group of people appeared, Xiu's eyes were a little helpless. These people are all stupid~I can't do it. Otherwise, how could they have not seen that these three people are acting? Xiu pouted his lips in disdain.

There was nothing wrong with Luo Xiu when things were originally here. Looking at the appearance of the three, there will be no more surprises for the next thing. However, when Luo Xiu looked at a few people in the crowd, his involuntary eyes condensed slightly, and the killing intent on his face flashed away. If his memory is correct, a considerable part of the people in it are those who destroyed the Tianyuan Realm back then.

No wonder he didn’t find the traces of these people when he returned to the Tianyuan Realm before. He didn’t expect to see the traces of these people in this star field, which also made him breathe a sigh of relief. There were these three old guys. Now, he can definitely kill with a knife without any effort. At this time, he somewhat understood that there are really not many masters in this world. The only ones are only from the upper realm. Luo Xiu was worried before, in case there are some things that he cannot handle. He still doesn't know how to deal with it, and in this situation, he doesn't worry so much.

"Host, I think it's better for you to hide. In this case, you are not safe here anymore, and don't you feel that things are a bit inexplicable? Why do these people come up directly to these three people without saying anything? Attack, isn’t there anything in the middle? You know, I’m not sure about the other people, but the old guy Xuan Ming came out with you. Why would he be attacked by these people indiscriminately, and in the middle There is something that the host doesn’t know! In fact, in this situation, you can’t do much now. Instead of being here to guard against the aftermath of these people’s attacks, it’s better to stay away. If there is an accident at that time, you will have more time to deal with it calmly. It is always safer than the current crisis, isn't it?" Luo Xianxiu looked at him while hesitating about what to do. He couldn't help but grinned at the chaotic attacks in front of him. If he were on the battlefield at this moment, he would have been directly destroyed by these terrifying attacks.

As he watched the three people join forces at this time and directly carried the attack of more than one hundred people abruptly, Luo took a deep breath, and he would never have thought that the purpose of these three people was Xuan Ming. Such. And this incident simply made him feel incredible. No matter how daring he was, he would never think that this situation was deliberately done by these three people, and what these three people did was so frantic. When he thought of this, Luo Xiu's heart was filled with shock and inexplicable terror.

"Leave? Where can I go, haven't you noticed something wrong with this space? The old cracked space must have sealed this space. You didn't realize that these people came in too easily? I think it’s hard for them to want to go out, but I don’t know why, these three old guys will come together to perform such a play to attract all these guys here. Is there something wrong here, or they What do you need these people to do?" Luo Xiu also felt that the system was very reasonable, but he felt it carefully, and he was indeed shocked to find that even with the help of the spacecraft to jump in space, he could not escape the gravity here. It seems that this place has become a cage, and there should be a very abnormal space barrier.

Because, at this moment, Luo Xiu realized that since the attacks of more than a hundred people appeared, although the frequency of attacks was not too high, the intensity of these people's attacks had not decreased at all. And even with such a terrifying attack, there were no spatial cracks in the void. The gap between the two was like the gap between a fly and an elephant, and it was simply impossible to calculate. To say that there is nothing wrong in the middle, it is impossible for everyone to see clearly. Luo Xiu didn't know what these three people wanted to do at this moment, but he was very interested in what they wanted to do next. At this moment, he just wanted to know how the old guy Xuan Ming should explain to himself. In the end, Luo Xiu began to expect the three of them to give him a little surprise.