Technology Communication System

Chapter 423: Seamless fit

"Hey, how come your kid has this kind of thought, let's not say, can you hide this little trick of the old guy Xuan Ming, just what happens next, it is estimated that it will exceed our expectations, don't you It was discovered that since these more than one hundred people appeared, the three old guys seemed to have become a lot more excited. Even their attacks were not as random as before, and even at this moment, the three people’s attacks did not seem to be a trace. Mistakes, almost every attack can destroy a person, and you will know that even if they are dead, their flesh ~ bodies are still intact, and the system does not see any The fact that a person's soul is separated from the body is a serious unscientific thing from the perspective of this system.

You have to know the various attacks that your kid has encountered. This time the battle, the old man has seen it in his eyes, but he has never seen such a weird thing. How can I have no other ideas when I see this kind of thing? Just relying on the people in front of them, it is obvious that they are treated as prey, but they don’t know what they need these people to do, but from the point of view that they want to maintain the integrity of the corpse, it’s clear that they are doing something. The big conspiracy is just for a while, I still can't analyze what they want to do. "Seeing Luo Xiu's words, the system carefully analyzed for a few minutes, and then said something that made Luo Xiu a little dumbfounded. After such a reminder from the system, Luo Xiu suddenly woke up. He always felt that something was wrong before, because no matter what Is it the frequency of the old guy's shots or the attacks of the other two people, with their previous violent posture, they will never be left. It is impossible for any corpse without any damage.

After being reminded by the system, he was shocked to find that whenever they killed an enemy, the body of that person would appear in the same place. If one or two can be said to be a coincidence, but when three When more than a dozen corpses were suspended together, Luo Xiu was shocked to find that things were as expected by the system. These people definitely had other purposes.

"You mean they need these corpses to do some kind of ritual. Is it to sacrifice something? It's not right. With the cultivation of this old guy and Venerable Windbreaker, what kind of gods or spirits are there in this world? Is it a powerful existence, do they need to use the corpses of these people to sacrifice? You have to guess whether it is too sloppy." Hearing the system's statement, Luo Xiu was surprised, and then he thought about it carefully. , And looking at the strangely gathered corpses, he was a little awakened, maybe things were really as the system said.

"Look at it! For a while, I don’t know what it is, but I can be sure that these people will never leave here alive. It’s right to really pay tribute to the leaders of these forces, neither Knowing why these people are stupid, they approached here, and they didn’t hesitate to come up and attack. Can’t they see the difference in cultivation level between the three? Or is it from the Tianchen Ministry? Those people in Zhou are all idiots, or they are arrogant." Luo Xiu is still a little puzzled. You must know that the strength of the old guy and the three people is not as simple as the ordinary Mahayana monks. , The cultivation base that these people showed just exceeded the limits of this world. However, this is not over yet. Just by relying on the aggressive methods that the three people performed before this time, it can show that they are very concerned about their plans. It also shows from the side that these three people are not easy generations. Even so, these more than one hundred people did not hesitate to attack Luo Xiu once again.

"This is not clear. I guess it is related to the other two guys, especially the wolf. His trail is suspicious. Have you noticed that he seems to be very anxious before? It should be just cooperating with Rikong It’s just that I don’t know how Rikong tried to persuade this wolf demon. You will know if you take a closer look. Although this wolf demon is also trying to kill these people, he should be like soy sauce. The previous eager performance, but from the perspective of this system, this guy should be out of some consideration. He has completely let go of the previous unrealistic ideas, but he doesn’t know how they did it. "The system is also confused about this, but his guess is not reliable when Luo Xiu wants to come. However, for a while, he really didn't know how to make sure. Just looking at the battle that was about to end, Luo Xiu let out a long sigh of relief, and it is only now that he truly realizes the gap between himself and some top powerhouses.

"Then am I going to leave here a little farther, at least I have to run behind those corpses. I won't talk about the others. In case these people jump over the wall in a hurry, if they want to escape, I am the best here. Good direction to escape." Luo Xiu looked at the situation in the field, then looked at his position, and couldn't help but gasp. Only now did he find that he was in this position, which was simply an escape. It’s the best route, so I can’t help but feel a little nervous and want to ask the system’s opinions.

"No, you think those people like Xuan Ming are stupid. When these more than one hundred people show up, will they still have a chance to leave here? Let’s not talk about other things, just the old guy alone can balance all these people, but the three of them Individuals are also cooperative relationships, and each other is guarding each other. But you can rest assured that since the space supernatural person just now understands your importance, there will never be any problems with your safety." The practice of repairing such a fuss also felt speechless, and couldn't help but say a few words aloud, and at the same time once again put the original irritable mood back into his stomach.

"System, how long will it take for them to solve the battle? How do you feel that they don't seem to be as fierce as before." Luo Xiu couldn't help showing surprise when he looked at the three people who didn't have the same before.

When hearing Luo Xiu’s question, the system licked his lips in disdain, and said silently, “You are stupid. Those who die first are always those with a low cultivation base. At this moment, these 40 Many people are those with strong cultivation bases. I haven’t seen that they are now fully defending, and there is no resistance at all. From the perspective of three people, in order to ensure the physical integrity of these people, for a while, The remaining people are really not that easy to solve, especially if you find out that there are a dozen people in white clothes, they are from the same force, they should be proficient in a certain combination of strikes, you Didn’t you notice that they have been trying to form a formation to attack? It’s just that the old guy seems to have noticed their intentions since the beginning. When they are ready to fit together, they have directly interrupted their rhythm." The system first Looking at Luo Xiu like an idiot, he couldn't help but sighed, so he explained to him speechlessly.

Luo Xiu thought about it carefully, and it was exactly the same as the system said. It seems that since the first time in the fight, the old guy has been guarding these people in white. However, Luo Xiu also saw something wrong, because their The overall strength is not the strongest at all, but the old guy has never killed any of the twelve of them. This gives Luo Xiu the feeling that he did it deliberately, and his purpose is self-evident. The guy is using these twelve people as bait. Every time these twelve people want to form a formation, there must be other people next to cover. Although the old guy has no chance to kill these coverrs, no matter which one is holding it weird. The wolf demon of the mace or the Rift Sky will take the opportunity to kill these people.

Recalling what he had seen and heard before, Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling sad for these people, but when he thought of the strength gap between the two sides, Luo Xiu couldn't help sighing. This old guy had such a good grasp of the timing that Several people’s formations were always about to launch successfully. When they did not succeed, they interfered with their positions, which made Luo Xiu’s eyes full of surprise for the old guy. If there were other things, Luo Xiu would not be so. However, looking at the old guy like a joke, playing these people between the palms of his hands, this unrestrained and unrestrained approach gave Luo Xiu a deeper understanding of the old guy.

Seeing that the twelve people in white are still stubbornly organizing their formations, Luo Xiu clearly sees the playfulness of the mouth corners of the old guy and the other two people. It is estimated that these people still don't know it. All the hands are in the hands of these three people, just watching these people's counterattack, they are becoming more and more unfamiliar. At this time, Luo Xiu has a deep understanding of the Nine Ranks profound art displayed by the old guy. Almost all of them are directly fleshy ~ physically resisting the attacks of these people, and then, with a finger or a wave of your hand, you can behead people. This kind of calm and calm means is in Luo Xiu's eyes. Big shock.

Just thinking that the positions of the two sides are different, Luo Xiu is relieved. Since the two sides are in different positions, they will simply follow the previous plan and do it directly, but Luo Xiu feels suspicious about what he thinks. It feels that these people are unlikely to leave here alive right now, because as Luo Xiu has been stunned during this period, he has discovered that more people have died in the hands of the old guy.

And the wolf king holding the mace once again displayed the most powerful killer move at this time, and the speed suddenly increased by many times. In the shock of those people's eyes, he directly knocked the heads of three people. In this violent scene, Luo Xiu's mouth twitched, which challenged his nerves too much. He could not damage the flesh and body of these three people and directly hit their heads into the stomach. What a perverted force control is this.

Facing the sudden impatience of the Wolf King, Luo Xiu saw that the others were a little stunned, and even with their stunned efforts, these people's heads also stepped into the footsteps of the three. Faced with this method of the Wolf King, the old guy subconsciously wanted to yell at the accident. He just glanced at the rift that had been silent, but he didn't know what to say. After all, he was not the one he brought. Now The three of them cooperated very happily. Seeing that he was still a little measured, he glanced at Rift, shook his head, and continued to entangle with the rest of these people.

"Start lightly, don't ruin them. We want their bodies to be useful. You violent guy, haven't you seen me beating me all the time! Don't rush to do things. You can't be too careful, how can you be so careless, you must know that one hundred and eight people are not easy to get together, will there be not enough people to get you this old wolf together." Understand the meaning of the old guy, at this time the crack is empty. The corners of his mouth twitched, and some speechlessly shouted at the wolf king holding the mace.

You have to know that there are only a few hundred and twenty people in front of them, and they have to choose the corresponding five elements. The difficulty of this can be imagined. When they think of one hundred and eight people, the difficulty has risen again. Up two steps. Therefore, as a very impatient person, this fellow is now jumping over the wall in a hurry. He is speechless for this irresponsible behavior of the Wolf King, and at the same time he wants to scold his mother. It is really irresponsible for this guy. Up.

"Don't worry, the people I killed just looked miserable. Their souls and flesh ~ bodies are all intact, but they were knocked into the stomach with a stick. I can still carry it clearly. Now I’m not saying that since there are enough people, you still have ink stains with them, the old thief, are you not okay?" The expressions of the two men were both in the eyes of the wolf king, just very He waved his hand indifferently, turned around and knocked away an old man again, and asked the cracked space with some ugly expression.

"How fast, this is half the plane of the world. Although my cultivation base has been restored, the movement that you two made previously was too great. If you want to smooth the spatial vortex, you have to cooperate with you two. Really, the old man is Xuanming this kind of metamorphosis~ He is not dead!" Hearing the question of the wolf king, Splitting Kong also had a bitter and hatred tone. Looking at the void in the distance, there was a trace of fatigue in his expression. state.

"Then you old boy, hurry up, these people are handed over to this king, hurry up, I don't want to have any changes at that time, otherwise, the time is too late, but the trouble is big. Hey, I said, Xuanming, you are still there What are you waiting for? Obviously this old boy has already done it. Otherwise, he won't be like this. In that case, you two should also hurry up. This king has already seen that more than a hundred people are great for us. Use it, then hurry up, I really hope to see that thing. At that time, each of us will really be able to share such a small cup, and I did not expect to leave this world soon, there will be such a big one. The benefits are waiting for us. I knew that there is such a thing here. When the king, I said anything, I would be guarded here with a faceless face. I definitely won't let you two old guys share a piece of the pie here." To put it bluntly, the Wolf King just waved his hand indifferently, he said domineeringly, and then said a bit angrily.